Companies such as National Instruments and LeCroy sell USB-to-GPIB adapters. How do their adapters compare to the TEK-USB-488?
The products from National Instruments (GPIB-USB-B or GPIB-USB-HS) and LeCroy (WS-GPIB) are USB host to GPIB device adapter. These would be used for instruments that have a GPIB interface with controllers that have a USB port. The TEK-USB-488 was designed for Tektronix instruments that have a USB device port with controllers that have a GPIB port.
製品シリーズ: MSO3000/DPO3000シリーズ $name MSO/DPO5000Bシリーズ・ミックスド・シグナル・オシロスコープ(販売終了) MSO4000/DPO4000シリーズ MDO3000シリーズ MDO4000シリーズ デジタル・ストレージ・オシロスコープ|TBS1000Cシリーズ
FAQ ID 56456
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