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PCI Express Motherboard

Automated Testing and Debugging

High-speed digital standards are quickly evolving to support the performance demands of our data driven world. Next generation serial standards and data communication requirements are bringing new test challenges, pushing the limits of today’s compliance and debug tools. From design and simulation, analysis, debug, and compliance testing, Tektronix provides automated electrical test solutions to optimize performance, speed up validation cycles and accelerate time-to-market.

Accurate, Repeatable Testing of High-Performance Computing Standards

The demand for greater data throughput and increased memory capacity continues to grow in such data-intensive markets as data center, artificial intelligence (AI), and high-performance computing. Higher data transfer rates lead to complex designs that push the boundaries of signal integrity and require higher-performance measurements for compliance, debugging and validation. Tektronix's automated test solutions equip engineers to test their latest designs by addressing these challenges with accuracy and repeatability.

PCI Express (PCIe) and CXL

Memory (DDR and LPDDR)

Storage (SAS and SATA)

PCIe Motherboard
Consumer Electronics

Reduced Time to Test Consumer Technologies

The pace of innovation is stimulating the demand for newer and faster consumer devices. The standards underlying their development introduce new test challenges in terms of increased data rates and design complexity. Tektronix test solutions provide accurate, repeatable measurements and reduced test times for conformance to the latest specifications.

Display (DisplayPort and HDMI)

MIPI (M-Phy, D-Phy, C-Phy and UFS)



Comprehensive Tools for Ethernet Device Designs

Ethernet provides network connectivity ranging from hyper-scale data centers and enterprise systems to automotive and industrial applications. Tektronix offers comprehensive toolsets for testing, developing, and debugging the physical layer of IEEE 802.3 Ethernet devices in these ecosystems.

Ethernet (10M to 400G and beyond)


Advanced Measurement and Analysis Tools

Tektronix’ SDLA, PAMJET, and DPOJET software offers powerful signal analysis tools for high-speed serial standards. Whether analyzing the latest PAM4 signals using PAMJET, de-embedding waveforms with SDLA, or performing jitter/noise analysis with DPOJET, Tektronix offers the tools you need.

Jitter Measurement and Timing Analysis (DPOJet)

De-embedding and Receiver Equalization (SDLA)

Electrical and Timing analysis of PAM signals (PAMJet)



PCIe Gen 6 PAM4 Signaling

Prepare for the next PCI Express inflection point by viewing this discussion of validation requirements for PCI Express …

USB4 Webinar

USB4 Compliance and Characterization Test Webinar

Solving Key LPDDR5 DRAM Test Challenges

Watch the webinar, How to Solve Key LPDDR5 DRAM Test Challenges, for test tips and techniques to meet the design …
Application Note

Automated Compliance Testing of MIPI D-PHY Physical Layer

An overview of the MIPI D-PHY physical layer and electrical signaling, with key tests, probing approaches, fixtures and …
Product Demo

112 Gb/s Ethernet Demonstration with Synopsys Transmitter PHY

With the approaching ratification of 802.3ck, electrical characterization needs are particularly increasing. This demo …

DDR5 Measurement Challenges

The world is currently experiencing an explosive growth in the amount of data being generated. This is a trend …