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- Jitter Measurement and Timing Analysis
Jitter Measurement and Timing Analysis
Understanding timing jitter has become a mandatory part of high-speed communications system design as today’s serial data standards require extensive jitter compliance tests. Tektronix' comprehensive test instrumentation portfolio enables you to meet your design goals and compliance requirements – fast.
- DPOJET Jitter & Timing Analysis for Real-Time Oscilloscopes: DPOJET enables engineers to debug and characterize timing, jitter, and noise in computer, mobile, and data communication system designs.
- TekScope AnywhereTM Waveform Analysis: Users now have the flexibility to perform timing, eye, and jitter analysis outside the lab that can easily be shared between team members in a networked environment.
- 80SJNB Jitter, Timing, and SDLA Visualizer Analysis for Sampling Oscilloscopes: 80SJNB is an all-purpose tool that enables engineers to specify a de-embed filter, Time Domain Waveform or S-Parameter for channel embedding. 80SJNB also performs timing, noise and mask testing analysis to get a 3-D view of the eye diagram performance for deep, accurate evaluation on signals with speeds beyond 50GHz.
- JMAP Jitter Mapping and Decomposition Analysis for BERTScope BSA Series: Unlike a traditional BERT, BERTScope utilizes unique JMAP analysis to provide jitter decomposition into its random and deterministic components for a deeper understanding of errors on long patterns.
Featured Content
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Dual-Dirac+ Scope Histograms and BERTScan Measurements
Figure 1.1. Using an eye diagram to set a window around the crossing point and plot edge positions.
Much has been written …
Stressed Eye Primer
Figure 1. Conceptual picture of an ideal receiver.
Figure 2. Simplified Receiver Block Diagram …
Clock Recovery Primer, Part 2
Clock recovery is a common part of many measurements, whether as part of the test setup or part of the device under test. We’re going to look at clock recovery from a …
Understanding and Characterizing Timing Jitter Primer
Timing jitter is the unwelcome companion of all electrical systems that use voltage transitions to represent timing information. Historically, electrical systems have lessened the ill effects of …
Clock Recovery Primer, Part 1
Figure 1. If clock and data were to move in time by the same amount at the same time, a decision circuit could remove the effect of jitter …
The Basics of Serial Data Compliance and Validation Measurements
Serial Buses - An Established Design Standard
High-speed serial bus architectures are the new norm in today's high-performance designs. While parallel bus standards are undergoing some …
Evaluating Stress Components using BER-Based Jitter Measurements
Figure 1.1. Self-verification stress setup - connections to a BERTScope S or BERTScope with option SE (left). Stress user interface (right) showing the …
DesignCon 2015 Paper - Statistical Principles and Trends in Mask Testing
In recent years mask testing added hit ratios, margins and auto-fit. In parallel, jitter and noise analysis produced statistical models identifying categories of impairments …
Paper presented 8/9/05 at the T11.2 FC-MSQS Ad Hoc Meeting: Impact of Noise on BER Estimation
Impact of Noise on BER estimation
BERT can perform a BER measurement at a set vertical threshold at a given timing (within the UI).
By varying the timing of the BERT (within …
Jitter Fact Sheet
Jitter degrades system performance and eludes troubleshooting efforts just when you can't afford the time to track it down. Dealing with jitter is now a mandatory part of any high-speed …
Choose the Right Platform for Your Jitter Measurements
Jitter Measurements Why Are They So Important?
Edge jitter in serial devices is a growing concern for designers and developers. Jitter matters. It affects system performance. It is …
Ultra-low Jitter Performance with Phase-Reference Module 82A04 & TDS/CSA8200 Sampling Oscilloscope
As more standards documents of high-speed serial data specify jitter limits, precise and repeatable timing measure- ments are becoming increasingly important and critical …
Characterizing Phase Locked Loops Using Tektronix Real-Time Spectrum Analyzers
The Phase Locked Loop has become one of the most versatile building blocks in electronics. They are at the heart of circuits and systems ranging from clock recovery blocks …
Controlled Jitter Generation for Jitter Tolerance and Jitter Transfer Testing
Timing jitter is a pervasive problem in the design of high-speed serial communication systems. If your job involves characterizing jitter, you will probably find that you …
Six Sigma’ Mask Testing with a BERTScope® Bit Error Rate Tester
Mask testing is a common method of estimating whether a transmitted waveform is of sufficient quality to meet system requirements. In most systems the requirement is to …
Clock Recovery’s Impact on Test and Measurement
Clock recovery plays a significant role in making accurate test measurements, whether incorporated into the test setup or as part of the device under test. As most …
Characterize Phase-Locked Loop Systems Using Real Time Oscilloscopes
Phase-locked loops (PLL) are frequently used in communication applications. For example, they recover the clock from digital data signals (CDR), recover the carrier from …
Comparing Jitter Using a BERTScope® Bit Error Rate Testing
In most systems, it is desirable to have each data bit have the same duration (see Figures 1(a) and 2(d)). When bits vary in length, either randomly or systematically …
Anatomy of an Eye Diagram: How to Construct & Trigger
This paper describes what an eye diagram is, how it is constructed, and common methods of triggering used to generate one. It then describes different ways that information from an …
BERTScope® Bit Error Rate Testers Jitter Map “Under the Hood”
Jitter Map is a capability on the BERTScope that uses BER measurements tomeasure Total Jitter as well as decompose jitter beyond basic Random and Deterministic Jitter. This …
Bridging the Gap Between BER and Eye Diagrams — A BER Contour Tutorial
This paper provides an introduction to the BER Contour measurement - what it is, how it is constructed, and why it is a valuable way of viewing parametric performance at …
Jitter Timing Fundamentals
Timing Jitter Analysis and Evaluation
Timing jitter (or simply "jitter") is an undesirable phenomenon inherent to any electrical system that represents timing information with voltage transitions …
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Jitter Fundamentals
View this recorded webinar to get a solid overview of jitter components as well as jitter characterization and visualization. Learn how to control Jitter during system design and improve timing …
How to Address Your Toughest Serial Bus Design Challenges with EDA and Measurement Correlation
This Tektronix webinar will teach engineers how to use modeling tools to correlate simulations with high-speed physical layer measurements on Serial Bus Standards using the DPO/MSO70000 Series …
Enabling PAM4 for Emerging Requirements in Data Communications
This webinar presents measurement techniques for PAM4 Data Communications and is useful for engineers involved in designing and developing 28G, 56G or 100G components, modules and systems. Find out …
Choosing the Right Platform for Jitter Measurements
Advanced Jitter and Noise Analysis
As serial data speeds increase, the need to perform accurate timing and jitter measurements is key to staying current in your design role. Check out this new webinar that covers advances in the …