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KickStart Instrument Control Software version 2.11.3
Key Features
• Save time by automating data collection of millions of readings.
• Set up a multi-instrument test with the ability to independently control up to eight instruments.
• Supports power supplies, source measure unit (SMU) instruments, DMMs, dataloggers, arbitrary function generators and oscilloscopes.
• Replicate tests quickly using saved test configurations.
• Use built-in plotting and comparison tools to quickly discover measurement anomalies and trends.
• Users can launch a one-time free trial at any time for the KickStart Apps
• Distributes I-V Tracer application to Graphical SourceMeter SMU instruments
Changes in Version 2.11.3
• Data Logger App: For Models 2700, 2701, 2750, 3706A: AC Voltage and AC Current measurement functions using 300Hz detector bandwidth have been enhanced to permit NPLC configuration.
• DMM App: Improved Model 6514 to configure Guarding when using DC Voltage and 2-Wire Resistance functions.
• I-V Characterizer App: Enhanced digit precision of model 2450 to support sourced values down to 1e-15.
• Scope App: Added support for new models, the MSO44B and MSO46B.
Resolved Issues:
• Battery Simulator App: Cycle Test Mode Discharge and Charge Levels resolution has been updated to 1e-6 (1uA/1uV).
• Data Logger App: Corrected problem using manual export to overwrite an existing custom named .xlsx file.
• DMM App: Corrected a problem with the Model DMM6500 when using Digitize Voltage/Digitize Current Aperture will now set to AUTO (instead of 1 μs).
• I-V Characterizer App: Corrected error -108 (parameter not allowed) problem when using the German Windows Operating system with 26xx Models in Stepper-Sweeper Mode & Pulsed List Sweep Mode.
• I-V Characterizer App: Corrected a problem where the Graph would appear blank when sourcing current.
• Scope App: The Waveform Data Export was corrected. It will no longer send an additional blank line to the .csv exported data.
• Scope App: Corrected behavior so that the Scope App no longer resets the instrument when the app opens.
• Scope App: Added the missing Fall Time Measurement selection to Measurements Mode for the following models: DPO2K, DPO3K, DPO4K, MDO3K, MDO4K, MSO2/3/4/5/6, TBS2K
See release notes for a complete list and details.
버전: 2.11.3릴리즈 날짜:
소프트웨어 유형: 애플리케이션부품 번호: KICKSTART-2.11.3
이 소프트웨어는 다음에 적용됩니다. 2000 0, 2010, 2100 100, 2100 120, 2100 220, 2100 230 240, 2110 100, 2110 120, 2110 220, 2110 240, 2182A, 2182A J, 2200 20 5 0, 2200 30 5 0, 2200 32 3 1, 2200 60 2 0, 2200 72 1 0, 2220 30 1, 2220G 30 1, 2230 30 1, 2230G 30 1, 2230G 30 3, 2230G 30 6, 2230G 60 3, 2231A 30 3, 2260B 30 36, 2260B 30 72, 2260B 30 108, 2260B 80 13, 2260B 80 27, 2260B 80 40, 2260B 800 1, 2260B 800 2, 2260B 800 4, 2260B 250 4, 2260B 250 9, 2260B 250 13, 14696, 14691, 2281S 20 6, 2306, 2306-LAN, 2306 PJ, 2306 VS 0, 2380 120 60, 2380 500 15, 2380 500 30, 2400, 2400 C, 2401, 2410, 2410 C, 2420, 2420 C, 2425, 2425 C, 2430, 2430 C, 2440, 2440 C, 2450, 2450 NFP 0, 2450 RACK 0, 2450 NFP RACK 0, 2460, 2460 NFP 0, 2460 RACK 0, 2460 NFP RACK 0, 2461, 2461 NFP, 2461 RACK, 2461 NFP RACK, 2470, 2601A, 2601B, 2601B-PULSE, 2602A, 2602B, 2604B, 2606B, 2611A, 2611B, 2612A, 2612B, 2614B, 2634B, 2635A, 2635B, 2636A, 2636B, 2651A, 2657A, 2700, 2701 0, 2750 0, 3706A 0, 3706A NFP, 6220, 6221, 6430, 6485, 6487, 6514, 6517B, AFG31021, AFG31022, AFG31051, AFG31052, AFG31101, AFG31102, AFG31151, AFG31152, AFG31251, AFG31252, DAQ6510, DMM6500, DMM7510, DMM7510 NFP, DMM7510 RACK, DMM7510 NFP RACK, DPO3012, DPO3014, DPO3032, DPO3034, DPO3052, DPO3054, DPO4014B, DPO4032, DPO4034, DPO4034B, DPO4054, DPO4054B, DPO4102B, DPO4102B L, DPO4104, DPO4104B, DPO4104B L, MDO3012, MDO3014, MDO3022, MDO3024, MDO3032, MDO3034, MDO3052, MDO3054, MDO3102, MDO3104, MDO32, MDO34, MDO4014 3, MDO4014B 3, MDO4024C, MDO4034 3, MDO4034B 3, MDO4034C, MDO4054 3, MDO4054 6, MDO4054B 3, MDO4054B 6, MDO4054C, MDO4104 3, MDO4104 6, MDO4104B 3, MDO4104B 6, MDO4104C, MSO22, MSO24, MSO3012, MSO3014, MSO3032, MSO3034, MSO3054, MSO4032, MSO4034, MSO4034B, MSO4054, MSO4054B, MSO4104, MSO4104B, MSO4104B L, MSO44, MSO44B, MSO46, MSO46B, MSO54B, MSO56, MSO56B, MSO58, MSO58B, MSO58LP, MSO64, MSO64B, MSO66B, MSO68B, TBS1022, TBS1032B, TBS1042, TBS1052B, TBS1052B EDU, TBS1052C, TBS1062, TBS1064, TBS1072B, TBS1072B EDU, TBS1072C, TBS1102, TBS1102C, TBS1104, TBS1152, TBS1152B, TBS1154, TBS1202B, TBS1202B EDU, TBS1202C, TBS2072, TBS2072B, TBS2074, TBS2074B, TBS2102, TBS2102B, TBS2104, TBS2104B, TBS2202B, TBS2204B, TDS1001, TDS1001B, TDS1001C SC, TDS1002, TDS1002B, TDS1002C SC, TDS1012, TDS1012B, TDS1012C SC, TDS2001C, TDS2002, TDS2002B, TDS2002C, TDS2004, TDS2004B, TDS2004C, TDS2012, TDS2012B, TDS2012C, TDS2014, TDS2014B, TDS2014C, TDS2022, TDS2022B, TDS2022C, TDS2024, TDS2024B, TDS2024C, TDS210, TDS220, TDS224, KICKSTARTFL-AFG, KICKSTARTFL-AFG-AN, KICKSTARTFL-AFG-UP, KICKSTARTFL BASE, KICKSTARTFL-BAT, KICKSTARTFL-BAT-AN, KICKSTARTFL-BAT-UP, KICKSTARTFL-DL, KICKSTARTFL-DL-AN, KICKSTARTFL-DL-UP, KICKSTARTFL-DMM, KICKSTARTFL-DMM-AN, KICKSTARTFL-DMM-UP, KICKSTARTFL HRMA, KICKSTARTFL-HRMA2, KICKSTARTFL-HRMA2-AN, KICKSTARTFL-HRMA2-UP, KICKSTARTFL-IVC, KICKSTARTFL-IVC-AN, KICKSTARTFL-IVC-UP, KICKSTARTFL-PS, KICKSTARTFL-PS-AN, KICKSTARTFL-PS-UP, KICKSTARTFL-SCOPE, KICKSTARTFL-SCOPE-AN, KICKSTARTFL-SCOPE-UP, KICKSTARTFL-SUITE, KICKSTARTFL-SUITE-AN, KICKSTARTFL-SUITE-UP, KICKSTARTNL ACT1, KICKSTARTNL-ACT3, KICKSTARTNL-ACT5
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관련 제품 정보
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- $name
- Keithley KickStart 소프트웨어
- I-V 곡선 트레이서 소프트웨어