Jitter and Timing Analysis Software
Tektronix Encoreプレミアム再生品を見るbr/>

Features & Benefits
- Measurements Include: Cycle-Cycle, N-Cycle, Skew, Period, Width, Duty Cycle, Frequency, Time Interval Error, Data Jitter, Jitter Spectrum, Ch-Ch Delay, Setup Margin, Hold Margin, Clock to Output Timing, Rise, Fall, High and Low Time
- Characterize Jitter on Single Inputs, Differential Inputs and Channel to Channel Waveforms
- Define Timing Analysis Features by Slope, Level and Hysteresis
- Measure Jitter Timing Parameters Over Contiguous Clock Cycles
- Analysis is Performed on Each and Every Valid Pulse in a Single-shot Acquisition
- Plot Trends of all Jitter Timing Measurements vs. Cycle or Time
- Comprehensive Statistics and Customized Histograms on all Jitter Parameters
- Perform Jitter Analysis Without External Equipment
- Installs Inside the Oscilloscope
- Offers Measurement Automation and Control Through GPIB
- Precisely Characterize the Timing and AC Performance of Your Semiconductor Systems
- Determine the Timing Margins in Your Digital Designs
- Characterize Spread Spectrum Clock PLL Systems
- Determine the Data Jitter in Communications Data Streams
The TDS694C, TDS794D, and TDS784D oscilloscopes have superb jitter analysis capabilities on non-contiguous clocks with their histogram and statistics capabilities. The Tektronix TDSJIT1V2 (TDSJIT1 Version 2.0) Jitter Analysis software will extend that capability by making jitter measurements on contiguous clock and data cycles from single-shot acquisitions. TDSJIT1V2 provides many key timing parameter measurements. These are specifically designed to meet the jitter measurement needs of today's high-speed digital designers in the computer and communications industries. Measurements can be made on differential signals and between two separate input signals. Trend plots quickly show how various timing parameters change over time. Comprehensive statistics and histograms of timing parameters enhance the powerful analysis capabilities of TDSJIT1V2. For the first time, you can make a setup time measurement for a specific data edge to the exact, corresponding clock for all valid transitions in an acquisition.
Tektronix' TDSJIT1V2 Jitter Analysis software delivers industry-standard jitter and timing analysis capabilities. This software is easily installed in a TDS oscilloscope and does not require any external processing or connections. After installation, the application is accessible from the oscilloscope's front panel.
Jitter spectrum limited to 10K record length.
Trend plots limited to 50K record length.
TDS694C single-shot delta time accuracy = 0.03/(sample rate). This gives 3 ps at 10 GS/s.
Tektronix Digital Oscilloscopes Supported
TDS694C - Requires version 6.2e firmware or above.
TDS784D/794D - Requires version 6.6e firmware or above.
Existing TDSJIT1 customers can easily upgrade to TDSJIT1V2 (TDSJIT1 Version 2.0).
Version 1.2 of the Java RTE (Run Time Environment) should be installed first, the latest RTE is available for download at www.tektronix.com.
Ordering Information
Jitter Analysis Software for TDS694C/TDS794D/TDS784D oscilloscopes.
Includes: Software on 3.5 in. disks, manual.
TDSJIT1V2 Recommended Accessories
Arbitrary Waveform Generator - AWG710 Arbitrary Waveform Generator.
High-bandwidth Differential Probe - P6330 3.5 GHz Differential Probe.
High-bandwidth Active Probes - P6249 4 GHz Active Probe.
P7225 2.5 GHz Active Probe.
P6241 4 GHz, 10x Active Probe.