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Programing - How to get and plot a waveform from DPO/MSO/MDO4000 Series scope in Python

Вопрос :

Programing - How to get and plot a waveform from DPO/MSO/MDO4000 Series scope in Python

Ответ :

There are a few things that are needed for programming with an oscilloscope. First it's important to have a copy of your oscilloscopes Programmers manual. This can be found be searching for manuals on Tek.com and specifying Programmers manual in the Filter type. This video example will demonstrate how to save waveform data with a few commands and tools using Python as the programming language. The same commands from the programmers manual can be used in MATLAB, Labvie, C, and many other languages. It's important to have a method either through a module, DLL or such to talk to the VISA.

More information about what a VISA is can be found here -> VISA INFO.


NOTE: Below is a Download link for all the Python code found in the video for saving the waveform from a scope

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