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  • Техническое описание Номер публикации: Дата выпуска
    Комбинированные осциллографы
    Настраиваемый и полностью модернизируемый осциллограф "6 в 1" обеспечивает глубокий анализ аналоговых, цифровых и РЧ сигналов с корреляцией по времени
    KickStart Instrument Control Software Datasheet
    KickStart Software simplifies what you need to know about your instrument so that in just minutes you can take the instrument out of the box and get real data on your device.  KickStart Software enables quick test setup and data visualization when …
    MDO4000 Series Mixed Domain Oscilloscopes (Replaced by MDO4000B)
    Replaced by the MDO4000B -- Introducing the world’s first and only oscilloscope with a built-in spectrum analyzer. For the first time ever, you can capture time-correlated analog, digital, and RF signals for a complete system view of your device. See …
  • Техническая документация Тип документа Дата выпуска
    Practical EMI Troubleshooting
    After failing an EMI compliance test, where do you start? This application note gives guidance on connecting the information in your test report to a source of radiated emissions.  It provides information that applies to any spectrum analyzer -- such …
    Примечание по применению
    Wave Inspector® Navigation and Search: Simplifying Waveform Analysis
    Modern digital oscilloscopes can capture massive amounts of data which must then be analyzed.  Discover how the Tektronix Wave Inspector® navigation and search capability gives you the tools to extract the answers you need fast and efficiently.
    Примечание по применению
    MDO4000B and MDO3000 Series Comparison Fact Sheet
    This fact sheet compares features and specifications of MDO4000B and MDO3000 Series mixed domain oscillscopes.
    Руководство по выбору прибора
    Serial Support Using Tektronix Oscilloscopes and Optional Software
    Tektronix oscilloscopes offer a portfolio of optional analysis capabilities to simplify serial bus debug or compliance verification. This selection matrix shows which serial standards are supported by each of the oscilloscope series.
    Руководство по выбору прибора
    Introduction to Video Measurements
    In this application note, we demonstrate using a MSO/DPO5000, MDO/MSO/DPO4000 and MDO/MSO/DPO3000 Series Oscilloscope to make a variety of video measurements that are common in standard and high definition systems.
    Примечание по применению
    Fundamentals of the MDO4000B Series Mixed Domain Oscilloscope
    Today’s design engineers often must debug complex devices, with integrated analog and digital signals, serial buses, and now RF signals for wireless communication. In this application note, learn how a Mixed Domain Oscilloscope (MDO) offers time …
    Примечание по применению
    Power Supply Measurement and Analysis with Bench Oscilloscopes
    Today’s power supplies are driving to a level of efficiency never seen before, requiring design engineers to perform specialized power measurements that are time-consuming and complex. Learn how using a Tektronix Bench Oscilloscopes provides fast …
    Примечание по применению
    Debugging Serial Buses in Embedded System Designs
    Find out how the protocol trigger, decode and search capabilities of the popular MSO and DPO Series oscilloscopes solve serial bus integration and debug challenges of many buses such as I2C, SPI , USB, RS-232/422/485/UART, CAN, LIN, FlexRay, Ethernet …
    Примечание по применению
    Digital Debugging Tips Using a Mixed Signal Oscilloscope
    This application note provided useful information for verifying and debugging with a Mixed Signal Oscilloscope (MSO) complex designs that may include analog and digital signals and multiple buses.
    Примечание по применению
    Replicating Real World Signals with an Arbitrary/Function Generator
    This application note will guide you through the steps required to replicate real world signals using the Tektronix AFG Series and ArbExpress software.
    Примечание по применению
    MDO4000B Series vs. Rohde & Schwarz FSV Spectrum Analyzer
    Examine the MDO4000 Series vs. the Rohde & Schwarz FSV Spectrum Analyzer
    MDO4000B Series vs. Rohde & Schwarz FSL Spectrum Analyzer
    Examine the MDO4000 Series vs. the Rohde & Schwarz FSL Spectrum Analyzer
    MDO4000B Series vs. Rohde & Schwarz FSC Spectrum Analyzer
    Examine the MDO4000 Series vs. the Rohde & Schwarz FSC Spectrum Analyzer
    MDO4000B Series vs. Agilent N9320
    Side-by-side comparison on important specifications and features like correlating RF to other system signals and exceptionally wide capture bandwidth.
    MDO4000B Series vs. Agilent N9322C
    Side-by-side comparison on important specifications and features like correlating RF to other system signals and exceptionally wide capture bandwidth.
    MDO4000B Series vs. Agilent N9000A CXA
    Side-by-side comparison on important specifications and features like correlating RF to other system signals and exceptionally wide capture bandwidth.
    The Secrets Behind the MDO4000 Series Spectrum Analyzer
    Learn how: The MDO4000 Series are able to leverage oscilloscope acquisition technology to achieve spectral fidelity on par with entry level spectrum analyzers. The design techniques used in the MDO4000 Series allow them to achieve spectral fidelity …
    Техническая документация
    Measuring Wireless Power Charging Systems for Portable Electronics
    This application note focuses on the Qi interface, as developed by the Wireless Power Consortium, and how to measure the efficiency of power transfer.
    Примечание по применению
    Capacitance and Inductance Measurements Using an Oscilloscope and a Function Generator
    If you don't have an LCR meter in your lab, or you want to demonstrate the behavior of capacitors and inductors under sinusoidal stimulus, an oscilloscope and a function generator can help you to do a simple, transparent impedance measurement. You …
    Примечание по применению
    Tektronix Oscilloscope Accessories Selection Guide
    Tektronix oscilloscope probes and accessories allow you to adapt your oscilloscope to your specific application needs and environment.
    Руководство по выбору прибора
    Advanced Radar Analysis: Tools for Measuring Modern Radar Application Note
    With today's rapid advances in radar technology, developing and manufacturing highly specialized and innovative electronic products to detect radar signals takes leading-edge technology and tools. Tektronix innovative test equipment reduces …
    Примечание по применению
    Identifying Setup and Hold Violations with a Mixed Signal Oscilloscope
    THIS APPLICATION NOTE Explains the basic setup of a mixed signal oscilloscope (MSO) Tells how to interpret the logic signal display on a Tektronix MSO Explains how to easily identify and measure setup and hold …
    Примечание по применению
    When to Choose a Dedicated Arbitrary Function Generator (AFG)
    This technical brief is written to help you determine the optimum method of arbitrary function generation for your needs.  It shows examples of real-world applications and highlights key specifications of Tektronix and Keithley dedicated arbitrary …
    Краткое техническое описание
    Working Remotely with Tektronix Oscilloscopes
    There are several approaches you can take to work remotely with Tektronix oscilloscopes. The available techniques differ somewhat between instruments that run the Windows operating system and instruments that do not. This guide is designed to help …
    Краткое техническое описание
    MDO4000 Series vs. Regular Oscilloscope FFTs
    Examine the MDO4000 Series vs a regular oscilloscope FFTs.
    4 Series MSO vs MDO4000C
    COMPARISON FACT SHEET Screen Size and Waveform Viewing Area 4 Series MSO MDO4000C …
    Информационный бюллетень
    How to Minimize Probe Loading with Low Capacitance Probes
    Probing a circuit always has some impact on signals. Probe loading changes the signal being probed and can cause measurement problems or can even cause a circuit to perform differently. Reducing capacitive loading can help minimize these effects. In …
    Примечание по применению
    Accurate Measurements Matter
    MDO4000C Series measurements are taken on actual acquisition data - providing as much data to the measurement algorithms as possible. The Keysight 4000 X-Series uses the lower resolution display data, which can produce measurements that are …
    Информационный бюллетень
    Wi-Fi: Overview of the 802.11 Physical Layer and Transmitter Measurements
    Introduction Wi-Fi is a technology that allows many electronic devices to exchange data or connect to the internet wirelessly using radio waves. The Wi-Fi Alliance defines Wi-Fi devices as any "Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) …
    Начальное руководство
    MDO How it Works
    In new designs, the level of integration among processors, sensors, and communications has increased, blurring the traditional lines between analog, digital, RF and power system design. Wireless technology is transforming the way engineers need to …
    Краткое техническое описание
    Keysight 4000X vs MDO4000C Competitive Comparison
    Side-by-side comparison on important features like serial triggering and decode, waveform navigation and search, waveform capture rate, digital debug with MSO, and more.
    Power Supply Measurement and Analysis Primer
    A power supply is a component, subsystem, or system that converts electrical power from one form to another; commonly from alternating current (AC) utility power to direct current (DC) power. The proper operation of electronic devices ranging from …
    Начальное руководство
    Tektronix MDO4000C Series Oscilloscopes
    This demonstration guide takes you through a series of step-by-step demonstrations on how the MDO4000C Series oscilloscope helps simplify the debug of mixed signal designs with its powerful functionality and integrated test instruments. This …
    Testing a New Switch Mode Power Supply Design Poster
    Get a quick overview of the key measurements for verifying a new switch mode power supply (SMPS) design.  This poster shows key measurements, from verifying your prototype during initial startup, to optimizing switching loss and magnetic losses, to …
    MDO Signal Path Teardown Poster
    MDO4000 and MDO3000 Mixed Domain Oscilloscopes deliver uncompromised oscilloscope performance combined with spectrum analyzer performance on par with standalone spectrum analyzers. But how do they do it? The answer lies in Tektronix’ custom ASICs, a …
  • Программное обеспечение Тип документа Номер по каталогу: Дата выпуска
    KickStart Instrument Control Software version 2.11.3
    KickStart Software for the PC enables quick test setup and data visualization when using one or more instruments. Key Features • Save time by automating data collection of millions of readings. • Set up a multi-instrument test with the ability to …
    Application (Предварительные установки > Приложение) KICKSTART-2.11.3
    KickStart Instrument Control Software version 2.11.2
    KickStart Software for the PC enables quick test setup and data visualization when using one or more instruments. Key Features • Save time by automating data collection of millions of readings. • Set up a multi-instrument test with the ability to …
    Application (Предварительные установки > Приложение) KICKSTART-2.11.2
    TEKVISA Connectivity Software - V5.11.1
    TekVISA is the Tektronix implementation of VISA (Virtual Instrument Software Architecture), an industry-standard communication protocol.When installed on a PC, TekVISA provides communication with instruments that are connected to the PC via various …
    Драйвер 066093813
    KickStart Instrument Control Software Version 2.6.0 (Windows 10, 8, 7 compatible) (NOT SUPPORTED)
    "KickStart Software for the PC enables quick test setup and data visualization when using one or more instruments.Key Features• Save time by automating data collection of millions of readings.• Set up a multi-instrument test with the ability to …
    Application (Предварительные установки > Приложение) KICKSTART-2.6.0
    Tektronix Openchoice Desktop Application TDSPCS1 - V2.8
    The Tektronix OpenChoice Desktop free application lets you capture oscilloscope screen images, waveform data, and settings from a Microsoft Windows computer. After installing the software, refer to the section “Connecting to a PC” in your …
    Utility 066093915
    ArbExpress is a waveform creation and editing tool for Tektronix AWG and AFG instruments. It provides an easy to use and efficient way to create and edit waveforms, transfer waveforms to and from Arbitrary Waveform Generators (AWG), and …
    Application (Предварительные установки > Приложение) 066146106
    ArbExpress is a waveform creation and editing tool for Tektronix AWG and AFG instruments. It provides an easy to use and efficient way to create and edit waveforms, transfer waveforms to and from Arbitrary Waveform Generators (AWG), and …
    Application (Предварительные установки > Приложение) 066146105
    TEKVISA Connectivity Software - V4.2.0
    TekVISA is the Tektronix implementation of VISA (Virtual Instrument Software Architecture), an industry-standard communication protocol.When installed on a PC, TekVISA provides communication with instruments that are connected to the PC via various …
    Драйвер 066093812
    DPO2000, MSO2000, DPO3000 and DPO4000, MSO3000 and MSO4000, MDO3000 and MDO4000 and MDO3 IVI Driver - V1.5
    The Tektronix MSO/DPO2000, MDO/MSO/DPO3000, MDO/MSO/DPO4000 and MDO3 IVI Driver is an IVI class-compliant driver. It complies with Scope Class specifications (IVI-4.1) as defined by the IVI foundation. An IVI class-compliant specific driver for an …
    Драйвер 066133104
    MDO4000C firmware update
    Микропрограммное обеспечение 066179905
    TekVISA is the Tektronix implementation of VISA (Virtual Instrument Software Architecture), an industry-standard communication protocol.When installed on a PC, TekVISA provides communication with instruments that are connected to the PC via various …
    Драйвер 066093811
    MDO4000C FIRMWARE V1.04
    This firmware is for all MDO4000C Series oscilloscopes.
    Микропрограммное обеспечение 066179902
    Tektronix Openchoice Desktop Application TDSPCS1 - v2.6
    The Tektronix OpenChoice Desktop free application lets you capture oscilloscope screen images, waveform data, and settings from a Microsoft Windows computer. After installing the software, refer to the section “Connecting to a PC” in your …
    Utility 066093914
    ArbExpress is a waveform creation and editing tool for Tektronix AWG and AFG instruments. It provides an easy to use and efficient way to create and edit waveforms, transfer waveforms to and from Arbitrary Waveform Generators (AWG), and …
    Application (Предварительные установки > Приложение) 066146104