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  • Fiche technique Numéro du document : Date de publication
    2470 Graphical SourceMeter SMU Instrument Datasheet
    2461 SourceMeter SMU Instrument
    The Model 2461 High Current SourceMeter® Source Measure Unit (SMU) Instrument brings advanced Touch, Test, Invent® technology right to your fingertips.
    2460 Source Measure Unit
    The 2460 High Current SourceMeter® Source Measure Unit (SMU) Instrument brings advanced Touch, Test, Invent® technology right to your fingertips.
    TSP Toolkit Visual Studio Code Extension
    The Keithley TSP Toolkit is a Visual Studio Code extension that provides rich support for Keithley’s TSP technology to edit and execute scripts. The datasheet provides information about its features and functionality.
    Series 2400 SourceMeter SMU Instruments
    Keithley’s Series 2400 Source Measure Unit (SMU) Instruments are designed specifically for test applications that demand tightly coupled sourcing and measurement. All SourceMeter models provide precision voltage and current sourcing as well as …
    KickStart Instrument Control Software Datasheet
    KickStart Software simplifies what you need to know about your instrument so that in just minutes you can take the instrument out of the box and get real data on your device.  KickStart Software enables quick test setup and data visualization when …
    Model 237-BNC-TRX High-Voltage Triaxial Adapter Instruction Sheet
    The BNC end of the Model 237-BNC-TRX High Voltage Triaxial Adapter mates directly to an instrument that uses BNC connectors. The other end of the adapter accommodates a 3-slot triaxial cable to allow connection to equipment that uses 3-lug triaxial …
    Model 4288-2 Dual-Unit Rack-Mount Kit
    The Model 4288-2 Dual Fixed Rack Mounting Kit includes all of the hardware necessary for side-by-side rack mounting of two instruments, including Series 2000, 2182A, Series 2300, Series 2500, 2700, 2701, 6220, 6221, 6485, 6487, 6514, or 6517B.
    Model 4288-1 Single-Unit Rack-Mount Kit
    Model 4288-1 Single-Unit  Rack-Mount Kit contains the hardware required to mount one half-rack instrument in a standard 48.3 cm (19 in.) rack.
    Model TRX-1100V-TBC Female-Bulkhead Connector
    The Keithley Instruments TRX-1100V-TBC is a 3-slot female-bulkhead adapter rated for 1100 V. The female connector of this adapter will only mate with 3-slot male triaxial connectors (Keithley part number TRX-1100V-CONN) and cables (Keithley part …
    Model TRX-1100V-FFBARREL Female-Female Barrel Connector
    The Keithley Instruments TRX-1100V-FFBARREL is a 3-lug female-barrel adapter rated for 1100 V. The two female connectors of this adapter will only mate with 3-slot male triaxial connectors (Keithley part number TRX-1100V-CONN) and cables (Keithley …
    Model TRX-1100V-FMFTEE Female-Male-Female Tee Adapter Instructions
    The Keithley Instruments TRX-1100V-FMFTEE is a 3-slot female-male-female triaxial-tee adapter rated for 1100 V. The two female connectors of this adapter will only mate with 3-slot male triaxial connectors (Keithley part number TRX-1100V-CONN) and …
    Model TRX-1100V-FFFTEE Female-Female-Female Tee Adapter Instructions
    The Keithley Instruments TRX-1100V-FFFTEE is a 3-slot female-female-female triaxial-tee adapter rated for 1100 V. The three female connectors of this adapter will only mate with 3-slot male triaxial connectors (Keithley part number TRX-1100V-CONN) …
    Model CS-1616-3 Safety Interlock Mating Connector
    The Model CS-1616-3 is an interlock mating connector that is supplied with Keithley instruments that include an interlock connection.
    Model 2460-KIT Screw-Terminal Connector Kit Information
    The Model 2460-KIT Screw Terminal Connector Kit contains a cable housing, an inverted plug connector, and a cable tie. The cable housing is made up of two half-shells with a cable outlet. The inverted plug secures cables to pins for quick connection …
    Model TRX-1100V-PCBCONN High-Voltage Female PCB Connector Instructions
    The TRX-1100V-PCBCONN is a feedthrough connector for panel mounting on printed circuit boards. It is a female triaxial connector rated for 1100 V. This connector is intended for applications that use the Keithley Instruments Model 2470 High Voltage …
    Model TRX-1100V-CONN 3-Slot Male High Voltage Triaxial Cable Connector
    The Keithley Instruments TRX-1100V-CONN is a 3-slot male voltage triaxial cable connector rated for 1100 V. This connector can be used in applications that use the Keithley Instruments Model 2470 High Voltage SourceMeter Instrument. It can be used …
    Model TRX-1100V-X 3-Slot HV Low-Noise Triaxial Cable Instructions
    The Keithley Instruments TRX-1100V-X is a 3-slot high-voltage, low-noise triaxial cable. You can use this cable in applications that characterize and test high-voltage, low-leakage devices, materials, and modules, such as silicon carbide (SiC) …
    Model TRX-1100V-BAN Triax to Banana Cable Assembly Instruction Sheet
    Model CS-1546 Triaxial Three-Lug Shorting Plug
    Model CS-1546 Triaxial Three-Lug Shorting Plug that shorts the center conductor to the outer shield.
    Model CA-18-1 Shielded Cable Terminated with Dual Banana Plugs
    Model CA-18-1 Shielded Cable Terminated with Dual Banana Plugs is intended for use with binding post inputs or dual banana jacks.
    Model 2450-TRX-BAN Triaxial to Banana Cable
    Model 2450-TRX-BAN Triaxial to Banana Cable connects three male triaxial connectors to five female safety banana jacks (4 mm safety jacks).
    Model 2600-ALG-2 Low Noise Triaxial Cable with Alligator Clips
    The Model 2600-ALG is a 2 meter (6.6 ft.) triaxial cable that is terminated with a 3-slot male triaxial connector on one end and alligator clips on the other end. 
    Model CS-631 3-Lug Cable Mount Triax Connector
    Model CS-631 3-Lug Cable Mount Triax Connector