データシート 文書番号: リリースの日付 KickStartソフトウェア・データシート
1KZ-60965-12 2001 7-1/2 Digit and 2002 8-1/2 Digit High Performance Multimeters
Datasheet for 2001 7-1/2-Digit and 2002 8-1/2-Digit High Performance Multimeters1KW-73954-1
マニュアル マニュアルの種類 部品番号: リリースの日付 Model 2001 Multimeter Calibration Manual
性能検査 2001-905-01H Model 2001 Multimeter Repair Manual
User 2001-902-01D Keithley Instruments Safety Precautions
Safety Precautions PAUser 071341102 Model 2001-TCSCAN Scanner Card Instruction Manual for use with the Model 2000, 2001, 2002, and 2010 DMMs
Instruction Manual.User 2001-TCSC-901-01B Model 2001 Multimeter Quick Reference Guide Rev. B
主要ユーザ 2001-903-01B Model 2001 Multimeter Operator's Manual Rev. K
User ManualUser 2001-900-01K
技術情報 ドキュメントの種類 リリースの日付 デジタル・マルチメータ選択ガイド
ニーズに合った適切なデジタル・マルチメータの選定の手助けになるよう、DC電圧測定、AC電圧測定、抵抗測定、DC電流測定、AC電流測定またその他の測定スペックを一覧で比較でき、最適なデジタル・マルチメータをお選びいただけます。パンフレット digital multimeters (dmm) selector guide
STANDARD PERFORMANCE FOR THE MOST ESSENTIAL NEEDS 2110 : 5½-Digit Dual-Display Digital Multimeter Measure and display two parameters concurrently Sample a signal at 50,000 readings/s Measure temperature …製品選択ガイド Model 2001-SCAN Scanner Option Specifications
Model 2001-SCAN Scanner Option Specifications仕様 Model 2001-TCSCAN Thermocouple General Purpose Scanner Card Specifications
仕様 Applications Guide - Techniques for Multi-Channel Testing and Data Acquisition
ファクト・シート E-Handbook to Understanding Electrical Test and Measurement
Introduction Welcome to Keithley's Guide to Understanding Electrical Test and Measurement. For over 60 years, Keithley testand measurement instruments have provided measurements ranging from the most basic to very complex. In all …ファクト・シート E-Handbook Guide to Switch Considerations by Signal Type
Introduction Many electronic test systems use relay switching to connect multiple devices to sources and measurement instruments. In some cases,multiple sources and measuring instruments are connected to a single device. Switching allows automating …ファクト・シート Your Guide to Creating High Performance Switching Applications
ファクト・シート E-Guide: High Performance DMMs for Single- and Multi-Channel Applications
ファクト・シート Accurate Low-Resistance Measurements Start with Identifying Sources of Error
Measuring low resistances (1Ω and lower) has a variety of technical challenges. Depending on the application, test system builders can choose from various instrument options, including a nanovoltmeter used with a current …ホワイトペーパー How to Select the Right Temperature Sensor
Introduction The most widely measured physical parameter is temperature. Whether in process industry applications or in laboratory settings, accurate temperature measurements are a critical part of success. Accurate …技術資料 Series 2000 High-Performance Digital Multimeters
Series 2000 High Performance Digital Multimeters (Models 2000, 2010, 2001, 2002, 2015, and 2016).パンフレット Problem: Reading Drift in Low Resistance Measurements
技術資料 Problem: Noisy Readings in Low Resistance Measurements
技術資料 Problem: Noisy Readings in High Resistance Measurements
技術資料 Problem: Measurements are Low in High Resistance Measurements
技術資料 Problem: Errors in Low Resistance Measurements
技術資料 Problem: Error in Low Voltage, Low Current Measurements
技術資料 Choosing DMMs and More for High Performance Applications
技術資料 How to Program an Instrument to Assert SRQ on the GPIB Bus
The SRQ feature of the GPIB bus provides hardware hand shaking between the GPIB controller card in the PC and the instrument. This allows synchronization between moving data to the PC with the state of the instrument without the need to use …アプリケーション・ノート #601 Peak Detection with the Model 2001 DMM
アプリケーション・ノート #806 Production Testing of Thermistors Using the 2400 Digital SourceMeter
アプリケーション・ノート #1138 Switching in Multipoint Testing
アプリケーション・ノート #810 Optimizing Switch/Read Rates with Series 2000 DMMs and 7001/7002 Switch Systems
Application Note Number 810 Optimizing Switch/Read Rates with Keithley Series 2000 DMMs and 7001/7002 Switch Systems The period of time an instrument requires to perform a specific measurement is only one factor in the overall equation of test system …アプリケーション・ノート Eliminating Common SCPI Errors
Eliminating Common SCPI Errors There are three SCPI errors which occur more often than any others: -113, "Undefined header" -410, "Query INTERRUPTED" -420, "Query UNTERMINATED" This paper gives likely causes …アプリケーション・ノート Quick Reference Guide to SCPI Commands
アプリケーション・ノート Displaying the Windows of the 2001
FAQ FAQ ID What is a DMM (Digital Multimeter)?
783013 What is peak spikes detection on Model 2001 and 2002 DMMs? And how to use it.
Peak spikes feature on Model 2001 and 2002 DMMs captures voltage transients with pulse widths as short as a 1usec. It can also measure the peaks of AC waveforms up to 1MHz. The attached application note discusses this feature in detail.707846 Which 2000-series scan cards for the DMM6500/Model 2000 are supported in KickStart?
KickStart only supports two scan cards for the DMM instruments (DMM6500, 2000, 2001, etc.): 1. Model 2000-SCAN 2. Model 2001-TCSCAN KickStart does not support: Model 2001-SCAN Model 2000-SCAN-20780936