データシート 文書番号: リリースの日付 スペクトラム・アナライザ
マニュアル マニュアルの種類 部品番号: リリースの日付 RSA503A 型および RSA507A 型 取扱説明書
リアルタイム・スペクトラム・アナライザ Installation Manual主要ユーザ 071345500 SignalVu-PC Vector Signal Analysis Software Help
Vector Signal Analysis Software for PCUser 077072021 SignalVu-PC Vector Signal Analysis Software Help
Vector Signal Analysis Software for PCUser 077072021 SignalVu-PC Vector Signal Analysis Software Programmer Manual
Vector Signal Analysis Softwareプログラマ 077072120 SignalVu-PC Vector Signal Analysis Software Programmer Manual
Vector Signal Analysis Softwareプログラマ 077072120 RSA500A Series Installation and Safety Instructions
Real-Time Spectrum Analyzers Installation and SafetyUser 071345204 RSA500A and RSA600A Series Specifications and Performance Verification Manual
Real-Time Spectrum AnalyzersSpecifications and Performance Verification性能検査 077120102 SignalVu-PC
Vector Signal Analysis Softwareオンライン・ヘルプ 077072015 RSA306, RSA306B, and RSA500A/600A Programmer Manual
Spectrum Analyzer Application Programming Interface (API)プログラマ 077103105 RSA500A and RSA600A Series
Real-Time Spectrum AnalyzersDeclassification and Security機密解除 077120201 RSA5600RACK Rackmount Kit Instructions
Rackmount Kit Installationフィールド・インストール手順 071346801 RSA Map Help
Mapping Softwareオンライン・ヘルプ 077075802 RSA306, RSA306B, and RSA500A/600A
Spectrum Analyzer Application Programming Interface (API)プログラマ 077103104 RTSA V3 Demo Board Quick Reference Card
Quick Reference CardUser 071332901
技術情報 ドキュメントの種類 リリースの日付 RSA306B 500A 600A操作ガイド- 基本編
ぜひダウンロードしてご活用ください。 PDF 4.75 MB この操作ガイドのほか、応用編その1、応用編その1もご用意しております。あわせてご活用ください。 USBスペクトラム・アナライザ・シリーズ 操作ガイド-応用編その1- USBスペクトラム・アナライザ・シリーズ 操作ガイド-応用編その2-ハウツー・ガイド USBリアルタイム・スペクトラム・アナライザ RSA306/500/600シリーズ
RSA306B型: サイズもコストもコンパクト高性能リアルタイム・スペアナ RSA503A/507A型: リアルタイム・ベンチトップの 高性能をフィールドで RSA603A/607A型: クラスを超えた 高性能リアルタイム・スペアナ お客様のご用途に応じて、3つのシリーズからお選びいただけます。 「とにかく低コストで」というお客様にも、色彩表示でスペクトラムの頻 度を表示するDPX技術を用いたリアルタイム・スペクトラム・アナライザ が、通常のスペアナよりも低い価格設定から選択可能です。 …ファクト・シート USBスペクトラム・アナライザ・シリーズ 操作ガイド-応用編その1-
この操作ガイドのほか、基本編、応用編その2をご用意しております。あわせてご活用ください。 USBスペクトラム・アナライザ・シリーズ 操作ガイド-基本編-USBスペクトラム・アナライザ・シリーズ 操作ガイド-応用編その2-ハウツー・ガイド USBスペクトラム・アナライザを使用した ケーブルとアンテナの測定
このアプリケーション・ノートでは、スペクトラム・アナライザとトラッキング・ジェネレータを使用した、ケーブルとアンテナ・システムのライン・スイープ測定の基礎を説明します。また、ライン・スイープ測定の重要性と測定方法についても説明します。測定項目としては、リターン・ロス/VSWR(電圧定在波比)、ケーブル損失、アンテナ・アイソレーション、DTF(障害位置検出)測定があります。 スペクトラム・アナライザによる伝送損失、伝送利得、リターン・ロスの測定では …アプリケーション・ノート USBスペクトラム・アナライザ・シリーズ 操作ガイド-応用編その2-
この操作ガイドのほか、基本編、応用編その1をご用意しております。ぜひダウンロードしてご活用ください。 USBスペクトラム・アナライザ・シリーズ 操作ガイド-基本編- USBスペクトラム・アナライザ・シリーズ 操作ガイド-応用編その1-ハウツー・ガイド スペクトラム・アナライザを使用した低コストEMIプリコンプライアンス・テスト
校正済みのEMIレシーバーとEMC試験施設に何度もアクセスできるエンジニアはほとんどいません。 しかし費用対効果の高い基本的なEMI測定を実行すると、設計をEMIコンプライアンスラボに送る前に重要な問題を特定できるため、時間と費用の両方を節約できます。 このアプリケーションノートでは、汎用スペクトラムアナライザーを使用して、放射性エミッションと伝導性エミッションのプレ・コンプライアンス・テストを実行する方法について説明します。 測定のセットアップ、スペクトラムアナライザーの設定について説明し …アプリケーション・ノート リアルタイム・スペクトラム解析を使用したEMI検証
概要 このアプリケーション・ノートでは、設計とテストの各 段階におけるEMI(電磁妨害)の測定技術とテスト機器 について説明します。また、現在規定されている検波方 式とフィルタリング方式、および規定測定バンドとそれ に関連したフィルタと検波器についても要約して説明し ます。最後に、ユニークな信号検出用DPX®(デジタル・ フォスファ・プロセシング)スペクトラム表示と、信号 取込み用周波数マスク・トリガを使用したEMI検証の例 を説明します。 はじめに 無線通信が始まった初期段階から …アプリケーション・ノート リアルタイム・スペクトラム・アナライザの原理と測定
この入門書では、リアルタイム・スペクトラム・アナライザ(RTSA)の動作方法について説明し、またRF信号に関連する測定上の問題を、RTSAを使用して解決する方法をご説明します。 リアルタイム・スペクトラム・アナライザとは? 現在のRF測定の課題 今日のRFデバイスの動作特性を評価するためには、短時間から長 時間にわたる周波数、振幅および変調のパラメータの変化を把握す る必要があります。掃引型SA(スペクトラム・アナライザ)やVSA …リアルタイム・スペクトラム・アナライザにおけるデジタル・フォスファ技術の基礎
当社RTSA(リアルタイム・スペクトラム・アナライザ)に標準で搭載されている、当社特許のデジタル・フォスファ(DPX®)技術により、従来のスペクトラム・アナライザ、ベクトル・シグナル・アナライザでは見落としていた信号の詳細を捕捉し観測することが可能になります。フルモーションで表示可能なDPXライブ・スペクトラム表示により、今まで観測できなかった信号を直ちに表示し、検出、評価に要する時間を大幅に短縮することができます。DPXは …入門書 Optimizing Frequency Settling Time Measurements
Frequency settling time is an essential measurement in the design and evaluation of RF synthesizers, programmable oscillators, phase locked loop circuits, and more. This technical brief highlights the steps taken to reduce the noise/variation on a …テクニカル・ブリーフ Overcoming 3 Key Challenges of Time- and Frequency-Correlated RF Measurements
Tektronix Real-Time Spectrum Analyzers (RTSAs) capture and store signals as a seamless, continuous record of time. Combining deep memory with powerful digital signal processing, RTSAs allow for a variety of triggering, display, and analysis …ファクト・シート Re-Imagine 5G Measurements
SignalVu Vector Signal Analysis Software offers a broad range of RF measurements and is available for both Tektronix spectrum analyzers and oscilloscopes, including the 6 Series B MSO and DPO70000SX Series oscilloscopes. The …パンフレット Solutions for RADAR and Electronic Warfare
PRODUCTS FOR THE ENTIRE SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT LIFECYCLE Tektronix offers a wide range of hardware and software built to help you design and test mission-critical RF systems, such as military comms, radar and electronic warfare—from …パンフレット Advanced Radar Analysis: Tools for Measuring Modern Radar Application Note
Introduction In designing modern electronic warfare and radar systems, you face significant challenges. You must develop solutions with the flexibility and adaptability required for next-generation threat detection and avoidance. To succeed, you …アプリケーション・ノート Spectrum Monitoring Moves to the Edge with Intel NUC Mini PCs
This case study explores the potential of combining Tektronix USB-based signal analyzers and Intel® NUC Mini PCs for a fast, cost-effective spectrum monitoring solution. Drone detection is just one of many applications for Tektronix’s USB-based Real …導入事例 eGuide to RF Signals
New technology advancements with increased RF emitting technology capabilities requires a higher level of RF situational awareness. For added security of personnel and to increase the odds of operational success, incorporating a real-time spectrum …入門書 Power Supply Converter Design Procedures
This poster offers insight into power supply converter design procedures, test stages, challenges, and solutions.ポスター Detecting Drones Using a Real-Time Spectrum Analyzer
No one denies, flying a drone can be fun. For RC and photography enthusiasts, a drone is a source of entertainment, and with a camera attached, a provider of breathtaking birdseye views. In a few short years, the number …アプリケーション・ノート Spurious Emission Measurement on 5G NR Base Station Transmitters and Receivers
Introduction Conducting spurious emission tests are an important measurement for cellular base station transmitters and receivers on most wireless transmission technologies. The 5G New Radio (NR) refreshed 3GPP specifications …アプリケーション・ノート Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems and Remote/Passive Keyless Entry
Today, more sophisticated and sensitive RF electronic components and devices are being included in automobiles. These advances have resulted in much safer, efficient, and connected vehicles. They have also created new challenges for RF testing and …アプリケーション・ノート Programmatic Control on Tektronix USB Real Time Spectrum Analyzers
Introduction Using the latest in commercial interfaces and available computing power, the Tektronix RSA 300/500/600 USB real time spectrum analyzers separate signal acquisition from measurement, dramatically lowering the cost of …アプリケーション・ノート RSA500A Series vs. Anritsu Spectrum Master Series Competitive Fact Sheet
See how RSA500 measures agains the Anritsu Spectrum Master.競合他社 RSA500A Series vs. R&S FSH Series Competitive Fact Sheet
Real Time for interference hunting Tektronix RSA500A Series ✔ Real Time Analysis - Detects signals others miss ✔ 40 MHz Bandwidth - support for wideband IoT wireless standards, record/playback …競合他社 RSA500A Series vs. Keysight FieldFox Series Competitive Fact Sheet
Real Time for interference hunting Tektronix RSA500A Series ✔ Real Time Analysis - Detects signals others miss ✔ 40 MHz Bandwidth - support for wideband IoT wireless standards, record/playback …競合他社 Low Cost, High Speed Spectrum Analyzers For RF Manufacturing
アプリケーション・ノート Low Cost RF Sensors
Introduction Radio monitoring systems have historically been operated by government and military organization who need to have situational awareness of the radio spectrum. These large systems were expensive and required significant …アプリケーション・ノート How mobile Network Operators use Tektronix Real-Time Spectrum Analyzer
Field service organizations for mobile communication of network operators are using Tektronix USB-based real-time spectrum analyzer for daily work, hundreds of technicians in different service regions are responsible to keep the health of the mobile …ハウツー・ガイド Understanding Radar Signals Using Real-Time Spectrum Analyzers
The transient nature of radar pulses combined with modern pulse compression schemes often demand carefully designed test setups. This Primer will cover measurements methods, choosing your measurement parameters, how to find the pulse, estimating the …入門書 6 Key Challenges of the Internet of Things
Introduction The Internet of Things (IoT) promises to change the world by connecting devices in larger, more interoperable systems controlled by software and analytics. The proliferation of device, software, and analytics …ハウツー・ガイド Interference Hunting Application Note
Introduction Over the past decade there has been a dramatic increase in the population of wireless transmitters found in the world, with the inevitable result being a dramatic increase in radiofrequency noise pollution. Every significant …アプリケーション・ノート Speeding Through Wireless Standards
This Tutorial is designed to help you decide what to include in your test plan so that you ensure the product will pass regulatory certification and standard qualification. This guide will explain why pre-compliance testing for the wireless standard …ハウツー・ガイド RF Recording and Playback Solutions
Introduction to RF Record and Playback Spectrum management, RF interference analysis, signal acquisition, product testing and validation, RF system design, communication security, and academic research, all routinely perform or can benefit from the …アプリケーション・ノート
ソフトウェア ドキュメントの種類 部品番号: リリースの日付 SignalVu-PC Vector Signal Analysis Software - V5.5.0143)
This version extends advance triggers(DPX Density, TQT, FMT) capability for the USB RSA‚s.This is a web-only release qualified for use with MSO5, MSO5B, MSO6 and MSO6B series oscilloscopes and USB RSA‚s.SignalVu-PC software V5.5.0143 brings the full …Application 066143450 SignalVu-PC Vector Signal Analysis Software - V5.3.0043
This version introduces enhancements for multi-channel analysis using 5 or 6 Series MSO oscilloscopes, including ability to measure phase difference between channels, organize displays by source or measurement, and view each channel as a different …Application 066143445 SignalVu-PC Vector Signal Analysis Software - V4.5.0093
SignalVu-PC software V4.5.0093 brings the full vector signal analysis (VSA) engine of the Tektronix Real-Time Signal Analyzer (RTSA) to your computer, tablet, or Windows embedded oscilloscope, enabling you to analyze live signals, as well as perform …Application 066143429 SignalVu-PC Vector Signal Analysis Software - V4.1.0022
SignalVu-PC VSA software brings the analysis engine of the Tektronix Real-Time Signal Analyzer (RTSA) to your computer, enabling you to analyze live signals from RSA306, RSA500, RSA600, RSA7100A\B Spectrum Analyzers, MSO54, MSO56, MSO58, MSO64 …Application 066143424 RSA Application Programming Interface – API for 64-Bit Linux – V1.0.0014
The RSA API is a Linux C/C++ Shared Objects that provides direct access to RSA300/500/600 devices. It enables full control of the RSA and provides several forms of data and measurements to support custom applications independent of SignalVu-PC …Application 066207701 RSA Application Programming Interface – API for 64-Bit Linux – CANDIDATE V0.13.220.16
The RSA API is a Linux C/C++ Shared Objects that provides direct access to RSA300/500/600 devices. It enables full control of the RSA and provides several forms of data and measurements to support custom applications independent of SignalVu-PC …Application 066207700 RSA Application Programming Interface - API for 64-Bit Windows - V3.23.0022
This release adds support for the RSA513A and 518A models. The RSA API is a Windows C/C++ DLL that provides direct access to RSA300/500/600 devices. It enables full control of the RSA and provides several forms of data and measurements to support …Application 066169110 RSA Application Programming Interface - API for 32-Bit Windows - V3.23.0022
This release adds support for the RSA513A and 518A models. The RSA API is a Windows C/C++ DLL that provides direct access to RSA300/500/600 devices. It enables full control of the RSA and provides several forms of data and measurements to support …Application 066176207 DataVu-PC Recorded Signal Analysis Software - V1.2.26
DataVu-PC analysis software for recordings makes short work of searching through large datasets for signals of interest. You can measure pulses and mark signals for export to other analysis programs, reducing time spent in post-capture analysis …066190103
FAQ FAQ ID What are the PC hardware requirements to run the RSA306 with SignalVu-PC or the API?
A PC with Windows 7, Windows 8/ 8.1, Windows 10 64-bit operating system and a USB 3.0 connection is required for operation of the RSA306. 8 GB RAM and 20 GB free drive space is required for installation of SignalVu-PC. For full performance of the …69411 After installing SignalVu-PC I encounter the following error. SignalVu-PC Error 1722. There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personnel or package vendor. Action RegisterSidewinder, location: C:\Program Files\Tektronix\SignalVu-PC\, command: "C:\Program Files\Tektronix\SignalVu-PC\SignalVu-PC.exe" /register
There can be several reasons for the 1722 error. The most common are: 1. In Dot Net 4.5 or greater installed? If not try installing Dot Net 4.5 or higher. 2. If you have Dot Net 4.5 or greater try repairing Dot Net Framework 4.5 on Windows …72236 Can I communicate with multiple USB RSAs Simultaneously?
Yes there are two options to communicate with multiple RSA's: Two USB RSA's can be controlled through the software DataVu-PC. DataVu-PC offers recording using two RSAs so that you can operate at two independent frequencies and spans simultaneously …773771 Was passiert im Hochkapazitätsmodus im Modell 2450 SMU?
The SMU is a closed loop control device to maintain a steady force value on your DUT. The capacitance of your cabling and DUT and the current sense resistor (internal to the SMU) form a pole. For certain combinations of current sense resistor and …775822 What happens in High Capacitance mode in Model 2450 SMU?
The SMU is a closed loop control device to maintain a steady force value on your DUT. The capacitance of your cabling and DUT and the current sense resistor (internal to the SMU) form a pole. For certain combinations of current sense resistor and …775831 Can I connect to two USB RSA's at the same time?
Using DataVu-PC you can indeed connect to two RSA500A, RSA600A, or RSA306B’s concurrently. Both SA’s need USB3.0 connections and adequate throughput, then you can select RSA LiveVu 1 and 2. Trial licenses for DataVu-PC functionality can be found …474111 Can I record data from two USB RSA’s at the same time?
Yes recording of streaming data is possible up to 40MHz bandwidth for either free running or triggered data, using DataVu-PC with the RSA500A, RSA600A, or RSA306B’s. Playback Information – The FFT time, sample time resolution, resolution bandwidth …474116 What is the maximum RF bandwidth supported by the Real Time Spectrum Analysis products?
The RSA306B has a maximum bandwidth of 6.2 GHz. The RSA500 has a maximum bandwidth of 18 GHz. The RSA600 has a maximum bandwidth of 7.5 GHz. The RSA7100B has a maximum bandwidth of 26.5 GHz. See the Spectrum Analyzers page for the …64186 What is the part number for the RSA306/306B, RSA503A/507A, RSA603A/607A demo kit?
Part number for the demo kit is RSA-DKIT The demo manual can be found here: https://www.tek.com/spectrum-analyzer/rsa306-usb-manual-272176 What PC should I get to work with the RSA306?
Any PC that meets the performance requirements should work. Tektronix doesn’t make a specific recommendation, but a list of models we’ve evaluated is shown below. In one case, we’ve found an Intel core i5-based tablet (Surface 3 Pro) that does meet …69416 The Green LED on my RSAXXX is on, but I cannot connect to SignalVu-PC?
After installation of SignalVu-PC and the Tektronix USB driver, I cannot get the instrument to be found with SignalVu-PC. Note: The first time connecting to the instrument may require up to 30 seconds for SignalVu-PC to find the instrument …251141 How do I tell if my RSAxxx has successfully connecting to my computer?
Watch the USB status LED when you first plug in the USB cable. See actions below: Note: When you first connect the USB cable to a PC USB 3 port (for the first time) this light may be red for up to up to maybe one minute as the USB driver is installed …251136 When using SignalVu-PC how do I find my system's Host ID?
To find the Host Id while using SignalVu-PC select Tools > Licenses > Manage. This will open the Manage Licenses window. Under the Select license host window on the left choose the system that you wish to view the Host ID. <> refers … 474071 As a Windows C/C++ DLL, the RSA API can be used in many C/C++ development environments including National Instruments LabWindows/CVI. However, due to the way LabWindows/CVI 2010 handles the loading of external .DLLs, the compiled executable will experience a fatal run-time error. When this occurs you will receive a message like the following:FATAL RUN-TIME ERRORUnknown source position, thread id 0x0000XXXXA non-debuggable thread caused a ‘General Protection’ fault at address 0xXXXXXXXX.Please note: this issue has been confirmed to exist in LabWindows/CVI 2010 and may exist in other versions of LabWindows/CVI as well. LabWindows/CVI 2015 has shown not to exhibit this problem.
National Instrument has confirmed this issue with other external libraries and has written up a KnowledgeBase article showing how to fix the issue. You can read this article at the following URL.http://digital.ni.com/public …72206