與 Tek 業務代表即時對談。 上班時間:上午 6:00 - 下午 4:30 (太平洋時間)
與 Tek 業務代表即時對談。 上班時間:上午 8:30 - 下午 5:30 (太平洋時間)
I-V 曲線追蹤儀軟體
Keithley I-V 曲線追蹤儀軟體利用圖形 2400 系列 SourceMeter® 電源量測設備 (SMU) 儀器獨特的觸控螢幕介面,為雙終端裝置重新建立了I-V 曲線追蹤儀的熟悉用戶體驗。將 I-V 曲線追蹤儀軟體新增到 SourceMeter 儀器後,即可獲得專用的使用者介面,用於透過電流和電壓來追蹤裝置的特性。藉由一系列相容儀器,I-V 追蹤儀可以利用每個電源量測設備的完整功能,包括 2461 的雙高速數位器,以 AC 極性和脈波 DC,以及標準的 DC 極性執行追蹤。
儘管 IV 追蹤儀將可讓工程師執行二極管的故障分析和參數特性,但需要更先進的I-V 曲線追蹤配置來測試 MOSFET、IGBT 和其他高功率裝置。

使用 IV 曲線追蹤儀軟體提高實驗室的效率
享受傳統式曲線追蹤儀功能,同時為個別的工程師配備其自己的 I-V 曲線追蹤儀,而不是為共用的過時設備集中資源。Keithley SourceMeter 儀器具有高度的可攜性,可輕鬆安裝在工作台上的筆記型電腦和數位萬用電錶(DMM) 旁。安裝 Keithley I-V 曲線追蹤儀軟體後,您可以保有 Keithley SourceMeter 儀器完整的來源端、接收端和量測功能,只需點一下滑鼠即可使用曲線追蹤儀功能。現代化的介面可讓您透過螢幕截圖或 CSV 輕鬆地匯出曲線。
I-V 曲線追蹤儀軟體使用者介面可提供精確掃描
前面板旋鈕可反應您的旋轉速度並在捏合縮放圖形時,進行動態調整,讓您得以即時控制 I-V 曲線。在同一圖形中,您可以加強對曲線異常部分 (如二極管的崩潰和導通行為) 的檢查,同時加快對可預測部分的檢查速度,無需移開目光。

Keithley SourceMeter 儀器的 I-V 追蹤儀繼承了 Tektronix 標誌性曲線追蹤儀 (例如 576 和 370A 等) 的功能,為偏好直接控制曲線追蹤儀的人提供第一個現代化替代方案。新增簡單的桌上型解決方案,而不是尋找價格過高的維修零件或老化曲線追蹤儀的替代品。
IV Curve Tracer: Unveiling Electrical Characteristics
What is an IV Curve Tracer?
An IV (current-voltage) curve tracer is a sophisticated electronic test instrument designed to measure and display the current-voltage characteristics of electronic components, devices, or circuits. It provides a graphical representation of how the current passing through a device changes concerning the voltage applied to it. This type of measurement is crucial for understanding the behavior and performance of various electronic components, including diodes, transistors, solar cells, and more.
Read more: IV Curve Tracer vs. Curve Tracer
Why is IV Curve Tracer important?
Comprehensive Characterization: The IV curve provides a comprehensive view of how a device responds to different levels of applied voltage, offering insights into its electrical characteristics. It helps identify parameters such as threshold voltage, breakdown voltage, saturation current, and dynamic resistance.
Fault Detection and Analysis: IV curve tracers are valuable tools for detecting faults or abnormalities in electronic components or circuits. By analyzing deviations from expected IV characteristics, engineers can pinpoint defects, aging, or malfunctions in devices.
Performance Optimization: Engineers use IV curve tracing to optimize the performance of electronic components and circuits, ensuring they operate within specified parameters.
Quality Control in Manufacturing: During the manufacturing process, IV curve tracers are employed to ensure the consistency and quality of electronic components by verifying that each unit meets specified electrical characteristics.
History of IV Curve Tracer
The concept of IV curve tracing can be traced back to the mid-20th century. As semiconductor technology advanced, there was a growing need to understand the electrical characteristics of newly developed devices. The first IV curve tracers were relatively simple analog instruments that allowed engineers to manually trace the current-voltage relationship.
Over time, with the evolution of technology and the integration of digital electronics, IV curve tracers have become highly sophisticated instruments. Modern curve tracers offer automation, computer interfacing, and advanced data analysis capabilities, making them essential tools in research, development, and quality control in electronics.
In summary, the IV curve tracer plays a pivotal role in understanding, optimizing, and ensuring the quality of electronic components. Its evolution reflects the dynamic progress of electronics over the years, from simple analog tools to sophisticated digital instruments.
儀器類型 | 機型 | KickStart 應用程式 |
SMU 儀器 | 2450、2460、2461、2470 | I-V 追蹤儀應用 |
儀器類型 | 機型 | KickStart 應用程式 |
SMU 儀器 | 2450、2460、2461、2470 | I-V 追蹤儀應用 |
儀器類型 | 機型 | KickStart 應用程式 |
SMU 儀器 | 2450、2460、2461、2470 | I-V 追蹤儀應用 |
儀器類型 | 機型 | KickStart 應用程式 |
SMU 儀器 | 2450、2460、2461、2470 | I-V 追蹤儀應用 |
機型 | Product | 說明 | 類型 | 參考價格 | Configure And Quote |
KICKSTARTNL-ACT1 | KickStart IV 追蹤儀應用 (1 年授權) | 節點鎖定授權,用於將 IV 追蹤儀應用軟體分發到 1 個儀器 (用於安裝授權的 KickStart 軟體) | 永久 | US $1,890 | 配置和報價 |
KICKSTARTNL-ACT3 | KickStart IV 追蹤儀應用 (3 個授權) | 節點鎖定授權,用於將 IV 追蹤儀應用軟體分發到 3 個儀器 (用於安裝授權的 KickStart 軟體) | 永久 | US $5,060 | 配置和報價 |
KICKSTARTNL-ACT5 | KickStart IV 追蹤儀應用 (5 個授權) | 節點鎖定授權,用於將 IV 追蹤儀應用軟體分發到 5 個儀器 (用於安裝授權的 KickStart 軟體) | 永久 | US $6,320 | 配置和報價 |

半導體裝置的故障分析需要精確控制和即時結果。讓過高的電源通過裝置,會破壞指出故障根本原因的證據。I-V 追蹤儀使您可以直接控制輸出位準,透過最小解析度為 500 nV 或 500 fA 的電源輸出,緩慢地增加 I-V 曲線來讓異常行為漸漸顯現。
曲線追蹤儀長期以來一直是工程教室中的必備工具,其簡易性可以讓學生將學習到的知識直接應用於電子裝置。搭配 Keithley SourceMeter 儀器的 I-V 追蹤儀軟體具有相同的優點,提供即時、直接的控制,讓學生能夠實驗並強化對各種電子裝置的理解。
同時,您還擁有 SourceMeter 儀器優異的強大功能可供實驗室使用,包括高靈敏度安培計、精確的電壓和電流輸出、電子負載等功能。以具有現代化功能的最新設備為學生提供所需的體驗。以具有現代化功能的最新設備為學生提供所需的體驗。