



Superior Service to Ensure Your Uptime

EA Elektro-Automatik offers timely service and support for all products from our factory service centers. Our service doesn’t stop at the sale. Let us be your partner in research and development.

Our full suite of service offerings includes:

  • Calibration Services
  • Factory Verified Repair Services
  • Extended Warranties
  • Commissioning
  • Training

Turnaround times are subject to parts availability.

Request Factory Service
Superior Service to Ensure Your Uptime
eap service calibration

EA Factory Verified Calibration Services to Ensure Optimal Performance and Reliability

EA is committed to ensuring you get maximum performance and value over the long life of your EA instrumentation. We offer calibration services both to help you keep your instrument operating within specification at all times and prevent interruptions in manufacturing. With a range of calibration services to meet your requirements, EA helps optimize throughput and product profitability.




  • メーカ仕様に準拠:テクトロニクスはお使いの機器を、機器メーカが公開/推奨している校正ポイントと手順に従って確実に校正します。
  • 幅広い機器ブランドに対応:業界リーダからニッチなメーカまで、当社は、幅広いメーカの各種機器を校正する知識と経験を備えた、お客様の多様な機器ラインアップに対応する校正パートナです。
  • 幅広い校正サービス提供オプションをご用意:お客様と協力して、サービス提供オプションを最適にカスタマイズします。現在のサービス:
    • ラボ内
    • 定期オンサイト
    • 常駐
    • 仮想オンサイト
    • モバイル・ラボ






  • 包括的な保守点検:工場認定校正では、標準的な校正を上回る予知保守点検が、稼動機器全体に追加されます。お使いの機器を最高の状態に維持し、プラン期間を通して性能を最適化します。
  • ファームウェアとソフトウェアのアップグレード:お使いの機器のファームウェアとソフトウェアを定期的に更新して、常に最新の状態を維持します。機器の可能性を最大限に引き出す最新機能や拡張機能を体験してください。






  • ダウンタイムを最小限に抑制:機器の校正や修理による遅延を排除します。当社が、フィールド・サービス・ツール、供給品、付属品、消耗品の校正、修理、交換、廃棄のあらゆる側面を担い、チームが必要なときにすぐに適合済みのフィールド・サービス・ツールを提供します。
  • 生産性の向上:フィールド・サービス・ツールの管理を当社の専門家にお任せいただくことで、お客様は優れたフィールド・サービスの提供という主要業務に専念できます。すべての校正および保守タスクを当社にお任せいただくことで、お客様は顧客への効率的なサービス提供に集中できます。


Extended Warranties to Protect Your Investment From Unplanned Downtime

All EA Products come with a standard 2-year warranty that covers all repair needs for your EA instrumentation. All instruments are adjusted to spec following any repair work.

Extend your protection with a 3-year or 5-year warranty plan.

3 Year Extended Warranty: Add an additional year of warranty coverage to the standard warranty for a total of 3 years.

5 Year Extended Warranty: Add three years of additional warranty coverage to the standard warranty for a total of 5 years.

To obtain warranty service, contact EA within the warranty period and obtain a return material authorization (RMA). EA will repair or replace the instrument as required by the situation. The instrument is re-calibrated or calibrated and then returned.

EA performs all necessary work at no additional cost as long as:

  • The instrument has not sustained any shipping damage.
  • The instrument has not been operated or stored in conditions exceeding its specifications.
  • The instrument has not been modified by anyone other than EA-approved personnel.
  • The instrument has not sustained any accidental or self-inflicted damage by the user.

Maximize Your Success with EA Elektro-Automatik’s Commissioning, Set-up, Testing and Training

A global leader in providing advanced programmable DC power supplies, regenerative power units, electronic loads, and multichannel power systems with power capacities up to 3.84 MW.

  • Programmable power commissioning for multiple industries
Research and development, automotive, energy storage, telecommunications, aerospace, sustainable energy and more.
  • Ensure maximum performance and value over the long life of your EA power systems
Start with set up, performance verification, and training for your new power system so you can quickly start using your new power system.
  • Proper training to ensure protection for both personnel and systems
On-site training in proper use, precautions and safety. Review of your test systems and using EA equipment for your procedures.

*Available in North America only.

Request Commissioning 

Schedule an Online Product Demo, In‑person Training, or In‑person Equipment Testing at Your Convenience

Decide when you want to have your demo, covering anything from product demonstration, instrument setup, and feature explanations to specific “how to” requests. It’s entirely up to you! We are here to help answer your questions before you buy and keep supporting you after you buy. Pick the right session for you, and we’ll contact you to confirm and customize your session to what you need.

Online Demos

  • 45 minutes sessions designed to train, answer questions or demonstrate what you need.
  • Available in North America only.
Schedule a demo

In-person Product Testing and Training Session at our Michigan lab

  • 3-hour in-person sessions customized to the training you need on EA equipment, software or a specific request.
  • 2-hour sessions for you to bring in your own equipment and conduct testing with EA equipment. Open for both post- and pre-purchase.
Request In-Person Training

Service Level Agreement

EA Elektro-Automatik is committed to being your partner in servicing the equipment you need to run your manufacturing and testing operations. For specific service needs and a customized service level agreement in the Americas region fill out our form.

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