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Yogesh Pai's blog


Woman using a Tektronix IsoVu Isolated Current Shunt Probe and 4 Series B MSO oscilloscope to measure dynamic draw on a processor board during I/O activity.
New IsoVu™ Isolated Current Shunt Probes Address Neglected Current Ranges Tuesday, November 12, 2024
The most common approach to current measurement on oscilloscopes is to use current transformers, Rogowski coils or Hall effect clamp-on probes. High-quality magnetic probes are accurate when used within their specifications. They are also convenient when current is flowing in wires or test loops, since they do not require breaking the circuit. However, they have some intrinsic limitations. In this …
Bode Plots on oscilloscope show control loop gain and phase versus frequency.
Measuring the Control Loop Response of a Power Supply with an Oscilloscope Tuesday, October 5, 2021
Power supplies and voltage regulators are typically designed to maintain a constant voltage over a particular current range. The supply should respond quickly to demand changes while maintaining a constant output, without excessive ringing or oscillation. To do this, power supplies are essentially amplifiers with a closed feedback loop. Control loop measurements help to measure how a power supply …