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Disk Drive Measurement Software
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Features & Benefits
- Your TDS500D/600C/700D Series Oscilloscope can Perform Disk Drive Measurements without External Equipment
- Installs Inside the TDS Oscilloscope Requiring No External GPIB, RS-232 or PC
- Provided on Floppy Disk for Easy Customer Installation
- Uses Familiar, User-friendly TDS User Interface
- High-resolution Measurements can be Made on One Channel at the Highest Sample Rate with Trigger Input from Multiple Channels
- Comprehensive Statistical Measurements - Mean, Min, Max, Std Dev, SNR and More for Easy Characterization of Signals
- Snapshot Display of Multiple Parameters for Detailed Waveform Information
- SNR and NLTS Measurements Work for Signal-to-noise Ratios of 0 dB and Below
- Auto Configures Trigger Inputs for Index, Sector and Read Channel for Easy Set-up
- Thermal Asperity Information Provided for Quick Problem Detection
- Track Profile Stores and Displays Measurement from Each Sector for Various Parameters
- On-line Help Text Provides Information About Each Measurement
- Part of a Complete Solution for Disk-drive Measurements from Tektronix - High-bandwidth Differential Probes, SMT Probes, Arbitrary Waveform Generators, etc.
- Lower Price than Other Custom Disk-drive Measurement Solutions that Perform Limited Measurements
- IDEMA Measurements Including TAA, PW50, Overwrite, Resolution and Asymmetry
- PRML Measurements Including Autocorrelation NLTS and SNR
User-installed, Oscilloscope-resident Disk Drive Measurement Package
Design, manufacturing and failure analysis engineers at disk drive companies; silicon vendors who design read-channel components; read/write head and media manufacturers - all desire to make measurements that are specific to their industry. Performing measurements on disk drive signals that comply with the IDEMA standards is crucial to meeting their objectives.
Tektronix now offers a solution that provides custom disk drive measurements for the industry leading TDS oscilloscopes. Peak detect measurements include track average amplitude positive (TAA+), track average amplitude negative (TAA-), track average amplitude total (TAA), 50% pulse width positive (PW50+), 50% pulse width negative (PW50-), 50% pulse width (PW50), overwrite and resolution. Timing measurements include time - trough-to-peak, and time - peak-to-trough. PRML measurements include autocorrelation non-linear transition shift and signal-to-noise ratio. Voltage and time asymmetry measurements are available for MR head designers. Measurement statistics are also available.
TDSDDM1 Disk Drive Measurement software is a software package from Tektronix that delivers industry-specific disk drive measurements. It comes on floppy disks, is easily installed into a TDS500D/600C/700D oscilloscope and doesn't require any external processing or connections. After installation, the application is accessible from the front panel.
Tektronix Oscilloscopes Supported
TDSDDM1 software operates on the following scopes:
Instrument*1 |
Firmware |
Serial Number |
TDS724C Opt. 2M |
v5.2e or later |
B020100 or greater |
TDS754C Opt. 2M |
v5.2e or later |
B020100 or greater |
TDS784C Opt. 2M |
v5.2e or later |
B020100 or greater |
*1 Instruments must have Opt. HD, hard disk drive.
TDS500D |
Opt. HD |
TDS600C |
Opt. HD |
TDS700D |
Opt. HD |
Ordering Information
Disk Drive Measurement Software for TDS500D/TDS700D.
Includes: Software on 3.5 in. disks, manual.
NOTE: Requires TDS500/600/700 Opt. HD or 2M.
TDSDDM1 Recommended Accessories
Arbitrary Waveform Generator - AWG520 programmable dual-channel arbitrary waveform generator.
High-bandwidth Differential Probe -
P6247 1 GHz differential probe.
P6248 1.7 GHz differential probe.