Logic Scope

Features & Benefits
- 2.5-pF, 1-megohm Podlet-Style FET Probes
- Display Modes: Analog, Timing Diagram, and BusForm™
- <±100 ps Timing Resolution
- 16 Input Channels
- 2-GS/s Simultaneous Sampling on All Channels
- 500-MHz Real-Time Bandwidth
- Logic Family Presets for TTL, ECL, and CMOS
- Sophisticated Time-Qualified Triggering with Four Word Recognizers
- Three-Year Warranty
- Facilitates Hands-Free Connection to SMT Devices
- Low-Capacitance Probe for Nonintrusive Probing
- Powerful Triggering Reduces Time to Identify Problems
- Flexible Display Modes Simplify Recognition of Timing Faults
- High-Speed Acquisitions on All Channels Facilitate Analysis of Complex System Interactions
- Hardware Performance Verification
- Multichannel Data Acquisition
- Mixed Signal Analysis
- A/D and D/A Analysis
- Hardware Timing Analysis
TLS216 Logic Scope
The TLS216 Logic Scope is a new class of instrument designed to simplify the task of debugging digital hardware. The Logic Scope seamlessly combines in a single instrument the analog acquisition system of a high-speed digital storage oscilloscope (DSO) with the triggering and display systems of a logic analyzer. The 500-MHz bandwidth Logic Scope samples all channels simultaneously at 2 GS/s and has sophisticated time-qualified triggering, a high-resolution color display and an integrated MS DOS-compatible 3.5-inch floppy disk drive.
Sophisticated Triggering to Identify Complex Digital Problems
In addition to edge trigger, most digital signals can be easily captured using pulse, glitch, and pattern triggers. The Logic Scope provides two new trigger resources that allow the instrument to directly trigger on common digital circuit behavior. The industry's first time-interval or sequence trigger type monitors the time between two events, allowing the instrument to easily trigger on setup time violations, hold-time violations, or unexpected propagation delay. The powerful "Time-out" trigger type can be used to capture incomplete handshake sequences or to trigger the instrument when the DUT "hangs".
All of these trigger types let developers identify channel-to-channel relationships, including 16-bit patterns and time-related/time-qualified system faults. The Logic Scope's external trigger input can be used as a "Trigger Arm" to enhance cross-triggering between two instruments, simplifying the task of using a Logic Scope with other test equipment.
2.5-pF, Low-Mass FET Probes Ensure Nonintrusive Connection
The Logic Scope includes a set of 16 specially designed probes that have extremely low probe-tip mass (1.5 grams) and input capacitance (2.5 pF). The P6240 low probe-tip mass ensures that connections made to surface-mount and fine-pitch ICs will be reliable. The low input capacitance, combined with the 1-megohm input resistance, decreases the effect of the probe on the DUT's operation, allowing very accurate measurements to be made with confidence.
These characteristics are made possible by using a "podlet-style" probe-tip design instead of the "pencil-style" design of traditional oscilloscope probes. Employing the de facto industry standard of 0.1-inch spacing between the signal and ground inputs, each 0.1-inch thick podlet can directly attach to the hundreds of readily available IC adapters and clips.

Signal Acquisition System
Characteristic |
Description |
Sample Rate |
2 GS/s |
Bandwidth |
500 MHz |
Channels |
16 |
Samplers |
16 |
Sensitivity |
50 mV to 10 V/div*1 |
Position Range |
±5 div |
Offset |
±1 V from 1 to 99.5 mV/div |
*1 Magnification used above 2 V/div range.
Vertical System
DC Gain Accuracy - ±1.5% after probe calibration
Vertical Resolution - 8 bits (256 levels over 10.24 vertical divisions), 11 bits with averaging
Analog Bandwidth Selection - 20 MHz and full
Input Coupling - DC
Input Impedance - 50 ohm with coax adapter, 1 megohm with probe
Maximum Input Voltage - Max nondestructive input ±25 V (DC + Peak AC)
Dynamic Range - +15 V to -12 V with probe
Time Base System
Characteristic |
Description |
Time Bases |
Main, Delayed |
Time/Division Range |
500 ps to 5 s/div |
Time Base Accuracy |
0.01% over any interval ≤1 ms |
Record Length |
500 to 2,000 pts |
Pretrigger Position |
20% to 80% of record |
Acquisition Modes
Sample - Sample data only
Envelope - Max/min values acquired over one or more acquisitions
Average - Waveform averages selectable from 2 to 10,000
Mixed-Mode Data Display - Logic Scope offers Analog, Timing, and BusForm™ display formats that simplify recognition of digital timing faults and signal anomalies. BusForm display compresses many input signals into the least amount of display area. The acquired data can be displayed in any of the three display modes without reacquiring.
Waveform Style - Dots, vectors, variable persistence selectable from 250 ms to 10 s, infinite persistence, and intensified samples.
Color - Standard palettes and user-definable colors for waveforms, text, graticules, and cursors. Measurement text and cursor colors matched to waveform. Waveform collision areas highlighted with different color. Statistical waveform distribution shown with color grading through variable persistence.
Color Grading - With variable persistence selected, historical timing information is represented by temperature or spectral color scheme providing "z-axis" information about rapidly changing waveforms.
Graticules - Full, grid, crosshair, frame.
Format - YT.
Fit-to-Screen - Entire acquisition memory displayed on the screen.
Triggering System
Triggers - Main, Delayed
Main Trigger Modes - Auto, Normal, Single
Delayed Trigger - Delayed by time and/or events
Time Delay Range -
16 ns to 250 s (time/div ≤10 µs)
15.1 ns to 250 s (time/div ≤25 µs)
Events Delay Range - 1 to 9,999,999 events
AUX Trigger Input - TTL compatible; Max input voltage is -1 V to +6 V
Measurement System
The Logic Scope provides a comprehensive suite of automatic measurements specifically designed to improve efficiency when troubleshooting digital hardware. Twenty-eight onboard measurements, including setup time, hold time, and skew, speed identification of common digital problems. Whereas traditional DSOs confine waveform measurements to establishing the relationship of a single channel to a clock, the Logic Scope simultaneously samples on all channels, so you can see the relationships between multiple channels.
Automatic Waveform Measurements
Period |
Frequency |
High |
Low |
+Width |
-Width |
Maximum |
Minimum |
Rise |
Fall |
Peak-to-Peak |
Amplitude |
+Duty Cycle |
-Duty Cycle |
+Overshoot |
-Overshoot |
Propagation Delay |
Burst Width |
Mean |
Cycle Mean |
Cycle RMS |
Area |
Cycle Area |
Phase |
Setup Time |
Hold Time |
Skew |
Continuous update of up to four measurements on any combination of waveforms.
Gated - Any region of the record may be isolated for measurement using vertical bars
Snapshot - Performs all measurements on any one waveform, showing results from one instant in time
Cursor Measurements - Absolute, Delta; Volts, Time, Frequency, Binary Readout
Cursor Types - Horizontal bars (volts); Vertical bars (time); operated independently or in tracking mode
Computer Interface
GPIB (IEEE 488.2) Programmability - Full talk/listen modes. Control of all modes, settings, and measurements.
Hard-Copy/Desktop Publishing
Printer - HP ThinkJet, Epson, PostScript, DeskJet, LaserJet, DPU 411/412
Export File Formats - EPS (Encapsulated PostScript), Interleaf, TIFF, PCX, BMP, RLE
Plotter Support - HPGL
I/O Ports - GPIB, Centronics, RS-232 (Talk only)
Floppy Disk Drive - 3.5-in., 1.44-MB DOS format
VGA Output - 15-Pin analog output (Color)
Waveforms - 16 full 2,000-pt waveforms. 119,008 500-pt waveforms on 1.44-MB floppy disk.
Setups - 10 front-panel setups. 78,947 setups on 1.44-MB floppy disk.
Trigger Types (Main and Delayed)
Trigger Type |
Description |
Edge |
Trigger when either a rising or falling edge (positive or negative slope) is detected. |
Pulse |
The pulse may be positive or negative and defined by a duration. |
Width (<Time, >Time) |
Trigger when the duration of either a positive or negative pulse is less than or greater than the user-defined input. |
Range (In-Range, Out-of-Range) |
Trigger when the duration of either a positive or negative pulse is either between the upper and lower limits or outside the limits. |
Time-out |
Trigger at the end of a user-defined time period if the trailing edge of either a positive or negative pulse is not detected. |
Pattern |
Each input may be defined as a low (logic 0), high (logic 1), or don't care (X). Inputs can be ANDed or ORed. The pattern may be positive true or positive false. |
Width (<Time, >Time) |
Trigger when the duration of a user-defined logical pattern is less than or greater than the user-defined input. |
Range (In-Range, Out-of-Range) |
Trigger when the duration of a user-defined logical pattern is either between the upper and lower limits or outside the limits. |
Time-out |
Trigger at the end of a user-defined time period if the user-defined logical pattern of a specified duration does not occur. |
Sequence |
The sequence is defined by a set of start and end events. The start or end event can be either a pattern or an edge (positive or negative slope). |
Width (<Time, >Time) |
Trigger when the duration between the user-defined start and end events is less than or greater than the user-defined input. |
Range (In-Range, Out-of-Range) |
Trigger when the duration between the user-defined start and end events is either between the upper and lower limits or outside the limits. |
Time-out |
Trigger at the end of a user-defined time period if the user-defined end event does not occur within the specified time after the start event. |
State |
Trigger when a user-specified logical pattern is detected and the input defined as the clock goes true or goes false. Each input may be specified as a low (logic 0), high (logic 1), or don't care (X). Inputs can be ANDed or ORed. |
Power Requirements
Line Voltage Range - 90 to 250 VRMS
Line Frequency - 47 to 63 Hz
Power Consumption - 300 W max
Environmental and Safety
Temperature -
Operating: +4 to +50 °C.
Nonoperating: -22 to +60 °C.
Humidity -
Operating and Nonoperating:
Operating to 80% at or below 29 °C, to 20% from +30 °C to +50 °C.
Nonoperating to 90% at or below 41 °C, to 5% from +41 °C to 50 °C.
Altitude -
Operating: 15,000 ft.
Nonoperating: 40,000 ft.
Electromagnetic Compatibility - Meets 89/336/EEC.
Safety - UL 3111, CSA 1010.1, EN61010-1, IEC61010-1.
Active Probes - 2.5 pF, 1 megohm FET
Physical Characteristics
Dimensions |
mm |
in. |
Height with feet |
236 |
9.3 |
without feet |
193 |
7.6 |
Width with handle |
445 |
17.5 |
Depth with front cover installed |
432 |
17 |
Weight |
kg |
lbs. |
Net approximately |
12.3 |
27 |
Shipping approximately |
20 |
44 |