



Service Expert's blog


Tolerance diagram
Accuracy, Error, Tolerance, and Uncertainty in Calibration Results Wednesday, May 29, 2024
  Embracing the Range: Uncertainty Perhaps the most nuanced concept in calibration is uncertainty. It acknowledges that all measurements have a range of likely values rather than a single definitive number. This range gives us confidence in how reliable a measurement is under specific conditions. "Uncertainty gives us confidence," as Mike beautifully summarizes, pointing out that understanding …
Lab technician at bench testing an instrument.
Why Do I Need an Accredited Calibration and How Can Tektronix Help Wednesday, May 22, 2024
In the realm of electronic test and measurement, precision is not just a requirement; it is the foundation upon which reliability and quality are built. Understanding the critical role of accredited calibration is paramount for lab managers, calibration coordinators, and all stakeholders in industries where measurement accuracy is crucial. Tektronix, a leader in the calibration service industry …
Ensuring a Quality Calibration with Tektronix
Hidden Cost of Low Cost Calibration Friday, June 16, 2023
A decision to purchase a calibration service, based on price alone, may result in hidden costs and the potential risk for quality issues to affect your product or service. What is your risk tolerance for product recall or consumer liability? This overview provides tips on evaluating calibration service providers and their service offerings, and explains why the lowest cost calibration service …
Tektronix calibration
サードパーティ機器修理サービスのリスクを理解する Monday, March 6, 2023
お客様が投資したテクトロニクスとケースレーのテスト/計測機器(オシロスコープ、スペクトラム・アナライザ、ファンクション・ジェネレータ、その他の高感度機器)は、最高水準の性能を発揮するように設計されています。これらの機器が提供する測定値と性能の結果は、信頼性が高く正確であり、一貫性がある必要があります。そのため、サードパーティの修理業者に修理を依頼する場合は、サードパーティの修理業者に関連したリスクを考慮する必要があります。 従来よりテクトロニクスのようなOEMメーカは、より互換性のある包括的な修理サービスを提供しています。純正部品を使用した修理と修理工場認定の校正を実施し、保証を受けることができます。また、信頼性に関する変更を検証してインストールし、ソフトウェア/ファームウェアのアップデートを提供して、装置の性能を設計どおりに維持します。テクトロニクスのサービス拠点は …
Service and calibration solutions from Tektronix
Calibration Standards – What to Look for in 2022 Friday, October 28, 2022
Industry specific calibration standards can change periodically, and this year is no exception. In this blog, we’ll discuss what’s new and what’s changed with calibration standards.  Background Before diving into recent changes, let’s first take a look at the American Standards Z540.1 & Z540.3 along with international standard ISO/IEC 17025. ANSI – representing American National Standard Institute …
2022 Calibration Service Trend Survey
Key Insights from the First Ever Tektronix 2022 Calibration Services Trend Survey Friday, March 25, 2022
As the global leader in test and measurement, Tektronix, Inc., is making available its first ever 2022 Calibration Services Trend Survey. The newly published survey highlights the key issues facing calibration program managers and identifies the current trends, beliefs, and needs for calibration services in 2022. Tektronix conducted market research with nearly 300 respondents from a wide variety …
Calibration Contract Renewal
5 Metrics to Consider When Renewing Your Calibration Services Contract Friday, March 18, 2022
When it’s time to renew your contract with a calibration services provider, there are several important factors to consider. Cost is obviously a major component of a contract, but service levels and calibration quality vary greatly from provider to provider. That’s why it’s vital that your calibration contract negotiations are treated as far more than just a procurement exercise.  It’s more …
Failed Audit
校正の監査で不合格になった場合の対処方法について Wednesday, January 12, 2022
あなたは、電子計測器が校正され、生産のために利用可能な状態にするべく務めています。何時間もかけて監査人の質問に答えています。しかし、期待した結果は得られず、監査人からは残念な知らせが届きます。監査結果は不合格でした。では、次に何をすればよいのでしょうか。 監査不合格による影響を理解することが、最初の重要なステップです。 誰が、何のために監査を受けるのか? 監査は、好むと好まざるとにかかわらず、認証と認定のプロセスの重要な部分であり、組織がISO 9001、ISO/IEC 17025、IATF 16949などの厳しい規格の要求事項を満たしているか、それ以上であるかを確認するためのものです。半導体、通信、航空宇宙産業などの特定のアプリケーションでは、メーカが適切な業界規格を遵守することが法律で義務付けられていますが、これには十分な理由があります。消費者や軍人の健康、安全に影響を及ぼす製品は …
Calibrating sophisticated test equipment
What to Know when Calibrating Sophisticated Test Equipment Monday, December 6, 2021
After surveying multiple vendors on accredited calibration capabilities, examining their quality history, and completing an onsite audit, the aerospace company decided to partner with Tektronix to augment their internal calibration lab. They now have a single vendor that can calibrate everything in their lab, including the most sophisticated electronic test and measurement instruments …
ISO 17025 Accredited Calibration Experts
Discussing Trends Related to ISO 17025 Accredited Calibrations Monday, November 1, 2021
The trend toward requiring ISO 17025 accredited calibrations continues to increase. Find out why and the factors driving it in this brief trend talk with two of our Tektronix experts. You’ll learn: Specific industries that are driving this trend, and the flow through the industry ecosystem The benefits of ISO 17025 including traceability and risk management What to look for in an ISO …