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RSA7100B Spectrum Analyzer Datasheet



RSA7100B EN_US_37W 61645 3
RSA7100B Spectrum Analyzer Datasheet

The RSA7100B wideband signal analyzer offers real time spectrum analysis up to 800 MHz bandwidth, simultaneous streaming to multiple interfaces for record (up to 2 hours) and playback of seamless data at full bandwidth.

Key features

  • 16 kHz to 14/26.5 GHz frequency range
  • High performance spectrum analysis for advanced design verification with -134 dBc/Hz phase noise at 1 GHz, 10 kHz offset and typical amplitude accuracy of 0.5 dB at 10 GHz
  • Standard 320 MHz real time bandwidth; standard internal preamplifier to 3.6 GHz
  • Industry's best real time performance: 232 nsec for 100% Probability of Intercept at full signal level
  • Available 800 MHz acquisition bandwidth at frequencies > 3.6 GHz for advanced Radar, communications and spectrum management requirements
  • Industry-leading time-qualified triggers which enable capture of events at desired pulse widths > 10 µs, ideal for capturing dynamic test environments
  • IQFlowTM provides continuous streaming of IQ data at full 800 MHz bandwidth from the device to one or more clients, including LVDS, 40 GbE, and a software API that provides the speed and flexibility needed to perform real-time Digital Signal Processing (DSP) algorithms
  • Streaming capture to internal RAID of over 2 hours at full 800 MHz bandwidth enables environment recording and analysis of long event sequences
  • DataVu-PC software for analysis of recorded events of any length includes ability to mark events of interest, export waveforms to other formats and perform pulse analysis with export of Pulse Descriptor Word (PDW) information
  • Simultaneous streaming and real time analysis for live monitoring of recording events ensures you are getting the data you need
  • Efficient fast-frame capture with dead time eliminated optimizes memory and analysis so you can analyze longer test sequences
  • Standard measurements including channel power, ACLR, CCDF, OBW/EBW, spurious search and amplitude/frequency/phase versus time provide a complete toolset for development work
  • Internal GPS receiver, 1PPS and IRIG-B AM/DC are available for precise time stamping of events
  • Standard real time DPX(R) spectrogram technology lets you see short-duration signals on a color-coded display. See the transients and interference your conventional spectrum analyzer is not showing you.
  • SignalVu-PC vector signal analysis software provides a wide variety of analysis packages, including modulation, pulse, WLAN, phase noise, and frequency/phase settling measurements.


  • Advanced radar/EW design evaluation
  • Environment evaluation, monitoring, and recording
  • Wideband communications design
  • Spectrum management
  • Electromagnetic environmental effects (E3)
  • Military range testing and field operations

Discover through color

The patented DPX® spectrum processing engine brings live analysis of transient events to spectrum analyzers. Transients of a minimum event duration of 0.232 μs in length are displayed in the frequency domain. This is orders of magnitude faster than swept analysis techniques. The large amount of data is color coded by rate of occurrence onto a bitmapped display, providing unparalleled insight into transient signal behavior. The DPX spectrum processor can be swept over the entire frequency range of the instrument, enabling broadband transient capture previously unavailable in any spectrum analyzer.

The RSA7100B gives you the power to imagine new solutions

The RSA7100B is a high performance spectrum analyzer focused on wideband analysis and signal recording. By separating the RF acquisitions from the compute engine, a graphics processor can be used in place of previously-required FPGA designs for real time processing.

You can harness the power of this CPU/GPU combination in your own simulations and designs, using the instrument as a powerful workstation.

The RSA7100B is designed for engineers working on the latest wideband designs in communications, radar and electronic warfare and for technicians who need to capture and analyze long-event sequences for wideband systems at the test range.

Analysis of signals is enabled with two software packages. SignalVu-PC for real time, spectrum and vector signal analysis, and DataVu-PC for analysis of the very large file sets produced when recording wideband signals.

SignalVu-PC software offers rich analysis capability

The RSA7100B operates with SignalVu-PC, a powerful program used as the basis of Tek's spectrum analyzers. SignalVu-PC offers a deep analysis capability including real time spectrum analysis and a wide variety of application packages. A programmatic interface to SignalVu-PC is provided, offering all measurements and settings to external programs.

Measurements and functions included in SignalVu-PC base version
General signal analysis Description
Spectrum analyzer Spans from 100 Hz to full range of the instrument, 3 traces + math and spectrogram trace, 5 markers with power, relative power, integrated power, power density and dBc/Hz functions
DPX spectrum/spectrogram Real time display of spectrum with 100% probability of intercept of up to 232 nsec signals in up to 800 MHz span
Amplitude, frequency, phase vs. time, RF I and Q vs. time Basic vector analysis functions
Time Overview/Navigator Enables easy setting of acquisition and analysis times for deep analysis in multiple domains

Analyze and re-analyze your signal in

2-D or 3-D waterfall display

Analog modulation analysisDescription
AM, FM, PM analysis Measures key AM, FM, PM parameters
RF measurementsDescription
Spurious measurement User-defined limit lines and regions provide automatic spectrum violation testing across the entire range of the instrument.
Spectrum emission mask User-set or standards-specific masks.
Occupied bandwidth Measures 99% power, -xdB down points.
Channel power and ACLR Variable channel and adjacent/alternate channel parameters.
MCPR Sophisticated, flexible multi-channel power measurements.
CCDF Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function plots the statistical variations in signal level.
Signal strength Measures signal strength and displays a spectrum and signal strength bar for interference hunting and signal quality evaluations.

The RSA7100 B combined with SignalVu-PC application licenses offers advanced analysis, 800 MHz bandwidth, streaming to internal RAID for record and playback, and simultaneous streaming to multiple interfaces for custom DSP simulations

SignalVu-PC offers a wealth of application-oriented options, including:

  • Pulse analysis including exclusive Pulse-Ogram™ displays
  • General-purpose modulation analysis (26 modulation types including 16/32/64/128/256 QAM, QPSK, O-QPSK, MSK, FSK, APSK)
  • EMC/EMI analysis with CISPR peak, quasi-peak, and average detectors

  • Streaming data to internal RAID
  • Simultaneous streaming of IQ data from the device to one or more clients through 40 GbE, LVDS, and to a software API for your custom DSP
  • WLAN analysis of 802.11a/b/g/j/p, 802.11n, 802.11ac
  • P25 analysis of phase I and phase 2 signals
  • LTE™ FDD and TDD Base Station (eNB) Cell ID & RF measurements
  • Bluetooth® analysis of Basic Rate, Low Energy, and Bluetooth 5. Some support of Enhanced Data Rate
  • Mapping
  • AM/FM/PM/Direct Audio Measurement including SINAD, THD
  • Signal Classification and Survey
  • Automated phase noise / jitter measurements

See the separate SignalVu-PC data sheet for complete details and ordering information. Selected applications are illustrated below.

Pulse analysis

The advanced pulse radar analysis package (SVP) provides 31 individual measurements plus cumulative statistics, opening a world of characterization for wideband pulsed system designers and evaluators. The fast-frame acquisition mode of SignalVu-PC with the RSA7100B allows you to acquire just the time of interest during your pulse, making the most efficient use of memory. Cumulative statistics displays analyze data over multiple acquisitions, further extending the analysis to millions of pulses. Displays and measurements include:

Displays Available measurements

Cumulative histograms of any measurement

Cumulative measurements table with statistics (min, max, mean, standard deviation)

Cumulative histograms of any measurement

Pulse-Ogram waterfall display of amplitude vs. time of multiple pulses

Spectrum of any pulse from the Pulse-Ogram

Measurement display of any selected pulse vs. time

Trend of selected measurement vs. pulse number

FFT of selected measurement vs. pulse number

Pulse frequency

Power (Average on, Peak, Average transmitted)

Pulse width

Rise time

Fall time

Repetition interval (seconds and Hz)

Duty factor (% and ratio)

Ripple (dB and %)

Droop (dB and %)

Overshoot (dB and %)

Pulse-to-Pulse and Pulse-to-Reference frequency difference

Pulse-to-Pulse and Pulse-to-Reference phase difference

Frequency error (RMS and Maximum)

Phase error (RMS and Maximum)

Deviation (Frequency and Phase)

Impulse response (dB and time)

Time stamp

RSA7100B EN_US_37W 61645 3

Shown above is a 700 MHz wide chirped signal. A time overview is presented at the top of the display that shows the pulses in the current acquisition. Phase deviation is displayed on the left, showing the characteristic parabolic shape of a frequency chirp. The signal has variations in repetition interval, shown in both the pulse table and the spectrogram on the right.

RSA7100B EN_US_37W 61645 3

The illustration above is the unique Pulse-Ogram display in SignalVu-PC application license SVPH. This is a waterfall of triggered pulses showing their relationship to the trigger in time domain. Variations are immediately seen as changes in timing vs. trigger. Each time domain trace is represented as a spectrum on the right side of the display for immediate correlation of time and frequency domain effects.

General-purpose digital modulation analysis

SignalVu-PC application SVM bundles 26 different modulation types into a single analysis package that includes:

Displays Measurements


I and Q vs. Time

EVM vs. Time

Frequency deviation vs. Time

Magnitude error vs. Time

Phase error vs. Time

Eye diagram

Trellis diagram

Signal quality

Symbol table

Error vector magnitude (RMS, Peak, EVM vs Time)

Modulation error ratio (MER)

Magnitude Error (RMS, peak, mag error vs time)

Phase error (RMS, Peak, Phase error vs time)

Origin offset

Frequency error

Gain imbalance

Quadrature error


FSK only: Frequency deviation, Symbol timing error

Modulation types
π/2DBPSK, BPSK, SBPSK, QPSK, DQPSK, π/4DQPSK, D8PSK, 8PSK, OQPSK, SOQPSK, CPM, 16/32/64/128/256/1024QAM, MSK, 2-FSK, 4-FSK, 8-FSK, 16-FSK, C4FM, D16PSK, 16APSK, and 32APSK

RSA7100B EN_US_37W 61645 3

In the illustration above, a 5 GHz carrier modulated with 500 MSymbols/sec pi/4-QPSK is analyzed with the RSA7100B Option B800 and SignalVu-PC application license SVM. A measurement summary, EVM vs. Time, and constellation display are shown along with the continuous monitoring of the DPX spectrum.

Streaming recording to RAID

With option STREAMNL-SVPC, you can stream the full real time bandwidth of the RSA7100B to the RAID system. All other analysis (real time spectrum analysis, modulation analysis, etc.) is available simultaneous with streaming. This ability to analyze while streaming ensures the integrity of your data collection, avoiding re-runs, and saving time.

RSA7100B EN_US_37W 61645 3

Easy recordings are available at the touch of a button or when a trigger is received. Anticipated file size is reported and indications of skipped frames or overload conditions are provided to ensure high-quality recording. Above we see a 5 second recording being made. DPX spectrum is providing real time monitoring of the 800 MHz acquisition. The file size, available disk space, recording progress, number of files recorded are all reported. Indicators of dropped frames and input overload are presented all in the same control screen.

DataVu-PC for analysis of long recordings

SignalVu-PC can open files up to 16 GB in size. DataVu-PC is the solution for analysis of large files. With DataVu-PC you can view color-graded spectrums, spectrograms and amplitude vs. time of files of unlimited length. Search-and-mark testing is available to quickly identify signals of interest. Searches can be amplitude qualified, and a marker is placed on up to 2,000,000 events found. Replay of user-selected sections is offered for review of signals of interest, and selected areas can be exported to SignalVu-PC for further analysis. Pulse analysis is available within DataVu-PC. See the separate DataVu-PC data sheet for complete details and ordering information.

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Above is a color-graded spectrum display combined with a 99% overlap spectrogram display as shown on DataVu-PC. You have full overlap/skip control to vary rate and detail of the streaming file for complete visualization of the data.

RSA7100B EN_US_37W 61645 3

DataVu-PC pulse option provides fast marking of pulses and measurements on large data sets. Above, the results of a pulse search are presented with the pulse measurements of start/stop time, average/peak power, pulse duration, Pulse Repetition Interval (PRI) and start/stop frequencies on up to 2,000,000 pulses. Pulse results can be exported in PDW format for use by other tools.

Automated phase noise and jitter measurements

Phase noise degrades the ability to process Doppler information in radar systems and degrades error vector magnitude in digitally modulation communication systems. Automated phase noise and jitter measurements with a spectrum analyzer (PHAS) may reduce the cost of your measurements by reducing the need for a dedicated phase noise analyzer.

Shown below, the phase noise of a 1 GHz carrier is measured at -133 dBc/Hz at 10 kHz offset. Single-sideband phase noise is displayed in dBc/Hz versus offset frequencies from carrier, shown in trace or tabular form: one ±Peak trace (in blue) and one average trace (in yellow). Trace smoothing and averaging is supported.

RSA7100B EN_US_37W 61645 3

The RSA7100B's intrinsic phase noise of -134 dBc/Hz, at this frequency and across its operating range, provides ample measurement margin for a vast majority of applications.

Applications include testing VCO phase noise, oscillator phase noise, clock source jitter, signal generator phase noise, and more. The Tektronix phase noise / jitter application, when combined with DPX® signal processing, provides a powerful solution for designing and troubleshooting momentarily unstable signal sources.

The phase noise application performs automated carrier tracking, averaging, and dynamic measurement bandwidth adjustment, providing the accuracy and speed of measurement needed at all carrier offsets - ranging from 10 Hz to 1 GHz. Results are available in log-frequency trace or tabular form with pass/fail limits on-screen or via programmatic control. Integration limits are programmable for RMS phase noise, jitter, and residual FM. The low instrument phase noise of the RSA7100B together with this measurement application allows for high-performance phase noise measurements at frequencies up to 26.5 GHz.

RSA7100B EN_US_37W 61645 3

The previous figure shows the RSA7100B typical and nominal phase noise performance.

CTRL7100B controller included with the RSA7100B

Tektronix has designed the CTRL7100B controller to meet the specified performance of real time DPX operation with simultaneous streaming to RAID storage and external client interfaces. With the available software API, you can also harness the power of this CPU/GPU combination to host your own simulations and designs, using the instrument as a powerful workstation.

CTRL7100 B key specifications

The CTRL7100B is offered in the following configuration. See the CTRL7100Bdatasheet for full specifications of the controller.

  • Dual Intel® Xeon® Gold 5218 16 Core (Cascade Lake)
  • 512 GB SSD (removable)
  • Optional RAID controller and front-panel removable drives supports 4 GB/s and up to 32 TB
  • Windows 10 operating system, compliant to US DoD's STIG
  • GPU: AMD WX9100
  • 40 GbE card


All specifications are guaranteed unless noted otherwise. All specifications apply to all models unless noted otherwise.

Frequency range
Frequency range

Preamp OFF:

16 kHz to 14 GHz ( RSA7100B Option 14)

16 kHz to 26.5 GHz ( RSA7100B Option 26)

Preamp ON:

10 MHz to 3.6 GHz

Tuning resolution
1 x 10-3 Hz
Frequency marker readout accuracy

± (RE × MF + 0.001 × Span) Hz

RE: Reference Frequency Error

MF: Marker Frequency [Hz]

Frequency reference
10 MHz
Initial accuracy at Cal (10 min warm-up)
± 50 x 10 -9 (23 °C to 28 °C)
Aging after 30 days of continuous operation, typical

± 0.5 x 10 -9 per day

± 100 x 10 -9 first year

Cumulative error (Initial + Temperature + Aging), typical

200 x 10 -9 (1 year)

Temperature drift
10 x 10 -9 (23 °C to 28 °C)

50 x 10 -9 (0 °C to 55 °C)

External reference output
BNC connector, 50 Ω, nominal
External reference output level
0.71 Vpp to 2 Vpp into 50 Ω
External reference output level, typical
1.2 Vpp into 50 Ω
External reference input
BNC connector, 50 Ω, nominal
External reference input frequency
10 MHz ±0.2 x 10-6
External reference input level
0.5 Vpp to 2 Vpp into 50 Ω
Phase noise
Frequency = 1 GHz, typical mean

-115 dBc/Hz at 100 Hz offset

-128 dBc/Hz at 1 kHz offset

-134 dBc/Hz at 10 kHz offset

-132 dBc/Hz at 100 kHz offset

-142 dBc/Hz at 1 MHz offset

Frequency = 5 GHz, nominal

-114 dBc/Hz at 100 Hz offset

-127 dBc/Hz at 1 kHz offset

-133 dBc/Hz at 10 kHz offset

-131 dBc/Hz at 100 kHz offset

-141 dBc/Hz at 1 MHz offset

Frequency = 10 GHz, nominal

-109 dBc/Hz at 100 Hz offset

-122 dBc/Hz at 1 kHz offset

-128 dBc/Hz at 10 kHz offset

-125 dBc/Hz at 100 kHz offset

-136 dBc/Hz at 1 MHz offset

Frequency = 20 GHz, nominal

-103 dBc/Hz at 100 Hz offset

-116 dBc/Hz at 1 kHz offset

-122 dBc/Hz at 10 kHz offset

-120 dBc/Hz at 100 kHz offset

-130 dBc/Hz at 1 MHz offset

RSA7100B EN_US_37W 61645 3
RF input
RF input impedance

50 Ω

RF VSWR (RF attn ≥10 dB), typical

< 1.5 (10 MHz to 14 GHz)

< 1.7 (> 14 GHz to 26.5 GHz )

Maximum RF input level
Maximum DC voltage

±40 V (RF Input)

Maximum Safe input power
+ 30 dBm
Maximum Measurable input power

+ 30 dBm

ADC and IF overload are detected and the user is informed and streaming data is flagged, but not stopped. Furthermore, an IF overload will initiate a protection event that will switch out the input signal. If SignalVu-PC is acquiring samples when this occurs, SignalVu-PC will automatically reset the switch periodically so that if the overload condition goes away, the input will continue to be sampled normally.

If the overload occurs while SignalVu-PC is not acquiring, then before SignalVu-PC starts acquiring it will automatically set an appropriate reference level then begin acquiring. When Center Frequency (CF) is < 80 MHz and reference level is < -40 dBm with pre-amp on, LO-to-IF leakage can cause ADC overload due to the 0 Hz spur. In this case, increasing reference level will correct the overload condition.

Input attenuator
RF attenuator

0 dB to 100 dB in 1dB steps, 16kHz to 3.6 GHz

0 dB to 75 dB in 5dB steps, 3.6 GHz to 26.5 GHz

0 dB to 75 dB in 5dB steps, 3.2 GHz to 3.6 GHz 1

Input preselector
The preselector is input filters used for image suppression when the span of the instrument allows for its use. Two methods of preselection are used in the RSA7100B: a fixed low-pass filter (LPF) and a tunable bandpass filter (BPF).
Acquisition mode Preselector Auto Preselector On Preselector Off
Swept, 50 MHz steps On On Step CF ≤ 3.6 GHz: On

Step CF > 3.6 GHz: Off

Swept, 320 MHz steps NA NA Step CF ≤ 3.41 GHz: On

Step CF > 3.41 GHz: Off

Real-time span ≤ 50 MHz On On CF ≤ 3.6 GHz: On

CF > 3.6 GHz: Off

Real-time span > 50 MHz CF ≤ 3.41 GHz: On

CF > 3.41 GHz: Off

CF > 3.2 GHz: Off 2

NA CF ≤ 3.41 GHz: On

CF > 3.41 GHz: Off

CF > 3.2 GHz: Off

Sweep time
Full-span sweep time, typical mean

(RBW: Auto, Span = 26.5 GHz)

Preselector Auto: 26.33 sec

Preselector Off: 4 sec

Amplitude and RF flatness
Reference level setting range
-130 dBm to +40 dBm, 0.1 dB step
Frequency response at 18℃ to 28℃ (At 10 dB RF attenuator setting)

Span ≤ 100 MHz.

For CF < 100 MHz, specifications apply for Ref Level ≥ - 40 dBm.

Verified with input level of -20 to -15 dBm, Ref level = -15 dBm, 10 dB RF attenuation, all settings auto-coupled.

Signal to noise ratios > 40 dB.

Amplitude accuracy – preamp OFF

Center frequency range

18 ⁰C to 28 ⁰C

18 ⁰C to 28 ⁰C, typical

0 ⁰C to 55 ⁰C, typical

10 MHz to < 100 MHz --- ±0.11 dB ---
100 MHz to < 2.8 GHz ±0.16 dB ±0.13 dB ±0.18 dB
2.8 GHz to 3.6 GHz ±0.16 dB ±0.13 dB ±0.38 dB
Amplitude accuracy – preamp ON

Center frequency range

18 ⁰C to 28 ⁰C

18 ⁰C to 28 ⁰C, typical

0 ⁰C to 55 ⁰C, typical

10 MHz to < 100 MHz --- ±0.2 dB ---
100 MHz to < 2.8 GHz ±0.20 dB ±0.14 dB ±0.10 dB
2.8 GHz to 3.6 GHz ±0.20 dB ±0.14 dB ±0.26 dB
Absolute amplitude accuracy

Span ≤ 100 MHz.

For CF < 100 MHz, specifications apply for Ref Level ≥ - 40 dBm.

Verified with input level of 0 to 10 dB below Ref level, 10 dB RF attenuation, all settings auto-coupled.

Signal to noise ratios > 40 dB.

Preamp OFF, Preselector Bypassed, 100 MHz Span, -10 dBm Ref Level

Center frequency range

18 ⁰C to 28 ⁰C

18 ⁰C to 28 ⁰C, typical

0 ⁰C to 55 ⁰C, typical

10 MHz to < 100 MHz --- ±0.3 dB ---
100 MHz to 3.6GHz ±0.8 dB ±0.4 dB ±0.8 dB
> 3.6 GHz to < 8.5 GHz ±0.9 dB ±0.4 dB ±1.1 dB
8.5 GHz to < 14 GHz ±1.0 dB ±0.5 dB ±1.4 dB
14 GHz to < 20 GHz ±1.7 dB ±1.0 dB ±1.7 dB
20 GHz to 26.5 GHz ±2.0 dB ±1.2 dB ±2.2 dB

Preamp ON, 100 MHz Span, -30 dBm Ref Level

Center frequency range

18 ⁰C to 28 ⁰C

18 ⁰C to 28 ⁰C, typical

0 ⁰C to 55 ⁰C, typical

10 MHz to < 100 MHz --- ±0.4 dB ---
100 MHz to 3.6GHz ±1.2 dB ±0.6 dB ±1.2 dB

Preselector Enabled, 50 MHz Span, -10 dBm Ref Level

Center frequency range

18 ⁰C to 28 ⁰C

18 ⁰C to 28 ⁰C, typical

0 ⁰C to 55 ⁰C, typical

> 3.6 GHz to 8.5 GHz ±1.6 dB ±0.8 dB ±1.7 dB
8.5 GHz to 14 GHz ±1.5 dB ±0.7 dB ±1.5 dB
> 14 GHz to 20 GHz ±2.6 dB ±1.3 dB ±2.2 dB
20 GHz to 26.5 GHz ±2.8 dB ±1.5 dB ±2.2 dB

Channel response (amplitude and phase deviation), typical

For these specifications, set Preselector as Off, Attenuator to 10 dB, 18 °C to 28 °C.

Channel response, typical
Characteristic Description

Measurement center frequency

Span (MHz)

Amplitude flatness (dBrms)

Amplitude flatness (dB)

Phase linearity (degrees rms)

Phase linearity (degrees)

10 MHz to 3.6 GHz

(CF ≥ Span)
10 0.06 ±0.8 0.08 ±0.1
25 0.15 ±0.2 0.4 ±0.5
50 0.2 ±0.3 1.0 ±1.3
100 0.4 ±0.6 2.5 ±3.5
320 1.0 ±1.4 10 ±13

3.6 GHz to 26.5 GHz

10 0.07 ±0.1 0.08 ±0.1
25 0.1 ±0.12 0.3 ±0.5
50 0.1 ±0.15 0.8 ±1.1
100 0.17 ±0.24 1.2 ±1.8
320 0.6 ±0.86 5 ±8
800 0.9 ±1.27 11 ±16
Noise and distortion
3rd Order IM intercept (TOI)

+24 dBm at 3.3 GHz, Preamp OFF

(2-tone signal level -20 dBm per tone at the RF input. 1 MHz tone separation. Attenuator = 0 dB, Ref Level = -10 dBm. 5 MHz span, RBW set so noise is 10 dB below the IM3 tone level or lower. Production tested in a verification mode not part of normal operation.)

3rd Order IM intercept (TOI), typical

-12 dBm (10 MHz to 3.6 GHz, Preamp ON)

+19 dBm (10 MHz to 100 MHz, Preamp OFF)

+24 dBm (100 MHz to 3.6 GHz, Preamp OFF)

+20 dBm (3.6 GHz to 7 GHz)

+27 dBm (7.5 GHz to 14 GHz)

+21 dBm (14 GHz to 26.5 GHz)

(2-tone signal level -20 dBm per tone at the RF input. 1 MHz tone separation. Attenuator = 0 dB, Ref Level = -10 dBm. 5 MHz span, RBW set so noise is 10 dB below the IM3 tone level or lower.)

3rd Order Intermod Distortion (Preamp OFF, Preselector bypassed, 320 MHz acquisition bandwidth), typical

-85 dBc (100 MHz to 3.4 GHz)

-65 dBc (3.4 GHz to 6 GHz)

-80 dBc (6 GHz to 26.5 GHz)

(2-tone signal level -20 dBm per tone at the RF input. 50 MHz tone separation. Attenuator = 0 dB, Ref Level = -10 dBm)

2nd Harmonic Intercept (Preselector Enabled, Preamp OFF), typical

+40 dBm (50 MHz to 300 MHz input signal)

+74 dBm (300 MHz to 1.8 GHz input signal)

+68 dBm (1.8 GHz to 13.25 GHz input signal)

(0 dBm CW at the RF input. Attenuator = 10 dB, Ref Level = 0 dBm. Span 50 ≤ MHz.)

Displayed Average Noise Level (DANL) (Preamp OFF, Preselector bypassed, 18 ◦C to 28 ◦C)

-153 dBm/Hz (>10 MHz to 1.7 GHz)

-150 dBm/Hz (>1.7 GHz to 2.8 GHz)

-148 dBm/Hz (>2.8 GHz to 3.6 GHz)

-152 dBm/Hz (>3.6 GHz to 14 GHz)

-145 dBm/Hz (>14 GHz to 17 GHz)

-150 dBm/Hz (>17 GHz to 24 GHz)

-146 dBm/Hz (>24 GHz to 26.5 GHz)

(Normalized to 1 Hz RBW, with log-average detector, 0 dB attenuation, ref level -50 dBm.)

Displayed Average Noise Level (DANL) (Preamp OFF, Preselector bypassed), typical

-153 dBm/Hz (200 kHz to 10 MHz)

-155 dBm/Hz (10 MHz to 100 MHz)

-156 dBm/Hz (100 MHz to 1.7 GHz)

-154 dBm/Hz (1.7 GHz to 2.8 GHz)

-151 dBm/Hz (2.8 GHz to 3.6 GHz)

-156 dBm/Hz (3.6 GHz to 14 GHz)

-152 dBm/Hz (14 GHz to 24 GHz)

-150 dBm/Hz (24 GHz to 26.5 GHz)

(Normalized to 1 Hz RBW, with log-average detector, 0 dB attenuation.)

Displayed Average Noise Level (DANL) (Preamp ON, 18 ◦C to 28 ◦C)

-163 dBm/Hz (10 MHz to 50 MHz)

-164 dBm/Hz (50 MHz to 1.7 GHz)

-162 dBm/Hz (>1.7 GHz to 3.6 GHz)

(Normalized to 1 Hz RBW, with log-average detector, 0 dB attenuation, ref level -50 dBm.)

Displayed Average Noise Level (DANL) (Preamp ON), typical

-168 dBm/Hz (10 MHz to 100 MHz)

-167 dBm/Hz (100 MHz to 1.7 GHz)

-165 dBm/Hz (1.7 GHz to 3.6 GHz)

(Normalized to 1 Hz RBW, with log-average detector, 0 dB attenuation.)

Displayed Average Noise Level (DANL) (Preselector enabled), typical

-152 dBm/Hz (3.6 GHz to 14 GHz)

-147 dBm/Hz (14 GHz to 26.5 GHz)

(Normalized to 1 Hz RBW, with log-average detector, 0 dB attenuation, ref level -50 dBm.)

Residual spurious response
Residual response, typical (Ref = -60 dBm, Span = 5 MHz)

< -115 dBm (100 MHz to 3.6 GHz)

< -115 dBm (3.6 GHz to 11 GHz)

< -105 dBm (11 GHz to 14 GHz)

< -105 dBm (14 GHz to 24 GHz)

< -95 dBm (24 GHz to 26.5 GHz)

(Measured with input terminated, 0 dB attenuation, preamp off.)

Residual response, typical (Ref = -60 dBm, Span = 100 MHz, 18 ℃ to 28 ℃)

< -98 dBm (100 MHz to 3.6 GHz)

< -102 dBm (>3.6 GHz to 11 GHz)

< -86 dBm (>11 GHz to 14 GHz)

< -86 dBm (>14 GHz to 24 GHz, Option 26)

< -84 dBm (>24 GHz to 26.5 GHz, Option 26)

(Measured with input terminated, 0 dB attenuation, preamp off, preselector off.)

Residual response, typical (Ref = -60 dBm, Span = 320 MHz)

< -110 dBm (100 MHz to 3.6 GHz)

< -105 dBm (3.6 GHz to 11 GHz)

< -85 dBm (11 GHz to 14 GHz)

< -85 dBm (14 GHz to 26.5 GHz)

(Measured with input terminated, 0 dB attenuation, preamp off, preselector off.)

Residual response, typical (Ref = -60 dBm, Span = 800 MHz)

< -85 dBm (3.6 GHz to 14 GHz)

< -85 dBm (14 GHz to 20 GHz)

< -75 dBm (20 GHz to 26.5 GHz)

(Measured with input terminated, 0 dB attenuation, preamp off, preselector off.)

Spurious response with signal
Spurious response with image signal (18 ℃ to 28 ℃)

-98 dBc (CF = 100 MHz to 3.6 GHz, input at CF +9.225 GHz)

-81 dBc (CF > 3.6 GHz to 14 GHz, input at CF + 1.225 GHz)

-74 dBc (CF > 14 GHz to 26.5 GHz, input at CF + 1.225 GHz)

(Input level = 0 dBm. Ref Level = 0 dBm. RF atten = 10 dB. 50 MHz span.)

Spurious response with signal at CF, span = 320 MHz (Spur offset > 2.5 MHz), typical

<-80 dBc (CF = 100 MHz to 3.6 GHz, except 3.2 to 3.55 GHz)

<-65 dBc (CF = 3.2 GHz to 3.55 GHz)

<-85 dBc (CF = 3.6 to 14 GHz)

<-80 dBc (CF = 14 GHz to 26.5 GHz)

<-65 dBc (CF = 3.6 GHz to 14 GHz, span = 800 MHz)

<-65 dBc (CF = 14 GHz to 26.5 GHz, span = 800 MHz)

(Input level = -10 dBm. Ref Level = -10 dBm. RF atten = 10 dB. Preselector off.)

Spurious response with signal at CF (50 kHz ≤ spur offset < 2.5 MHz), typical

-80 dBc (CF = 100 MHz to 3.6 GHz, except 3.38 to 3.39 GHz)

-70 dBc (CF = 3.38 GHz to 3.39 GHz)

-75 dBc (CF = 3.6 GHz to 14 GHz)

-65 dBc (CF = 14 GHz to 26.5 GHz)

(Input level = -10 dBm. Ref Level = -10 dBm. RF atten = 10 dB. Preselector on, span = 5 MHz.)

Spurious response with signal within capture BW at other than CF, span = 320 MHz, typical

<-80 dBc (CF = 100 MHz to 3.6 GHz, except Signal at 3.2 to 3.55 GHz)

< -65dBc (Signal at 3.2 to 3.55 GHz, CF = 3.04 GHz to 3.6 GHz)

-85 dBc (CF 3.6 GHz to 14 GHz )

-80 dBc (CF 14 GHz to 26.5 GHz)

(Input level = -10 dBm. Ref Level = -10 dBm. RF atten = 10 dB.)

Spurious response with signal within capture BW at other than CF, span = 800 MHz, typical mean

-65 dBc (CF = 3.6 GHz to 26.5 GHz)

(Ref Level = -10 dBm. RF atten = 10 dB, Input Level = -20 dBm.)

The mean is taken from the largest spur within the span at each CF step and each input frequency stepped across the span. The input signal is stepped at 80 MHz/step across the span and the CF is stepped at 800 MHz/step across the specified frequency range.

If a particular span and input combination has no spurs > -70 dBc it is not included in the mean so it does not contribute to reducing the mean.

Spurious response with signal outside span, except for signal frequencies specified here, typical

-80 dBc

(Input level = -30 dBm. Ref Level = -30 dBm. RF atten = 10 dB. Span ≤ 50 MHz.)

Spurious Response due to signal applied at CF+1225 MHz to CF+1250 MHz and 2290 MHz to 2320 MHz, typical

-55 dBc (CF 100 MHz to 2.5 GHz)

(Input level = -10 dBm. Ref Level = -10 dBm. RF atten = 10 dB, span ≤ 50 MHz.)

Spurious Response due to signal applied at 160 MHz to 215 MHz and 3360 MHz to 3415 MHz, typical

-65 dBc (CF 100 MHz to 3.6 GHz)

(Input level = -10 dBm. Ref Level = -10 dBm. RF atten = 10 dB, span ≤ 50 MHz.)

Spurious Response due to signal applied at 585 MHz to 640 MHz and 4585 MHz to 4640 MHz, typical

-70 dBc (CF 100 MHz to 3.6 GHz)

(Input level = -10 dBm. Ref Level = -10 dBm. RF atten = 10 dB, span ≤ 50 MHz.)

Local oscillator feed-through to input connector (Attenuator = 10 dB), typical

< - 110 dBm (CF ≤ 3.6 GHz, preamp off)

< -60 dBm (CF >3.6 GHz, preselector on)

Wideband extended tuning
Frequency response (18 ℃ to 28 ℃), Preamp OFF, typical

±4.0 dB (CF = 3.2 GHz to 3.6 GHz)

(Input level = -20 to -15 dBm. Ref level = -15 dBm. RF atten = 10 dB, all setting auto-coupled. Span > 320 MHz. Signal to noise ratio >40 dB.)

Channel response (18 ℃ to 28 ℃), preselector bypassed, typical

Measurement CF: 3.2 GHz to 3.6 GHz

Span: 800 MHz

Amplitude flatness: 1.0 dBrms

Amplitude flatness: ±4.0 dB

Residual response (18 ℃ to 28 ℃), Preamp OFF, typical

< -105 dBm (3.2 GHz to 3.6 GHz)

(Ref level = -60 dBm. RF atten = 0 dB. Span = 800 MHz. Measured with input terminated.)

(These are not related to input signals.)

Internal trigger
Trigger mode, type, and source

Modes: Free run (triggered by the end the preceding acquisition), Triggered (triggered by event)

Types: Single (one acquisition from one trigger), Continuous (repeated acquisitions from repeating triggers)

Sources: RF Input (downconverted to IF), Trigger Input, Host (trigger initiated by host)

Trigger events

Power Level within Span (RF Input)

Frequency Mask, (Host)

Host Request (Host)

DPX Density (Host)

Trigger GPS time stamp, typical

<15 ns relative to GPS time

(GPS satellites may have error up to ±90 ns relative to UTC.)

Pre- and post-trigger setting
Trigger position is settable within 1 % to 99 % of total data length
Time-qualified trigger
Minimum Re-Arm Time
10 μs
Power trigger
Power trigger level range
30 dBm to -170 dBm
Power trigger level resolution
0.1 dB
Power trigger level accuracy (This specification is in addition to the overall amplitude accuracy uncertainty for SA mode.)

±1 dB (level ≥ -50 dB from reference level) for trigger levels >30 dB above the noise floor at the center frequency.

Instrument Center Frequency ≥ 100 MHz

This applies when the Trigger Level is between 10% and 90% of the signal amplitude

Power trigger position timing uncertainty, typical

±8 ns

Power trigger bandwidth setting
This is not an independent setting. It is set by the "Time-Domain Bandwidth" control. Power Trigger Bandwidth is determined by Acquisition bandwidth.
Power trigger minimum event duration
3.5 ns
External trigger
External trigger threshold voltage
3.3V TTL, VIL 0.8V, VIH 2.0V
External trigger input impedance

10 kΩ

External trigger minimum pulse width
>10 ns
External trigger timing uncertainty
±8 ns
Frequency mask and DPX density trigger (Option TRIGH)
Frequency mask trigger mask point horizontal resolution
< 0.13 % of span
Frequency mask trigger level range
0 to -80 dB from reference level
Frequency mask trigger level resolution
0.1 dB
Frequency mask trigger level accuracy (with respect to reference level)
±(Channel Response Flatness + 2.5 dB) for mask levels ≥ -50 dB and >30 dB above the noise floor
Frequency mask trigger timing uncertainty
±(0.5*Spectrum time)
DPX density trigger area of interest range
2 to 801 pixels (horizontal) x 2 to 201 pixels (vertical)
Real-time event minimum duration for 100% probability of intercept/trigger, typical
Span (MHz) RBW (kHz) FFT length (points) Minimum signal duration for 100% POI at 100% amplitude (μsec)
DPX Spectrum DPXogram Freq. mask trigger Density trigger
800 50,000 38/ 256 0.419 0.844 0.419 0.946
20,000 95/ 256 0.516 0.947 0.572 1.025
10,000 190/ 256 0.686 1.115 0.768 1.164
1,000 1,900/ 2,048 3.006 4.071 3.483 3.377
300 6,333/ 8,192 11.836 15.412 12.654 12.008
100 19,000/ 32,768 45.031 60.086 52.755 46.581
30 63,333/ 65,536 131.352 166.418 140.185 130.031
25 76,000/ 131,072 212.109 268.897 227.644 212.050
1 1,900,000/ 2,097,152 3824 3831 4154 3733
0.12 15,833,333/ 16,777,216 42120 42269 44721 41520
320 32,000 60/ 256 0.431 0.860 0.469 0.678
20,000 94/ 256 0.476 0.908 0.517 0.684
10,000 190/ 256 402 0.600 1.042 0.651 0.813
1,000 1,900/ 1,024 2.685 3.229 2.870 2.754
300 6,334/ 4,096 9.156 10.962 10.208 9.778
100 19,000/ 16,384 32.464 40.156 37.425 33.908
30 63,334/ 32,768 92.512 106.968 101.865 94.935
25 76,000/ 65,536 134.919 161.777 159.406 148.456
1 1,900,000/ 1,048,576 2760 2890 2890 2696
0.1 19,000,000/ 16,777,216 39754 41804 41804 39170
100 8,000 240/ 256 0.611 1.041 0.648 0.905
1,000 1,900/ 512 2.703 3.207 2.974 2.929
300 6,334/ 1,024 7.816 8.884 8.286 7.989
100 19,000/ 4,096 24.838 29.005 26.615 25.888
30 63,334/ 16,384 88.503 99.438 95.286 94.922
25 76,000/ 16,384 101.230 112.169 108.048 107.388
1 1,900,000/ 524,288 2670 2780 2980 2461
0.1 19,000,000/ 4,194,304 25641 26434 28128 24989
50 4,000 480/ 256 0.850 1.227 0.888 1.181
1,000 1,894/ 256 2.476 2.970 2.575 2.910
300 6,334/ 512 7.835 9.017 8.345 8.232
100 19,000/ 2,048 24.559 29.195 26.484 25.697
30 63,334/ 8,192 85.654 96.715 93.143 92.642
25 76,000/ 8,192 98.364 109.275 105.853 105.263
1 1,900,00/ 262,144 2730 2778 2991 2322
0.1 19,000,000/ 2,097,152 23430 24048 25055 22247
Real time transforms per second, typical
Span (MHz) RBW (kHz) Transforms per second
DPX Spectrum DPXogram Freq. mask trigger Density trigger
800 50,000 2,627,562 1,241,584 2,365,733 1,243,943
20,000 2,376,594 1,174,142 2,094,919 1,196,807
10,000 2,018,280 1,081,222 1,731,537 1,140,029
1,000 906,043 460,681 638,292 710,374
300 181,750 110,150 158,214 176,353
100 37,417 24,338 29,850 36,480
30 14,701 9,700 13,023 14,995
25 7,346 5,183 6,594 7,350
1 519 517 443 544
0.12 37 37 34 38
320 32,000 2,696,885 1,250,776 2,444,144 1,676,513
20,000 2,616,606 1,229,611 2,366,207 1,709,864
10,000 2,436,340 1,174,661 2,167,808 1,605,154
1,000 1,273,703 753,106 1,030,598 1,181,032
300 354,423 216,078 258,150 301,316
100 74,336 47,270 54,275 69,560
30 34,275 22,918 25,954 32,883
25 16,974 11,658 11,994 14,032
1 1,161 1,137 1,009 1,255
0.1 48 47 43 49
100 8,000 2,699,036 1,248,489 2,448,673 1,556,652
1,000 1,245,859 765,075 931,228 999,302
300 674,595 392,013 512,214 625,691
100 171,305 27,702 31,299 33,285
30 39,639 27,655 31,205 33,452
25 36,639 27,655 31,205 33,452
1 1,297 1,134 925 1,781
0.1 150 134 109 166
50 4,000 2,703,955 1,254,739 2,452,569 1,472,428
1,000 1,717,706 928,828 1,467,931 1,017,554
300 658,103 372,705 497,315 553,161
100 178,889 98,097 133,639 161,150
30 44,806 29,969 33,554 36,719
25 44,717 30,064 33,501 36,828
1 1,204 1,137 916 2,369
0.1 225 197 164 307
Real-time capture bandwidth

320 MHz (Standard)

800 MHz (Option B800)

Sampling rate and available memory time in RTSA/Time/Demodulation mode
Acquisition bandwidth Sample rate (for I and Q) Significant bits (I and Q each)

Record length

Maximum record time (sec)

800 MHz 1,000 MS/s 12 2G samples 2.1
320 MHz 500 MS/s 12 2G samples 4.2
160 MHz 250 MS/s 13 2G samples 8.5
100 MHz 150 MS/s 13 2G samples 14.3
50 MHz 75 MS/s 13 2G samples 28.6
40 MHz 62.5 MS/s 14 2G samples 34.3
20 MHz 31.25 MS/s 15 2G samples 68.7
10 MHz 15.625 MS/s 15 2G samples 137.4
Minimum acquisition length in RTSA/Time/ Demod Mode
64 samples
Acquisition length setting resolution in RTSA/Time/ Demod Mode
1 sample
Amplitude vs Time
Time scale zero span
1 μs min to 2000 s max
Time accuracy
± 0.5% of total time
Time resolution
0.1% of total time
Time linearity

±0.5% of total time

Recording to RAID
Sampling rate and maximum record length
Acquisition bandwidth Streaming sample rate (for I and Q)

Maximum record length

(Option B)

Maximum record length

(Option C)

>320 to 800 MHz 1000 MS/s, packed 20 min 165 min
>320 to 800 MHz 1000 MS/s, unpacked 20 min 120 min
>160 to 320 MHz 500 MS/s 40 min 4 hr
> 50 to 160 MHz 250 MS/s 80 min 8 hr
> 50 to 100 MHz 150 MS/s 130 min 13 hr
> 40 to 50 MHz 75 MS/s 256 min 26 hr
> 40 to 50 MHz 125 MS/s 160 min 16 hr
> 20 to 40 MHz 65.2 MS/s 320 min 32 hr
> 10 to 20 MHz 31.25 MS/s 10 hr 64 hr
≤10 MHz 15.625 MS/s 20 hr 128 hr
Disk size and lifetime, 800 MHz bandwidth
RAID option

Total time of all records

Expected lifetime of disk

Option B at 1000 MS/s 55 min 290 hr
Option B at 1000 MS/s, stored unpacked 40 min 226 hr
Option C at 1000 MS/s 165 min 900 hr
Option C at 1000 MS/s, stored unpacked 120 min 680 hr
Unpacked data
At >320 to 800 MHz acquisition bandwidth, data can be packed in 12-bit samples. This is done to reduce the data transfer rate requirement and to guarantee gap-free recordings. At 320 MHz acquisition bandwidth and below, packing is not necessary and data is always stored as 16-bit samples.
GPS location and timing
GPS (L1: 1575.42 MHz)
GPS antenna power
5 V, 60 mA max
GPS active antenna power auto-detect threshold
7.9 mA, max
Maximum RF power at GPS input
+3 dBm
Horizontal position accuracy

2.5 m CEP

3.5 m SEP

(Test conditions: 24 hours static, -130 dBm received signal strength.)

GPS timestamp accuracy to UTC, typical
±100 ns
IRIG-B timing
IRIG-B DC signal level

0 to 3.3 V, +5 V tolerant

1 kΩ input resistance

IRIG-B AM signal level

-5 V, to +5 V

1.5 V to 10 Vp-p mark, 3:1 mark-space ratio

1 kHz input carrier frequency

5 kΩ input resistance

IRIG-B AM timing accuracy (typical)
±1150 nS ± 260 nS standard deviation
Measurements included.
General signal analysis
Spectrum analyzer Spans from 100 Hz to full span of instrument

Three traces plus math and spectrogram trace

Five markers with power, relative power, integrated power, power density and dBc/Hz functions

DPX Spectrum/Spectrogram Real time display of spectrum with 100% probability of intercept of up to 232 ns signals in up to 800 MHz span. Swept DPX with DPX Spectrum to perform stepped DPX spectrum measurements over the full frequency range of the instrument.
Amplitude, frequency, phase vs. time, RF I and Q vs. time Basic vector analysis functions
Time Overview/Navigator Enables easy setting of acquisition and analysis times for deep analysis in multiple domains
Spectrogram Analyze and re-analyze your signal with a 2-D or 3-D waterfall display
Analog modulation analysis
AM, FM, PM analysis Measures key AM, FM, PM parameters
RF measurements
Spurious measurement User-defined limit lines and regions provide automatic spectrum violation testing across the entire range of the instrument. Four traces can be saved and recalled; CISPR Quasi-Peak and Average detectors available with option SVQP.
Spectrum emission mask User-defined or standards-specific masks
Occupied Bandwidth Measures 99% power, -xdB down points
Channel Power and ACLR Variable channel and adjacent/alternate channel parameters
MCPR Sophisticated, flexible multi-channel power measurements
CCDF Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function plots the statistical variations in signal level
Measurement functions
Measurement functions Description
Frequency domain

Channel Power, Multi-Carrier Adjacent Channel Power / Leakage Ratio, Adjacent Channel Power, dBm/Hz Marker, dBc/Hz Marker

Time domain and statistical

RF I/Q vs. Time, Power vs. Time, Frequency vs. Time, Phase vs. Time, CCDF, Peak-to-Average Ratio

DPX Spectrogram processing
DPX Spectrogram trace detection
+Peak, -Peak, Avg (Vrms)
DPX Spectrogram trace length
800 to 10401 points
DPX Spectrogram memory depth

Trace Length = 801: 1,005,376 traces

Trace Length = 10401: 77,336 traces

Time resolution per line

5 μs to 6400 s (user-settable)

(Minimum time resolution specified at 800 MHz RT BW, 1 MHz RBW, 801 trace points)

DPXogram maximum number of lines
Trace points Number of lines
801 921,594
2,401 307,198
4,000 184,318
10,401 70,891

SignalVu-PC applications performance summary

General Purpose Analog Modulation Analysis Accuracy, typical

(0 dBm input at center; 0 dBm Input Power Level, Reference Level 10 dBm, Attenuation = Auto)

AM demodulation accuracy


(Carrier Frequency 1 GHz, 10 to 60 % Modulation Depth)

(1 kHz / 5 kHz Input/Modulated Frequency)

PM demodulation accuracy


(Carrier Frequency 1 GHz, 400 Hz / 1 kHz Input/Modulated Frequency)

FM demodulation accuracy

±1% of span

(Carrier Frequency 1 GHz, 1 kHz / 5 kHz Input/Modulated Frequency)

General-purpose digital modulation analysis (SVMxx-SVPC)
Carrier type
Continuous, Burst (5 μs minimum on-time)
Modulation formats
Measurement filter
Root Raised Cosine, Raised Cosine, Gaussian, Rectangular, IS-95 Base EQ, User, None
Reference Filter
Gaussian, Raised Cosine, Rectangular, IS-95 baseband, User, None
Filter rolloff factor
α:0.001 to 1, in 0.001 steps
Measurement functions
Constellation, Error Vector Magnitude (EVM) vs. Time, Symbol Table
Constellation diagram display format
Symbol display, Frequency Error measurement, Origin Offset measurement
Error vector diagram display format
EVM, Magnitude Error, Phase Error, Waveform Quality (ρ) measurement, Frequency Error measurement, Origin Offset measurement
Symbol table display format
Binary, hexadecimal
QPSK Residual EVM (center frequency = 2 GHz), typical mean

0.35 % (10 MHz symbol rate)

0.75 % (60 MHz symbol rate)

1.5 % (120 MHz symbol rate)

2.0 % (240 MHz symbol rate)

256 QAM Residual EVM (center frequency = 2 GHz), typical mean

0.4 % (10 MHz symbol rate)

0.6 % (60 MHz symbol rate)

1.0 % (120 MHz symbol rate)

1.5 % (240 MHz symbol rate)

OQPSK Residual EVM (center frequency = 2 GHz), typical mean

0.6% (100 kHz symbol rate, 200 kHz measurement bandwidth)

0.6% (1 MHz symbol rate, 2 MHz measurement bandwidth)

1.0% (10 MHz symbol rate, 20 MHz measurement bandwidth)

Reference filter: raised-cosine, Measurement filter: root raised cosine, Filter parameter: Alpha = 0.3

SOQPSK (MIL) Residual EVM (center frequency = 250 MHz), typical mean

0.4% (4 kHz symbol rate, 64 kHz measurement bandwidth)

Reference filter: MIL STD, Measurement filter: none

SOQPSK (MIL) Residual EVM (center frequency = 2 GHz), typical mean

0.5% (20 kHz symbol rate, 320 kHz measurement bandwidth)

0.5% (100 kHz symbol rate, 1.6 MHz measurement bandwidth)

0.5% (1 MHz symbol rate, 16 MHz measurement bandwidth)

Reference filter: MIL STD, Measurement filter: none

SOQPSK (ARTM) Residual EVM (center frequency = 250 MHz), typical mean

0.3% (4 kHz symbol rate, 64 kHz measurement bandwidth)

Reference filter: ARTM STD, Measurement filter: none

SOQPSK (ARTM) Residual EVM (center frequency = 2 GHz), typical mean

0.5% (20 kHz symbol rate, 320 kHz measurement bandwidth)

0.5% (100 kHz symbol rate, 1.6 MHz measurement bandwidth)

0.5% (1 MHz symbol rate, 16 MHz measurement bandwidth)

Reference filter: ATRM STD, Measurement filter: none

SBPSK (MIL) Residual EVM (center frequency = 250 MHz), typical mean

0.3% (4 kHz symbol rate, 64 kHz measurement bandwidth)

Reference filter: MIL STD, Measurement filter: none

SBPSK (MIL) Residual EVM (center frequency = 2 GHz), typical mean

0.5% (20 kHz symbol rate, 320 kHz measurement bandwidth)

0.5% (100 kHz symbol rate, 1.6 MHz measurement bandwidth)

0.5% (1 MHz symbol rate, 16 MHz measurement bandwidth)

Reference filter: MIL STD, Measurement filter: none

CPM (MIL) Residual EVM (center frequency = 250 MHz), typical mean

0.3% (4 kHz symbol rate, 64 kHz measurement bandwidth)

Reference filter: MIL STD, Measurement filter: none

CPM (MIL) Residual EVM (center frequency = 2 GHz), typical mean

0.5% (20 kHz symbol rate, 320 kHz measurement bandwidth)

0.5% (100 kHz symbol rate, 1.6 MHz measurement bandwidth)

0.5% (1 MHz symbol rate, 16 MHz measurement bandwidth)

Reference filter: MIL STD, Measurement filter: none

2/4/8/16FSK Residual RMS FSK Error (center frequency = 2 GHz), typical mean

0.5% (2/4FSK, 10 kHz symbol rate, 10 kHz frequency deviation)

0.4% (8/16FSK, 10 kHz symbol rate, 10 kHz frequency deviation)

Reference filter: none, Measurement filter: none

Adaptive equalizer
Linear, Decision-Directed, Feed-Forward (FIR) equalizer with coefficient adaptation and adjustable convergence rate.
Supported modulation types
BPSK, QPSK, OQPSK, DQPSK, π/2DBPSK, π/4DQPSK, 8PSK, D8SPK, D16PSK, 16/32/64/128/256/1024-QAM, 16/32-APSK
Reference filters
Raised cosine, rectangular, none
Reference filters (OQPSK)
Raised cosine, half sine
Adaptive filter length
1 to 128 taps
Adaptive filter taps/symbol
1, 2, 4, or 8 (Raised cosine, half sine, or none
Adaptive filter taps/symbol (Rectangular filter)
Equalizer controls
Off, Train, Hold, Reset
Flexible OFDM Measurements application (SVONL-SVPC)
802.11a/g/j/p OFDM and 802.16-2004 maximum residual EVM (RMS), typical mean

-52 dB at 2.4 GHz (802.11a/g/j and 802.16-2004)

-50 dB at 2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz

802.11b Maximum Residual EVM (RMS), typical mean

1.0% at 2.4 GHz

WLAN 802.11n Measurement application (SV24NL-SVPC)
OFDM Maximum Residual EVM (RMS), typical mean

-49 dB at 2.4 GHz

-49 dB at 5.8 GHz

(40 MHz bandwidth)

WLAN 802 11ac measurement application (SV25HNL-SVPC)
(802.11ac OFDM)
OFDM Maximum Residual EVM (RMS), CF = 5.8 GHz, typical mean

-50 dB at 40 MHz BW

-48 dB at 80 MHz BW

-43 dB at 160 MHz BW

APCO P25 Measurements application (SV26NL-SVPC)

RF output power, operating frequency accuracy, modulation emission spectrum, unwanted emissions spurious, adjacent channel power ratio, frequency deviation, modulation fidelity, frequency error, eye diagram, symbol table, symbol rate accuracy, transmitter power and encoder attack time, transmitter throughput delay, frequency deviation vs. time, power vs. time, transient frequency behavior, HCPM transmitter logical channel peak adjacent channel power ratio, HCPM transmitter logical channel off slot power, HCPM transmitter logical channel power envelope, HCPM transmitter logical channel time alignment, cross-correlated markers

Modulation fidelity, typical

C4FM = ≤ 1.0%

HCPM ≤ 0.5%

HDQPSK = ≤ 0.25%

Input signal level is optimized for best modulation fidelity.

Bluetooth Measurements application (SV27NL-SVPC and SV31NL-SVPC)
Supported standards

Bluetooth® 4.2 Basic Rate, Bluetooth® 4.2 Low Energy, Bluetooth® 4.2 Enhanced Data Rate. Bluetooth® 5 when SV31 is enabled.


Peak Power, Average Power, Adjacent Channel Power or InBand Emission mask, -20 dB Bandwidth, Frequency Error, Modulation Characteristics including ΔF1avg (11110000), ΔF2avg (10101010), ΔF2 > 115 kHz, ΔF2/ΔF1 ratio, frequency deviation vs. time with packet and octet level measurement information, Carrier Frequency f0, Frequency Offset (Preamble and Payload), Max Frequency Offset, Frequency Drift f1-f0, Max Drift Rate fn-f0 and fn-fn-5, Center Frequency Offset Table and Frequency Drift table, color-coded Symbol table, Packet header decoding information, eye diagram, constellation diagram

Output power (BR and LE), typical mean

Supported measurements: Average power, peak power

Level uncertainty: refer to instrument amplitude and flatness specification

Measurement range: signal level > –70 dBm

Modulation characteristics, typical mean (CF = 2400 MHz to 2500 MHz)

Supported measurements: ΔF1avg, ΔF2avg, ΔF2avg/ ΔF1avg, ΔF2max%>=115kHz (basic rate), ΔF2max%>=115kHz (low energy)

Deviation range: ±280 kHz

Deviation uncertainty (at 0 dBm):

<2 kHz3 + instrument frequency uncertainty (basic rate)

<3 kHz + instrument frequency uncertainty (low energy)

Measurement resolution: 10 Hz

Measurement range: Nominal channel frequency ±100 kHz

Initial carrier frequency tolerance (ICFT) (BR and LE), typical mean

Measurement uncertainty (at 0 dBm): <1 kHz 4 + instrument frequency uncertainty

Measurement range: Nominal channel frequency ±100 kHz

Measurement resolution: 10 Hz

RF signal power range: > –70 dBm

Carrier frequency drift (BR and LE), typical mean

Supported measurements: Max freq. offset, drift f1- f0, max drift fn-f0, max drift fn-fn-5 (BR and LE 50 μs)

Measurement uncertainty: <1 kHz 5 + instrument frequency uncertainty

Measurement resolution: 10 Hz

Measurement range: Nominal channel frequency ±100 kHz

RF signal power range: > –70 dBm

In-band emissions (ACPR) (BR and LE)

Level uncertainty: refer to instrument amplitude and flatness specification

LTE Downlink RF measurements (SV28xx-SVPC)
Standard Supported

3GPP TS 36.141 Version 12.5

Frame Format supported


Measurements and Displays Supported
Adjacent Channel Leakage Ratio (ACLR), Spectrum Emission Mask (SEM), Channel Power, Occupied Bandwidth, Power vs. Time showing Transmitter OFF power for TDD signals and LTE constellation diagram for Primary Synchronization Signal and Secondary Synchronization Signal with Cell ID, Group ID, Sector ID, RS (Reference Signal) Power and Frequency Error.

5G NR Uplink/Downlink measurements (5GNRNL-SVPC)

Standard supported
TS 38.141-1 for BS and 38.521-1 for UE
Modulation accuracy
Sec 6.5.2 for BS and Sec 6.4.2 for UE.
Sec 6.6.3 for BS and Sec for UE
Frame format supported
Uplink (FDD and TDD)
Downlink (FDD and TDD)
Measurements and displays supported
Channel Power (CHP), Adjacent Channel Power (ACP), Power Vs Time (PVT)1, Modulation Accuracy (including Error Vector Magnitude (EVM), Frequency Error, IQ Error), EVM vs. Symbol, Occupied Bandwidth (OBW), Spectral Emission Mask (SEM), Constellation Diagram, and summary table with scalar results.
EVM (typical)

100MHz CC1, 256QAM, UL, 30KHz subcarrier spacing, -3dBm to -29dBm channel power, within -1dB of full scale.

1 GHz2 GHz3 GHz3.5 GHz4 GHz6 GHz8 GHz10 GHz

<1% rms EVM from 1 GHz to 10 GHz

RSA7100B EN_US_37W 61645 3
ACLR (typical)

< -48 dBc for 100 MHz CC1, 256 QAM, UL, 30 kHz subcarrier spacing, -3 dBm to -15 dBm channel power, within -1dB of full scale < 6 GHz

Pulse measurements (SVPNLSVPC)

Pulse-Ogram™ waterfall display of multiple segmented captures, with amplitude vs time and spectrum of each pulse. Pulse frequency, Delta Frequency, Average on power, Peak power, Average transmitted power, Pulse width, Rise time, Fall time, Repetition interval (seconds), Repetition interval (Hz), Duty factor (%), Duty factor (ratio), Ripple (dB), Ripple (%), Droop (dB), Droop (%), Overshoot (dB), Overshoot (%), Pulse- Ref Pulse frequency difference, Pulse- Ref Pulse phase difference, Pulse- Pulse frequency difference, Pulse- Pulse phase difference, RMS frequency error, Max frequency error, RMS phase error, Max phase error, Frequency deviation, Phase deviation, Impulse response (dB),Impulse response (time), Time stamp.

Pulse measurement characteristics
CharacteristicFor 40 MHz bandwidthFor 320 and 800 MHz bandwidth
Minimum Pulse Width for detection, typical150 ns50 ns
Average ON Power (at 18 to 28 °C), typical±0.4 dB + absolute Amplitude Accuracy For pulses of 300 ns width or greater, and signal levels above 70 dB below reference level.±0.4 dB + absolute Amplitude Accuracy For pulses of 100 ns width or greater, duty cycles of .5 to .001, and S/N ratio ≥30 dB.
Duty factor, typical±0.2% of reading For pulses of 450 ns width or greater, duty cycles of .5 to .001, and S/N ratio ≥30 dB.±0.2% of reading For pulses of 150 ns width or greater, duty cycles of .5 to .001, and S/N ratio ≥30 dB.
Average transmitted power, typical±0.4 dB + absolute Amplitude Accuracy For pulses of 300 ns width or greater, duty cycles of .5 to .001, and S/N ratio ≥30 dB.±0.4 dB + absolute Amplitude Accuracy For pulses of 100 ns width or greater, duty cycles of .5 to .001, and S/N ratio ≥30 dB.
Peak pulse power, typical±0.4 dB + absolute Amplitude Accuracy For pulses of 300 ns width or greater, duty cycles of .5 to .001, and S/N ratio ≥30 dB.±0.4 dB + absolute Amplitude Accuracy For pulses of 100 ns width or greater, duty cycles of .5 to .001, and S/N ratio ≥30 dB.
Pulse width, typical±0.25% of reading For pulses of 450 ns width or greater, duty cycles of .5 to .001, and S/N ratio ≥30 dB.±0.25% of reading For pulses of 150 ns width or greater, duty cycles of .5 to .001, and S/N ratio ≥30 dB.
Pulse measurement characteristics (continued)
CharacteristicCenter frequency40 MHz bandwidth320 MHz bandwidth800 MHz bandwidth
Pulse-to-pulse carrier phase (non-chirped pulse), typical2 GHz±0.4°±0.5°NA
4 GHzNANA±0.5°
10 GHz±0.4°±0.5°±0.5°
20 GHz±0.4°±0.5°±0.5°
Pulse-to-Pulse carrier phase (linear-chirped pulse), typical2 GHz±0.3°±0.5°NA
4 GHzNANA±0.75°
10 GHz±0.3°±0.5°±0.75°
20 GHz±0.5°±0.5°±0.75°
Pulse-to-Pulse carrier frequency (non-chirped pulse), typical2 GHz±40 kHz±400 kHzNA
4 GHzNANA±800 kHz
10 GHz±40 kHz±400 kHz±800 kHz
20 GHa±40 kHz±400 kHz±800 kHz
Pulse-to-Pulse carrier frequency (linearchirped pulse), typical2 GHz±25 kHz±400 kHzNA
4 GHzNANA±800 kHz
10 GHz±25 kHz±400 kHz±800 kHz
20 GHz±25 kHz±400 kHz±800 kHz
Pulse-to-Pulse delta frequency (non-chirped pulse), typical2 GHz±1 kHz±20 kHzNA
4 GHzNANA±60 kHz
10 GHz±1 kHz±20 kHz±60 kHz
20 GHz±5 kHz±25 kHz±75 kHz
Pulse frequency linearity (Absolute Frequency Error RMS), typical2 GHz±10 kHz±100 kHzNA
4 GHzNANA±200 kHz
10 GHz±10 kHz±100 kHz±200 kHz
20 GHz±10 kHz±100 kHz±200 kHz
Chirp frequency linearity (Absolute Frequency Error RMS), typical2 GHz±10 kHz±150 kHzNA
4 GHzNANA±300 kHz
10 GHz±10 kHz±150 kHz±300 kHz
20 GHz±10 kHz±150 kHz±300 kHz
ACLR for 3GPP down link, 1 DPCH (2130 MHz), typical mean

-67 dB (Adjacent Channel)

-67 dB (First Alternate Channel)

ACLR LTE, typical mean

-68 dB (Adjacent Channel)

-70 dB w/Noise Correction (Adjacent Channel)

-70 dB (First Alternate Channel)

-73 dB w/Noise Correction (First Adjacent Channel)

ACLR P25 C4FM, HCPM, HDQPSK modulation (not noise corrected), typical mean

-85 dB, CF = 460 MHz, 815 MHz

(Measured at 25 kHz offset, 6 kHz measurement bandwidth)

OBW measurement accuracy, typical mean


xdB Bandwidth measurement, typical mean
±3%, 0 to -18 dB below carrier
Frequency and Phase Settling Time Measurement (Opt. SVT)
Measured input signal >-20 dBm. Attenuator: Auto.
Settled frequency uncertainty, typical mean
Measurement frequency Averages Bandwidth
800 MHz 320 MHz 50 MHz 10 MHz 1 MHz 100 kHz
1 GHz Single measurement NA 1 kHz 100 Hz 10 Hz 5 Hz 1 Hz
100 averages NA 200 Hz 25 Hz 5 Hz 0.5 Hz 0.1 Hz
1000 averages NA 100 Hz 10 Hz 1 Hz 0.25 Hz 0.05 Hz
10 GHz Single measurement 2 kHz 1 kHz 100 Hz 10 Hz 5 Hz 1 Hz
100 averages 500 Hz 200 Hz 25 Hz 5 Hz 0.5 Hz 0.1 Hz
1000 averages 250 Hz 100 Hz 10 Hz 1 Hz 0.25 Hz 0.05 Hz
20 GHz Single measurement 3 kHz 1 kHz 100 Hz 25 Hz 5 Hz 1 Hz
100 averages 1 kHz 200 Hz 25 Hz 10 Hz 1 Hz 0.5 Hz
1000 averages 500 Hz 100 Hz 10 Hz 5 Hz 0.5 Hz 0.1 Hz
Settled phase uncertainty, typical mean
Measurement frequency Averages Phase uncertainty (degrees)
800 MHz 320 MHz 50 MHz 10 MHz 1 MHz
1 GHz Single measurement NA 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50
100 averages NA 0.1 0.05 0.05 0.05
1000 averages NA 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01
10 GHz Single measurement 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50
100 averages 0.1 0.1 0.05 0.05 0.05
1000 averages 0.05 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01
20 GHz Single measurement 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50
100 averages 0.1 0.1 0.05 0.05 0.05
1000 averages 0.05 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01
AM/FM/PM measurement application (SVANL-SVPC)
Carrier frequency range (analog demodulation)
(16 kHz or 1/2 × (audio analysis bandwidth) to maximum input frequency
Maximum audio frequency span (analog demodulation)
10 MHz
Global conditions for audio measurements

Input frequency: <2 GHz

RBW: Auto

Averaging: Off

Filters: Off

FM measurements (Mod. index >0.1)
Carrier Power, Carrier Frequency Error, Audio Frequency, Deviation (+Peak, -Peak, Peak-Peak/2, RMS), SINAD, Modulation Distortion, S/N, Total Harmonic Distortion, Total Non-harmonic Distortion, Hum and Noise
FM carrier power accuracy, typical mean

±0.85 dB

Carrier frequency: 10 MHz to 2 GHz

Input power: -20 to 0 dB

FM carrier frequency accuracy, typical mean

±0.5 Hz + (transmitter freq * reference freq error)

Deviation: 1 to 10 kHz

FM deviation accuracy, typical mean

± (1% of (rate + deviation) + 50 Hz)

Rate: 1 kHz to 1 MHz

FM rate accuracy, typical mean
±0.2 Hz
FM residual THD, typical mean
AM measurements
Carrier Power, Audio Frequency, Modulation Depth (+Peak, -Peak, Peak-Peak/2, RMS), SINAD, Modulation Distortion, S/N, Total Harmonic Distortion, Total Non-harmonic Distortion, Hum and Noise
PM measurements
Carrier Power, Carrier Frequency Error, Audio Frequency, Deviation (+Peak, -Peak, Peak-Peak/2, RMS), SINAD, Modulation Distortion, S/N, Total Harmonic Distortion, Total Non-harmonic Distortion, Hum and Noise
Audio filters

Low pass: 300 Hz, 3 kHz, 15 kHz, 30 kHz, 80 kHz, 300 kHz and user-entered up to 0.9*(audio bandwidth)

High pass: 20 Hz, 50 Hz, 300 Hz, 400 Hz, and user-entered up to 0.9*(audio bandwidth)

Standards-based: CCITT, C-Message

De-emphasis (μs): 25, 50, 75, 750, and user-entered

User defined audio file format: User-supplied .TXT or .CSV file of amplitude/frequency pairs. Maximum 1000 pairs

Mapping (MAPxx-SVPC)
Supported map types
Pitney Bowes MapInfo (*.mif), Bitmap (*.bmp), Open Street Maps (.osm)
Saved measurement results
Measurement data files (exported results)
Map file used for the measurements
Google Earth KMZ file
Recallable results files (trace and setup files)
MapInfo-compatible MIF/MID files

Environmental specifications


RF Converter:

Operating: 0 ° C to + 40 ° C

Non-operating: - 20 °C to +60 °C


Operating: +10 ° C to + 35 ° C

Non-operating: -20 °C to +60 °C

Relative humidity non-condensing, typical

RF Converter

Operating: 10% to 90%, up to 40 °C


Operating: 40 to 70 %


RF Converter:

Operating: Up to 2000 m

Non-Operating: Up to 12000 m


Operating: Up to 3000 m

Non-operating: Up to 12000 m

Installation requirements

Heat dissipation
RSA7100B Maximum Power Dissipation (fully loaded)

400 W maximum. Maximum line current is 4.5 Amps at 90 V line.

300 W typical

CTRL7100B maximum power dissipation (fully loaded)

500 W maximum. Maximum line current is 5.5 Amps at 90 V line.

400 W typical

Cooling (RSA7100B)
44.45 mm (1.75 in)
Both sides
44.45 mm (1.75 in)
76.2 mm (3.0 in)
Cooling (CTRL7100B)
Bottom/Top/Both sides
6.4 mm (0.25 in)
76.2 mm (3.00 in)
Primary line voltage
100 to 240 V at 50/60 Hz
Voltage range limits
90 to 264 V at 47 to 63 Hz

Physical specifications

RSA7100B physical dimensions
445.5 mm (17.54 in)
177.1 mm (6.79 in)

577.9 mm (22.75 in)

24.2 kg (53.2 lbs)

PCIe 2x USB 3.0 on front panel

2x USB 3.0 on rear panel

2x USB 2.0 on rear panel

17 removable drive bays (1 for OS, 16 for RAID)

6 Mini-Display ports

2x 10 Gbit Ethernet

1x 40 Gbit Ethernet (Mellanox ConnectX-3 Ethernet Adapter) with QSFP connector type


Disk size and lifetime, 800 MHz bandwidth

RAID option

Total time of all records

Expected lifetime of disk

Option B at 1000 MS/s 55 min 290 hr
Option B at 1000 MS/s, stored unpacked 40 min 226 hr
Option C at 1000 MS/s 165 min 900 hr
Option C at 1000 MS/s, stored unpacked 120 min 680 hr
CTRL7100B internal characteristics

Dual Intel® Xeon® Gold 5218 16 Core (Cascade Lake)

512 GB SSD ( removable from front panel)

Windows 10 operating system


Optional RAID controller and front-panel removable drives supports 4 GB/s streaming and up to 32 TB memory

RSA7100B interfaces inputs and output ports

RF input
40 GHz Planar Crown bulkhead with 3.5mm female coax adapter
External frequency reference input
BNC, female
External frequency reference output
BNC, female
Trigger/Sync input
BNC, female
Noise source control
BNC, female
GPS antenna
SMA, female
IRIG-B input
BNC, female
1PPS input/output
SMA, female
Status indicators
Power LED
LED, red
Random vibration

RF Converter, Operating: 5-500 Hz, 0.3 G rms

Controller, Operating: 5-500 Hz, 1.0 G rms

Shock operating

RF Converter, Operating: 30 G, half-sine, 11ms duration

RF Converter, Non-operating: 5-500 Hz, 2.45 G rms

Controller, Operating: 15 G, half-sine, 11ms duration

Controller, Non-operating: 5-500 Hz, 2.28 G rms

(Converter RF attenuator may change states during horizontal shock. To reset, change to any other state and back to desired state.)

Shock non-operating

RF Converter: 30 G, half-sine, 11ms duration

Controller: 25 G, half-sine, 11ms duration

Ordering information


Real-Time Spectrum Analyzer, up to 800 MHz acquisition bandwidth. The RSA7100B includes the RF acquisition unit and the CTRL7100B controller together as a single orderable item. The CTRL7100B controller is also available as a separate item if additional or replacement controllers are needed.

Includes: Installation and safety manual, 3.5mm Crown Connector-Female, PCIe cable, adapter: Mini-Display Port to HDMI, Mini-Display Port to DVI. Power cables, rack mount kits for acquisition unit and controller. Controller rack-mount is a 'telecom-style'. A server-style rackmount can also be used with the controller, available from third parties.

Note: A PC monitor is not included with the RSA7100B. Tektronix recommends any monitor that supports Display port and has a minimum 1920 x 1080 display resolution.

How to order

When ordering the RSA7100B, the CTRL7100B controller is included. The CTRL7100B is available in three configurations depending on the RAID configuration. You can select no RAID, or a RAID with 20 minutes or 120 minutes recording time. You also select between two frequency ranges and whether you would like to have an internal GPS receiver and/or an ISO17025 calibration data report.

SignalVu-PC licenses can be ordered as options to the RSA7100B and are installed on the included controller during manufacturing, minimizing order complexity and saving you time in configuration upon receiving your instrument. These licenses are node-locked to the controller and can be moved twice over the lifetime of the license. Standalone licenses, either node-locked or floating, can be ordered and customer-installed on the controller if greater flexibility is needed.

RSA7100B hardware options

RSA7100B options Description Ordering instructions
RSA7100BReal-time spectrum analyzer, 320 MHz bandwidth, includes PC controller
Opt. 14 Frequency range 16 kHz-14 GHz Select one
Opt. 26 Frequency range 16 kHz-26.5 GHz
Opt. GPS GPS receiver, 1PPS, and IRIG-B Select one
Opt. NO GPS No GPS receiver, 1PPS, or IRIG-B
Opt. CAL Calibration report with data (ISO 17025)
Opt. GPS CAL GPS receiver, 1PPS, IRIG-B, and calibration report with data (ISO17025)
Opt. C7100-A Controller, no RAID memory Select one
Opt. C7100-B Controller, RAID storage, >20 minutes recording time at 800 MHz bandwidth (requires STREAMNL-SVPC)
Opt. C7100-C Controller, RAID storage, > 120 minutes recording time at 800 MHz bandwidth (requires STREAMNL-SVPC)
Opt. SV09 High performance real time (export class 3A002), node-locked license Mandatory option

RSA7100B license options

The application licenses below can be added to the controller of your RSA7100B at the time of manufacture, saving you time in managing the installation of the licenses.

All licenses installed in the factory are node-locked to the controller. Floating licenses are also available, managed with the Tektronix Asset Management System (Tek AMS). For a complete list of separately purchased floating and node-locked license, see the SignalVu-PC datasheet for ordering information.

SignalVu-PC licenses ordered as options to RSA7100B and installed on the included controller

(Factory installed on unit)

Description License type
Opt. B800NL-SVPC 800 MHz acquisition bandwidth (for frequencies > 3 GHz) Node locked
Opt. CUSTOM-APINL-SVPC Streaming API for customer-defined access of RSA7100 analyzer Node locked
Opt. STREAMNL-SVPC IQFlowTM streaming data to RAID (requires option C7100-B or C7100-C) and 40 GbE Node locked
Opt. SVMNL-SVPC General-purpose digital modulation analysisNode locked
Opt. SVPNL-SVPC Advanced pulse radar analysis Node locked
Opt. TRIGHNL-SVPC Advanced triggers (Frequency Mask, Density) to work with RSA7100 Node locked
Opt. MAPNL-SVPC Mapping and signal strength Node locked
Opt. SV54NL-SVPC Signal survey and classification Node locked
Opt. PHASNL-SVPC Phase noise / jitter measurements Node locked
Opt. SVTNL-SVPC Settling Time (frequency and phase) measurements Node locked
Opt. SV23NL-SVPC WLAN 802.11a/b/g/j/p measurements Node locked
Opt. SV24NL-SVPC WLAN 802.11n measurements (requires SV23) Node locked
Opt. SV25NL-SVPC WLAN 802.11ac measurements (requires SV23 and SV24)Node locked
Opt. SV26NL-SVPC APCO P25 measurement Node locked
Opt. SV27NL-SVPC Bluetooth 4.2 measurementsNode locked
Opt. SV28NL-SVPC LTE Downlink RF measurementsNode locked
Opt. 5GNRNL-SVPC5G NR Uplink/Downlink RF Power, Bandwidth, Demodulation, and Error Vector Magnitude Measurements3Node locked
Opt. SVANL-SVPC AM/FM/PM/Direct Audio Analysis Node locked
Opt. SVONL-SVPC Flexible OFDM Analysis Node locked
Opt. CONNL-SVPC Live connection and base SignalVu-PC VSA measurements using the 5 or 6 Series MSO or LPD64 (requires Opt. SV-RFVT)Node locked
Opt. SV2CNL-SVPC Bundle of WLAN 802.11a/b/g/j/p/n/ac (SV23, SV24, and SV25) and Live Connect (CON) to 5/6 Series MSO or LPD64 (requires opt. SV-RFVT) Node Locked


Conversion Option Description
RSACONV7K-AB-1 RSA7100A to RSA7100B conversion for IQFlow configuration, with GPS or no GPS, incl. controller (for any serial number not included in RSACONVK-AB-2 or RSACONVK-AB-3)
RSACONV7K-AB-2 RSA7100A to RSA7100B conversion, incl. controller, for unit with no IQFlow, no GPS (Applies to S/N: 30EAD31, 30F9AAB, 30F9AAA, 3107843, 30F90B2, 312CD57, 3104546)
RSACONV7K-AB-3 RSA7100A to RSA7100B conversion. Incl. controller, for unit with no IQFlow, with GPS (Applies to S/N: 30E8EAD, 30E8EAE, 310A0BC, 310D8FD, 31228A6, 310D8FC, 312EC25, 313C4F8, 312EC24, 30E2599)
Opt. CALUP Upgrade to calibration report with data (ISO17025)
Opt. NO No calibration report (ISO17025)

Recommended accessories

Additional PCIe cable, PCIE X8, Straight connector on both ends, Molex
Additional 512 GB solid-state drive with Windows, SignalVu-PC installed
Additional 3.5 mm Crown Connector-Female

Packaging kit for CTRL7100


Packaging kit for RSA7100 analyzer

Power plug options

Opt. A0
North America power plug (115 V, 60 Hz)
Opt. A1
Universal Euro power plug (220 V, 50 Hz)
Opt. A2
United Kingdom power plug (240 V, 50 Hz)
Opt. A3
Australia power plug (240 V, 50 Hz)
Opt. A4
North America power plug (240 V, 50 Hz)
Opt. A5
Switzerland power plug (220 V, 50 Hz)
Opt. A6
Japan power plug (100 V, 50/60 Hz)
Opt. A10
China power plug (50 Hz)
Opt. A11
India power plug (50 Hz)
Opt. A12
Brazil power plug (60 Hz)
Opt. A99
No power cord

Language Options for the RSA7100B

Opt. L0
English manual
Opt. L3
Japanese manual
Opt. L5
Simplified Chinese manual
Opt. L99
No manual

Service options

Opt. C3
Calibration Service 3 Years
Opt. C5
Calibration Service 5 Years
Opt. G3
Complete Care 3 Years (includes loaner, scheduled calibration, and more)
Opt. G5
Complete Care 5 Years (includes loaner, scheduled calibration, and more)

Complimentary products

DataVu-PC is recommended for users who record data using the RSA7100B streaming and RAID options. Ordering information for DataVu-PC is shown below. See the separate DataVu-PC datasheet for details on licensing, minimum PC requirements, features, and functions.

DataVu-PC ordering information

DataVu-PC is distributed via www.tek.com. Hard copy versions of the software are not available. An operation manual is distributed in .pdf format with the software.

When purchasing DataVu-PC, you choose any one of the three base version DVPC-SPAN licenses (50 MHz, 200 MHz or 1000 MHz). The only difference between span licenses is the bandwidth of the allowed analysis. Choose the bandwidth that covers the maximum bandwidth of your acquisition/recording system. For example, all USB-based analyzers are accommodated with the DVPC-SPAN50 license, and all RSA7100B recordings at full bandwidth require DVPC-SPAN1000.

DVPC-SMARK, DVPC-MREC, and DVPC-PULSE work with any DVPC-SPAN bandwidth license chosen for analysis. The DVPC-SMARK license requires a DVPC-SPAN license of any bandwidth, and the DVPC-MREC and DVPC-PULSE licenses require a DVPC-SMARK license.


License type Description
DVPC-SPAN50NL Node locked Base version, DataVu-PC operation on acquisitions to 50 MHz bandwidth, plus LiveVu operation of one USB instrument
DVPC-SPAN50FL Floating
DVPC-SPAN200NL 4Node locked Base version, DataVu-PC operation on acquisitions to 200 MHz bandwidth, plus LiveVu operation of one USB instrument
DVPC-SPAN200FL 4Floating
DVPC-SPAN1000NL Node locked Base version, DataVu-PC operation on acquisitions to 1000 MHz bandwidth, plus LiveVu operation of one USB instrument
DVPC-SPAN1000FL Floating
DVPC-SMARKNL Node locked DataVu-PC Smart Markers, Time Overview, and Frequency Mask Search (requires base version)
DVPC-MRECNL Node locked Multi-unit recording for USB spectrum analyzers (requires DVPC-SMARK)
DVPC-PULSENL Node locked DataVu-PC pulse analysis (requires DVPC-SMARK)

CTRL7100B: Additional controllers for the RSA7100B

Additional controllers are available for the RSA7100B should you need to have controllers in multiple locations. The CTRL7100B is identical to the unit included with the RSA7100B. For detailed ordering information, see the CTRL7100B datasheet on www.Tek.com.