









  • データシート 文書番号: リリースの日付
    LPDDR5-5X Memory Interface Electrical Verification and Debug
    The DDR (Dual Data Rate) is a dominant and fast-growing memory technology. It offers high data transfer rates required for virtually computing applications, from consumer products to the most powerful servers. The high speed of these signals requires …
  • 技術情報 ドキュメントの種類 リリースの日付
    オシロスコープ 選定ガイド
    テクトロニクスは、さまざまなアプリケーション、用途に対応したオシロスコープを数多くご用意しています。この選定ガイドでは、現在ご利用いた だけるさまざまな種類のオシロスコープの概要と、ニーズに合った正しいオシロスコープの選定の手助けになるよう、選定の際に考慮すべき主要性能や機能、各シリーズ間の主な違いをご説明しています。
    MIPI D-PHY Rx検証の画期的ソリューション
    このケース・スタディでは、NXPセミコンダクターズ社のエンジニアNarender Singhが、DPO70000Cシリーズ・オシロスコープとMIPI D-PHYトランスミッタ(Tx)コンプライアンス・テスト・ソフトウェアを使用し、パターン・ジェネレータを効率的かつ正確にキャリブレーションする革新的な方法について説明します。 キャリブレーション後、パターン・ジェネレータはD-PHYレシーバ(Rx)の検証に使用されます。 D-PHY Txアプリケーション・ソフトウェアはプロセスを自動化し …
    NRZとPAM4シグナリングのための 光帯域要件
    つい最近までは、光帯域と電気的帯域の測定結果にそれほど大きな違いは見られませんでした。ところが、近年IEEE規格が変更されたことで、状況に大きな変化が生じています。 このホワイト・ペーパでは、規格で使用されている用語の意味を明らかにするとともに、それぞれの用語の関係を数学的に示しながら、光チャンネルの光/電気的帯域を理解し、正しく計算するのに必要な基礎知識を紹介しています。
    バス問題または関連するシステム問題のトラブルシュートに役立つ10BASE-T、100BASE-TX Ethernetの物理レイヤの基礎について説明しています。Ethernet解析機能を装備したオシロスコープを設定し、自動デコード/トリガ/サーチ機能を使用して測定結果を読み取る方法を学びます。  
    ■ 最高 33GHzのアナログ周波数帯域(保証値、プローブ込み) ■ 最高 100GS/s(2ch時)、 50GS/s(4ch同時)の高速サンプル・レート ■ 4ch同時 23GHzのリアルタイム周波数帯域 ■ 最大 500M(4ch同時)、最大 1G(2ch同時)のレコード長を実現 ■  DPO機能により、障害を迅速にデバッグ 4ch同時に毎秒300,000回以上の高速波形取込(FastAcq)を実現    
    重要な測定においてオシロスコープを選択する場合、バナー・ス ペックと呼ばれる目立つ仕様だけで選んでしまうことがあります。 オシロスコープにおけるトップ3のバナー・スペックを以下に示し ます。周波数帯域サンプル・レートレコード長これらのバナー・スペックで最も注目されるのが「周波数帯域」 です。やはり、周波数帯域は広いほど高性能なのでしょうか。必 ずしもそうとは言えません。このテクニカル・ノートでは、この 非常に簡単な思い込みに対する落とし穴と、測定システムの有効 …
    MSO/DSA/DPO70000シリーズ最高 33GHzのアナログ周波数帯域最高 100GS/s(2ch時)、 50GS/s(4ch同時)の高速サンプル・レート4ch同時 23GHzのリアルタイム周波数帯域最大 250Mポイント(4ch同時)のレコード長を実現強化されたDPO機能により、障害を迅速にデバッグ4ch同時に毎秒300,000回以上の高速波形取込(FastAcq)を実現
    スマート・フォンからサーバまで、ほとんどすべての電子デバイ スには、なんらかの形式のRAMメモリが使用されています。フラッ シュ型NANDはさまざまな民生家電で今も数多く使われています が、コンピュータやコンピュータベースの製品においては今なお SDRAMはメモリ技術の主流となっており、ビット単価も比較的 安価でスピードとストレージ容量のバランスも優れています。ス ピードの高速化、大容量化を実現しつつ、低コスト、低予算、メ …
    USB 2.0物理レイヤ・テスト
    はじめに USB 2.0対応のデバイス設計、特性評価および動作確認に携わっているエンジニアは、製品の市場投入のスピードアップを日々迫られています。当社の測定パッケージでは、USB-IF(USB Implements Forum, Inc.)推奨のすべてのコンプライアンス・テストが、すばやく、正確に実行できます。 USB 2.0(Universal Serial Bus 2.0)は、コンピュータと周辺機器を接続するインタフェースの規格で …
    iCapture®アナログ MUX(マルチプレクサ)
    第5回 オシロスコープ入門-オンライン版 解答と解説
    オシロスコープ入門-オンライン版 解答と解説
    第4回 オシロスコープ入門-オンライン版 解答と解説
    オシロスコープ入門-オンライン版 解答と解説
    第3回 オシロスコープ入門-オンライン版 解答と解説
    オシロスコープ入門-オンライン版 解答と解説
    DRAM(Dynamic Random Access Memory)は、多様な性能を持ち、コンピュータや組み込みシステムなどのメモリ・システムで広く採用されています。この入門書では、DRAMの概要、DRAM開発の将来性、評価によるメモリ設計の改善について説明します。
    イーサネット物理層を製品設計で検証するエンジニアは、幅広いテストを迅速に、高い信頼性で、効率よく実行する必要があります。このアプリケーション・ノートでは、検証のためのさまざまなテストや、マルチレベル信号のテスト時に発生する問題について説明し、オシロスコープに内蔵されているテスト・ソフトウェアが提供するリターン・ロスなどの検証サイクルの短縮、および高い信頼性によって実現される、これまでにない効率の向上について説明します。 100BASE-TX 高速イーサネットとして広く知られる100Base …
    この入門書では、初めてオシロスコープを使用する方を対象に、オシロスコープの基本的な機能および操作方法について説明しています。 聞きなれない用語が出てきましたら、本書の末尾の用語集でその意味を確認してください。本書には、オシロスコープの動作原理や操作についての用語テストや選択式問題が掲載されているので、教材としても適しています。数学やエレクトロニクスの知識は必要ありません。 この入門書では、以下の項目について説明します。 ■ オシロスコープの動作原理 ■ …
    TekScope PC波形解析 ソフトウェア
    リモートワークでオシロスコープ解析 受賞実績のあるオシロスコープの解析機能を、お使いのPCに搭載しませんか。どこでも、いつでも波形の観測、測定が可能です。 有償のオプションでは、マルチスコープ解析、シリアル・バスのデコード、パワー解析、ジッタ解析などの拡張機能がご利用になれます。
    Simplifying Test Automation with tm_devices and Python
    Engineers across many industries use automation to extend the capabilities of their test instruments. Many engineers choose the free programming language Python to accomplish this. There are many significant advantages that make Python a …
    Using Controlled Run for Faster Measurements
    Read this Technical Brief to learn about a method that can significantly shorten time when making measurements using Tektronix tools such as DPOJET (Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope Jitter and Eye Test) software for Tektronix DPO/MSO70000DX and …
    Controlled Run for Jitter Measurement
    Read this Technical Brief to learn about a method that can significantly shorten time when measuring jitter using Tektronix tools such as DPOJET (Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope Jitter and Eye Test) software for Tektronix DPO/MSO70000DX and …
    Getting Started Controlling Instruments with VISA
    Using the Virtual Instrumentation Software Architecture (VISA) library you can write programs and scripts to control instruments across all of the common physical interfaces available on test instrumentation. This guide shows how to get started using …
    Getting Started with Oscilloscope Automation in C#
    Automating test instrumentation enables consistent test methodology, repeatable measurement results, time savings and reduced risk of human error.  Using easily integrated third-party libraries, C# is an excellent choice for automated test …
    Signal Integrity Backplane Testing
    As High-Speed-Serial (HSS) communication channels scale up to multiple lanes and faster bit rates, ensuring hardware interoperability becomes increasingly more complex. Impairments introduced at the backplane from module loading must be verified at …
    Performance Scope Configuration Guide
    Reference our configuration guide to find standard configurations, options, and other support for planning purposes. This guide will be updated as new configurations are created. For the latest configuration information, contact your local Tektronix …
    How the Doubling of Interconnect Bandwidth with PCI Express® 6.0 Impacts IP Electrical Validation
    Introduction As a result of the innovations taking place in CPUs, GPUs, accelerators, and switches, the interface in hyperscale datacenters now requires faster data transfers both between compute and memory and onto the network. PCI Express (PCIe®) …
    Using Attenuators with Oscilloscopes
    Using attenuators to pre-condition incoming signals before acquisition in an oscilloscope channel is common practice. Tektronix DPO70000SX series oscilloscopes’ high-bandwidth ATI channels rely on external attenuation to provide the best combination …
    Applying Pre-Compensation to Flatten Response
    When generating wideband signals, minor impedance discontinuities in the interconnect cables can affect the amplitude and phase flatness. At the same time, as signal frequencies increase, they can be subject to the analog bandwidth and sinx/x rolloff …
    PCIe Lane-to-Lane Skew White Paper
    Introduction The PCI Express® (PCIe®) serial communication standard supports up to 16 lanes of full-duplex data transfer. The standard requires receivers to tolerate some lane-to-lane skew, but exceeding this limit can be detrimental …
    PCIe Gen5 Flyer
    Get an overview of Tektronix’s PCIe Gen5 solution for  transmitter testing across x1, x4, x8, or x16 links with flexible test configurations and comprehensive reporting. For full detail see the datasheet on our compliance/debug solution.  Or view the …
    Analyzing 26 to 53 GBd PAM4 Optical and Electrical Signals
    1. Introduction PAM4 (4-level pulse amplitude modulation) is being adopted in many applications at data rates of 50 Gb/s and higher. By encoding two bits in each symbol, PAM4 signals use half the bandwidth of the logic-emulating NRZ …
    Efficient Verification and Debugging for DDR5 Memory Interfaces
    Get an overview of the Tektronix TekExpress DDR5 Transmitter Solution, an automated system-level test application that lets you quickly, efficiently and reliably validate and debug DDR5 designs to meet more than 50 electrical and timing measurements …
    MIPI Debug and Conformance Testing Challenges and Solutions
    Our flyer describes the components of a Tektronix-based solution for Thunderbolt 3/4 generation 2/3 transmitter or receiver compliance testing.
    Advanced Radar Analysis: Tools for Measuring Modern Radar Application Note
    Introduction In designing modern electronic warfare and radar systems, you face significant challenges. You must develop solutions with the flexibility and adaptability required for next-generation threat detection and avoidance. To succeed, you …
    Working Remotely with Tektronix Oscilloscopes Running the Windows Operating System
    There are several approaches you can take to work remotely with Tektronix oscilloscopes. The available techniques differ somewhat between instruments that run the Windows operating system and instruments that do not. This guide will …
    Automated Low Voltage Differential Signaling (LVDS) Measurements
    Low Voltage Differential Signaling (LVDS) is a popular signaling system for applications requiring high speed data transfers using low power. This application note explains the basic elements of LVDS signaling, details measurements based on an …
    Comparison of New versus Legacy Ethernet Compliance Test Automation
    New test automation software is available for Ethernet 1000BASE-T, 100BASE-TX, and 10BASE-T compliance testing.  The new "CMENET3" solution is based on the TekExpress framework and provides significant test time and workflow improvements over the …
    In-circuit Measurement of Inductors and Transformers with an Oscilloscope
    THIS APPLICATION NOTE Reviews the basic theory of inductors and transformers, especially as it relates to in-circuit measurements Explains how to use an oscilloscope and appropriate probes to measure inductor and transformer …
    Inside the MSO/DPO70000DX Series
    Tektronix MSO/DPO70000DX Series oscilloscopes feature a custom, highly advanced, front-end (Multi-Chip Module or MCM), that ensures that the integrity of high-speed signals are maintained before they are sampled. This delivers an industry leading …
    High Speed Interface Standards
    Power Supply Measurement and Analysis Primer
    A power supply is a component, subsystem, or system that converts electrical power from one form to another; commonly from alternating current (AC) utility power to direct current (DC) power. The proper operation of electronic devices ranging from …
    DesignCon 2015 Paper – Hybrid Modeled Measured Characterization of a 320 Gbit/s Backplane System
    This paper explores a case study of a multilane Ethernet backplane 320 Gbit/s system that is difficult to fully measure and deembed, implements a hybrid method of modeling, deembedding, and measurement, explores improvements to the metrology and …
    Project 25 Land Mobile Radio (LMR) Solution
    Quick overview of the complete Tektronix solution for Project 25 Land Mobile Radio (LMR).
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit SP1 Operating System Recovery
    This document instructs how to restore the instrument operating system.
    OS Restore Process for MSO/DPO70000/DPO7000 Series oscilloscopes
    This document identifies the OS Restore Process for MSO/DPO70000/DPO7000 Series oscilloscopes.
    Remote Head Acquisition Improves High Speed Serial Measurement
    With serial data rates continuing to climb, it's more important than ever to minimize the impact of the measurement system's internal noise on the measured signal. As output voltages shrink in order to boost speeds, the margin between …
    Debugging High-Performance Designs with Mixed Signal Oscilloscopes
    These are real world functional examples of how engineers have used the Tektronix MSO70000 Series Performance Mixed Signal Oscilloscope in the following three areas of electronic design: Memory High Speed Serial (PCI Express and HDMI Video) RF
    Best Practices for MSO/DPO70000/DPO7000 Series oscilloscopes
    This document summarizes the Best Practices for using Tektronix MSO70000/C, DPO7000/C, DPO70000/B/C/D and DSA70000/B/C/D Series products.
    Dual Scope Synchronization
    The Tektronix DPO/DSA/MSO70000 models above 12 GHz in bandwidth provide 50 GS/s sampling rate on each of 4 channels simultaneously, or 100 GS/s sampling rate on 2 channels in interleaved mode. With interleaved operation comes the opportunity for …
    Analyzing 8b/10b Encoded Signals with a Real-time Oscilloscope
    Modern standards are moving away from parallel data links to serial data links. Although a serial link needs a much higher data rate compared to a parallel link to achieve the same throughput, designers prefer serial links because of …
    Using FastFrame™ Segmented Memory
    Introduction Although high-speed digital technologies have opened up new technological possibilities and enabled widespread innovation, they have also created several problems for the design engineers who must …
    The Basics of Serial Data Compliance and Validation Measurements
    Serial Buses - An Established Design Standard High-speed serial bus architectures are the new norm in today's high-performance designs. While parallel bus standards are undergoing some changes, serial buses are established across …
    Mixed Signal Design Guide
    Modern embedded system design and computing systems have become progressively more powerful by incorporating high-speed buses, industry standard subsystems, and more integrated functionality in chips. They have also become more complex, more …
    Tektronix Named Finalist For EDN Innovation Award
    Maintain Signal Integrity From Bus To Oscilloscope At 30 GHz And Beyond
    With serial data rates continuing to climb, the margin between pass and fail has shrunk to the point where noise from the signal and the measurement system can combine to close the eye. This technical article will provide guidance on signal integrity …
  • The NEW P7700 Series TriMode Probe provides the highest probe fidelity available for real-time oscilloscopes. Watch our 60-second video to see how this new probe can help minimize noise and easily …
    期間: 55s
    期間: 7m 48s
    PCIeのコンプライアンス・テストはGen1~Gen5までDUTが対応するそれぞれのスピードで複数の測定が必要です。テスト・チャンネルのエンベデッド、イコライザの適用、テスト・パターンの切替えなど面倒な手順が多くて、テストの自動化が要求されます。またテストが失敗した時の効率的なデバッグ方法も必要です …
    期間: 10m 55s
    期間: 8m 20s
    View our USB4 Compliance and Characterization Test webinar to learn how you can address the measurement challenges associated with the new USB4 standard.
    期間: 22m 14s
    Watch the webinar, How to Solve Key LPDDR5 DRAM Test Challenges, for test tips and techniques to meet the design challenges posed by this mobile memory standard.
    期間: 45:30
    Watch this video to learn what's new in V1.4 of tm_devices - the Tektronix device management package that enables better control and usage of test & measurement devices in Python scripts.
    期間: 3m 47s
    Combining the power of Python and Tektronix oscilloscopes makes complex testing procedures more efficient, accurate and customizable. This short video shows how to use tm_devices, the Tektronix …
    期間: 2m 5s
    See how oscilloscopes such as the 6 Series B MSO Mixed Signal oscilloscope are enabled by advanced features of Tektronix SignalVu-PC software to provide RF spectral and modulation analysis across …
    期間: 5:08
    See how SignalVu VSA software offers insight into MIMO and Phased Array RADAR systems at frequencies and bandwidths up to 70 GHz on up to 4 channels. SignalVu VSA software enables a multi-channel …
    期間: 9:41
    See how SignalVu VSA software version 5.3 paired with a Tektronix DPO70000SX or MSO/DPO70000DX Series oscilloscope makes an excellent choice for validating a MIMO phased array RADAR because of the …
    期間: 5:28
    Customers across all industries and applications are using automation to extend the capabilities of their oscilloscopes.  Here we cover what you need to get started programming scopes in Python.  …
    期間: 31:09
    Watch this short video to learn about the new features in TekScope version 2.4, including TekScope Basic – a new free tier license, maintenance licenses, fast frames with improved support, a new …
    期間: 4m 39s
    Explore testing LPDDR5X, the latest low power memory specification from JEDEC. See what's new and what's the same in the latest spec.  You'll also see how Tektronix is addressing LPDDR5X test …
    期間: 23:49
    Hear an overview of SignalVu, Tektronix's RF and vector signal analysis platform. Tektronix' spectrum analyzers and oscilloscopes combined with SignalVu uniquely allows you to view live spectral …
    期間: 00:12:51
    Learn about the latest best practices for PCI Express 6.0 electrical design and validation. Hear experts from Tektronix, Synopsys, and Anritsu discuss key considerations in designing for the …
    期間: 28:37
    Autonomous driving and connected vehicle are driving higher speed in-vehicle networks, such as Automotive Ethernet. This webinar offers insights into the new measurement requirements for the …
    期間: 55:37
    The DisplayPort v2.1 (DP2.1) specification and compliance test requires a new approach to testing to reduce increasing test times. Learn about DP2.1, the challenges it brings, and a new solution …
    期間: 15:23
    The USB4V2 standard offers higher data transfer speeds, better power delivery, and increased security measures. Learn about testing PAM-3 signals and new measurement methods and tests (both Tx and …
    期間: 30:13
    Join Pavel Zivny and David Bouse, Tektronix' Principal Technology Leads for Ethernet and PCI Express respectively, as they discuss developments in 112 Gigabit Ethernet, PCI Express Gen6, PAM4 …
    期間: 6:56
    Cloud-based computing power, storage capacity, and network bandwidth have led to the development of the PCI Express 5.0 specification for 32.0 GT/s. This webinar starts with an overview of 5.0 …
    期間: 44:47
    Learn about changes to the official USB4 compliance test fixtures available from Wilder Technologies and the impact those changes will have on how tests are physically configured and what …
    期間: 4:04
    For performing jitter analysis, typically the oscilloscope should acquire wave forms at the maximum sample rate.  Learn about the ramifications of having the horizontal acquisition setup for …
    期間: 04:10
    Learn about our USB4 receiver testing solution which offers comprehensive coverage for compliance requirements outlined by the USB Implementers Forum or USB-IF to give you confidence that your …
    期間: 6m 24s
    Get a high level look at TekExpress DDR Automation Testing Solution for system level testing of DDR5/LPDDR5. We show how to enter device definition, electrical and timing parameters to measure …
    期間: 5:39
    MIPI alliance standards have been driving the adoption of newer features and higher data rates for emerging mobile applications.  Oscilloscope-based protocol layer validation enables isolating …
    期間: 31:33
    A demonstration of TekExpress Automotive Ethernet, an automated application, for Automotive Multigigabit Ethernet (IEEE802.3ch) Compliance Testing.
    期間: 6:56
    Flex Long Reach Solder Down (FLR) Probe Tips from Tektronix have an increased length to provide a longer reach to the target from the probe connection.  A primary use case for these FLR tips is …
    期間: 3:20
    Watch this video learn about the new features in TekScope version 1.44, including RF analysis capabilities, added support for the MSO2000 and MSO2000B oscilloscopes, user interface improvements …
    期間: 8m 8s
    Learn how to install a license, either fixed or floating, on DPO/MSO70000C, DPO/MSO70000DX and DPO70000SX oscilloscopes.     
    期間: 2:38
    Learn how to open closed eyes using equalization techniques and how to de-embed reflections and loss caused by the measurement setup using SDLA Visualizer for Tektronix Real-Time Oscilloscopes.
    期間: 30m 56s
    Watch as experts from Anritsu, Synopsys, and Tektronix participate in a panel discussion on the evolution of SerDes validation. They also offer an overview of the new tools and measurement …
    期間: 51m 23s
    This webinar will explain how to prepare for next generation DDR-based memory testing. Learn about the changes these new standards bring to electrical verification and how to prepare for proper …
    期間: 15m 38s
    This Tektronix webinar will teach engineers how to use modeling tools to correlate simulations with high-speed physical layer measurements on Serial Bus Standards using the DPO/MSO70000 Series …
    期間: 27m 39s
    As design margins shrink, accurate and standard-specific measurement is key to debugging, verifying design and performing interoperability testing when designing PCIe devices. Having confidence in …
    期間: 53m 34s
    Get a view into next generation datacenter technology. After an overview, we dive into the signal analysis of coherent links.
    期間: 24m 53s
    Watch as we demonstrate the  “User Defined Acquisition Mode” feature included as part of Tektronix's TekExpress DDR5 and LPDDR5 testing solution. With the User-Defined Acquisition Mode, or UDA, a …
    期間: 04:46
    Learn how to dramatically cut down test time on required compliance interop tests for USB3 using an automated test suite from Tektronix. 
    期間: 4m 5s
    TekScope PC software, combined with Tektronix oscilloscopes, makes it easy to log waveform data, waveform images and measurements on your PC.  Simply set the logging interval, count, and hit Start …
    期間: 5m 29s
    The MSO/DPO70000 Series oscilloscope delivers exceptional signal acquisition performance and analysis capability. Discover your real signals and capture more signal details with the industry's …
    期間: 5m 50s
    DDR5 memory pushes the limits of high-speed signaling and tackles the bandwidth challenge imposed by the exponential growth of data generation. See the latest characterization and debug techniques …
    期間: 2:46
    Watch this video to learn about the new features in TekScope version 1.40, including continuous acquisition, license expiration notification, and IMDA-MECH and WBG-DPT in the pro automotive and …
    期間: 7m 19s