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在 2023 年 Tektronix 創新論壇上取得未來工程設計的門票。免費技術研討會。立即註冊。


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  • 產品規格表 文件編號: 發行日期
    RSA500A 系列 USB 頻譜分析儀在強固的電池供電套件中蘊藏著高效能的攜帶式頻譜分析能力。
  • 技術文件 文件類型 發行日期
    物聯網的 6 項主要挑戰
    簡介 物聯網 (IoT) 透過由軟體和分析機制所控制,更龐大且可 交互運作性更佳的系統來連接裝置,有望改變世界的連結 方式。由於裝置、軟體和分析機制的擴散,將推動大多數 產業中出現顯著的變化,不論是航運和運輸,或是建築業 和製造業。物聯網甚至會改變我們維持健康和健身的方式。 目前有大量的機會將現有的物件重塑為包括感應器和發送器的連線裝置;但是, 這些機會也都伴隨著一定的技術挑戰。我們如何讓數十年未曾改變形式或功能的 工具和機器搖身一變 …
    使用頻譜分析儀執行低成本的 EMI 預相容性測試
    很少有工程師可以無限制地使用經過校準的 EMI 接收器和 EMC 測試設備。然而,在將設計送至 EMI 相容性實驗室之前,執行經濟實惠的基本 EMI 測試即可識別重大的問題,有效地節省時間和金錢。本應用摘要描述如何使用通用頻譜分析儀對輻射和傳導發射進行預相容性測試。其中介紹了量測設定、頻譜分析儀設定、並包含量測範例。
    訊號電子指南將可協助您瀏覽射頻頻譜,並充分瞭解在您周圍可能出現的訊號類型。指南中提供了詳細的範例介紹經常在空中傳送的常用訊號,包括行動電話、WLAN、P25、機場雷達和微波爐等例子。所有的訊號範例均提供有關訊號、量測、解調 FM 的錄音,以及 SignalVu-PC 設定檔案和儲存的 IQ 波形等簡介影片。使用此 eGuide 將協助您瞭解應預期找到哪些訊號種類,或協助您識別訊號,將合法訊號與其他訊號分離。
    適用於 EMI 診斷的即時頻譜分析
    本應用摘要簡要分析了有關於測試設備和 EMI 量測技術的設計和測試的不同階段,也檢視了目前指定的偵測與濾波方法,並簡要說明了指定的量測頻帶及相關的濾波器與偵測器。最後,還提供了 EMI 診斷範例,使用獨特的 DPX 頻譜顯示,以找出和進行訊號擷取的頻率波罩觸發。
    本入門手冊介紹了DPX即時射頻頻譜顯示、掃頻DPX、時域DPX 顯示、DPX DensityTM 量測、DPX DensityTM 觸發和頻率邊緣觸發背後的方法。
    這本52頁的入門手冊介紹了即時頻譜分析 (RTSA) 的運作方式,並説明與解決、擷取和分析現代射頻訊號相關的許多量測問題。
    如果您正在開發產品,您將需投入大量的財力和時間,有時還需投入一定的精力才能將產品推向市場,最糟糕的情況則是因相容性測試失敗而延誤行程。 若能將預相容性解決方案整合至您的工作流程中,將可為您帶來許多好處。 本應用摘要介紹了如何設定您自己的預相容性解決方案,並指導您進行傳導和輻射發射量測以進行預相容性測試。 其中還包括 EMCVu 軟體的新功能,使預相容性測試和疑難排解更加容易。  
    Optimizing Frequency Settling Time Measurements
    Frequency settling time is an essential measurement in the design and evaluation of RF synthesizers, programmable oscillators, phase locked loop circuits, and more. This technical brief highlights the steps taken to reduce the noise/variation on a …
    Overcoming 3 Key Challenges of Time- and Frequency-Correlated RF Measurements
    Tektronix Real-Time Spectrum Analyzers (RTSAs) capture and store signals as a seamless, continuous record of time. Combining deep memory with powerful digital signal processing, RTSAs allow for a variety of triggering, display, and analysis …
    Re-Imagine 5G Measurements
    SignalVu Vector Signal Analysis Software offers a broad range of RF measurements and is available for both Tektronix spectrum analyzers and oscilloscopes, including the 6 Series B MSO and DPO70000SX Series oscilloscopes. The …
    Solutions for RADAR and Electronic Warfare
    PRODUCTS FOR THE ENTIRE SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT LIFECYCLE Tektronix offers a wide range of hardware and software built to help you design and test mission-critical RF systems, such as military comms, radar and electronic warfare—from …
    Spectrum Monitoring Moves to the Edge with Intel NUC Mini PCs
    This case study explores the potential of combining Tektronix USB-based signal analyzers and Intel® NUC Mini PCs for a fast, cost-effective spectrum monitoring solution. Drone detection is just one of many applications for Tektronix’s USB-based Real …
    Emission Control, Radiation Hazards, and the Value of Intelligent RF Sensing for These Applications
    New technology advancements with increased RF emitting technology capabilities requires a higher level of RF situational awareness. For added security of personnel and to increase the odds of operational success, incorporating a real-time spectrum …
    Power Supply Converter Design Procedures
    This poster offers insight into power supply converter design procedures, test stages, challenges, and solutions.
    Detecting Drones Using a Real-Time Spectrum Analyzer
    No one denies, flying a drone can be fun. For RC and photography enthusiasts, a drone is a source of entertainment, and with a camera attached, a provider of breathtaking birdseye views. In a few short years, the number …
    Spurious Emission Measurement on 5G NR Base Station Transmitters and Receivers
    Introduction Conducting spurious emission tests are an important measurement for cellular base station transmitters and receivers on most wireless transmission technologies. The 5G New Radio (NR) refreshed 3GPP specifications …
    Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems and Remote/Passive Keyless Entry
    Today, more sophisticated and sensitive RF electronic components and devices are being included in automobiles. These advances have resulted in much safer, efficient, and connected vehicles. They have also created new challenges for RF testing and …
    Programmatic Control on Tektronix USB Real Time Spectrum Analyzers
    Introduction Using the latest in commercial interfaces and available computing power, the Tektronix RSA 300/500/600 USB real time spectrum analyzers separate signal acquisition from measurement, dramatically lowering the cost of …
    RSA500A Series vs. Anritsu Spectrum Master Series Competitive Fact Sheet
    See how RSA500 measures agains the Anritsu Spectrum Master.
    RSA500A Series vs. R&S FSH Series Competitive Fact Sheet
    Real Time for interference hunting Tektronix RSA500A Series ✔ Real Time Analysis - Detects signals others miss ✔ 40 MHz Bandwidth - support for wideband IoT wireless standards, record/playback …
    RSA500A Series vs. Keysight FieldFox Series Competitive Fact Sheet
    Real Time for interference hunting Tektronix RSA500A Series ✔ Real Time Analysis - Detects signals others miss ✔ 40 MHz Bandwidth - support for wideband IoT wireless standards, record/playback …
    Low Cost, High Speed Spectrum Analyzers For RF Manufacturing
    Low Cost RF Sensors
    Introduction Radio monitoring systems have historically been operated by government and military organization who need to have situational awareness of the radio spectrum. These large systems were expensive and required significant …
    How mobile Network Operators use Tektronix Real-Time Spectrum Analyzer
    Field service organizations for mobile communication of network operators are using Tektronix USB-based real-time spectrum analyzer for daily work, hundreds of technicians in different service regions are responsible to keep the health of the mobile …
    Understanding Radar Signals Using Real-Time Spectrum Analyzers
    The transient nature of radar pulses combined with modern pulse compression schemes often demand carefully designed test setups. This Primer will cover measurements methods, choosing your measurement parameters, how to find the pulse, estimating the …
    Cable and Antenna Measurements Using Tektronix USB Spectrum Analyzers
    This application note looks at the basics of line sweeping measurements on cable and antenna systems, including a look at why they are important and how to perform them.
    Interference Hunting Application Note
    Introduction Over the past decade there has been a dramatic increase in the population of wireless transmitters found in the world, with the inevitable result being a dramatic increase in radiofrequency noise pollution.  Every significant …
    Speeding Through Wireless Standards
    This Tutorial is designed to help you decide what to include in your test plan so that you ensure the product will pass regulatory certification and standard qualification. This guide will explain why pre-compliance testing for the wireless standard …
    RF Recording and Playback Solutions
    Introduction to RF Record and Playback Spectrum management, RF interference analysis, signal acquisition, product testing and validation, RF system design, communication security, and academic research, all routinely perform or can benefit from the …
  • 軟體 文件類型 零件編號: 發行日期
    SignalVu-PC Vector Signal Analysis Software - V5.5.0143)
    This version extends advance triggers(DPX Density, TQT, FMT) capability for the USB RSA‚s.This is a web-only release qualified for use with MSO5, MSO5B, MSO6 and MSO6B series oscilloscopes and USB RSA‚s.SignalVu-PC software V5.5.0143 brings the full …
    應用 066143450
    SignalVu-PC Vector Signal Analysis Software - V5.3.0043
    This version introduces enhancements for multi-channel analysis using 5 or 6 Series MSO oscilloscopes, including ability to measure phase difference between channels, organize displays by source or measurement, and view each channel as a different …
    應用 066143445
    SignalVu-PC Vector Signal Analysis Software - V4.5.0093
    SignalVu-PC software V4.5.0093 brings the full vector signal analysis (VSA) engine of the Tektronix Real-Time Signal Analyzer (RTSA) to your computer, tablet, or Windows embedded oscilloscope, enabling you to analyze live signals, as well as perform …
    應用 066143429
    SignalVu-PC Vector Signal Analysis Software - V4.1.0022
    SignalVu-PC VSA software brings the analysis engine of the Tektronix Real-Time Signal Analyzer (RTSA) to your computer, enabling you to analyze live signals from RSA306, RSA500, RSA600, RSA7100A\B Spectrum Analyzers, MSO54, MSO56, MSO58, MSO64 …
    應用 066143424
    RSA Application Programming Interface – API for 64-Bit Linux – V1.0.0014
    The RSA API is a Linux C/C++ Shared Objects that provides direct access to RSA300/500/600 devices. It enables full control of the RSA and provides several forms of data and measurements to support custom applications independent of SignalVu-PC …
    應用 066207701
    RSA Application Programming Interface – API for 64-Bit Linux – CANDIDATE V0.13.220.16
    The RSA API is a Linux C/C++ Shared Objects that provides direct access to RSA300/500/600 devices. It enables full control of the RSA and provides several forms of data and measurements to support custom applications independent of SignalVu-PC …
    應用 066207700
    RSA Application Programming Interface - API for 64-Bit Windows - V3.23.0022
    This release adds support for the RSA513A and 518A models. The RSA API is a Windows C/C++ DLL that provides direct access to RSA300/500/600 devices. It enables full control of the RSA and provides several forms of data and measurements to support …
    應用 066169110
    RSA Application Programming Interface - API for 32-Bit Windows - V3.23.0022
    This release adds support for the RSA513A and 518A models. The RSA API is a Windows C/C++ DLL that provides direct access to RSA300/500/600 devices. It enables full control of the RSA and provides several forms of data and measurements to support …
    應用 066176207
    DataVu-PC Recorded Signal Analysis Software - V1.2.26
    DataVu-PC analysis software for recordings makes short work of searching through large datasets for signals of interest. You can measure pulses and mark signals for export to other analysis programs, reducing time spent in post-capture analysis …
  • Sometimes bad things happen to good scopes!  Ensure you've got it covered with a Total Product Protection plan from Tektronix, the only coverage plan available for test equipment with accident …
    期間: 1m 2s
    For long-term seamless or gapless spectrum processing in an RF environment, RF engineers can use the DPX display, a real-time spectrum display provided in all Tektronix real-time spectrum …
    期間: 9:08
    Get an in-depth view of troubleshooting and debugging RF applications using a DPX density trigger, a frequency mask trigger, or a time-qualified trigger. Each is made available for Tektronix …
    期間: 10:46
    See how RF engineers and researchers can improve signal or pulse capture using three different advanced triggering methods: a DPX density trigger; a frequency mask trigger, and a time-qualified …
    期間: 5:54
    Frequency settling time, an essential measurement in the design and evaluation of programmable oscillators, phase locked loop circuits, RF synthesizers and more, becomes much easier when the …
    期間: 14:12
    Application Engineer Alan Wolke shows basic vector signal properties of a 10.5 GHz pulse Doppler radar, such as spectrums over time, frequency deviation over time, and amplitude deviation over …
    期間: 8m 46s
    Hear an overview of SignalVu, Tektronix's RF and vector signal analysis platform. Tektronix' spectrum analyzers and oscilloscopes combined with SignalVu uniquely allows you to view live spectral …
    期間: 00:12:51
    See how to characterize radar signals using the Pulse Measurement Suite (RSA Option 20, SignalVu option SVP). You'll see how to avoid common mistakes as well as learn something about how certain …
    期間: 30:43
    Learn how to properly measure the Channel Power of a pulsed RF signal using a real-time spectrum analyzer. By properly setting up the analysis settings, the channel power of the RF pulse, as well …
    期間: 3:18
    Today our real-time spectrum analyzers with powerful SignalVu software help engineers see more of their signals than ever before. Take a journey through time to see how we got here. Find out more …
    期間: 2m 1s
    All Tektronix USB Portable Analyzers are tested to Military Standards but we wanted to see what they were really capable of. Could our spectrum analyzers survive a 1st story drop? A truck? A …
    期間: 2m 57s
    In the fast growing wireless design and Internet of Things market, the importance of choosing the right wireless RF module is vital to your design and overall company’s success.In this webinar …
    期間: 25m 15s
    It’s useful to ensure that your ZigBee Radio RF module is turning on correctly before you integrate it into a ZigBee device. See how to perform this test with your PC using the RSA607A and …
    期間: 7m 36s
    Make sure you’re getting good signal strength from your wireless LAN device by testing for first turn on using a Tektronix RSA607A controlled by your PC and SignalVu-PC software.
    期間: 6m 49s
    Real-Time spectrum analysis is the practice of using specialized algorithms to significantly increase the number of spectrum processed per second. The main specification  associates with Real-Time …
    期間: 6m 22s
    This video discusses how to save and recall data in Real-Time spectrum analyzers, with some features that are unique to Tektronix solutions. We use SignalVu-PC and an RSA507A to demonstrate.
    期間: 7m 27s
    Digital demodulation is valuable for those who need to validate or characterize the quality of a digital communication channel. Measurements such as error vector magnitude (EVM), can tell you a …
    期間: 6m 17s
    Learn how to conduct wireless LAN parametric RF testing for the physical layer against the IEEE 802.11 standards, using the RSA607A Real-Time Spectrum Analyzer controlled from a PC powered by …
    期間: 7m 59s
    Learn how to perform a parametric test covered by the ZigBee standard, including modulation quality and error vector magnitude measurements as well as spectrum emissions mask, signal quality and …
    期間: 5m 17s
    Watch this video to see how to test Bluetooth parameters for the physical layer using the RSA607A USB Real-Time Spectrum Analyzer with SignalVu-PC software.
    期間: 4m 33s
    In this video we compare EMI compliance results obtained using a full Compliance Receiver set-up versus a low-cost approach using a Tektronix RSA Spectrum Analyzer. You’ll see how these results …
    期間: 10m 7s
    Perform a quick EMI pre-compliance test of your Internet of Things device and have the confidence that you’ll pass final EMI Compliance Testing. This test is performed using the RSA607B controlled …
    期間: 6m 4s
    Watch this video to see how to perform a radiated EMI pre-compliance test, to ensure your device complies with the WLAN IEEE 802.11 standards, using the RSA607A and SignalVu-PC software.
    期間: 8m 33s
    Learn how to test that your Bluetooth device is turning on and transmitting correctly, using a RSA607A real-time spectrum analyzer controlled by SignalVu-PC software.
    期間: 7m 28s
    In this video, we're looking at a comparison of the sweep speeds with a low RBW between the RSA507A and the Rohde & Schwarz FSH. You'd want to use a low RBW to do a sweep to get the lowest noise …
    期間: 4m 34s
    DataVu-PC has tools like frequency mask, pulse descriptor words and smart markers, to help you find any needle in any size haystack. Your data recordings can be 10’s or 100’s of gigabytes in size …
    期間: 5m 20s
    Watch to learn how you can simplify several 3GPP 5G New Radio transmitter tests. You’ll see how to verify transmitter characteristics including power, power dynamics, signal quality and RF …
    期間: 8:50
    Learn how to perform multi-domain signal analysis of 5G base station and user equipment systems.  See the benefits of using a mixed domain oscilloscope for analyzing RF amplifier performance.  …
    期間: 6:47
    Watch this video for a quick demonstration of the main features of DataVu-PC. Using the demonstration file included with the software, you’ll see the three main analysis screens, playback controls …
    期間: 4m 4s
    Fast and light, the RSA503A and RSA507A are your all-in-one field tools for Spectrum Analysis. They are USB spectrum analyzers, interference hunters and cable and antennae testers with tracking …
    期間: 1m 43s
    Get the full featured spectrum analyzers you need in one small, low price package. Whether your analysis takes you to the field or the lab, from interference hunting and spectrum management to …
    期間: 1m 26s