データシート 文書番号: リリースの日付 デジタル・フォスファ・オシロスコープ
マニュアル マニュアルの種類 部品番号: リリースの日付 TDS3000C Series
Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes主要ユーザ 077139500 TDS3000C シリーズ ユーザ・マニュアル
デジタル・フォスファ・オシロスコープ User ManualUser 071231301 TDS3LIM
Limit Test Application Module User ManualUser 071094302 TDS3VID
Extended Video Application Module User ManualUser 071034603 TDS3AAM
Advanced Analysis Application Module User ManualUser 071095502 TDS3TMT
Telecom Mask Test Application Module User ManualUser 071065703 TDS3000C Series Installation and Safety Instructions
Oscilloscope Compliance and SafetyUser 071357800 TDS3000C Series Service Manual
Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopesサービス 071250702 TDS3000C Series Specifications and Performance Verification Manual
Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes性能検査 071250802 TDS3000C Series Declassification and Security Instructions
Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes機密解除 077009100 TDS3000, TDS3000B & TDS3000C Series
Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes Programmer Manualプログラマ 071038103
技術情報 ドキュメントの種類 リリースの日付 TDS3000シリーズから3シリーズMDOへの進化(日本語資料)
このファクトシートでは、新しい3シリーズMDOオシロスコープの機能をTDS3000シリーズと比較しています。TDS3000シリーズの販売は終了しました。 ※イメージは英語ですが、日本語資料です。ファクト・シート オシロスコープをWebブラウザから遠隔操作
テクトロニクスのオシロスコープを使用してリモート・ワークするには、いくつかの方法があります。計測器がWindows OSを搭載しているか、搭載していないかによっても異なります。このテクニカル・ノートでは、オシロスコープにあらかじめ設定をしておき、その後、オシロスコープの実機に触れることなく操作するための方法を説明します。また、このテクニカル・ノートは、Windows OSを搭載していない、テクトロニクスのほとんどのオシロスコープに適用します。 Windows OSで動作するオシロスコープには …テクニカル・ブリーフ ベンチからフィールドまで あらゆる用途に
コストパフォーマンスに優れたロングセラー世界標準世界中のエンジニア、10人中8人がテクトロニクスのオシロスコープを使っています。ファクト・シート 法政大学 情報科学部様
ハードウェアの知識を持つソフトウェア技術者の養成を目指し、ロジックアナライザとオシロスコープをセット導入導入事例 レコード長と測定機能の比較
テクトロニクスTDS3000B シリーズアジレントDSO6000Aシリーズ比較情報メジャメント機能競合他社 メジャメント機能の比較
テクトロニクスTDS3000B シリーズアジレントDSO6000Aシリーズ比較情報メジャメント機能競合他社 テクトロニクスDPO vs アジレントMega-Zoom
テクトロニクスTDS3000B シリーズアジレントDSO6000A比較情報テクトロニクスDPO vsアジレントMega-Zoom競合他社 Be Sure to Capture the Complete Picture
If an oscilloscope's sample rate isn't fast enough, transient signal details are lost, resulting in errors. Digital real-time oscilloscopes acquire signals in real time, capturing enough samples of the signal needed to faithfully reconstruct a …アプリケーション・ノート
ソフトウェア ドキュメントの種類 部品番号: リリースの日付 TEKVISA Connectivity Software - V5.11.1
TekVISA is the Tektronix implementation of VISA (Virtual Instrument Software Architecture), an industry-standard communication protocol.When installed on a PC, TekVISA provides communication with instruments that are connected to the PC via various …Driver 066093813 Tektronix Openchoice Desktop Application TDSPCS1 - V2.8
The Tektronix OpenChoice Desktop free application lets you capture oscilloscope screen images, waveform data, and settings from a Microsoft Windows computer. After installing the software, refer to the section “Connecting to a PC” in your …Utility 066093915 TEKVISA Connectivity Software - V4.2.0
TekVISA is the Tektronix implementation of VISA (Virtual Instrument Software Architecture), an industry-standard communication protocol.When installed on a PC, TekVISA provides communication with instruments that are connected to the PC via various …Driver 066093812 TEKVISA CONNECTIVITY SOFTWARE - V4.1.1
TekVISA is the Tektronix implementation of VISA (Virtual Instrument Software Architecture), an industry-standard communication protocol.When installed on a PC, TekVISA provides communication with instruments that are connected to the PC via various …Driver 066093811 Tektronix Openchoice Desktop Application TDSPCS1 - v2.6
The Tektronix OpenChoice Desktop free application lets you capture oscilloscope screen images, waveform data, and settings from a Microsoft Windows computer. After installing the software, refer to the section “Connecting to a PC” in your …Utility 066093914 FIRMWARE UPGRADE FOR TDS3000C SERIES OSCILLOSCOPES - V4.31
The image for TDS3KCFirmware 063415807 Tektronix Toolbars for Microsoft Office 32 bit - V4.0.4
Tektronix Toolbars for Microsoft Office v4.0.4 provide toolbars (add-ins) for the 32 bit versions of Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word. This version of Toolbars requires OpenChoice TekVISA v4.0.4 (Part Number 066093809) to be preinstalled on the PC …Utility 066133202 TEKVISA CONNECTIVITY SOFTWARE, V4.0.4
TekVISA is the Tektronix implementation of VISA (Virtual Instrument Software Architecture), an industry-standard communication protocol. When installed on a PC, TekVISA provides communication with instruments that are connected to the PC via various …Driver 066093809 FIRMWARE UPGRADE FOR TDS3KC SERIES OSCILLOSCOPES V4.26
National Instruments SignalExpress(tm) Tektronix Edition provides the industry's first true USB plug-n-play connectivity for instrumentation offering an intuitive drag-and-drop user interface that does not require any programming. SignalExpress(tm) …Application 066077003
FAQ FAQ ID TDS3000/BやTDS5000/Bシリーズのオシロスコープでは、ビデオトリガの720P/60が選べます。720P/50はどのようにして設定するのですか?
TDS3000/Bシリーズでは、HDTVトリガを掛けるのに、TDS3VIDが必要です。オシロスコープで設定するには、720P/60を使えば、60/59.94と同様に、50Hzでもトリガが掛かります。65836 グランドを取らないで、TDS3000/Bを操作しても安全ですか?
バッテリ操作で、30Vrmsまでのフローティングでしたら、安全に操作できます。高電圧のフローティング測定には、高電圧差動プローブのご利用をお勧めいたします。65586 TDS3000Bに差動増幅器ADA400Aを使うことはできますか。
ADA400Aは電源係数が5のため、2台まで接続できます。ADA400A型を3台または4台の場合には、1103型電源とBNCケーブルが必要です。66066 レコード長を選ぶ最適なポイントは何ですか?
10kポイントを選ぶのが良い例。長時間にわたり細かな変動をする信号安定しているまたは、緩やかな変動のある信号単発信号500ポイント、またはファストトリガを選ぶのが良い例。高速な繰り返し信号急峻な変動のある信号変調信号65571 LANを使っていないが、オシロスコープとPCをイーサネットポートでピアツーピアで接続したい。可能ですか?
はい可能です。クロスケーブルかハブを使い、オシロスコープとPCのイーサネットポートをピアツーピアで接続することが出来ます。RS-232接続の例で云えば、ヌルモデムケーブルをご利用いただくのと同じです。ピアツーピア接続では、PC、オシロスコープとも、それぞれ固有のIPアドレスとサブネットマスクが必要となります。オシロスコープの「ユーティリティ」メニュより、「システム - IO -イーサネットネットワークの設定」でDHCPをオフにしてください。機器の設定で、「IP、DNS IP、GatewayIP …64966 オシロスコープで信号が見えません。どうしたら良いですか?
まずオシロスコープが正常動作しているか確認します。できればオシロスコープに付属していた受動プローブを使い、オシロスコープ前面のプローブ補正へ接続します。初期設定を行い、オートセットを実行します。この時、1kHzのパルス波が見えるはずです。見えない時は、接続をチェックし、それでも見えない場合は、ダイアグを実行してください。プローブ補正信号が見える場合は、オシロスコープは正しく動作しています。再度観測した信号を接続し、オートセットボタンを押してください。信号が見えない場合は …66036 TDS3000を使い、イーサネットに接続をしています。イーサネットの設定に、「接続テスト」とありますが、これは何ですか?
「接続テスト」ボタンでゲートウェイへpingします。ゲートウェイのIPアドレスが特定されていない、もしくは正しくない場合、接続テストは失敗します。クロスケーブルや純正のイーサネット接続をお使いの時に適用されます。オシロスコープとの接続の確認では必要ありません。「接続テスト」ボタンはゲートウェイへのpingの時だけご利用いただくものです。66051 TEKPROBEインタフェースとは何ですか?
プローブからオシロスコープへTekProbeインタフェースを介して、信号を入力することに加え、電源供給とアクティブプローブのオフセット情報を伝えます。また、プローブの減衰比や100×プローブや電流プローブなどといったプローブの種類の情報も送ります。テクトロニクスのオシロスコープでは、TekProbeインタフェースを持つ機種は、TDS400、TDS500、TDS600、TDS700、TDS3000/B、TDS5000/BシリーズとTDS7104、TDS7054になります。Figure 1: …65751 TDS3000/BシリーズにLabVIEWのドライバは使用できますか?
TDS3000/Bシリーズのドライバは、ナショナルインスツルメンツ社のホームページからダウンロードできます。下記よりアクセスしてください。TDS3000 Series Drivers65671 オシロスコープに使えるコミュニケーション・モジュールは何ですか。
添付資料をご覧ください。66161 コミュニケーションモジュールなしでTDS3000Bシリーズを購入しました。GPIBを使うのに、アクセサリとしてTDS3GVを購入すれば良いのですか?
はい、GPIBをご利用になるには、TDS3GVをご購入いただければ良いです。TDS3GVはGPIB、RS232、VGAインタフェースとTDSPCS1 OpenChoiceソフトウエアが付属します。65651 TDS3054BのExportCode(ECCN:米国輸出規制コード)は何ですか?
弊社ホームページにてご確認いただけます。下記よりアクセスしてください。http://www2.tek.com/trade/tk_export_codes.home65461 TDS3000Bでネットワークプリンタに設定すると、毎回ヘッダーページが印刷される。ヘッダーページを印刷しない方法はありますか?
プリンタの取り扱い説明書の「ヘッダーページを印刷しない」をご参照ください。65761 What operating system does the TDS1000B+ TDS2000B+ TPS2000+ MSO/DPO2000+ TDS3000C+ MSO/DPO3000 and MSO/DPO4000 use? And are they susceptible to viruses?
The above oscilloscopes use closed embedded real-time operating systems and do not have the capability to create, modify, run or save programs that are on a USB device or LAN . Therefore, they are not susceptible to virus attacks and cannot spread …56996 What Video test capabilities does the TDS3000/B/C+ TDS3VID+ TDS3SDI offer?
The following comparison shows the different video test capabilities of the standard TDS3000/B series Oscilloscopes, and optional TDS3VID, or TDS3SDI modules.Model / Option:TDS 3XXX, TDS 3XXXBTDS 3VID (Software) TDS 3SDI (Hardware) + (TDS 3VID …53661 When I plug in my TDS3EM module into my TDS3014B/C scope+ I get a message telling me there is a hardware conflict. Why is that?
The TDS3000B/C family already has an Ethernet connection built in. So when a TDS3EM module is installed there would be two ethernet (LAN) connections, which is not allowed.64271 Where can I find an IVI driver for TDS200+ TDS1000/TDS2000+ TDS1000B/TDS2000B+ TDS2000C+ TPS2000+ TDS3000/TDS3000B/TDS3000C+ DPO2000/MSO2000+ DPO3000/MSO3000+ DPO4000/MSO4000 series?
IVI drivers to support LabView, LabWindows/CVI, and LabView SignalExpress can be found on the National Instruments Developer Zone, http://zone.ni.com/.For MSO3000 series please use the drivers posted for the DPO3000 series.For MSO4000 series please …60176 What cart does my scope use?
Below are the Instrument Carts that can be purchased from Tektronix. K4000 K420 K475 More information can …64561 What is the format of the .isf file?
The ISF format is the same as what the scope would send in response to the WAVFrm? command via an external program.The response to the WAVFrm? command is documented in the programmers manual for your instrument, which you can download from the …53511 What communication modules can I use with my oscilloscope?
Please go to the "Supported Data Interfaces" section of www.tek.com/products/oscilloscopes/supported_printers.pdf.64051 I have captured waveform data as .isf files. I want to know which software can convert .isf to .png or .jpg.
If the .isf file was captured on the DPO2000/MSO2000, DPO3000/MSO3000, DPO4000/MSO4000 series scope, you could open it with OpenChoice Desktop software. Or you could recall the waveform into the scope as a reference waveform, and then save on the …61871 I downloaded and Installed OpenChoice Desktop, but it doesn't recognize my scope.
Refer to the Prerequisites.txt file available to download on the same page for OpenChoice desktop. Make sure you have all the prerequisites specified. Prerequisites 1. PC equipped with Microsoft Windows 7 32 Bit and 64 Bit OS, Windows 8.1 32 Bit …474266 My scope and PC are connected to a LAN. How can I establish a peer to peer connection to my PC via the scope's Ethernet port.
Certainly. A crossover cable or Ethernet Hub can be used to make a direct Peer-to-Peer connection from the scope's Ethernet port to the PC's Ethernet port. The concept is similar to using a null modem cable to connect a scope to a PC via RS-232. A …61916 On the TDS3000C scopes+ can the USB port be used for remote control?
No. This port is only used for data storage to a memory stick.61026 I cannot see my signal on the Oscilloscope. What can I do?
You have many options to help diagnose this issue, below are a few suggestions to get started. If you find yourself needing more help, please connect with our Technical Support Center. You can get started by pressing the "Contact Us" button on the …63686 Is it safe to operate the TDS3000 without connecting it to ground?
Yes, the TDS3000 can be safely floated to 30V RMS, while running on battery power. To make floating measurements on higher voltages a high voltage differential probe is recommended.60896 Is it possible to use an oscilloscope to time NTSC black Burst and HD tri-level sync?
See document at left.58481 I saved some oscilloscope .wfm and .isf files+ how do I view them on my pc?
The .isf and .wfm is the internal file format. It is designed first and foremost to be easily used by the oscilloscope. Most .wfm files (as well as many other waveform file formats) can be opened with TekScope. You can then save the file as another …59571 For the TDS5000 and TDS5000B scope+ along with the TDS3000 and TDS30000B series scopes+ the video trigger is for 720P/60. How can it be used for 720P/50 format?
For the TDS3000 series, you must have the TDS3VID to do HDTV triggering. For all of these scopes, setting the trigger to 720/60 will allow the scope to properly trigger on the 50 Hz rate as well as the 60/59.94 rates.57256 I have a TDS3000 scope and just connected it to the Ethernet. In the Ethernet setup menu there is a Test Connection selection. What does the Test Connection test?
The Test Connection button pings the Gateway. If the Gateway IP Address is not specified, or specified incorrectly, the Test Connection will fail. This applies whether you are using a crossover cable or a "real" Ethernet connection. The selection is …55806 Why does OpenChoice Desktop "Get Screen" operation time-out and display "Data transfer ended unexpectedly", when “Select Instrument”, “Get Data”, “Get & Send Settings” operations are successful?
When connecting to a TPS2000/B, TDS1000, TDS2000, or TDS3000/B series scopes with a Centronics parallel printer port using direct RS232, or RS232 to USB adapter, you must set the scope’s Printer Port to “RS232” (TDS1000/2000, TPS2000/B; Utility …64806 Why do I get a flat line signal in Vectorscope Display Mode when I apply a 75% or 100% Color Bar Composite Video signal to Channel 1 of my TDS3000 series scope with TDS3VID or TDS3SDI Video module?
The TDS3VID, or TDS3SDI Vectorscope feature only supports Component Video signals. You must apply a Color Difference Component Analog Video signal, for example; Y,Pb,Pr to two input channels on the TDS3000/B Scope which uses XY mode to produce the …59016 Why Should My Signal Fit Within The Screen Of My Tektronix Oscilloscope?
Scaling your signal to fit within the screen will remove signal distortion caused by clipping. Clipping is caused by exceeding the limits of the instrument's input. Tektronix's digital oscilloscopes are designed such that each division is 25 digital …60306 What are the differences between the TDS3000, TDS3000B and TDS3000C series oscilloscope?
There are several added functions and specs from TDS3000 to TDS3000B series as detailed below: Added WaveAlert............waveform anomaly detection Added E*Scope..............web based remote control Ethernet port is now standard Added an …58631 What rackmount does my scope use?
Oscilloscope Family Rackmount 2 Series MSO 2-RK 3 Series MDO RM3 4 Series MSO …64571 What flash drives or USB sticks will work with my TDS3000C?
While Tektronix is not able to test all USB memory devices with all Tektronix products here is a listing of flashdrives that have been tested with the TDS3000Cs.60011 What is the TekProbe interface?
In addition to coupling the signal from the probe to the oscilloscope the TekProbe interface provides power and offset to active probes. It also allows the oscilloscope to sense the probe's attenuation factor and/or probe type such as a 100X probe or …58876 Which record length selection is best to use?
10K record length is best for signals characterized by: Large amount of horizontal detail Stable or slow changing Single shot 500 point or Fast Trigger is best for signals with: Higher trigger repetition rate …61421 What probe interface does my oscilloscope have?
Oscilloscope series Probe interface CSA7000/CSA7000B TekConnect DPO2000 TekVPI DPO3000 …64251 Is the WaveStar software Compatible with Win 7?
WaveStar is compatible with Win 7. Please refer to the attached doc for further details.69501 What is TekVISA and how can I use it to communicate with and control my instrument?
VISA is an acronym that stands for Virtual Instrument Software Architecture. In a nutshell, VISA handles the communications between your computer’s OS and the instrument. You may be familiar with TekVISA, which is Tektronix’s own brand of VISA …69176 What is the difference between the P6139A and the P6139B?
From a specifications perspective, the probes are identical. Both are 500 MHz, 10X passive probes. The P6139B can be used on oscilloscopes that shipped with the P6139A.From a mechanical perspective, there are some differences:- Sharper tip- Ground …64441 I am using the Define Units function in Advanced Math (TDS3AAM) and it is not showing up in the display. Why?
The Define Units function only takes effect when your Math Expression units result contain a “?”, such as “m?”. When this happens your Defined Unit will replace the “?”. i.e. m? would become mPSI if PSI was your defined unit.52831 I am trying to use RS232 communication to my scope and it is not working. What can I do to fix it?
The following is a trouble shooting guide which goes through the possible issues and how to fix them. Getting Started If you’re having communications problems between your PC and Oscilloscope this document provides the steps to help you get the …56651 Does the ADA400A Differential Preamplifier work the TDS3000+TDS3000B+ and TDS3000C series of oscilloscopes?
Yes, the ADA400A will work with any oscilloscope that has the TekProbe interface. This includes the TDS3000 and TDS3000B families. The data sheet for the ADA400A was written before these products existed, so they were not mentioned.63381 My TDS3000B scope is set up to print to a network printer and every time I print I get a header page. How can I turn off the header page?
To turn the header page off consult your printer operation manual.56781 How do I use the programmer manual for my instrument?
TekVISA Download Link: TEKVISA CONNECTIVITY SOFTWARE Hello and welcome to Tektronix, today I’m presenting the last part in the 3-part series on using TekVISA. I’ll be giving a basic overview of programmer manuals and how to use them to find the …69186 How to save an image on the TDS3000C series scope?
Setup: First, select the Utility button, then select the System button from the menu below the display. Toggle the System button and highlight Hard Copy, select Format from the same lower menu. In the Format menu select BMP, PCX or TIFF. From the …60731 What is the difference between Position and Offset on an oscilloscope?
To answer this first you need to understand the layout of how your waveform trace is displayed. On your oscilloscope you generally will see either 8 or 10 divisions vertically on the screen. Along the left side of the screen you will see a marker …247211 Can my oscilloscope operate on 400Hz power?
Most scopes have a wide range of operating voltages and frequencies, a full list can be found in the user manual of your specific oscilloscope. If you're having trouble finding your answer or can't find the manual, please call our Technical Support …63266 Can the P6139B be used on scopes that shipped with a P6139A? What is the difference between the P6139A and the P6139B?
From a specifications perspective, the probes are identical. Both are 500 MHz, 10X passive probes. The P6139B can be used on oscilloscopes that shipped with the P6139A. From a mechanical perspective, there are some differences: - Sharper tip …58111 Can the TDS3BATC be used with (and charged in) a TDS3000 series (non B) scope+ even though the voltage is different than the TDS3BAT (14.4V vs 12V)?
TDS3BATB RECALLThe Lithium-Ion TDS3BATC will work with all TDS3000, TDS3000B, and TDS3000C scopes. However, unless the scope firmware is version 3.27 or greater, the battery charge information shown on the scope display will not be correct.58126 I purchased TDS3000/B/C series oscilloscope without any communication module. Now+ can I add a GPIB module onto my current TDS3014B? Is TDS3GV the right accessory?
The TDS3GV is the correct item to add GPIB. TDS3GV includes: GPIB, RS232, VGA interfaces and OpenChoice PC Communications software.58416 How can I obtain the Open Choice Desktop software?
This [embed-software_word:0660939] is available for a free download from the Tektronix web site.This software also be available on some CDs that are shipped with some of our TDS or DPO/MSO oscilloscopes; however, may be an earlier version. If so …58236 How do I use TekVISA to send commands to my instrument?
TekVISA Download Link:TEKVISA CONNECTIVITY SOFTWARE In order to communicate with and control the scope, you can use OpenChoice Talker-Listener. Back on the Application and Utilities panel, click on OpenChoice Talker Listener and click Start …69181 How do I utilize the measurement features on a TDS3000C series oscilloscope?
There are many features and fuctionalities that come with making measurements on the TDS3000C and older model scopes. Many of these inlcude "gating" your measurements to a certain part of your waveform or the full screen or between cursors. Sometimes …64676 Programing - How to get and plot a waveform from DPO/MSO/MDO4000 Series scope in Python
There are a few things that are needed for programming with an oscilloscope. First it's important to have a copy of your oscilloscopes Programmers manual. This can be found be searching for manuals on Tek.com and specifying Programmers manual in the …64796 Programing - How do I get a Screen Capture from DPO4000 scope using Python?
There are a few things that are needed for programming with an oscilloscope. First it's important to have a copy of your oscilloscopes Programmers manual. This can be found be searching for manuals on Tek.com and specifying Programmers manual in the …64791 How do connect my Color Difference Component Analog Video signals to the TDS3000/B Scope with TDS3VID or TDS3SDI Video module to get a Vectorscope display?
Please refer to the Hook-up document links below for connection descriptions, and to the Module User Manuals for Quick Menu setup details. TDS3VID Hookups (7Kb) TDS3SDI Hookups With Serial Digital Video (7Kb) TDS3SDI Hookups With Non-Serial …58251 How can I change the TekVISA Instrument descriptor “device name” used to identify the oscilloscopes to which I routinely connect?
Open TekVISA V4.0.0+ OpenChoice Instrument Manager by selecting Start -> All Programs -> TekVISA -> OpenChoice Instrument Manager.Select (highlight) the Instrument descriptor listed in the Instruments list for the connected Oscilloscope.Click the …66181 How do I download and install the 30-day trial version of NI LabVIEW SignalExpress Tektronix Edition?
Note: NI LabVIEW SignalExpress Tektronix Edition is no longer offered by Tektronix. This FAQ is "historical only".National Instruments SignalExpress Tektronix Edition is a measurement automation tool that allows SignalExpress to control a Tektronix …66221 How do I connect my TDS3000B series oscilloscope to my LAN?
The Ethernet port is located on the rear panel of the scope in the upper left rear corner. Connect the TDS3000B series to a Ethernet port or to a hub with an Ethernet cable and power the scope up. When the scope completes it's bootup, Press …60681 How do I connect to my Oscilloscope via an Ethernet connection with NI-VISA?
Connecting via NIVISA has the same end effect to connecting to your instrument via TekVISA, but the method is different. Here is a step-by-step tutorial, using a TDS3000B connected through Ethernet, and NIVISA version 4.0.2. 1. Open National …63526 How do I connect my TDS3000B/TDS3000C Series oscilloscope to a network printer?
First be sure the oscilloscope is on the LAN, then go to the oscilloscope's Utility/System/Hardcopy menu and select the Format appropriate to your network printer (For example the Lexmark Optra Lxi is a postscript printer, so a user of that printer …60686 Are LabView drivers available for the TDS3000 series scopes?
Drivers for the TDS3000 series oscilloscopes can be found on the National Instruments web site, at the following link:TDS3000 Series Drivers and search with the scope model number.58036 Can I convert my wfm files to an open format+ such as a CSV (comma separated values) file?
You can use one of the following three WFM to ASCII converters. Converter for TDSxxx - works with files created by TDSx00 series (for example, TDS500 series) Converter for TDS5xxx,TDS6xxx, TDS7xxx, DPO7xxx,DPO70xxx, DSA70xxx Converter for the …56386