








  • データシート 文書番号: リリースの日付
    SignalVu-PCは、RF設計が簡単に検証できるRF/ベクトル信号解析ソフトウェアの根幹となる機能を提供します。RSA5000シリーズ・リアルタイム・シグナル・アナライザの信号解析エンジンをベースにしており、PCまたはWindowsタブレット上で動作します。SignalVu-PCはまた、テクトロニクスのUSBリアルタイム・スペクトラム・アナライザの解析およびテクトロニクスのMDO/MSO/DPOシリーズ・オシロスコープを動作させるために必要なコンパニオン・ソフトウェアでもあります …
  • 技術情報 ドキュメントの種類 リリースの日付
    USBスペクトラム・アナライザ・シリーズ 操作ガイド-応用編その2-
    この操作ガイドのほか、基本編、応用編その1をご用意しております。ぜひダウンロードしてご活用ください。 USBスペクトラム・アナライザ・シリーズ 操作ガイド-基本編- USBスペクトラム・アナライザ・シリーズ 操作ガイド-応用編その1-
    当社RTSA(リアルタイム・スペクトラム・アナライザ)に標準で搭載されている、当社特許のデジタル・フォスファ(DPX®)技術により、従来のスペクトラム・アナライザ、ベクトル・シグナル・アナライザでは見落としていた信号の詳細を捕捉し観測することが可能になります。フルモーションで表示可能なDPXライブ・スペクトラム表示により、今まで観測できなかった信号を直ちに表示し、検出、評価に要する時間を大幅に短縮することができます。DPXは …
    Moder最新のレーダ設計では、測定が非常に難しい複雑なパルスを使用しています。測定範囲、分解能、耐干渉性の改善には、広帯域特性を持った位相変調パルス、周波数チャープ・パルスや非常にパルス幅の狭いナロー・パルスを必要とします。当社は、レーダ・パルスの測定に最適なテスト機器を多数取り揃えています。その中には特殊なパルスの測定や20GHzまでの測定帯域を持った機器、また10GHz帯域近くまでのレーダ・パルス合成機能を持った信号ジェネレータなどがあります。ここで説明するレーダ測定は …
    Optimizing Frequency Settling Time Measurements
    Frequency settling time is an essential measurement in the design and evaluation of RF synthesizers, programmable oscillators, phase locked loop circuits, and more. This technical brief highlights the steps taken to reduce the noise/variation on a …
    Recommended Electronics Engineering Benches for Education
    Recommended Education Bench Configurations Start with one of these three configurations to create the bench best suited for your students Fundamental Teaching Lab Prepare …
    Re-Imagine 5G Measurements
    SignalVu Vector Signal Analysis Software offers a broad range of RF measurements and is available for both Tektronix spectrum analyzers and oscilloscopes, including the 6 Series B MSO and DPO70000SX Series oscilloscopes. The …
    6G Technology at Wuppertal University Case Study
    This case study describes a project being conducted as part of a research program led by Prof. Dr. Ullrich Pfeiffer of Wuppertal University.  The project aims to develop higher performing THz transceivers, supporting increased data rates using …
    6G Wuppertal University Case Study
    This case study describes a project being conducted as part of a research program led by Prof. Dr. Ullrich Pfeiffer of Wuppertal University.  The project aims to develop higher performing THz transceivers, supporting increased data rates using …
    Advanced Radar Analysis: Tools for Measuring Modern Radar Application Note
    Introduction In designing modern electronic warfare and radar systems, you face significant challenges. You must develop solutions with the flexibility and adaptability required for next-generation threat detection and avoidance. To succeed, you …
    University of Oklahoma Case Study
    To get more students excited about engineering careers in RF and help them better understand Electromagnetics principles, University of Oklahoma Assistant Professor Jay McDaniel worked with Tektronix to devise a 10-workstation lab for experiential …
    Queensboro Community College Case Study
    Detecting Drones Using a Real-Time Spectrum Analyzer
    No one denies, flying a drone can be fun. For RC and photography enthusiasts, a drone is a source of entertainment, and with a camera attached, a provider of breathtaking birdseye views. In a few short years, the number …
    EMI Pre-Compliance Testing and Troubleshooting with Tektronix EMCVu
    Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and the related electromagnetic interference (EMI) seems to be one of those necessary evils that must be overcome prior to marketing commercial or consumer electronic products, as well as military …
    Spurious Emission Measurement on 5G NR Base Station Transmitters and Receivers
    Introduction Conducting spurious emission tests are an important measurement for cellular base station transmitters and receivers on most wireless transmission technologies. The 5G New Radio (NR) refreshed 3GPP specifications …
    Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems and Remote/Passive Keyless Entry
    Today, more sophisticated and sensitive RF electronic components and devices are being included in automobiles. These advances have resulted in much safer, efficient, and connected vehicles. They have also created new challenges for RF testing and …
    Selecting the Right Wireless Module
    Wireless embedded modules (WiFi, Bluetooth, Bluetooth Low Energy, ZigBee ...) have made simpler the development of IoT device hardware. Yet, there are many factors to consider when you are at the stage to choose one of them for your IoT hardware …
    USB Spectrum Analyzers and SignalVu-PC FAQ
    This document contains answers to questions about the RSA306/306B, RSA500A and RSA600A USB spectrum analyzers, and their associated SignalVu-PC software.  
    RF Recording and Playback Solutions
    Introduction to RF Record and Playback Spectrum management, RF interference analysis, signal acquisition, product testing and validation, RF system design, communication security, and academic research, all routinely perform or can benefit from the …
  • ソフトウェア ドキュメントの種類 部品番号: リリースの日付
    SignalVu-PC Vector Signal Analysis Software - V5.5.0143)
    This version extends advance triggers(DPX Density, TQT, FMT) capability for the USB RSA‚s.This is a web-only release qualified for use with MSO5, MSO5B, MSO6 and MSO6B series oscilloscopes and USB RSA‚s.SignalVu-PC software V5.5.0143 brings the full …
    Application 066143450
    SignalVu-PC Vector Signal Analysis Software - V5.4.0210 (for 5/6 Series MSO scopes)
    This version extends multi-channel analysis capability when using supported oscilloscopes to its general-purpose digital modulation analysis displays (option SVM), a popular application option used to validate various wireless modulation schemes …
    Application 066143447
    SignalVu-PC Vector Signal Analysis Software - V5.3.0043
    This version introduces enhancements for multi-channel analysis using 5 or 6 Series MSO oscilloscopes, including ability to measure phase difference between channels, organize displays by source or measurement, and view each channel as a different …
    Application 066143445
    SignalVu-PC Vector Signal Analysis Software - V5.0.0169
    This version introduces multi-channel analysis capability for MSO5, MSO5B, MSO6, MSO6B, and LPD64 series instruments. General Signal Viewing and Pulsed RF multi-channel analysis can be performed on RF, IQ, or differential IQ signal source types. RF …
    Application 066143441
    SignalVu-PC Vector Signal Analysis Software - V4.5.0093
    SignalVu-PC software V4.5.0093 brings the full vector signal analysis (VSA) engine of the Tektronix Real-Time Signal Analyzer (RTSA) to your computer, tablet, or Windows embedded oscilloscope, enabling you to analyze live signals, as well as perform …
    Application 066143429
    SignalVu-PC Vector Signal Analysis Software - V4.3.0181
    SignalVu-PC V4.3.0181 has ONLY been qualified for use with 6 Series and 6 Series B MSOs for base Vector Signal Analysis (CON), General Purpose Demodulation (SVM), Advanced Pulse Analysis Suite (SVP), Setting Time Measurements (SVT), WLAN (IEEE 802 …
    Application 066143428
    SignalVu-PC Vector Signal Analysis Software - MR for 6 Series B MSO only - V4.2.0011
    Maintenance release (MR) only. For 6 Series B MSO, SignalVu-PC has been qualified for General Purpose Demodulation (SVM), Advanced Pulse Analysis Suite (SVP), Setting Time Measurements (SVT), WLAN (IEEE 802.11a/b/g/i/p/n/ac) Modulation Analysis (SV23 …
    Application 066143425
    SignalVu-PC Vector Signal Analysis Software - V4.1.0022
    SignalVu-PC VSA software brings the analysis engine of the Tektronix Real-Time Signal Analyzer (RTSA) to your computer, enabling you to analyze live signals from RSA306, RSA500, RSA600, RSA7100A\B Spectrum Analyzers, MSO54, MSO56, MSO58, MSO64 …
    Application 066143424
  • テレワーク中に電波状況が急に悪くなり、会議が切れてしまう経験はありませんか?実はWLANが使っている2.4GHz帯は様々な電波に利用されており、無線LANや電子レンジ、Bluetoothなど、干渉が発生しやすくなっています。このデモではリアルタイム式のスペアナとSignalVu-PCソフトウェアを利用し、簡単に干渉原因の確認とトランスミッタ測定を実施する例を示しています。
    期間: 2m 29s
    期間: 8m 59s
    For long-term seamless or gapless spectrum processing in an RF environment, RF engineers can use the DPX display, a real-time spectrum display provided in all Tektronix real-time spectrum …
    期間: 9:08
    Get an in-depth view of troubleshooting and debugging RF applications using a DPX density trigger, a frequency mask trigger, or a time-qualified trigger. Each is made available for Tektronix …
    期間: 10:46
    See how RF engineers and researchers can improve signal or pulse capture using three different advanced triggering methods: a DPX density trigger; a frequency mask trigger, and a time-qualified …
    期間: 5:54
    See how oscilloscopes such as the 6 Series B MSO Mixed Signal oscilloscope are enabled by advanced features of Tektronix SignalVu-PC software to provide RF spectral and modulation analysis across …
    期間: 5:08
    Frequency settling time, an essential measurement in the design and evaluation of programmable oscillators, phase locked loop circuits, RF synthesizers and more, becomes much easier when the …
    期間: 14:12
    Application Engineer Alan Wolke shows basic vector signal properties of a 10.5 GHz pulse Doppler radar, such as spectrums over time, frequency deviation over time, and amplitude deviation over …
    期間: 8m 46s
    See how SignalVu VSA software offers insight into MIMO and Phased Array RADAR systems at frequencies and bandwidths up to 70 GHz on up to 4 channels. SignalVu VSA software enables a multi-channel …
    期間: 9:41
    See how SignalVu VSA software version 5.3 paired with a Tektronix DPO70000SX or MSO/DPO70000DX Series oscilloscope makes an excellent choice for validating a MIMO phased array RADAR because of the …
    期間: 5:28
    Learn about the many types of RF analysis available on the 4, 5 and 6 Series MSOs, enabled by the patented integrated digital downconverters behind each channel. This overview touches on …
    期間: 1:51
    Hear an overview of SignalVu, Tektronix's RF and vector signal analysis platform. Tektronix' spectrum analyzers and oscilloscopes combined with SignalVu uniquely allows you to view live spectral …
    期間: 00:12:51
    See how easy it can be to calibrate and validate complex radar test systems when using the multi-channel RF capabilities of SignalVu software.  Watch as we demonstrate some of the software’s 31 …
    期間: 4:38
    See how Lily MedTech applied the RSA306B USB spectrum / signal analyzer together with EMCVu to perform EMI EMC pre-compliance test on site.
    期間: 1m 50s
    See how RF design and validation engineers working on MIMO, phased-array and beam-forming systems can make fast, accurate pulse and phase measurements on as many as 8 channels using SignalVu-PC …
    期間: 4m 37s
    See how to characterize radar signals using the Pulse Measurement Suite (RSA Option 20, SignalVu option SVP). You'll see how to avoid common mistakes as well as learn something about how certain …
    期間: 30:43
    Watch this demonstration on generating a very dense radar pulse environment with more than 9 million pulses per second using our AWG70001B arbitrary waveform generator. We analyzed this signal …
    期間: 1m 59s
    Our newest version of SignalVu-PC comes with performance enhancements and new capabilities to help you do your job faster and more efficiently. This video includes details on numerous features …
    期間: 5m 7s
    Spectrum analysis (analyzing a signal in terms of amplitude vs. frequency) is still widely used by RF Engineers today. You can measure signal power, harmonics, occupied bandwidth and channel power …
    期間: 5m 35s
    End to end measurement solutions from Tektronix enable researchers and designers to comprehensively and swiftly analyze, debug and test cutting-edge technology with greater speed and precision …
    期間: 1m 21s
    Prof. Dr. Ullrich Pfeiffer of Wuppertal University explains why his team chose Tektronix for their 6G research into making possible increased data rates using multiple channels and balancing speed …
    期間: 0:58
    Vector Signal Analysis is the basis for modern RF signal analyzers, and it relies on the fact that RF signal is down-converted to baseband I & Q signals, which are then digitized over a given …
    期間: 7m 2s
    Real-Time spectrum analysis is the practice of using specialized algorithms to significantly increase the number of spectrum processed per second. The main specification  associates with Real-Time …
    期間: 6m 22s
    This video show you how to use the Harmonic Markers troubleshooting function within EMCVu software. This helpful tool is color coded to show when how your emissions and measure with margins and …
    期間: 4m 15s
    New to SignalVu-PC? This video covers all the SignalVu-PC basics, including: measurement capabilities and basic settings and features.
    期間: 5m 31s
    Digital demodulation is valuable for those who need to validate or characterize the quality of a digital communication channel. Measurements such as error vector magnitude (EVM), can tell you a …
    期間: 6m 17s
    The Inspect tool allows you to build a list of suspect frequencies or load frequencies from previous emissions tests, with options to set detectors (like CISPR) and dwell time options. The …
    期間: 7m 15s
    This video discusses how to save and recall data in Real-Time spectrum analyzers, with some features that are unique to Tektronix solutions. We use SignalVu-PC and an RSA507A to demonstrate.
    期間: 7m 27s
    Compare traces gives you the ability to compare traces captures at different points of time. You could be comparing traces before and after a fix you make in the board, you can compare traces in …
    期間: 7m 27s
    Learn how to conduct wireless LAN parametric RF testing for the physical layer against the IEEE 802.11 standards, using the RSA607A Real-Time Spectrum Analyzer controlled from a PC powered by …
    期間: 7m 59s
    Watch this video to see how to test Bluetooth parameters for the physical layer using the RSA607A USB Real-Time Spectrum Analyzer with SignalVu-PC software.
    期間: 4m 33s
    Learn how to configure and get started with SignalVu-PC software and 5 and 6 Series MSOs for vector signal analysis.
    期間: 2:42
    Pass EMI Compliance the first time by pre-testing your Bluetooth device in your own lab, using a USB Real-Time Spectrum Analyzer and SignalVu-PC software.
    期間: 6m 23s
    See how the 4, 5, and 6B Series of MSO oscilloscopes provide a platform for multichannel test and measurement of MIMO systems through extension of MATLAB® algorithms for analysis of channel …
    期間: 24:54
    Watch this demonstration showing how the 6 Series B MSO oscilloscope offers the industry’s best solution for debugging with the ability to optimize fully correlated RF (spectrum) and time-domain …
    期間: 4:38
    Watch to learn how you can simplify several 3GPP 5G New Radio transmitter tests. You’ll see how to verify transmitter characteristics including power, power dynamics, signal quality and RF …
    期間: 8:50
    Learn how to perform multi-domain signal analysis of 5G base station and user equipment systems.  See the benefits of using a mixed domain oscilloscope for analyzing RF amplifier performance.  …
    期間: 6:47
    See how MIMO analysis of RF, analog and digital can be performed simultaneously for easy analysis and correlation between both the frequency and time domain while addressing the unmet needs of the …
    期間: 51:53
    EMCVu is a new software option that is available for purchase as a plug-in to SignalVu-PC.  It’s an all-in-one pre-compliance and debug solution for all real-time spectrum analyzers. Engineers now …
    期間: 8m 8s