




Tektronix’ Wide Bandgap Double Pulse Test Solution including the Wide Bandgap Double Pulse Test application (Opt. WBG-DPT) which runs on the 5 Series B MSO oscilloscope
The Importance of Double Pulse Testing for Designing Today’s Power Converters Thursday, June 27, 2024
​The field of power electronics is rapidly transitioning from the use of silicon semiconductor materials to wide bandgap semiconductors such as silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN). One of the most common applications of GaN and SiC semiconductors is to enable smaller, faster and more efficient designs of power converters. Power converters operate at multiple stages throughout the power …
TSP ToolKit software
Quickly Develop Test Scripts with the New Keithley TSP™ Toolkit Beta Thursday, April 18, 2024
Semiconductor manufacturers, validation engineers and reliability engineers can now get faster test script development while automating Keithley test instruments such as SMUs, DAQs or DMMs by downloading the Keithley TSP Toolkit Beta, the new TSP (Test Script Processor) script development environment, which takes the form of a Visual Studio Code extension. In this blog, we’ll explore TSP …
Wideband Oscilloscopes for MIMO radar testing being used by and engineer.
MIMO Radar System Testing Tools and Techniques Thursday, January 11, 2024
Modern technologies such as MIMO require the need for wide bandwidth, phase coherent, multi-channel analysis. Antenna elements in a MIMO radar system operate independently to cover a wide, often 180-degree, field of view without the need for directivity adjustments. This significantly improves scan times. The MIMO radar employs time, frequency, or coding techniques in each transmit signal to …
KickStart software from Tektronix
Testing and Debugging PMICs with Ease Friday, September 22, 2023
Adaptive Power Optimization is Revolutionizing PMICs “There is no better way to save energy and cut bills than by turning all electronic devices off.” This basic piece of advice is the underlying principle and philosophy behind any form of energy management applied to energy consumption optimization, and in general in so-called adaptive power optimization. In the case of battery powered …
Multi-Beam Radar
The Need for Fully Configurable, Multi-Channel RF Analysis Tuesday, March 28, 2023
Engineers and researchers whose work involves MIMO, phased array, and beam forming need a signal analysis tool that offers wide bandwidth and multi-channel capability. Oscilloscopes would seem to be a good choice – except many are either not designed to analyze RF signals or are limited to analyzing a single RF channel at a time. But RF spectral and modulation analysis of multiple channels …
Different 2400 Graphical Series SMUs
Using Your Source Measure Unit as a Power Supply Friday, August 12, 2022
Keithley’s line of Touch Test Invent™ graphical Instruments have the ability to locally run custom scripts written in the Test Script Processor (TSP™) language. These scripts allow the instrument to execute code in real time written by you. The example script provided allows a 2400 Series Graphical SMU to function as a power supply by outputting a constant wattage. A traditional power supply …
Automotive engineer testing CAN bus with 2 Series mixed signal oscilloscope
2シリーズMSOのリモート機能が自動車業界にもたらすアクセスとコラボレーション Wednesday, August 10, 2022
概要:3つの投稿からなる、自動車業界におけるオシロスコープの役割について パート1:2シリーズMSOのポータビリティと性能が自動車業界にもたらすもの パート2:2シリーズMSOのリモート機能が自動車業界にもたらすアクセスとコラボレーション パート3:2シリーズ・ミックスド・シグナル・オシロスコープによる車載用シリアル・バスのデバッグ   自動車は、100年以上にわたってわたしたちを行きたいところに連れていってくれました。この間、この業界は馬力やトルクといったハードウェア、機械的な特長を重視するものから、運転支援機能やインフォテインメント・オプションなど、主にソフトウェアによって実現される特長や機能へと変化してきました。私たちは、SDV(ソフトウェア定義自動車、Software-Defined Vehicle)が例外ではなく …
PCI Express
How Do the Latest PCIe Generations Compare to IEEE 802.3ck Electrical Ethernet? Tuesday, November 9, 2021
One of the featured sessions during the 2021 Tektronix Innovation Forum was one entitled PCIe Gen5, Gen6 Development and Contrast to IEEE 802.3ck Electrical Ethernet, featuring myself and my colleague, Pavel Zivny. At that session we began by discussing the current status for PCI Express 5.0 at 32 GBd NRZ.  Next, we looked ahead to the transition to PCI Express 6.0 at 32 GBd PAM4, reviewing key …
Engineer viewing an oscilloscope waveform on a laptop computer
Oscilloscope Software Enables Remote and Work From Home Options Monday, September 13, 2021
The trend of working from home is gaining more ascendancy each day in all industries. This is further being driven by the Covid-19 pandemic. Adopting a remote-based culture requires tools that are remote work-ready whether they are instruments like oscilloscopes or software platforms for collaborative work. Tektronix provides various future-ready tools for working with an oscilloscope remotely …
Access and control your oscilloscopes remotely with TekScope PC analysis software
Using TekScope Software to Enhance the Capabilities of Your Bench Oscilloscope Friday, August 20, 2021
Most bench oscilloscopes have many built-in features that allow you to do a lot of analysis and operations on the instrument itself. But sometimes, there is a need to do some offline analysis.  So, this article talks about why offline analysis is necessary and how to use offline analysis software.  Why offline analysis is worth considering Here are some reasons why you might sometimes want to (or …
