



I saved some oscilloscope .wfm and .isf files+ how do I view them on my pc?


I saved some oscilloscope .wfm and .isf files+ how do I view them on my pc?


The .isf and .wfm is the internal file format. It is designed first and foremost to be easily used by the oscilloscope.

Most .wfm files (as well as many other waveform file formats) can be opened with TekScope. You can then save the file as another format like .csv, .mat, or even as an image.

The Tektronix OpenChoice Desktop software may be able to open the .isf and .wfm file depending on the model of oscilloscope that it was captured from. Check the release notes of the latest version of OpenChoice Desktop to see if your model scope is supported.

If you are not able to open the .wfm file with TekScope or OpenChoice Desktop, you may try to use a waveform converter utility program. See this FAQ for details on different waveform conversion utilities.

FAQ ID 59571

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