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Communications Pulse Measurements Software
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Features & Benefits
- Enhances the Capabilities of Your TDS Communications Analyzer Package by Enabling Your TDS500/700 Series Oscilloscope to Perform Automated Parametric Measurements on Various Electrical Communication Pulse Waveforms
- Perform Measurements and Pass/Fail Testing of:
- Pulse Amplitude
- Spectral Power
- Pulse Imbalance
- Pulse Symmetry
- Zero Level
- Standards Measured Include ANSI T1.102 and ITU-T G.703
- With the Unique Autoset to Standard Mask Capability, You Do Not Need to Set Up the Vertical, Horizontal, Trigger or Filter Controls
- Log the Measurement Results to a File for Future Analysis
- GPIB Control of Measurements if Desired
- Installs Inside the TDS Oscilloscope Requiring no External GPIB, RS-232 or PC
- Provided on a Single Floppy Disk for Easy Customer Installation
- Uses Familiar, User-friendly TDS User Interface
- Characterize the Standards Compliance of Electrical Communications Signals
User-installed, Oscilloscope Resident Communication Pulse Signal Measurement Package
Electronic design engineers, working for communication equipment manufacturers in the communications industry, develop products with standard communication interfaces. These engineers need tools to properly characterize their designs and verify compliance to industry standards. These standards include ANSI T1.102-1993 and ITU-T G.703. Characterization of these electrical signals include mask testing as well as parametric testing.
Option 2C, the Tektronix TDS Communication Signal Analyzer package, gives you the most comprehensive oscilloscope solutions for connecting to, capturing and characterizing optical and electrical signals in high-speed communication designs. Based on the TDS500D/700D family of Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes (DPOs), Option 2C and various measurement accessories tailor the oscilloscope for engineers debugging, characterizing and verifying the compliance of communication systems to international standards.
This capability is further enhanced by TDSCPM1 which allows electrical communication customers to perform quantitative measurements on their pulse waveforms in addition to mask tests provided by the Option 2C capabilities and accessories.
TDSCPM1 comes on a single floppy disk, is easily installed in a TDS oscilloscope, and doesn't require any external processing or connections. After installation, the application is accessible from the oscilloscope front panel.
Tektronix Oscilloscopes Supported
TDS500D, TDS700D Series Oscilloscopes with Communication Signal Analyzer Option 2C and a hard disk drive (Option HD or Option 2M).
Ordering Information
Communications Pulse Measurement Software for TDS500/700 Oscilloscopes.
Includes: Software on a 3.5 in. disk, manual.
NOTE: Requires TDS500/600/700 Opt. HD or 2M.
TDSCPM1 Recommended Options and Accessories
AFTDS - Telecom adapter.
AMT75 - 75 Ω adapter.