What upgrade kit (or kits) is needed to upgrade from Win98 to Win2K? How to update to SW version 2.X.X?
Verify the operating system you have on your instrument, on the Desktop right-click the My Computer icon. Select Properties; Under the sytem heading find either Microsoft Windows 98 or Microsoft Windows 2000.
If your instrument is already running Windows 2000, you can download the latest version of product SW from our website at: www.tektronix.com, under SW and Drivers.
If your instrument need updating to Windows 2000, you will need to purchase the upgrade kit. The list of upgrade kits is:
CSA8000: CSA8UP with options W2K and CPU
TDS8000: TDS8UP with options W2K and CPU
CSA8000B: CSA8BUP with option W2K
TDS8000B: TDS8BUP with option W2K
To upgrade the CSA8000 and TDS8000 to Win2K, the CPU board must be replaced with the CPU board used in the CSA/TDS8000B. This CPU board has a faster processor (900Mhz) and double the RAM (256Mb).
FAQ ID 63041
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