データシート 文書番号: リリースの日付 Tektronix Logic Analyzer Probes
Verification and debug of today's high speed digital signals requires probing solutions that can accurately acquire from a wide variety of electronic designs and protect signal fidelity. Tektronix logic analyzer probes contain a variety of …52W-29212-4 P6800/P6900 Series Logic Analyzer Datasheet
52W-17703-13 P6900 Probes for DDR Memory Applications, Datasheet
マニュアル マニュアルの種類 部品番号: リリースの日付 TLP058
FlexConnect Logic Probe Instructions主要ユーザ 071351500 Probes and Accessories Declassification and Security Instructions
Declassification and Security機密解除 071238400 TLP058 FlexChannel Logic Probe Instructions
FlexChannel Logic Probe主要ユーザ 071351503 Tektronix Supplemental, 071329304
Product Information Sheet for People‚s Republic of ChinaUser 071329304 P5910-P5934-P5960-Probe Datasheet
52W-29212-2 P5960
DMAX Logic Analzyer Probe Instruction ManualUser 077063701 TLA6400 Series
Specifications & Performance Verification Technical Reference性能検査 077063401 P5910
General Purpose Logic Analzyer Probe Instruction ManualUser 077063501 P5934
Mictor Logic Analzyer Probe Instruction Manual主要ユーザ 077063600 TLA7BXX Series Specifications and Performance Verification Manual
Logic AnalyzersProduct Specifications & Performance Verification性能検査 077014801 P6900 Series User Manual
High-Density Logic Analyzer Probes with D-Max Probing Technology主要ユーザ 077152806 P6960HCD and P6960HCD-LV Probe Instructions
Probeフィールド・インストール手順 071261201 P5934 Mictor Probe
Installation Instructions InstructionsUser 071297500 P5960 D-MAX Probe
Installation Instructions InstructionsUser 071297600 P6960DBL and P6962DBL User Manual
High-Density Logic Analyzer Probes with D-Max Probing Technology主要ユーザ 077247901 P6960DBL Labeling and Installation Instructions
High Density Single-Ended Logic Analyzer Probe with D-Max Probing Technology Labeling and Installationフィールド・インストール手順 071245500 P69xx Series Probes Alternate Retention Assembly Installation Instructions
Probes Alternate Retention Assembly主要ユーザ 071239400 Read This First
Windows XP Operating SystemUser 071165101 P6982 Labeling and Installation Manual
17 Channel Differential Logic Analyzer Probe Optimized for 2X Demultiplexing Installation ManualUser 071168401 P6810 Instructions
General Purpose Logic Analyzer Probe Label InstructionsUser 071112200
技術情報 ドキュメントの種類 リリースの日付 オシロスコープ・プローブの選び方
オシロスコープ・プローブを選ぶには? 最適なプローブを選ぶには、まず測定しようとする信号を理解することが必要です。測定するのは電圧なのか、電流なのか、その両方なのか、周波数はどの程度なのか、信号の振幅はどのくらいか、 被測定デバイスのソース・インピーダンスは低いのか、高いのか、差動で測定する必要性はあるのか。これらを理解することで、テクトロニクスが提供している豊富なプローブの中から最適なものを選択することができます。 オシロスコープ・プローブの種類と特徴 テクトロニクスでは …製品選択ガイド Tektronix delivers complete DDR memory test bench
製品資料 Serial Analyzers Deliver Comprehensive PCIe Testing
製品資料 Serial Analyzers for PCIe 2.0 Provide Power Management and Cross Bus Analysis
製品資料 Verify and debug DDR2 memory systems
テクニカル・ブリーフ P6810 Memory Parts List
Click on this link to download the P6810 memory list.コンプライアンス P6880 Memory Parts List
Click on this link to download the P6880 memory list.コンプライアンス P6860 Memory Parts List
Click on this link to download the P6860 memory list.コンプライアンス
FAQ FAQ ID TLA5000B/TLA7000用P6419/P68XX型プローブは基板の厚みにより、アダプタが異なるとマニュアルに記載があります。違いはなんですか。
基板の厚みが1.27mm厚以上で2.36mm厚未満の場合、ナット・ブロックを使用します。P6419/P68XX型プローブの先端にはエラストマ・ホルダ・アッセンブリ薄型 (部品番号:020-2451-00、2個入り)を取付けます。 基板の厚みが2.36mm厚以上で3.81mm厚未満の場合、プレスインナットを使用します。P6419/P68XX型プローブの先端にはエラストマ・ホルダ・アッセンブリ厚型 (部品番号:020-2452-00、2個入り)を取付けます。68796 TLA5202用P6417、P6434プローブの校正についてしりたいのですが。
プローブは機能点検のみです。校正は本体のみで行うのでプローブを付けた場合は別途料金が発生します。66856 P6419のプロービングのためのプリント基板のランド・パッドのレイアウトはP6860と同じですか?
はい。P6860 のclock/qual 入力のうち差動マイナス入力であったのが、P6419 ではシングルエンドのグランド入力になりますが、それ以外はコンパチブルです。68696 TLAロジックアナライザ用プローブのIBISまたはSpice Modelの情報はありますか。
マニュアルにLoad Modelの情報はありますが、IBIS/Spice Modelの情報はありません。68841 TLA7000用P68XX型プローブを基盤に取付ける場合、プレスインナットまたはナット・ブロックを使用します。基板に取付ける穴の寸法は同じですか。
いいえ、プレスインナットとナット・ブロックでは、穴の直径が違います。基板の厚みが2.36mm厚未満の場合、ナット・ブロックを使用します。取付け穴(貫通穴)の寸法は、直径3.50mmです。基板の厚みが2.36mm厚以上の場合、プレスインナットを使用します。取付け穴(貫通穴)の寸法は、直径3.73mmです。68826 TLA5000B、TLA7000シリーズ用汎用プローブ(P6410,P6417,P6418,P6810)をDMAX (P6960 ) フットプリントに変換するアダプタはありますか。
はい、ネクサス・テクノロジ社のNEX-P6960PINで変換できます。詳しくは下記サイトをご覧ください。 http://www.nexustechnology.com/products/laAccessories/p6960pin/68801 TLA7000用P6860型プローブはデータがシングルエンド入力、クロック/クオリファイ(CK,/CK-/Q,/Q-)が差動入力になっています。一方、TLA5000B用P6419型プローブはデータ/クロック/クオリファイのすべてシングルエンド入力になっています。 基板側がシングルエンド信号で、P6419型プローブを接続する場合には、各信号に接続します。 基板側がシングルエンド信号で、P6860型プローブを接続する場合には、P6860型プローブのCK-/Q-はどこに接続するのでしょうか。
P6860型プローブのCK-/Q-は基板のグランドに接続してください。68821 TLA5000B/TLA7000用P6419/P68XX型プローブは、先端に「エラストマ・ホルダ・アッセンブリ薄型」または「エラストマ・ホルダ・アッセンブリ厚型」を取付けるとマニュアルに記載があります。違いはなんですか。
基板の厚みが1.27mm厚以上で2.36mm厚未満の場合、P6419/P68XX型プローブの先端にはエラストマ・ホルダ薄型 (部品番号:020-2451-00、2個入り)を取付けます。なお、プローブの固定にはナット・ブロックを使用します。基板の厚みが2.36mm厚以上で3.81mm厚未満の場合、P6419/P68XX型プローブの先端にはエラストマ・ホルダ厚型 (部品番号:020-2452-00、2個入り)を取付けます。なお、プローブの固定にはプレスインナットを使用します。68791 P6860/P6880/P6419プローブを基板上のMICTORコネクタ(部品番号:020-2228-00)に接続するには。
NEX-HDSWIZ2をご利用ください。接続するだけでなく、お客様ご自身でジャンパ線を半田付けすることにより、配線を変更することも可能です。なお、NEX-HDSWIZ2のMICTORコネクタ側にはラッチ機構はありません。詳細はNEXUS technology社のWebサイトをご覧ください。68146 私のP6434用に実装されたMictorコネクタのピンコネとサポート・パッケージが要求しているMictorのピンコネが一致していません。どうやったらサポート・パッケージのピンコネに合わせることができるでしょうか?
Nexus Technology Inc.はNEX-HDSWIZというアダプタを使用しますとP6434とターゲット上にあるMictorコネクタとの再配線を行なうことができます。このアダプタの使用により38の接続全ての再配線が可能となります。詳細はこちらをご覧ください。Nexus Technology Inc.68386 圧接触プローブにてプロービングするプリント基板でプレス・イン・ナットを使用するものとナット・バーを使用するものとでレイアウトに違いがありますか?
はい、プレス・イン・ナットのレイアウトではナット・バーに比べて若干大きめの穴を使用します。ナット・バーを使用する薄い基板では: 直径3.50mm (0.138 インチ)プレス・イン・ナットを使用する厚い基板では: 直径3.73mm (0.147 インチ)69131 現在、コネクタレスの高実装密度プローブ(P6860, P6880, P6864, P6419) を使用しています。基板側がアジレント社の E5378AまたはE5379A用のフットプリントです。接続するアダプタはありますか。
Nexus Technology社のNEX-SAMXXアダプタがあります。差動信号用とシングルエンド信号用があります。下記のリンクをご覧ください。Nexus68381 TLA5000B用P6419型プローブのランドパターンのレイアウトは、TLA7000用P6960型と同じですか。
いいえ。P6419型プローブのランドパターンのレイアウトは、P6960型と同じではありません。P6860型のランドパターンと同じ寸法です。68806 プローブP6860は差動クロック入力です。シングルエンドのクロック信号を観測できますか。
可能です。プローブP6860のCK+入力を、被測定物のクロック信号に接続します。また、プローブP6860のCK-入力を、被測定物のGNDに接続します。67966 Can the P6316, P6516, or P6616 logic probes be used interchangeably?
The simple answer is no they can't be used interchangeably. The front end of the logic channels are different so different logic probes are needed between the scopes. For MSO2000/B, MSO3000, and MDO3000 Series oscilloscopes, only the P6316 logic …59166 Why do the input channels on my TLA float to 2.2 volts?
The P6410, P6417, P6418 and P6434 probes have probe loading characteristics of 20kohm to 2.2V*. This is why the signal may be pulled to to 2.2V around the signal transitions. An optional Reduced Bias Voltage lead set (part number 196-3477-00 for 8 …57961 Is there a difference in board layout between press-in nut (PIN) and nutbar?
Yes, the PIN layout has a slightly larger hole than if you use the nutbar.3.50 mm (0.138 in) diameter thin PCB with nut bar.3.73 mm (0.147 in) diameter thick PCB with press in nut.52941 Is there an adapter to connect my P6434 probes to my onboard P6960 (D-Max) footprint?
Yes, Nexus makes an adapter (NEX-P6960M) that will allow a P6434 probe to connect to the P6960 (D-Max) connector. Please visit Nexus for details.57531 Is there an option to using the retention posts for the P6960+ P6962+ P6964+ P6980 or the P6982?
Yes there is an Alternate Retention Assembly. You can order them as a pair, part number 020-2908-00 or as a set of 50, part number 020-2910-00. For reference enter 071239400 and 077152804 into the search window at http://www.tek.com62026 The P6419/P68xx probe manuals mention a thick and a thin PCB. How do I know which one I have?
If the PCB thickness is 1.27 mm to 2.36 mm (0.050 in to 0.093 in), use the nut bar with the thin elastomer.If the PCB thickness is 2.36 mm to 3.81 mm (0.093 in to 0.150 in), use thepress-in nut with the thick elastomer.53046 Is the Soft Touch Pro footprint the same as the D-Max (P6900) footprint?
Yes, they are identical. Although, the regular soft touch is not the same as our connectorless compression probe (P6800) footprint.57476 The signal mapping of my on board Mictor for P6434 is not equal to the mapping required for the support package. How can I re-wire the signals to meet the support package mapping?
Nexus offers a Adapter called the NEX-HDSWIZ for re-wiring Mictor connectors on a target for connection to Tektronix P6434 High Density Probes. It provides the ability to rewire all 38 connectors. Please visit Nexus for details.56011 Is the layout for the press-in nut (PIN) the same as the nutbar when using the P68xx series probes?
No, the hole for the PIN hole is larger.3.50 mm (0.138 in) diameter thin PCB with nut bar.3.73 mm (0.147 in) diameter thick PCB with press in nut.52921 Can I use a differential probe on a single ended signal?
Yes, if you ground the negative lead of the differential signal on the probe to ground.57166 Are the P6810+ P6860+ P6864+ P6880+ P6960+ P6962+ P6964+ P6980+ P6982 probes compatible with our Logic Analyzer?
The P6800 and P6900 series probes are not compatible with TLA5200/B series, TLA600 series or TLA7Lx/Mx/Nx/Px/Qx Logic Analyzer modules. They are compatible with TLA7AAx/ABx/NAx/BBx modules.57126 Are my Agilent LA and Tektronix Logic analyzer probes compatible?
Tektronix probes do not work with Agilent Logic Analyzers and iView will not work with Agilent Scopes or Logic Analyzers.57121 What is the TLAHRA?
The TLAHRA is a high resistance 18 channel adapter that provides 10Mohm impedance and works with the P6410, P6417, P6418, and P6810 general purpose probes.57861 Why would I choose the P6434 over the other P6400 series probes?
The P6434 probe is a high density probe that uses a Mictor connector from AMP. It takes up ¼ of the space on a circuit board compared to the other probes in P6400 series. The trade off is a mating Mictor connector needs to be engineered into your …56311 Are there IBIS or Spice loading models available for your Logic Analyzer probes?
Unfortunately we do not have pre-developed IBIS/Spice Models using the information provided in the P68xx probe manual.52351 I need to determine the maximum thickness circuit board that is compatible with the P6900 series probes using the wire clips included with the retention posts. What is the length of the retention post wire clips?
Two sets of wire clips are included with the retention post kit. The shorter clip will extend .180” below the base of the post and the longer set will extend .310” below the base of the post.60826 I'm using a P6419/P68xx probe and it came with a thick and a thin elastomer. How do I know which one I should use?
If the PCB thickness is 1.27 mm to 2.36 mm (0.050 in to 0.093 in), use the nut bar with the thin elastomer. If the PCB thickness is 2.36 mm to 3.81 mm (0.093 in to 0.150 in), use the press-in nut with the thick elastomer. See more probes »52876 How do I declassify or sanitize my instrument?
Declassification and Security documents for many Tektronix products are located in the Download, Manuals and Documentation on Tek.com. /node/7106. Enter your instrument model number and select Download Type as "Manuals". At the results screen, on …55686 What is the advantage to buying a P6982 probe instead of a P6980 probe?
The P6982 is exactly the same as the P6980 except that it has only one 17-ch probe head so the total number of channels is 17 instead of 34. A customer would order the P6982 if they are only using quarter or half channels for (4x or 2x clocking). In …57741 Is there an adapter available to connect my general purpose probes (P6410+ P6417+ P6418+ P6810) to the DMAX (P6960 ) footprint?
Yes, our partner Nexus provides this adapter. See http://www.nexustechnology.com/products/laAccessories/p6960pin/63856 What probes can be used with the TLA7Lx+ TLA7Mx+ TLA7Nx+ TLA7Px+ TLA7Qx+ TLA6xx+ TLA520x and TLA520xB?
The following probes can be used with these modules: P6410, P6417, P6418, P6419, P6434, and P645057876 Will the P6516 Logic Probe work on my MSO4000B, MDO4000B and MDO4000C Series oscilloscopes?
The P6516 logic probe was only used with the original MSO4000 series. For the subsequent MSO4000B, MDO4000B and MDO4000C Series oscilloscopes, the P6516 was replaced by the P6616 logic probe. The P6616 logic probe will not work on the original …246206 Where can I find design specifications for the P68xx footprint?
All design specifications, electrical characteristics, and probe channel mapping can be found in the manual for the P68xx series probes.57946 Where can I find design specifications for the P69xx DMAX footprint?
All design specifications, electrical characteristics, and probe channel mapping can be found in the manual for the P69xx series probes, available for download at the following link.57951 What probes can be used with the TLA7NAx+ TLA7Axx or TLA7BBx modules?
The following probes can be used with the TLA7NAx, TLA7Axx or TLA7BBx modules: P6810, P6860, P6864, P6880, P6960, P6962, P6964, P6980 and P6982.57881 What is the diameter of the wire that is included in the retention post kit for the P6900 series probes?
The wire diameter is .024".61231 What is the pin size supported for P6410+ P6417+ P6418 and P6810 probes?
The pin type is 0.025" inch square. For larger pins a SMG50 will need to be used. The pin spacing supported is .1 inch and 2 mm.56141 Are the P6400/P6800/P6900 series logic analyzer probes active?
There is no active circuitry in the P6410(general-purpose 17 channel probe), the P6417 (general-purpose 17 channel probe), P6418 (17 channel general-purpose probe), P6419 (17 connectorless compression probe) or P6434 (high-density 34 channel probe) …60376 Is there a Mictor adapter that connects to the P6410+ P6417+ P6418 or P6810?
Yes, Nexus makes an adapter (NEX-HD2HEADER) that will allow a P6410, P6417, P6418 or P6810 probe to connect to the mictor connection on the board. NEXUS57496 Why would I choose the P6419 over the other P6400 series probes?
The P6419 probe is a connector less probe that compresses onto pads that have been laid out on a board under test. Advantages are ease of connection to a run of circuit boards and reduced expense not having to install square pins or other connectors …56306 What size pins are the P6410+ P6417+ P6418+ P6810 and P6960 probe leadsets designed for?
These probes are designed for .025" square pins. If the pins are larger, you will need to use the SMG 50. See more probes »57896 How do I set up a CAN bus decode?
Depending on the scope you have, the available options for decoding your CAN signal will depend on the compatibility. For all the DPO/MSO2000/3000/4000/5000 and MDO3000/4000 Series scopes, there are modules or license keys specifically designed for …64751 How do I get more retention posts for the P6960+ P6962+ P6964+ P6980 or the P6982?
The replacement kit can be ordered with part number 020-2539-00. This kit contains one black post, one silver post, and two sets of mounting wires (long and short) for different PCB thicknesses.52586 How Do I Set Up a Parallel Bus Decode?
For doing Parallel Bus decode Tektronix recommends using a MSO or MDO + MSO option Series oscilloscopes. This feature comes standard in the Bus menu and can be used in a variety of ways. Start by turning it on, selecting the channel and setting your …64771 How closely matched are the P6400 series probes?
The time delay specifications are the same on every P6400 series probe (P6410,P6417, P6418, P6419 and P6434 probes). This allows you to mix probe types on the same logic analyzer, thereby preserving accurate data correlation from the probe tip of …60671 How closely matched are the connectorless and D-Max probes?
The time delay specifications are the same on every P6800 series probe (P6810, P6860, P6864 and P6880 probes) and every P6900 series probe (P6960, P6980, and P6982 probes). This allows you to mix probe types on the same logic analyzer, thereby …57281 For general purpose probing why would I choose the P6810 over the P6960 with the optional general purpose leadset?
The P6960 probe can serve well as a general purpose probe with the optional leadset but it’s important to note that any flying leadset will restrict bandwidth because of the added additional loading. While the P6810 can be used with leadsets as well …55511 Is the footprint for the P68xx and P69xx (DMAX) the same size?
No, the footprint for the P69xx or DMAX probes is about 61% smaller.57466 Do you have an application note that explains how and when to use a logic analyzer? Is there a tutorial that will show me how to use my logic analyzer?
The XYZ's of Logic Analyzers explains the evolution from the digital oscilloscope to the logic analyzer. It explains the capabilities of a logic analyzer and will you choose the correct tool for your particular application. The Introduction to …55406 Do the P68xx and the P69xx probes work with OSP (Organic Surface Protectant) board finish?
Tektronix recommends immersion gold surface plating for all P68xx probes. Some customers have experienced success with immersion Silver and HASL surface finishes for the P68xx series probes. While we continue to recommend immersion Gold as the best …57221