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Joseph Gorley's blog


Modèle de traceur de courbes 576 lancé par Tektronix en 1955
Curve Tracer vs. I-V Curve Tracer Software Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Tektronix introduced the industry’s first curve tracer in 1955 to display characteristic curves for vacuum tubes, followed over the years by models for testing transistors, diodes and other solid-state devices. Tektronix curve tracers such as the 576 (below) and 370A/370B went on to broad industry acceptance until production eventually stopped in the mid-eighties. Approximating a power supply and an oscilloscope packaged in the same box, curve tracers source voltage while plotting voltage vs. current.

Product showing Keithley and Initial State software integration
Analyze DAQ and DMM Data from Home with New Keithley and Initial State Integration Tuesday, September 1, 2020
I remember the days as a senior project manager in a new product development environment where teams were under extreme pressure to quickly launch high quality products for critical applications. This meant life cycle testing was a must. I absolutely hated when a test would terminate in the middle of the night with no notice—it wasted valuable time and capacity on our test rigs. I spent countless …
Anywhere, Anytime: Offline, Online and Multi-Oscilloscope Analysis
Anywhere, Anytime: Offline, Online and Multi-Oscilloscope Analysis Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Over the last decade, the ability to access an oscilloscope and its data remotely has become vital to completing development projects. Globalized teams including geographically dispersed design engineers, manufacturing engineers and, at times, suppliers continue to increase. For these teams to execute efficiently and resolve issues quickly, the ability to transfer and view the same data can be a …