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1 - 10 ヒット数 137
  • AWG5200 arbitrary waveform generator


    任意波形発生器AWG5200シリーズはチャンネルあたりのコストを抑えながら、優れた信号品質、スケーラビリティ、コードの後方互換性を実現します。マルチユニット同期により、最大32チャネルまで拡張可能です。AWG5200は、高度な研究、電子試験、レーダ、電子戦システムの設計と試験に最適です。 出力周波数:最高4GHz サンプル・レート:298S/s - 5GS/s メモリ長:2Gサンプル チャンネル: 最大8 垂直分解能:16ビット SFDR(スプリアス・フリー・ダイナミック・レンジ):-70dBc
  • Environment Plug-in for AWG5200 Series and AWG70000 Series


    環境プラグインは、レーダと他の通信規格との干渉をエミュレートして、現実かつ最悪の条件下でレーダ受信機をテストするために使用されます。ユーザは、電力レベル、開始時刻、および継続時間など、これらの干渉信号の様々な標準特有のパラメータを構成することができます。時間と周波数の概要を活用して、上記のパラメータを調整してワースト・ケースのシナリオを迅速に作成することができます。 環境モジュールでサポートされている規格には、WiMAX、WiFi、GSM、GSM-EDGE、EGPRS 2A、EGPRS2B …
    Manual - プログラマ


    SW version 3.1.x and above. This Radar Signals Programmer manual provides the information you need to use commands to remotely control the software.
    Manual - 主要ユーザ


    SW version 2.0 and above. This is the application help file for the RADAR plug-in for use with the SourceXpress application and the AWG70000 and AWG5200 series arbitrary waveform generators.
  • MIMO and Phased Array RADAR System Testing Using SignalVu Software
    Videos, Webinars and Demos

    MIMO and Phased Array RADAR System Testing Using SignalVu Software

    See how SignalVu VSA software offers insight into MIMO and Phased Array RADAR systems at frequencies and bandwidths up to 70 GHz on up to 4 channels. SignalVu VSA software enables a multi-channel test system for validating MIMO RADAR and other …


    SW version 2.0 and above. This is the application help file for the RADAR plug-in for use with the SourceXpress application and the AWG70000A and AWG5200 series arbitrary waveform generators.
  • Solutions for RADAR and Electronic Warfare
    Technical Document - パンフレット

    Solutions for RADAR and Electronic Warfare

    Tektronix offers a wide range of hardware and software built to help you design and test mission-critical RF systems, such as military comms, radar and electronic warfare—from algorithm prototyping to testing to ongoing maintenance. Our products are choreographed to work together seamlessly to help you design and validate systems more efficiently. Explore a selection of our Aerospace and Defense products, including ultra-wide bandwidth arbitrary waveform generators as well as real-time spectrum analyzers and oscilloscopes that display time-correlated measurements.
  • Radar Plug-in - V4.0
    Software - Application

    Radar Plug-in - V4.0

    The Tektronix Radar plug-in waveform creation tool can be used to create pulsed RADAR signals. This plug-in lets you:- Define multiple pulse trains that can be assigned to different channels for applications like simulating phase array radars and …
  • Radar Plug-in - V3.1
    Software - Application

    Radar Plug-in - V3.1

    The Tektronix Radar plug-in waveform creation tool can be used to create pulsed RADAR signals. This plug-in lets you:- Define multiple pulse trains that can be assigned to different channels for applications like simulating phase array radars and …
  • Radar Basics
    Technical Document - アプリケーション・ノート

    Radar Basics

    While radar technology was initially focused on military and commercial aviation applications, today there are many commercial applications. This application note covers the basics of modern radar applications from military to commercial use in …