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產品規格表 文件編號: 發行日期 被動式 1x/10x 電壓探棒
51T-17984-3 TPP0051 Probe Datasheet
51W-30155-0 500 MHz 被動式探棒
P6139B 和 P5050B 探棒是具有 10 MΩ 輸入電阻,為高頻寬、高阻抗的 10X 被動式電壓探棒。這些探棒的探棒頭小而銳利,能夠輕鬆探測密集電路。P6139B 和 P5050B 的電路規格類似,但前者支援有不同補償範圍的 Tektronix 示波器。請造訪 tw.tek.com/probes 網站,並參閱網站上的 Oscilloscope Probe & Accessory Selector Tool (示波器探棒與配件選取工具),確定您示波器選擇了正確的探棒。51T-26150-5 被動式 10X 電壓探棒
TPP0100 和 TPP0101 探棒為 100 MHz、10X 被動式電壓探棒,輸入電阻為 10 MΩ。51T-25690-3 被動式電壓探棒
TPP1000、TPP0500B、TPP0502 和 TPP0250 機型為 Tektronix 的高頻寬通用型探棒,能提供同級產品中前所未有的突破性規格。這些探棒專為搭配 Tektronix MDO3000、MDO4000、MSO/DPO5000 和 5 系列 MSO 系列示波器使用所設計,提供高達 1 GHz 的類比頻寬與低於 3.9 pF 的電容性負載。51T-26151-9 被動式 10X 電壓探棒
TPP0200 和 TPP0201 探棒為 200 MHz、10X 被動式電壓探棒,輸入電阻為 10 MΩ。51T-25681-3 THP0301 Series Passive 10x Voltage Probe
The THP0301 datasheet provides an overview of the product's features, important specifications, and ordering information.3GW-27122-4 Passive Voltage Probes
The P3010 and P6101B probes are designed to complement the Tektronix family of portable DSO and ART instruments.51W-26153-6
使用手冊 手冊類型 零件編號: 發行日期 Tektronix Supplemental
Product Information Sheet for People's Republic of China Other使用者 071329402 Tektronix Supplemental
Product Information Sheet for People's Republic of China Other使用者 071296603 TPH1000
Probe Holder Instructions主要使用者 071289400 TPP0100 & TPP0200 Series
100 and 200 MHz 10X Passive Probes Instructions主要使用者 071278600 P2221
200 MHz 1X/10X Passive Probe Instructions使用者 071233500 P2220 200 MHz 1X/10X Passive Probe
1X/10X MHz Passive Probe Instructions主要使用者 071146400 P2220 Probe Safety Warning Sheet
1X/10X MHz Passive Probe Other使用者 063380400 P6101B Instructions
15 MHz 1X Passive Probe Instructions合併使用者/服務 070781907 P3010 100 MHz 10X Passive Probe With Readout
100 MHz 10X Passive Probe With Readout Instructions主要使用者 071046600 P6111B 200 MHz 10X Passive Probe w/Readout
200 MHz 10X Passive Probe With Readout Instructions主要使用者 070854305 TPP0502 Instructions
500 MHz 2X Passive Probe主要使用者 071288305 Probes and Accessories Declassification and Security Instructions
Declassification and Security解除機密 071238400 TPP0250 and TPP0500B Instructions
250 MHz & 500 MHz 10X Passive Probes主要使用者 071316404 P6139B and P5050B Instructions
500 MHz 10X Passive Probes主要使用者 071271001 TPH1000 Probe Holder Instructions
Probe Holder使用者 071289401 TPP1000
1GHz Probe主要使用者 071280904 Power Measurement Deskew & Calibration Fixture Instructions
067-1686-03主要使用者 071187203 Tektronix Supplemental, 071329404
Product Information Sheet for People‚s Republic of China使用者 071329404 Tektronix Supplemental, 071296605
Product Information Sheet for People‚s Republic of China使用者 071296605
技術文件 文件類型 發行日期 探棒入門手冊
在這本全面的探棒基礎知識入門手冊中,瞭解探棒的基礎知識,瞭解如何為您的示波器選擇合適的探棒,並且每次都能獲得可靠的測量結果。 *下載最新版入門手冊的 PDF 版本。 ============================================== 精準的量測始於探棒 探棒在示波器量測中具有舉足輕重的地位。若要瞭解探棒的重要性,請嘗試不讓示波器連接探棒,然後進行量測。您將發現這是做不到的事。量測中必須有某種電子連接,在要量測的訊號和示波器的輸入通道之間必須有某種探棒 …白皮書 示波器探棒如何影響量測結果
本應用摘要介紹示波器探棒如何改變在測試點所量測的訊號,以及尋找何種探測規格,可盡量降低探測的影響。探棒負載的影響是常被忽視的一個量測陷阱。最後,您要選擇符合下列條件的示波器探棒:忠實地將訊號從待測裝置傳輸至示波器不要打擾!這意味著您所要選擇的探棒應盡可能不改變測試點的訊號應用摘要 Tektronix 探棒選擇指南
Tektronix探棒可確保從您的待測裝置到示波器皆能維持最高的訊號完整性。Tektronix擁有超過100種的探棒選擇,並與 我們業界領先的示波器能完美匹配,您可為特定的測試應用找到所需要的探棒。產生選擇器指南 2013年桌上型測試儀器產品型錄
提供了Tektronix桌上型儀器的最新產品細節和規格,包括:基礎和桌上型示波器、數位萬用電錶、電源供應器、計頻器/計時器和訊號產生器。產生選擇器指南 使用太克被動式探棒提高量測準確度和降低成本
本應用摘要介紹太克高頻寬、低電容被動式電壓探棒如何降低示波器使用者的總擁有成本、改善效能和量測準確度及節省使用者設定時間。大多數示波器標準配備的被動式電壓探棒都提供低成本通用型探測解決方案。一般來說,這些探棒缺乏主動式電壓探棒的效能,但堅固耐用且動態範圍寬,適合查看訊號。應用摘要 Probing High Frequency Digital Circuitry
常見問答集 常見問答集 ID What is the difference between the P6139A and the P6139B?
From a specifications perspective, the probes are identical. Both are 500 MHz, 10X passive probes. The P6139B can be used on oscilloscopes that shipped with the P6139A.From a mechanical perspective, there are some differences:- Sharper tip- Ground …64441 Where can I find a list of passive probe accessories such as surface mount interconnects+ circuit board test points+ and replacement parts?
The accessories will depend upon which type of passive probe. There are three probe diameters: 2.5 mm, 3.5 mm, and 5 mm. The part numbers and a diagram of the accessories for each type can be found below:2.5 mm (subminiature) probe accessories for …58961 What is the maximum floating voltage for a single-ended probe?
A single-ended probe is a ground-referenced probe. The alligator clip connected to the side of the probe is a ground reference. This allows the scope and device under test have a common reference to ground. Typically, a single-ended probe should only …246196 What is the p/n of the replacment body shell for my P6139B probe? See arrow below:
The replacment p/n for this part is 204122600.64741 What are some of the benefits of the TekVPI probe interface?
The biggest benefits of the TekVPI™ probe interface are versatility and ease of use. Oscilloscopes with TekVPI interface support a wide range of probes including TekVPI probes, BNC and TekProbe-BNC Level 1 probes, and TekProbe-BNC Level 2 probes …56016 Is there a shorter ground connection for the P2220 probe than the 6" one that comes with it?
Yes, it uses the same accessories as the P61xxB family of 5mm probes, so there is a 3" grounding lead set consisting of the 175-0849-00 (3" wire and clip) and the 344-0046-01 (alligator clip).62001 When using my TPP0250, TPP0500, TPP1000, or TPP0500B probe, the signal disappears or is intermittant. What could be causing this?
The internal probe tip may have come loose and is causing the loss or intermittency of the signal. The probe tip might also be damaged. How to check: Pull off probe tip. Unscrew black insulation sleeve (item 2). Look at inner probe tip that is …69511 Are there accessories for the P2220 Probe? None are listed in the manual.
Yes, the accessories that fit the P61XXB probe family will fit this 5mm probe also. Here is the link: http://www2.tek.com/cmswpt/psdetails.lotr?ct=PS&ci=13523&cs=psu&lc=EN Click on the diagram itself for an enlarged view.61486 Can the P6139B be used on scopes that shipped with a P6139A? What is the difference between the P6139A and the P6139B?
From a specifications perspective, the probes are identical. Both are 500 MHz, 10X passive probes. The P6139B can be used on oscilloscopes that shipped with the P6139A. From a mechanical perspective, there are some differences: - Sharper tip …58111 I need a very close ground connection to reduce ringing on my P3010 probe for my TDS3014 scope.
The bayonnet adapter is the shortest ground connection. Part number 013-0085-01. It works onall 5mm probes.63706 I have a probe that is no longer being manufactured. What is the replacement?
Please use our "Interactive Probe Selection Tool" to assist in locating a replacement probe for your Tektronix instrument. The interactive tool is located at /node/3661. If your instrument is not located in the upper instrument list, you can click …52846 What Is The Difference Between The P2220 And P2221?
The only difference between the P2220 and the P2221 is the compensation range.P2220: 15 to 25 pFP2221: 10 to 25 pFThe P2221 will always work as a replacement for the P2220 but the P2220 will not always work as a replacement for the P2221. For example …60081 Which probes are compatible with oscilloscopes with the TekVPI probe interface?
There are a couple different types of TekVPI interfaces, one with a notch and one without. The notch was implemented later and was put in place because the front end was designed differently and communicates uniquely with those types of probes …56226 The data sheet for my oscilloscope says that the vertical input sensitivity is 1 mV/div to 10 V/div in 1 MΩ mode. But I turn the Vertical Scale control fully clockwise and I can only get down to 10 mV/div. What am I doing wrong?
You probably aren't doing anything wrong. But you do have a 10X probe attached to that channel, right? The 1 mV/div specs relate to the oscilloscope inputs. If the signal’s source impedance is relatively low (<< 1 MOhm), the signal’s frequency is …58571 Does the P2220 probe replace the P2200 probe?
Yes. The P2220 probe is compatible with TDS1000 and TDS2000 Series as well as the TPS2000 Series. The P2200 probe and other standard single-ended passive probes cannot be used with the TPS2000 Series because safe operation of the TPS2000 Series …58196