與 Tek 業務代表即時對談。 上班時間:上午 6:00 - 下午 4:30 (太平洋時間)
與 Tek 業務代表即時對談。 上班時間:上午 8:30 - 下午 5:30 (太平洋時間)
TSP 工具包軟體
使用新 TSP 工具組快速開發 Test Script Processor (TSP™) 指令碼。TSP Toolkit 是一款指令碼工具,包含 Test Script Builder (TSB) 的所有功能和工具支援,以及許多可改善開發體驗的優質功能,包括語法醒目提示、具內列指令說明的自動填入功能,以及現代化的使用者介面。
TSP Toolkit 基礎版本是一個開源指令碼工具,作為 Visual Studio Code(VS Code)的擴充功能提供。它可以與您喜愛的其他 VS Code 擴充套件(例如 Python、C# 等)一起用來開發 TSP 測試指令碼。

Enjoy the Same Functionality as TSB with TSP Toolkit:
- Develop automation scripts for all TSP-enabled instruments
- Send commands and receive responses from the instrument
- Create, manage and run user scripts
- Quick and easy firmware upgrades
- Edit example scripts from the Keithley Github and convert to user scripts
- Explore TSP Toolkit Solutions
Improved Development Experience with the Modern UI of the Visual Studio Code editor and more:
- User-friendly UI
- Command autocomplete
- In-line command help
- Syntax-highlighting

Supported Instruments
TSP Toolkit Software FAQs
What is TSP Toolkit?
TSP Toolkit is a test script software tool that takes the form of a Visual Studio Code extension and simplifies building test scripts for Test Script Processor (TSP®)-enabled instruments.
What is TSP?
A Test Instrument Command Set and Programming Language. TSP-enabled instruments contain an embedded scripting engine that’s capable of executing both instrument control commands and basic programming functionality.
Why use TSP instead of another scripting language like Python?
Unlike Python, TSP allows you to achieve automation with a test script that executes at the instrument level. TSP can initiate tests with a single call from the PC or run the test on the instrument automatically without the PC, reducing overhead and improving throughput.