MSO4000+ DPO4000+ MSO3000+ DPO3000: For Measurements/Statistics the Mean & Std Dev Samples tab+ what does the number which is entered for Samples represent?
The number you enters for Samples represents the number of waveforms acquired. If you enter the number 5 the scope will use the first 5 waveforms acquired. When 6 waveforms are acquired the scope will now uses waveforms 2-6 and does not use waveform number 1 which was the first acquisition. When the scope reaches 7 acquisitions it no longer uses the first or second waveform acquisitions and so forth.
製品シリーズ: MSO3000/DPO3000シリーズ MSO3000/DPO3000シリーズ MSO3000/DPO3000シリーズ MSO3000/DPO3000シリーズ MSO3000/DPO3000シリーズ MSO3000/DPO3000シリーズ MSO3000/DPO3000シリーズ MSO3000/DPO3000シリーズ MSO3000/DPO3000シリーズ MSO3000/DPO3000シリーズ MSO3000/DPO3000シリーズ
FAQ ID 60976
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