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您選擇的產品機型目前尚有存貨可供購買。 該產品提供以下支援資訊。
產品規格表 文件編號: 發行日期 RSA5000 Series Spectrum Analyzers Datasheet
The RSA5000 Series Real Time Signal Analyzers replace conventional instruments, offering the measurement confidence and functionality you demand for everyday tasks. The RSA5000 Series offers industry leading real time specifications and includes best …37W-26274-22
使用手冊 手冊類型 零件編號: 發行日期 RSA5100B Series
Real-Time Signal Analyzers Specifications & Performance Verification Technical Reference效能驗證 077090001 RSA5BUP (Options B85, B85E, B16X, B16XE)
RSA5100B Series Real-Time Signal Analyzers 85 MHz / 125 MHz / 165 MHz Acquisition Bandwidth Upgrade Instructions現場安裝指示 075105701 RSA5100A Series
Real-Time Signal Analyzers Quick Start User Manual主要使用者 071283806 RSA5100A Series
Real-time Signal Analyzers PDF of application help Online Help線上說明 077104000 RSA5100B Series
Real-time Signal Analyzers PDF of application help Online Help線上說明 077089901 RSA5AUP (Software Options)
RSA5100A Series Real-Time Signal Analyzers Software Only Upgrades Instructions現場安裝指示 075107800 RSA5BUP (Options PFR, 50, PFR50)
RSA5100B Series Real-Time Signal Analyzers Preamp and Precision Frequency Reference Upgrades Instructions現場安裝指示 075105901 RSA5BUP (Options 65, 66, and 6566)
RSA5100A and RSA5100B Series Real-Time Signal Analyzers Digital I and Q Outputs and Zero Span Output Upgrades (Includes RSA5UP Option 5566) Instructions現場安裝指示 075106100 RSA5100B Series
Real-Time Signal Analyzers Application Examples Reference使用者 071328300 RSA5100B Series
Real-Time Signal Analyzer Declassification and Security Instructions解除機密 077090200 RSA5BUP (Options 56 and 59)
RSA5100B Series Real-Time Signal Analyzers Internal HD and Removable SSD Instructions現場安裝指示 075105600 RSA5100B Series
Real-time Signal Analyzers PDF of application help Online Help線上說明 077089900 RSA6100B Series and RSA5100A Series
Real-Time Analyzers Online Help線上說明 077051906 RSA5100A Series
Real-Time Signal Analyzers Specifications & Performance Verification Technical Reference效能驗證 077052005 RSA6000A, RSA6000B, & RSA5000A Series
Real-Time Signal Analyzers WLAN Measurements Upgrade Kit RSA5UP, RSA6UP, & RSA6BUP Option 23, Option 24, & Option 25 Instructions現場安裝指示 075107000 RSA6100B Series & RSA5100A Series
Real-Time Signal Analyzers Quick Start User Manual主要使用者 071283805 RSA6BUP and RSA5UP
Option 56, Option 57, and Option 59 Upgrade Instructions現場安裝指示 071286302 RSA6BUP, RSA5UP, and SPECMONUP
Option 09 Upgrade Instructions現場安裝指示 071320400 RSA6100B Series and RSA5100A Series
Real-Time Analyzers Online Help線上說明 077051905 RSA6100B Series & RSA5100A Series
Real-Time Signal Analyzers Quick Start User Manual主要使用者 071283804 RSA5100 Series
Real-Time Signal Analyzers Service Manual服務 077052201 RSA6100B Series and RSA5100A Series
Real-Time Analyzers Online Help線上說明 077051904 RSA6100B Series & RSA5100A Series
Real-Time Signal Analyzers Quick Start User Manual主要使用者 071283803 RSA6100B Series and RSA5100A Series
Real-Time Signal Analyzer Declassification and Security Instructions解除機密 077052102 RSA6100A Series, RSA6100B Series, and RSA5100A Series
Option 22 Flexible OFDM Upgrade Instructions現場安裝指示 071284701 RSA6100A Series, RSA6100B Series, and RSA5100A Series
Option 12 Settling Time Measurements Upgrade Instructions現場安裝指示 071284801 RSA6100A Series, RSA6100B Series, and RSA5100A Series
Option 11 Phase Noise and Jitter Measurement Upgrade Instructions現場安裝指示 071285301 RSA6100B Series Real-Time Signal Analyzer and RSA5100A Series Real-Time Signal Analyzers
Option 53 Memory Extension, 4 GB Acquisition Memory Total Upgrade Instructions現場安裝指示 071287901 RSA6100A Series, RSA6100B Series, and RSA5100A Series
Option 21 General Purpose Digital Modulation Analysis Upgrade Instructions現場安裝指示 071285501 RSA6100A Series, RSA6100B Series, and RSA5100A Series
Option 10 Audio Analysis Upgrade Instructions現場安裝指示 071301201 RSA6100A Series, RSA6100B Series, and RSA5000 Series
Option 20 Advanced Signal Analysis Measurements Upgrade Instructions現場安裝指示 071285401 RSA5100A Series and RSA6100B Series
Option 52 Frequency Mask Trigger Upgrade Instructions現場安裝指示 071285601 RSA6100B Series and RSA5100A Series
Real-Time Signal Analyzers Application Examples Reference使用者 071283401 RSA6100B Series and RSA5100A Series
Real-Time Analyzers Online Help線上說明 077051903 RSA6100B Series & RSA5100A Series
Real-Time Signal Analyzers Quick Start User Manual主要使用者 071283802 RSA6100A Series and RSA5100A Series
Real-Time Analyzers Online Help線上說明 077051902 RSA5UP Option 55
Digital I and Q Output Upgrade Instructions現場安裝指示 071288000 RSA56KR
RSA5100A Series and RSA6100A Series Real-Time Spectrum Analyzers Rackmount Instructions現場安裝指示 075102300 RSA6100A Series and RSA5100A Series
Real-Time Analyzers Online Help線上說明 077051901 RSA6100A Series and RSA5100A Series
Real-Time Analyzers Online Help線上說明 077051901 RSA6100A Series & RSA5100A Series
Real-Time Signal/Spectrum Analyzers Quick Start User Manual主要使用者 071283800 RSA6100A Series/RSA5100A Series
Real-Time Spectrum Analyzers/Real-Time Signal Analyzers Application Examples Reference使用者 071283400 RSA5100B Series Real-Time Signal Analyzers Quick Start User Manual
Real-Time Signal Analyzers使用者 071322412 RSA5100B Series Real-time Signal Analyzers Help
Real-time Signal Analyzers Application Help線上說明 077089907 RSA5100B Series Real Time Signal Analyzers Programmer Manual
Real-Time Signal Analyzers程式設計師 077090105 RSA5100B Series Declassification and Security Instructions
Real-Time Signal Analyzer Declassification and Security解除機密 077090201 RSA5100B Series Specifications and Performance Verification Manual
Real-Time Signal Analyzers Specifications and Performance Verification效能驗證 077090002 RSA5100A Series
Option 110 MHz Capture Bandwidth Upgrade Instructions現場安裝指示 071309500 RSA5100A and RSA6100B Series
Real Time Spectrum Analyzers Programmer Manual程式設計師 077052308 RSA5100A Series
線上說明 077104002 RSA5100A Series
主要使用者 071283808 RSA5100B Series Service Manual
Real-Time Signal Analyzers, Rev A服務 077090300 RSA5115A and RSA5126A
Real Time Signal Analyzers Option 51 Preamp Upgrade Instructions現場安裝指示 071309400
技術文件 文件類型 發行日期 Tektronix RSA5100B Wide Band Acquisition Bandwidth Options
Two dynamic range options are available in the RSA5100B series real time spectrum analyzers. Standard dynamic range provides 75 dB spurious free analysis, and high dynamic range options increase this performance to at least 80 dB and beyond. This …技術簡介 Testing APCO Project 25 Transmitters with Tektronix Solutions
The RSA5000B and MDO4000B with SignalVu-PC are ideal solutions for equipment manufacturers and network operators testing and deploying new Project 25 communications networks. The Tektronix solution provide flexible testing solutions for up-front …應用摘要 Noise Figure: Overview of Noise Measurement Methods
Measuring the noise contributions of circuit elements, in the form of noise factor or noise figure is an important tasks for RF and microwave engineers. This paper, along with its associated appendices presents an overview of noise measurement …白皮書 Project 25 Land Mobile Radio (LMR) Solution
Quick overview of the complete Tektronix solution for Project 25 Land Mobile Radio (LMR).規格摘要表 Tektronix and X-COM Systems Platform Provide Unique Capabilities for RF Signal Capture and Analysis
Spectrum monitoring, radar and wireless system testing, signals intelligence, electronic intelligence, communications intelligence, and electronic warfare require the ability to capture, record, and analyze signals over long periods. Their ability to …應用摘要 IQ 調變器的基頻回應特性分析
瞭解任意波形產生器 (AWG) 和混合域示波器 (MDO) 如何可用於基頻頻率響應、單邊帶抑制、振幅和相位誤差,以及互調效能。應用摘要 先進雷達分析
隨著當今雷達技術快速發展,若要開發和製造高度專業的新型電子產品以檢測雷達訊號,將需要採用尖端技術和工具。本手冊介紹Tektronix任意波形產生器、即時頻譜分析儀和高頻寬示波器,這些儀器滿足了現代雷達應用要求需要的所有功能。即時檢視進階脈衝壓縮系統、生成和分析所有數位動態訊號類型,可為密集的商用電子系統創造高度可靠又經濟有效的系統設計。應用摘要 適用於 EMI 診斷的即時頻譜分析
本應用摘要簡要分析了有關於測試設備和 EMI 量測技術的設計和測試的不同階段,也檢視了目前指定的偵測與濾波方法,並簡要說明了指定的量測頻帶及相關的濾波器與偵測器。最後,還提供了 EMI 診斷範例,使用獨特的 DPX 頻譜顯示,以找出和進行訊號擷取的頻率波罩觸發。應用摘要 頻譜分析儀DPX擷取技術基礎
本入門手冊介紹了DPX即時射頻頻譜顯示、掃頻DPX、時域DPX 顯示、DPX DensityTM 量測、DPX DensityTM 觸發和頻率邊緣觸發背後的方法。入門 Improving IED Countermeasure Technology - Using RF Capture and Playback Systems
By combining the Tektronix spectrum analyzer and X-COM Systems long duration RF signal storage system, a unique tool results for the recording, analyzing, and creating of new waveforms and complex RF test environments to help tackle IED …技術簡介 即時頻譜分析基礎知識下載(英)
這本52頁的入門手冊介紹了即時頻譜分析 (RTSA) 的運作方式,並説明與解決、擷取和分析現代射頻訊號相關的許多量測問題。瞭解 FFT 重疊處理基礎原理
由於更快速的時變性頻率訊號已愈來愈普及,Tektronix 為回應此需求,推出了搭配可完整重疊的 FFT 訊框之即時頻譜分析儀 (RTSA),因此更能清楚地看見極短時間內的事件。在此入門手冊中,我們將分析此項技術的優勢,也將探討該技術如何運作,以及您應該如何最有效地使用該技術,才能比以往更清楚地觀察時變性射頻訊號。入門 測試現代的無線電
設計人員長久以來一直在設法改善無線電通訊的效能和彈性。近年隨著射頻 (RF) 頻譜變得更加擁擠,干擾更加普遍,這方面的努力也益形重要。這對發展軍事和民防無線電應用上尤其如此。軍事應用必須在關鍵任務環境中執行,這種環境中常會出現各種惡意的訊號干擾,所以更需要穩健、適應性的通訊。應用摘要 Solving the Complexity of DigRF Testing
No matter what stage of the development you are involved in, when it comes to RF test equipment, flexibility is the key. Test equipment needs to be flexible enough to go beyond just verifying that the device under test is complying to the standard …技術簡介 使用即時頻譜分析儀執行寬頻射頻系統的疑難排解和特性分析
本應用摘要將探討現代射頻測試系統的特性,並示範使用 Tektronix RSA6100A系列即時頻譜分析儀 (RTSA)來進行疑難解答和特性分析;其中將涵蓋發射器的基本向量和頻譜量測、疑難排解高頻寬系統和分析寬頻 DPD 系統的特性。應用摘要 利用即時頻譜分析快速識別間歇性和干擾訊號
本技術簡介將解釋如何使用即時頻譜分析儀 (RTSA) 可靠地偵測和分析瞬時 RF 訊號,同時也有效地降低找出問題根源所耗費的時間。文件中將使用許多不同的範例來說明 RTSA 的獨特功能如何用於各種應用,此功能對找出間歇和干擾訊號而言十分重要。應用摘要 使用 Tektronix 即時頻譜分析儀分析鎖相環的特性
本應用摘要介紹了使用 Tektronix 即時頻譜分析儀同時量測在時域和頻域中的線性和非線性效應。應用摘要 Conducted and Radiated Emissions Testing
This application note provides an overview of EMI testing and includes a step-by-step guide for performing pre-compliance testing with test set-ups, setting up a measurement, configuring accessories to increase measurement accuracy, how to perform …應用摘要 Overcoming 3 Key Challenges of Time- and Frequency-Correlated RF Measurements
Tektronix Real-Time Spectrum Analyzers (RTSAs) capture and store signals as a seamless, continuous record of time. Combining deep memory with powerful digital signal processing, RTSAs allow for a variety of triggering, display, and analysis …規格摘要表 Re-Imagine 5G Measurements
SignalVu Vector Signal Analysis Software offers a broad range of RF measurements and is available for both Tektronix spectrum analyzers and oscilloscopes, including the 6 Series B MSO and DPO70000SX Series oscilloscopes. The …小冊子 Nano Satellite Case Study
Learn how the RSA5000B spectrum analyzer is being used to test the design of nano satellites and their ability to communicate with a base station.個案研究 Radar Basics
While radar technology was initially focused on military and commercial aviation applications, today there are many commercial applications. This application note covers the basics of modern radar applications from military to commercial use in …應用摘要 Fundamentals of Radar Measurements
Chapter I. Introduction Modern radar design has created complicated pulses that present significant measurement challenges. Improvements to range, resolution and immunity to interference have required phase modulated …入門 $name
應用摘要 RF Recording and Playback Solutions
Introduction to RF Record and Playback Spectrum management, RF interference analysis, signal acquisition, product testing and validation, RF system design, communication security, and academic research, all routinely perform or can benefit from the …應用摘要
軟體 文件類型 零件編號: 發行日期 RSA5100B Series Software - V4.5.0093
Instrument application firmware for RSA5103B, RSA5106B, RSA5115B and RSA5126B Real-Time Signal Analyzers. Introduced with this release, 5GNR Uplink/Downlink Measurements (5GNR) derived from specifications in 3GPP NR Release 16 includes Modulation …韌體 066163211 RSA5100B Series Software - V4.1.0002
Instrument application firmware for RSA5103B, RSA5106B, RSA5115B and RSA5126B Real-Time Signal Analyzers.韌體 066163210 RSA5100B Series Software - V3.23.0022
Instrument application firmware for RSA5103B, RSA5106B, RSA5115B and RSA5126B Real-Time Signal Analyzers.韌體 066163209 RSA5100B Series Software, V3.9.0031
Instrument application firmware for RSA5103B, RSA5106B, RSA5115B and RSA5126B Real-Time Signal Analyzers.韌體 066163205 RSA5100A Series Software, V3.6.0239
Instrument application firmware for RSA5103A, RSA5106A, RSA5115A and RSA5126A Real-Time Signal Analyzers.韌體 066126412 RSA5100B Series Software, V3.2.0535
Instrument application firmware for RSA5103B, RSA5106B, RSA5115B and RSA5126B Real-Time Signal Analyzers.韌體 066162201 RSA5100B Series Software V3.2.0535
Instrument application firmware for RSA5103B, RSA5106B, RSA5115B and RSA5126B Real-Time Signal Analyzers.韌體 066163200 RSA5100A Series Software V3.2.0107
Instrument application firmware for RSA5103A, RSA5106A, RSA5115A and RSA5126A Real-Time Signal Analyzers.韌體 066126406
常見問答集 常見問答集 ID What is included in the Tektronix Near Field Probe kit (Tek p/n 119-4146-00) and what are they used for?
The Tektronix 119-4146-00 Near Field Probe Set is intended to serve as a versatile aid for diagnostic testing of radiated emissions over a broad range of frequencies from below 100 kHz to above 1GHz. The probe set consist of three (3) magnetic field …64501 What is TekVISA and how can I use it to communicate with and control my instrument?
VISA is an acronym that stands for Virtual Instrument Software Architecture. In a nutshell, VISA handles the communications between your computer’s OS and the instrument. You may be familiar with TekVISA, which is Tektronix’s own brand of VISA …69176 My scope has Windows 10 version 1607, but more recent versions have been released by Microsoft. Can my scope be updated?
No, but there is no need to. The Windows build on Tektronix scopes is from the Long-Term Servicing Channel (Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC). Unlike normal releases of version 1607, this release still receives security updates and support from Microsoft …780986 I've just received a new RSA5100A series instrument and it is promptingme for a password.
The RSA5100A and B series instruments ship with the default password "spearfish".69396 How do I use TekVISA to send commands to my instrument?
TekVISA Download Link:TEKVISA CONNECTIVITY SOFTWARE In order to communicate with and control the scope, you can use OpenChoice Talker-Listener. Back on the Application and Utilities panel, click on OpenChoice Talker Listener and click Start …69181