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TekExpress 10G-KR Compliance, Debug and Protocol Decode Solution v1.1.0

The Tektronix 10G-KR is an automated compliance and Debug test system for testing 10G-KR and 40G-KR4 along with Protocol Decode Solution.

10G-KR option supports:
- TekExpress 10G-KR, Automated compliance test for 10G-KR device and 40G-KR4 device, and a DPOJET Plug-in debug solution.
- It also provides Protocol Decode solution for 10G-KR and supports scrambled and unscrambled input.

10G-KR provides 10 free trials by default for Tekexpress 10G-KR only and need license key to enable the application permanently. The DPOJET-10G-KR and decode solution does not have free trails. It will be available only on enabling the license key permanently.

Это программное обеспечение относится к следующему: DPO71604, DPO72004, DSA71604, DSA72004, DPO71604B, DPO72004B, DSA71604B, DSA72004B, MSO71604, MSO72004, MSO71604C, MSO72004C, DPO71604C, DPO72004C, DSA71604C, DSA72004C, DPO72504D, DPO73304D, DSA72504D, DSA73304D

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