與 Tek 業務代表即時對談。 上班時間:上午 6:00 - 下午 4:30 (太平洋時間)
與 Tek 業務代表即時對談。 上班時間:上午 8:30 - 下午 5:30 (太平洋時間)
100G 光學與電子 Tx/Rx
Tektronix 提供適合 100G 標準的綜合 Tx & Rx 測試支援,還有針對 NRZ 和 PAM4 訊號及 相干性同調調變 格式的測試導引。Tektronix 測試儀器讓您的團隊做好準備來因應下一波的數據通訊技術。
- DPO70000SX 系列即時示波器
能夠有效率地證明您的技術創新,並快速偵錯和驗證 100G 電子技術標準。業界低雜訊位準和高取樣率,發揮 100G 設計的效能。
- 最新消息!使用 MSO/DPO70000 示波器的 DPO7OE1 光學探棒 ,您就可以輕鬆地疑難排解光學裝置,方法為增加強大的除錯功能:適用於 PAM4 和 NRZ 的軟體時脈還原、觸發、錯誤偵測及擷取相關聯的時間或連續擷取訊號。
- DSA8300 系列取樣示波器
運用領先業界的內建光學參考接收器和超低 OSNR,適合對主要的單模光學標準的光學發射器效能執行精確的特性分析。
- 最新消息!DSA8300 的 80C17 和 80C18 光學模組 能提供業界最高的遮罩測試靈敏度和最低的光學雜訊,以及能夠增加產能並提升電流 100G 設計產生的全新功能來進入量產。
- CR286A 時脈還原儀器 支援大多數的 100Gbp/s 標準,並與 Tektronix 取樣示波器和 BERT 共同運作,以提供穩定時脈進行精確的時序量測分析。
- BERTScope BSA 系列位元誤碼率分析儀 能夠產生 PRBS 訊號長碼型與極為精確的 BER 量測結果,並執行深入的根本原因分析。
Featured Content
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Semtech Turns to Tektronix DSA8300 Sampling Scope to Characterize New 25-28 Gb/s CDR Devices
This customer case study illustrates the benefits that Tektronix DataCom test solutions deliver to characterize electrical performance of 100G technologies with the industry’s lowest intrinsic noise …
時脈還原入門,第 1 部分
從實用的角度來查看時脈還原,並強調其如何影響量測,第 1 部分。
以 16G 光纖通道速率分析 SFP + 收發器的特性
研究針對 16G 光纖通道標準測試 SFP+ 收發器所需要的量測,涵蓋多模式 850 nm 和單一模式 Mode 1310 nm 介面。包含一個使用最新測試設備以 14.025 Gb/s 的 16G 線速率,單一模式 1310 nm 雷射 SFP+ 收發器進行。
Overcoming SNDR Measurement Challenges in 100G, 400G Datacom Testing
With important changes occurring in transmitter characterization and measurement methods for 100G and 400G standards (both IEEE and OIF-CEI) it is vital to learn more about SNDR and its advantages …
消光比 (ER) 校驗白皮書
本白皮書介紹了一些高準確度 ER 量測的好處,不論是在 10 GbE (乙太網路),利用其相對較低的 ER 要求;還是在 SONET/SDH,支援一致、準確的 ER 結果的方法。
32 Gbit/s QPSK Transmission at 385 GHz
Learn more about a world record breaking wireless system capable of transmitting data at 400 GHz (0.4 THz) using advanced signal coding (up to QAM-16) and key advanced THz devices in this whitepaper …
Optical Bandwidth Requirements for NRZ and PAM4 Signaling
There is confusion about Optical Bandwidth and Electrical Bandwidth of optical channels and how these terms relate to Optical Reference Receivers (ORRs). PAM4 signaling has further …
Ultralow drive voltage silicon traveling-wave modulator Paper (Optical Society of America)
Silicon platforms are emerging as a commercial platform for integrated photonics. To integrate directly with on-chip electronics, drive voltages at or below 1 Vpp are desirable.In this paper from the …
讓您瞭解為產生光學訊號所提供的最高效工具和技術: • 複雜調變方法和 OOFDM 訊號• 產生基頻訊號和「黃金標準」訊號• 增加線性失真和非線性失真• 為偏分多工產生訊號• 基本 AWG 效能特點
Practices for Measurements on 25 Gb/s Signaling
This application note describes the measurement practices for the characterization and compliance test of the transmitter and receiver for 25+ Gb/s signaling in 100 G systems. Focus is on oscilloscope …
100 Gb/s通訊系統實體層測試
本應用指南涵蓋了裝配100G系統必需的發射器和接收器測試。由於每種25+ Gb/s HSS技術均有共同的主題,因此我們將檢視100 GbE 相容性測試要求,同時指出其他高速系統 (如光纖通道的32GFEC) 之間的差異。在100 GbE規格存在空白時,如在25-28 Gb/s介面發訊中,我們將採用光學互通論壇公共電介面實行通訊協定 (OIF-CEI)。
縮小BER和眼狀圖之間的差距 - BER輪廓教程
BER 輪廓量測 - 這是什麼、如何構造,以及為何是以 GB 速度檢視參數效能的重要方式。
100G/400G Datacom Transmitter Measurements: Determining Proper Measurement Tools for 100G/400G Datacom Testing
This application note walks through a number of common misconceptions and key considerations to help you select the proper scope technology (RTO vs. ETO) for your needs.
PAM4 Signaling in High Speed Serial Technology: Test, Analysis, and Debug
Learn valuable information on testing PAM4 technology and approaches for validating PAM4 signals. This application note describes:
PAM4 technology for 50-400G applications
Provides details of PAM4 …
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Webinar: High Volume Optical Transceiver Validation
Learn about the current challenges in testing optical transceivers in a high volume manufacturing setting, and see a demonstration of a transceiver test system for PAM4 characterization using the …
Webinar: PAM4 Optical Transceiver Characterization
Watch as we discuss PAM4 optical transceivers, both 100G and 400G, including the latest on standards, testing, and characterization. We cover high throughput NRZ measurement and margin and compare …
PAM4 Electrical Webinar
The accelerated development of 400G Ethernet technology is driving new requirements through the test community as it relates to measuring electrical PAM4 systems. This presentation will review PAM4 …
New Technologies for Probing Low Power Circuits Webinar
As designs for mobile devices and computers use lower power circuits in their design, validation testing and debug become more challenging. Board and component density increase leaving little space …
NBASET and IEEE8023bz Technology and Measurements
The rapid growth of ever-more powerful mobile devices, and the adoption of new wireless technologies such as 802.11ac, has enterprise networks struggling to keep pace. To meet these rising bandwidth …
Characterizing Coherent Optical Systems Webinar
Learn about the coherent modulation being considered for 400G networks, the key building blocks of a coherent test system, how to optimize measurement accuracy and the benefits of customizable …