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產品規格表 文件編號: 發行日期 Series 2280S Precision Measurement, Low Noise, Programmable DC Power Supplies
KickStart 產品規格表
技術文件 文件類型 發行日期 物聯網的 6 項主要挑戰
簡介 物聯網 (IoT) 透過由軟體和分析機制所控制,更龐大且可 交互運作性更佳的系統來連接裝置,有望改變世界的連結 方式。由於裝置、軟體和分析機制的擴散,將推動大多數 產業中出現顯著的變化,不論是航運和運輸,或是建築業 和製造業。物聯網甚至會改變我們維持健康和健身的方式。 目前有大量的機會將現有的物件重塑為包括感應器和發送器的連線裝置;但是, 這些機會也都伴隨著一定的技術挑戰。我們如何讓數十年未曾改變形式或功能的 工具和機器搖身一變 …使用方式指南 Power Supply Application Note
應用摘要 Selector Guide - General Purpose Bench Power Supplies, Special Purpose Power Supplies, and Electronic Loads
GENERAL PURPOSE POWER SUPPLIES Model Channel Power Output Voltage …產生選擇器指南 KickStart Software as a Bench Companion for Education
The versatile Keithley KickStart Software platform meets a variety of different needs, which is incredibly beneficial for education applications due to the broad spectrum of topics covered in undergraduate and postgraduate studies. This application …應用摘要 Keithley 2280S and 2306 versus Rohde and Schwarz NGL200 Competitive Factsheet
This document provides a basic comparison between the Keithley 2280S and 2306 DC Power Supplies with the Rohde & Schwarz NGL202 Power Supply.競爭優勢 Power Supply Measurement Tips
Designing a bench power supply is a complex process with numerous steps. With this guide, we will follow a simple work flow and provide testing tips at each of 10 design stages. Hopefully you will find a few that will make your testing more effective …小冊子 Tips and Techniques for Efficient DC Testing and Current-Voltage Characterization
I-V Characterization of Two-Terminal Devices The current-voltage (I-V) characteristic of a two-terminal device is defined as the relationship of the current through the device and the voltage across its terminals …小冊子 Analyzing Device Power Consumption Using a 2280S Precision Measurement Supply
This application note describes methods to measure device power consumption with the Keithley 2280 Series Power Supplies. For the battery-powered devices, the power consumption can be represented by the input current because the input voltage is a …應用摘要 Making Low Current Measurements with a Series 2280S Precision Measurement DC Power Supply
應用摘要 Making Pulse Current Measurements with the Series 2280S Precision Measurement DC Power Supplies
Introduction More and more integrated circuits and electronic sub-assemblies today are being designed for use in mobile applications, which means this circuitry will operate on battery power and will have a finite …應用摘要 Applications Overview: Precision, Low Noise DC Power Supply Measurements
Measuring sleep mode and standby mode currents drawn by low power, portable devices such as consumer products (cellular phones, tablets, laptops), industrial products (wireless transmitters, intrinsically safe instruments), and implantable medical …應用摘要 DC Power Supply Technical Information
Programmable DC Power Supplies DC power supplies provide a regulated DC output to power a component, a module, or a device. A power supply must deliver voltage and current that is stable and precise, with minimal noise to any type of load: …技術簡介
軟體 文件類型 零件編號: 發行日期 KickStart Instrument Control Software version 2.11.2
KickStart Software for the PC enables quick test setup and data visualization when using one or more instruments. Key Features • Save time by automating data collection of millions of readings. • Set up a multi-instrument test with the ability to …應用 KICKSTART-2.11.2 KickStart Instrument Control Software version 2.11.1
KickStart Software for the PC enables quick test setup and data visualization when using one or more instruments. Key Features • Save time by automating data collection of millions of readings. • Set up a multi-instrument test with the ability to …應用 KICKSTART-2.11.1 Keithley I/O Layer version C10 (Windows 11, 10, 8, 7 Compatible)
Keithley I/O Layer version C10 (KIOL-850C10 adds support for Windows 10 and 11 Operating Systems and installs NI-VISA Runtime 17.5 and NI-ICP 17.0. This release replaces previous versions of KIOL-850B07, KIOL-850C02, KIOL-850C03, KIOL-850C04, KIOL …應用 KIOL-850C10 KickStart Instrument Control Software Version 2.6.0 (Windows 10, 8, 7 compatible) (NOT SUPPORTED)
"KickStart Software for the PC enables quick test setup and data visualization when using one or more instruments.Key Features• Save time by automating data collection of millions of readings.• Set up a multi-instrument test with the ability to …應用 KICKSTART-2.6.0 Keithley 2280 Native LabVIEW 2013 Instrument Driver version 2.0.0
Keithley 2280 Native LabVIEW 2013 Instrument Driver version 2.0.0 for Series 2280S Programmable DC Power Supplies. Updated to support new Model 2281S.驅動程式 2280-LV2013-2.0.0 Keithley IVI-COM/IVI-C Driver for Series 2280S/2281S Programmable DC Power Supplies - Version (Windows 8, 7, Vista, XP Compatible)
Keithley IVI-COM/IVI-C Driver for Series 2280S/2281S Programmable DC Power Supplies Version (includes release notes) (Windows 8, 7, Vista, XP Compatible). Adds support for new Model 2281S-20-6 Precision DC Supply And Battery Simulator.驅動程式 2280S-IVI- Keithley I/O Layer - version C07 (Windows 8, 7, Vista, and XP Compatible)
Keithley I/O Layer version C07 (KIOL-850C07 adds a change to only send the :syst:rem command to RS-232 connections This release replaces previous versions of KIOL-850B07, KIOL-850C02, KIOL-850C03, KIOL-850C04, KIOL-850C05, KIOL-850C06). This version …應用 KIOL-850C07 Series 2280S Firmware 1.06 and Release Notes
This download contains files for Series 2280S firmware version 1.06. Please review the release notes for installation instructions and upgrade considerations.韌體 2280S-FRP-1.06 PWS2280S-32-6 and PWS2280S-60-3 firmware
firmware for PWS 2280S-32-6 and 2280S-60-3. it's ECR version and change the row socket port to 5025韌體 066166701 Series 2280S Firmware 1.03 and Release Notes
This download contains files for Series 2280S firmware version 1.03. Please review the release notes for installation instructions and upgrade considerations.韌體 2280S-FRP-1.03 Keithley 2280 Native LabVIEW 2010 Instrument Driver version 1.0.3
Keithley 2280 Native LabVIEW 2010 Instrument Driver version 1.0.3 for Series 2280S Programmable DC Power Supplies (initial release)驅動程式 2280S-LV-1.0.3 Keithley IVI-COM/IVI-C Driver for Series 2280S Programmable DC Power Supplies Version & Release Notes (Windows 8, 7, Vista, XP Compatible)
Keithley IVI-COM/IVI-C Driver for Series 2280S Programmable DC Power Supplies Version (includes release notes) (Windows 8, 7, Vista, XP Compatible)驅動程式 2280S-IVI- PWS 2280S-32-6 and 2280S-60-3, Firmware, V1.03
Firmware for PWS 2280S-32-6 and 2280S-60-3, PSR version.韌體 066166700
常見問答集 常見問答集 ID KickStart Power Supply FAQs
What power supplies are supported in the power supply app? The app supports the Keithley 2280S-32-6 and 22380S-60-3 Precision Measurement DC Power Supplies and the 2281S-20-6 as a power supply only; the Series 222x and 223x DC power …783013