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與 Tek 業務代表即時對談。 上班時間:上午 8:30 - 下午 5:30 (太平洋時間)





在 2023 年 Tektronix 創新論壇上取得未來工程設計的門票。免費技術研討會。立即註冊。


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    5 系列 B MSO
    5 系列 B MSO 產品規格表提供產品功能、重要規格和訂購資訊的概況。
    5 系列 MSO
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    Double Pulse Test 軟體與 Tektronix AFG31000 任意函數產生器
    本應用摘要將介紹如何使用 Tektronix AFG31000 任意函數產生器上的內建軟體來設定並執行雙脈衝測試。現在您無需花時間在 PC 或微控制器上建立波形。只需不到一分鐘,您就可以在 AFG31000 上輕鬆設定您的雙脈衝測試。 AFG31000 使用者可以免費升級系統,使用雙脈衝測試功能。
    磁場定向控制 (FOC) 系統的即時 DQ0 分析
    目前,設計人員為透過自訂的嵌入式控制軟體和使用 FPGA 進行磁場定向控制 (FOC) 的其他硬體,來量測直交零 (dq0)。這是一項複雜且所費不貲的任務。在這項任務中必須存取控制器板上的探測點,這可能會很有挑戰性 [3]。 本文討論馬達設計人員如何量測感測器系統和無感測器系統的 dq0 元件以及因而產生的驅動向量。將 Clarke 和 Park 轉換組合應用於與控制器電路行為建立關聯。設計人員可以使用 D 和 Q 元件,以視覺方式呈現指定電氣輸入所產生的最佳轉矩。這也指出了馬達的效率 …
    如何使用配備 I2C 和 SPI 解碼功能的示波器疑難排解系統問題
    介紹 大多數以微控制器為基礎的設計都使用I2C或 SPI (或兩者皆有), 在控制器之間以及控制器和外圍晶片之間進行通訊。進行疑難排解 時,可查看嵌入式系統在晶片傳送特定的 I2C 或 SPI 封包時所發生 的事件可能是至關重要的能力。許多管理相對較慢參數的晶片,如 溫度感應器、馬達控制、人機介面或電源管理,會使用這些匯流排 作為與系統中其餘晶片通訊的主要管道。其他更高速的晶片 ( 如通 訊 IC、時脈和ADC) 通常會使用這些匯流排進行配置。例如 …
    介紹 時脈是嵌入式系統的心跳,提供時序參考和組件、子系統和整個系統之間的同步功能。不正確的時脈訊號振幅和時序可能會影響可靠的數位電路運作。時脈訊號上的雜訊和時序畸變會導致系統效能下降或出現間歇現象,因此時脈訊號的徹底特性分析是確保可靠嵌入式系統設計的關鍵步驟。 本應用摘要提供了數位時脈訊號的振幅和時序量測的幾個範例 …
    介紹 數位示波器中最重要的功能區塊之一就是 類比/數位轉換器 (ADC)。本技術簡介將說 明為何 ADC 解析度 (位元數) 已成為示波器中更重要的考慮因素,尤其是在量測微 小訊號細節方面。   圖 1. 透過數位示波器的一般訊號流   許多高精密度的儀器在其 ADC 中使用大量位元。例如,如 Keithley 2002 的精密數位萬用電錶 (DMM) 最多可以使用 28 位元進行量測。那麼,為什麼傳統上示波器解析度會較低?傳統上,示波器是使用 8 位元 ADC …
    可將示波器量測解析度提升高於 11 位元的工具
    圖 1. 整個量測系統皆須進行最佳化處理,以取得高解析度結果。 進行高解析度量測時,您可以將數位示波器視為一個系統 來改善您的量測結果。若對示波器的操作模式、探棒的效 能特性、濾波技術及整個系統的互動方式有了基本的認識, 將可有效提升微小訊號細節的量測結果。本應用摘要介紹 了一些量測及訊號處理技術,可以在現代數位示波器提升 高解析度的波形擷取。瞭解這些好處和權衡考量後 …
    Tektronix Software Solutions for Remote Educational Lab Challenges
    With Tektronix software platforms like TekDrive and TekScope, students no longer need to be in the lab or classroom to get hands-on experience with oscilloscopes.  This application note discusses how TekDrive, TekScope, and other Tektronix software …
    Spectrum View:在示波器上執行頻域分析的新方法
    Spectrum View:在示波器上執行頻域分析的新方法 示波器 圖 1. Spectrum View 支援在每個域中同時具有獨立控制的類比和頻譜視圖。 針對嵌入式系統進行除錯通常需要尋找一些線索,而這些線索很難透過一次只查看一個域來發現。有時需要同時觀察時域和頻域的訊號可以提供重要的深入見解。混合域分析對於回答以下問題尤其有用: 當我傳輸無線資料時,我的電源軌電壓發生了什麼變化? 每次存取記憶體時,發射都來自哪裡? 開機後,我的 PLL …
    本應用摘要提供了相關程序,可對類比/數位轉換器 (ADC) 系統增益、偏移和線性度進行快速檢查。此技術使用來自函數產生器的斜波訊號來激勵系統,包括在 ADC 前端進行訊號調節。混合訊號示波器 (MSO) 則用於查看進入系統的訊號及從 ADC 輸出的數位訊號,以評估轉換結果。在這種情況下,MSO 可用於發現偏移誤差問題。
    利用最新一代的示波器輕鬆進行 EMI 疑難排解
    新一代示波器手冊 - 3系列MDO, 4系列MSO, 5系列B MSO, 6系列B MSO
    專為觸控和滑鼠設計的使用者介面 大型觸控式螢幕 HD 顯示器(1,920 × 1,080)) 整合式頻譜分析 強大的分析功能 自動量測,含趨勢、直方圖和頻譜圖 進階的抖動分析 單相和三相電源量測選項 使用者定義濾波器建立 頻寬 00 MHz 至 10 GHz 的機型 所有機型均提供可升級的頻寬 …
    碳化矽 (SiC) 電力電子系統中的有效訊號量測
    與矽 IGBT 和 MOSFET 相比,碳化矽 (SiC) 電源裝置可提供更高的效率、更快的切換速度和更高的熱效能。電源系統設計人員在轉向 SiC 時必須考慮幾個問題: 我的測試設備是否能夠準確量測 SiC 系統中的快速切換動態特性? 如何準確優化閘極驅動效能和盲區時間? 共模電壓會影響暫態量測準確度嗎? 我看到的振鈴是真實的狀況,還是探棒特性響應的結果? 準確掌握 SiC 切換訊號是做出正確設計決策的關鍵。增加設計的容許度和過度設計只會增加成本並降低效能 …
    使用執行 Windows 作業系統的 Tektronix 示波器遠端工作
    大多數現代 Tektronix 示波器均支援一或多種遠端工作方式。這些方法包括簡單的檔案共享和離線分析、使用 PC 軟體進行控制、使用 Python 或其他語言進行的自訂編程,以及 Windows 遠端桌面。本技術簡介是針對執行 Windows 作業系統的示波器,概述了這些方法以及常見方法的指導。 對於非執行 Windows 作業系統的示波器,您可以在此處下載本摘要的另一個版本「使用 Tektronix 示波器遠端工作」。
    使用 Tektronix 示波器遠端工作
    大多數現代 Tektronix 示波器均支援一或多種遠端工作方式。這些方法包括簡單的檔案共享和離線分析、使用 PC 軟體進行控制、使用 Python 或其他語言進行的自訂編程,以及透過 LAN 進行遠端存取。本技術簡介概述了這些方法以及常見方法的指導。 對於執行 Windows 作業系統的示波器,您可以在此處下載本摘要的另一個版本「使用執行 Windows 作業系統的 Tektronix 示波器遠端工作」。
    瞭解 10BASE-T 和 100BASE-TX 乙太網路實體層的基礎知識,協助您輕鬆地完成匯流排問題或相關系統問題的疑難排解作業。瞭解在配備乙太網路分析功能的示波器上使用自動解碼、觸發和搜尋功能時,如何設定和解讀結果。
    使用 5-PWR 應用軟體執行電源供應器量測和分析
    最佳化和驗證電源供應器設計需進行許多重要的量測。這些量測包括: 線路端電源品質量測,如功率因數和諧波 切換裝置量測,如切換損耗和安全工作區 輸出量測,如漣波 雖然許多量測可以手動進行,但許多工程師會在其示波器上使用自動化工具,以獲得更快速且重複性更高的結果。 本應用摘要說明了如何設定示波器進行這些量測,並著重於介紹配備 5-PWR 分析軟體的 5 系列 MSO 示波器。摘要中提供了各種量測的高階概覽、使用方式及所提供的結果等內容。
    使用示波器除錯 CAN、LIN 和 FlexRay 汽車匯流排
    說明常見的汽車匯流排 (CAN、LIN 和 FlexRay) 的實體層基礎知識,使您可以輕鬆地完成匯流排問題或系統問題的疑難排解作業。瞭解在配備汽車匯流排分析功能的示波器上使用自動解碼、觸發和搜尋功能時,如何設定和解讀結果。
    5 系列MSO混合訊號示波器升級指南
    5 系列 MSO 所提供的許多功能均可現場升級,包括頻寬、記錄長度、任意/函數產生器、邏輯通道和通訊協定支援。這份 2 頁的產品規格表列出了所有在購買後可用的升級選項。  
    使用示波器進行 USB 2.0問題的疑難排解
    瞭解 USB 2.0 實體層的基礎知識,協助您完成匯流排問題或系統問題的疑難排解作業。瞭解在配備 USB 2.0 匯流排分析功能的示波器上使用自動解碼、觸發和搜尋功能時,如何設定和解讀結果。 
    使用 FlexChannel 輸入通道進行多重匯流排系統的疑難排解
    對具有多個處理器、感應器、制動器、通訊和人機介面的嵌入式系統進行疑難排解,通常需要大多數的示波器上提供超過 2 或 4 個量測通道。雖然更多的通道在一定程度上會有所助益,但是混合訊號示波器和智慧地應用數位通道將可提供更廣泛的系統可視性。本技術摘要介紹了 5系列 MSO 所提供的 FlexChannelTM 輸入通道的使用方式,以應對這些挑戰。  
    大多數的系統皆會使用幾組電源軌道,而且驗證正確的電源供應器時序也需要多個示波器輸入通道。您將瞭解檢查交流/直流電源供應器的開機和關機時序的基本知識、如何查看大容量電源供應器和各種負載穩壓器,以及配備超過 4 個通道的示波器將可如何加速流程。 
    Probing Techniques for Accurate Voltage Measurements on Power Converters with Oscilloscopes
    Making oscilloscope voltage measurements on power supplies is fundamental, but not without challenges. Much is written on oscilloscopes, but probing techniques are often taken for granted. This application note focuses on probing and covers:Choosing …
    Measuring Power Supply Switching Loss with an Oscilloscope
    Losses due to dissipation in switching devices such as MOSFET's and IGBT's contribute significantly to the overall losses in switch mode power supplies.  This application note explains how to measure switching loss and conduction loss in power supply …
    使用 Tektronix 示波器和選配軟體提供串列支援
    Tektronix 示波器提供了選配分析功能的組合,可簡化串列匯流排除錯和相容性檢驗等程序。此選型矩陣顯示每個示波器系列所支援的串列標準。
    當今嵌入式系統已經無所不在。嵌入式系統可簡單定義為屬於大 型系統或機器的一部分,是一種專用的電腦系統,其目的是為該 系統或機器提供監測和控制服務。典型的嵌入式系統是從啟動時 即開始執行某些專用的應用程式,直到關閉後才會停止。當前設 計和製造的所有電子裝置,均屬於嵌入式系統。
    Tektronix 探棒選擇指南
    Tektronix探棒可確保從您的待測裝置到示波器皆能維持最高的訊號完整性。Tektronix擁有超過100種的探棒選擇,並與 我們業界領先的示波器能完美匹配,您可為特定的測試應用找到所需要的探棒。
    隨著電子產品變得更為快速複雜,其設計、驗證與除錯也變得更加困難。設計人員必須密集地驗證其設計,以確保可靠的產品運作。問題發生時,設計人員需要迅速地深入瞭解問題的根源,以解決問題。藉由同時分析類比與數位呈現的訊號,更快速找出眾多數位問題的根源,這讓混合訊號示波器 (MSO) 非常適合用來進行數位電路的驗證與除錯。
    瞭解和執行 USB 2.0 實體層測試
    本應用摘要提供了 USB 2.0 實體層測試的概述,包括訊號品質、湧入電流檢查、下降和衰退的測試,以及電氣相容性測試。
    手動擷取與分析電子量測需耗費大量時間。現在您可進行自動化量測,以及分析、驗證與特性分析,省下寶貴的時間。瞭解 DPO4000 與 MSO4000 系列搭配 NI LabVIEW SignalExpress Tektronix 專業版軟體,可提供簡易的互動式解決方案,對各種 AC/DC 電子訊號條件進行極限測試。
    Application Software Bundles for the 4, 5 and 6 Series MSO Oscilloscopes
    Application bundles are a great alternative to purchasing individual options, especially if you plan to address diverse applications with your oscilloscope. Compared to individual options, these specially designed bundles: Offer better value …
    Enhance Productivity with HSI
    Faster waveform transfer from oscilloscope to PC is crucial for applications ranging from monitoring particle collisions in particle accelerators to neurological monitoring during surgeries. The need for near real-time data transfers has never been …
    Getting Started with HSI How-to Guide
    This how-to guide explores how HSI is revolutionizing the data transfer game for applications ranging from monitoring particle collisions in particle accelerators to neurological monitoring during surgeries.  
    TekScope PC Waveform Analysis Flyer
    TekScope software delivers the analysis capabilities of the latest Tektronix oscilloscopes to your PC. Analyze waveforms anywhere, anytime. This flyer explains how TekScope software helps with greater productivity, advanced analysis, multi-scope …
    5 Series B MSO Upgrade Factsheet
    This factsheet lists upgrades available for the 5 Series B MSO.  These include bandwidth, record length, logic channels and built-in arbitrary/function generator.  Add serial bus protocol support or advanced analysis such as jitter, power …
    Automating Double Pulse Tests with Python
    Introduction Semiconductor materials used in power electronics are transitioning from Silicon to Wide Bandgap (WBG) semiconductors such as Silicon Carbide (SiC) and Gallium Nitride (GaN) due to their superior performance at higher power …
    Double Pulse Testing Solution for Wide Bandgap Power Semiconductors
      New power converter designs, built around SiC and GaN MOSFETs, demand careful design and testing to optimize performance. Double pulse testing (DPT) efficiently measures a range of important …
    Simplifying Test Automation with tm_devices and Python
    Engineers across many industries use automation to extend the capabilities of their test instruments. Many engineers choose the free programming language Python to accomplish this. There are many significant advantages that make Python a …
    Optimizing Frequency Settling Time Measurements
    Frequency settling time is an essential measurement in the design and evaluation of RF synthesizers, programmable oscillators, phase locked loop circuits, and more. This technical brief highlights the steps taken to reduce the noise/variation on a …
    Oscilloscope Selection Guide
    From basic signal-checking to high-performance analysis, this selection guide gives an overview of the complete range of oscilloscopes from Tektronix. Comparison tables give high-level specifications and features, and indicate the major differences …
    Identifying Setup and Hold Violations with a Mixed Signal Oscilloscope
    THIS APPLICATION NOTE Explains the basic setup of a mixed signal oscilloscope (MSO) Tells how to interpret the logic signal display on a Tektronix MSO Explains how to easily identify and measure setup and hold …
    Debugging SENT Automotive Buses with an Oscilloscope
    THIS APPLICATION NOTE Gives a brief orientation on the physical layer and packet structures of SENT, with a goal of providing just enough detail to help with troubleshooting Explains how to set up decoding on an …
    How Energy Trends and New Testing Requirements are Improving Power Conversion Efficiency
    The demand for efficient power is accelerating as electrification remains a key driver to reduce carbon emissions. Wide bandgap technologies such as silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN) are key enablers today to improve power …
    Testing High Power Semiconductor Devices from Inception to Market
    Introduction This primer examines the life cycle of a power semiconductor device and the tremendous variety of test and characterization activities and measurement challenges faced by the engineers involved in each stage throughout the cycle …
    Power Efficiency Trends in Industrial and Renewable Applications
    Introduction The demand for efficient power is increasing rapidly as digitization and electrification continue to drive productivity and environmental responsibility, respectively. The shift towards decarbonization is driving a change …
    MSO Mixed Signal Oscilloscope Trade-In Promotional Offer
    Improve your measurement productivity with a new, state of the art oscilloscope. It is a great time to bring more capability to your bench and replace older oscilloscopes …
    Getting Started with C++ for Test Automation
    This guide will provide you with a source code file you can use to build a C/C++ project that will connect to your oscilloscope and save a screenshot to its local storage and send a copy to your local computer. The steps outlined here walks the …
    TekCloud Collaboration Software
    The TekCloud ecosystem offers software options that allow users to analyze, automate, and collaborate from anywhere, anytime. TekScope™ PC Analysis Software gives users the analysis capability of an award-winning oscilloscope on their PC. TekDrive …
    Using Frequency Response Analysis with an Oscilloscope
    Introduction Bode plots are commonly used in analyzing the frequency response of a system. They provide a graphical representation of magnitude and phase over a range of frequencies that can be used to analyze and understand the …
    Programming Interface Translator Technical Brief
    The PI Translator The PI Translator is a simple system. It acts as a "dictionary" that contains a list of legacy commands and their modern counterparts. In addition to direct translation, entries can be configured to alias to multiple modern …
    Getting Started with Test Automation in LabVIEW®
    In this application note we describe three steps to get started automating oscilloscopes in LabVIEW. The Tektronix 5 Series B MSO oscilloscope is used as an example, but the steps described here apply to other Tektronix and Keithley products.
    Measuring MDI Mode Conversion Loss for Automotive Ethernet Compliance
    Manufacturers are transitioning to automotive Ethernet for in-vehicle networks to support the data speed performance required for these new systems. To ensure that Ethernet equipment operates correctly in the automotive network, components like …
    Getting Started Controlling Instruments with VISA
    Using the Virtual Instrumentation Software Architecture (VISA) library you can write programs and scripts to control instruments across all of the common physical interfaces available on test instrumentation. This guide shows how to get started using …
    Getting Started with Oscilloscope Automation in C#
    Automating test instrumentation enables consistent test methodology, repeatable measurement results, time savings and reduced risk of human error.  Using easily integrated third-party libraries, C# is an excellent choice for automated test …
    DQ0 Analysis with Oscilloscopes
    Direct quadrature zero (dq0) parameters are important variables in field-oriented control algorithms, but typically exist deep within the control systems. During design optimization and debugging it is advantageous to make these parameters available …
    Double Pulse Testing Power Semiconductor Devices with a 5 or 6 Series MSO with Built-in Arbitrary Function Generator
    This application note is based on tests developed by Qorvo application engineering using a Tektronix 6 Series MSO. A 5 Series MSO can also be used. The operation of the two instruments is identical, although the 6 Series MSO …
    How to Synchronize 4/5/6 Series MSO Oscilloscopes for Higher Channel Count
    This application note describes three different approaches to synchronizing multiple oscilloscopes to measure more channels than are supported on any single instrument. In this application note you will learn: Things …
    Understanding RF Spectrograms and Spectrogram Types
    This technical brief explains what a spectrogram is, and the different types of spectrograms (discontinuous and continuous) along with the relative strengths of each type. Spectrograms from real-time spectrum analyzers, vector signal analysis …
    Power Distribution Network and Power Rail Measurement Solution
    Learn about our most popular oscilloscope-based solution for power distribution and power integrity analysis. It combines a 5 or 6 Series MSO oscilloscope with software and probes into a single orderable line item. This high-performance set-up …
    When to Choose a Dedicated Arbitrary Function Generator (AFG)
    This technical brief is written to help you determine the optimum method of arbitrary function generation for your needs.  It shows examples of real-world applications and highlights key specifications of Tektronix and Keithley dedicated arbitrary …
    Electric Vehicle (EV) Traction Inverter Testing Solution
    Learn about our most popular oscilloscope-based solution for electric vehicle traction inverter and motor analysis. It combines a 5 Series MSO oscilloscope, software and probes into a single orderable line item. This high-performance system enables …
    Validating MIPI C-PHY Bus Activity
    Read our application note on MIPI C-PHY decoding.  After a brief overview of the physical layer and packet structures of C-PHY, you'll learn how to set up decoding, interpret serial bus data, and useful searching options on an offline Tektronix …
    Expand the Analysis Capability of Your Oscilloscopes with TekScope PC Analysis Software
    TekScope PC Analysis Software provides a very flexible environment for waveform visualization, advanced measurements, serial protocol decode of a wide variety of buses, and many analysis tools. This application note discusses how TekScope PC Software …
    Electric Vehicle (EV) Powertrain Analysis and Troubleshooting Flyer
    Tektronix oscilloscopes, probes and analysis tools combine to provide a comprehensive solution for debugging and validating electric vehicle traction inverters and motors.  Learn about an ideal system for EV powertrain measurements with this 2-page …
    Applying Pre-Compensation to Flatten Response
    When generating wideband signals, minor impedance discontinuities in the interconnect cables can affect the amplitude and phase flatness. At the same time, as signal frequencies increase, they can be subject to the analog bandwidth and sinx/x rolloff …
    Getting Started with Oscilloscope Automation and Python
    Engineers across many industries use automation to extend the capabilities of their oscilloscopes, and many engineers are using Python. The free programming language Python has significant advantages for …
    5 Series B MSO vs 5 Series MSO Comparison
    This factsheet provides a comparison of the 5 Series B MSO oscilloscope and the 5 Series MSO, highlighting differences and similarities.
    Making Measurements on 3-Phase Motor Drives with an Oscilloscope
    This primer describes methods for making measurements using inverter, motor and drive analysis software on oscilloscopes to provide stable, accurate electrical measurements on the inputs, DC buses, and outputs of variable frequency …
    5 Series B Included Probes and Accessories
    This factsheet lists the probes and accessories included with each 5 Series B MSO oscilloscope.
    TekDrive Collaborative Data Workspace Flyer
    TekDrive is a collaborative data workspace that provides an oscilloscope-to-cloud software solution for instant data sharing and recall on an oscilloscope, PC, phone, or tablet.  This document highlights how TekDrive helps you stay productive while …
    Measuring the Control Loop Response of a Power Supply Using an Oscilloscope
    Most power supplies and regulators are designed to maintain a constant voltage over a specified current range. To accomplish this goal, they are essentially amplifiers with a closed feedback loop. An ideal supply needs to respond …
    Magway Zero Emissions IMDA Case Study
    Based in Wembley, London, Magway is developing a system to deliver parcels and goods through a network of underground pipes across the UK, using a series of small carriages running on rails. The system uses technologies such as …
    Software for the Education Lab
    Reliable and easy-to-use software to enhance the remote education experience Tektronix offers a range of efficient and intuitive remote education solutions that combine with our oscilloscopes, DMMs, data acquisition systems, or other …
    Comparing the Traditional Oscilloscope FFT to Spectrum View Spectrum Analysis for Measuring Power Supply Control Loop Frequency Response
    New Tektronix oscilloscopes incorporate spectrum analysis using digital downconverters in each channel. The resulting displays are called Spectrum View. Using Spectrum View to generate Bode plots for power supply control loop frequency response …
    Characterizing Self-Generated EMI for Wireless and IoT Products with 4, 5 or 6 Series MSO Oscilloscopes
    Introduction An increasing number of manufacturers are adding or retrofitting wireless technology into new or existing products. The products that are benefiting include mobile, household, industrial, scientific, and medical devices …
    Verifying ESD Simulator Performance Using an Oscilloscope
    THIS APPLICATION NOTE Is intended to help designers verify the shape of current pulses from ESD simulators prior to compliance or precompliance testing Covers some basic theory on ESD Describes a basic testing system for ESD simulators …
    Solutions for RADAR and Electronic Warfare
    PRODUCTS FOR THE ENTIRE SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT LIFECYCLE Tektronix offers a wide range of hardware and software built to help you design and test mission-critical RF systems, such as military comms, radar and electronic warfare—from …
    Troubleshooting ESD Failures Using an Oscilloscope
    THIS APPLICATION NOTE Is intended to help designers learn troubleshooting techniques for ESD compliance failures Covers some basic theory on ESD Describes a basic testing system for ESD troubleshooting, including an H …
    Columbia University Case Study
    Read this case study to learn how the Motor Drives and Power Electronics Lab (MPlab) at Columbia University’s Electrical Engineering used an MSO58 8-channel oscilloscope to analyze three-phase motor drives and multi-phase power electronics systems to …
    University of Naples Case Study
    Students at The University of Naples are now able to focus more attention on the experiment at hand, rather than worrying about the tool being used to monitor it.  Read this case study to learn how.
    Using Mixed Signal Oscilloscopes to Find and Diagnose Jitter Caused by Power Integrity Problems
    THIS APPLICATION NOTE Describes the connection between signal integrity, specifically jitter, and power integrity Gives a brief review of jitter measurements and terminology, including eye diagrams and jitter …
    Step by Step EMI Troubleshooting with 4, 5 and 6 Series MSO Oscilloscopes
    THIS APPLICATION NOTE Is designed help product designers or EMC engineers learn the basics of EMC and EMI troubleshooting and debug Introduces a 3-step process for EMI Troubleshooting Gives an overview of Radiated and …
    Achieve Higher Vertical Resolution for More Precise Measurements
    Introduction Higher vertical resolution has long been a goal of oscilloscope designers, driven by the needs of engineers to measure finer detail on signals. However, delivering additional resolution means more than adding bits to the …
    Problemlösung bei jedem Schritt des Weges – Fallstudie der Chalmers University
                  Case Study   A Passion for Innovation | Chalmers University STUDENT HIGHLIGHT When Alexander Andersson was a kid, he wanted to become a “Lego engineer” — the person who designs the Lego houses and trucks and lanes. As he …
    Jitter Testing for 1000BASE-T Ethernet Compliance Application Note
    This Application Note Describes test fixtures and test modes for jitter tests Explains types of jitter tests Details the procedure for jitter testing with an exposed clock 10BASE-T, 100BASE-Tx and …
    Decoding and Searching MIPI I3C Bus Activity with an Oscilloscope
    THIS APPLICATION NOTE Gives a brief orientation on the physical layer and packet structures of I3C with the goal of providing just enough detail to help with troubleshooting Explains how to set up decoding on an oscilloscope …
    Physical Layer Compliance Testing for 1000BASE-T Ethernet
    Engineers designing or validating the 1000BASE-T Ethernet physical layer on their products need to perform a wide range of tests, quickly, reliably and efficiently. This application note describes the tests that ensure …
    Ensuring the Performance and Conformance of In-Vehicle Networks for New-Generation Automobiles
    When comparing past, present and future automobiles, one trend is clear: cars have become data centers on wheels. Within each vehicle, the volume of data from safety systems, onboard sensors, navigation systems, and so on and the reliance on that …
    Power Supply Converter Design Procedures
    This poster offers insight into power supply converter design procedures, test stages, challenges, and solutions.
    Automotive Ethernet: See the True Signal
    Introduction As the move toward Automotive Ethernet technology in vehicles accelerates, comprehensive design validation is vital to ensure interoperability and reliable operation across multiple ECUs. In this application note, we will provide …
    Characterizing and Troubleshooting Jitter with Your Oscilloscope
    THIS APPLICATION NOTE Gives a brief orientation of simple timing analysis measurements on clock signals Explains how to interpret timing and jitter measurements Gives examples of measurements on non-modulated clocks …
    Getting Started with Power Rail Measurements Application Note
    Most of today’s electronic designs require many different supply voltages to function properly. In fact, many components within a given circuit require multiple voltages. This is especially true with highly-integrated system on chip and …
    Using FastFrame Segmented Memory on the 4/5/6 Series MSO
    Introduction Debug and verification of complex systems present many technical challenges, including capturing and visualizing multiple infrequent or intermittent events, such as serial data packets, laser pulses, and glitches …
    Visual Triggers: Graphical Methods for Capturing Bursts and Other Complex Signals on Oscilloscopes
    Visual triggers allow you to build triggers by thinking in terms of wave shapes. This technical brief starts by explaining how to quickly capture bursts of specific length by drawing boxes on an oscilloscope display. It then describes how to apply …
    In-circuit Measurement of Inductors and Transformers with an Oscilloscope
    THIS APPLICATION NOTE Reviews the basic theory of inductors and transformers, especially as it relates to in-circuit measurements Explains how to use an oscilloscope and appropriate probes to measure inductor and transformer …
    Debugging SPMI Power Management Buses with an Oscilloscope
    Introduction Increasingly, mobile devices and other portable designs are adopting System Power Management Interface (SPMI) protocol for multimaster, multi-slave systems to monitor and dynamically control supply voltages based on real …
    Tek049 ASIC Powers Next-Generation Oscilloscopes
    Introduction As electrical, optical, and wireless system technology grows ever more advanced, engineers require increasingly powerful tools to aid them in system design and debugging. To set the foundation for the next …
    Yokogawa DLM4000 Series vs. 5 Series MSO Mixed Signal Oscilloscope Comparison
    Oscilloscope Design Tektronix 5 Series MSO ✔ New Tektronix FlexChannels (up to 8) (each input is 1 analog or 8 digital) ✔ New Available in 4, 6, and 8-channel models ✔ …
    LeCroy HDO6000A/HDO8000A Series vs. 5 Series MSO Mixed Signal Oscilloscope Comparison
    Oscilloscope Design Tektronix 5 Series MSO ✔ Industry First FlexChannels (up to 8) (each input is 1 analog or 8 digital) ✔ Industry First 4, 6, 8 channel models ✔ …
    LeCroy HDO9000 Series vs. 5 Series MSO Mixed Signal Oscilloscope Comparison
    Oscilloscope Design Tektronix 5 Series MSO ✔ Industry First FlexChannels (up to 8) (each input is 1 analog or 8 digital) ✔ Industry First 4, 6, 8 channel models ✔ …
    Keysight X6000 Series vs. 5 Series MSO Mixed Signal Oscilloscope Comparison
    This fact sheet compares important specifications and features of the Tektronix 5 Series MSO Mixed Signal Oscilloscope to those of the Keysight X6000 Series 
    Keysight S-Series vs. 5 Series MSO Mixed Signal Oscilloscope Comparison
    Oscilloscope Design Tektronix 5 Series MSO ✔ Industry First FlexChannels (up to 8) (each input is 1 analog or 8 digital) ✔ Industry First 4, 6, 8 channel models ✔ …
    RTO2000 Series Rohde & Schwarz Oscilloscope vs. 5 Series MSO
    COMPETITIVE FACT SHEET Oscilloscope Design Tektronix 5 Series MSO Rohde&SchwarzRTO2000 ✔ Industry First FlexChannels (up to 8) (each …
    Making Accurate Current Measurements on Power Supplies with Oscilloscopes
    This application note describes considerations and techniques for making accurate current measurements on power converters using an oscilloscope and a current probe. When used in conjunction with an oscilloscope’s voltage measurements …
    Electronics Engineering For Cleaner Skies
    How Tektronix products have helped the RAISE project take off