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How do I configure the MTM400 IP address for the first time?


How do I configure the MTM400 IP address for the first time?


The MTM400 initial IP address configuration process is described in detail in appendix A of the user manual (P/N 071-1224-08). A step-by-step quick-start process is given below:

·       Step 1: Acquire a static IP address from your system administrator. This process will vary from company to company.

·       Step 2: If this is a brand new unit recently received from Tektronix, was never a demo unit and is not already configured with an IP address then skip to step 7. If you are unsure if the unit has ever been configured with an IP address, or the previous IP address is unknown, then proceed to step 3.

·       Step 3: Unplug all cables, including the power cable, from the MTM400 for safety.

·       Step 4: Remove the top cover by unscrewing the 21 retaining screws using a Torx T10 driver.

·       Step 5: Locate the non-volatile RAM reset switch (SW111) on the main board near the back of the instrument on the edge closest to the power supply. Press and hold SW111 for 20-30 seconds.  See the diagram on page A-6 of the user manual for an illustration of this process.

·       Step 6: Replace the top cover and be sure to screw in all 21 retaining screws.

·       Step 7: Connect the MTM400 power cord to turn the unit on.  The MTM400 will take a little over 1 minute to complete its power up sequence - signaled by a small audible "beep beep" from the CPU board.

·       Step 8: Connect the MTM400 to your network using a standard Ethernet cable or connect it directly to a computer using an Ethernet crossover cable. You may need to ensure that your computer’s IP address and the IP address assigned by your system administrator are on the same gateway and subnet, and that the first three blocks of the two IP addresses match.

·       Step 9: Open a DOS prompt by selecting “Run...” from the Start menu, typing in the command “cmd” and pressing enter.

·       Step 10: Run the command “arp -d *IP Address *”.  This command will clear out any previous ARP activities, and should execute very quickly.  Then, type in the following command and arguments “arp -s *IP Address * *MAC Address *” where “*IP Address*” is the IP address (separated by periods) assigned to the instrument by your system administrator and “*MAC Address*” is the MAC address (separated by hyphens) of the MTM400.  The arp comand will execute quickly - 1-2 seconds. 

·        Note - The MAC address is displayed on a large white label affixed to the top of the instrument and should begin with 08-00-01.  The MAC address is also displayed on a small sticker on the rear panel, near the IP RJ-45 connector that you are using for this process.  If the two numbers do not match, use the number on the rear panel.

·       Step 11: Test the connection by typing the command “ping *IP Address”.  A good connection will normally be indicated by 4 successful ping replies.

·        Now you should be able to connect to the MTM400 with your IE browser, complete the "first time use" set up tasks, and start using the MTM400 for MPEG testing.




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