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Техническое описание Номер публикации: Дата выпуска Генераторы сигналов произвольной формы и стандартных функций
76U-28281-2 Arbitrary/Function Generator AFG3000 Series (replaced by AFG3000C)
Руководства Тип руководства Номер по каталогу: Дата выпуска Генераторы серии AFG3000C
User (Предварительные установки > Пользователь) 071334101 AFG3000 Series
Arbitary Function Generators Programmer ManualЭлектронное руководство по программированию 077074301 AFG3000C Series
Arbitary Function Generators Compliance and Safety InstructionsUser (Предварительные установки > Пользователь) 071324400 AFG3000C Series
Arbitary Function Generators Technical ReferenceПроверка рабочих характеристик 077069100 AFG3000 Series
Arbitary Function Generators Programmer ManualЭлектронное руководство по программированию 077074300 AFG3000 Series
Arbitrary/Function Generators Programmer ManualЭлектронное руководство по программированию 071163904 AFG3000 Series
Arbitary/Function Generators Quick Start User ManualЭлектронное руководство по программированию 071163106 AFG3000 Series
Arbitrary/Function Generator Release NotesПримечания к выпуску 061435100 AFG3000
Memory Erasure and Memory Parts List InstructionsИсключение из классификации 071185600 RM3100 Instructions
Rackmount Kit InstructionsИнструкции по установке на объекте 071175801 AFG3000 Series Instructions
040-1719-00 & 045-0291-00 Grounding Post Extender InstructionsИнструкции по установке на объекте 075092302 KickStart Quick Start Guide
KickStart Instrument Control Software lets you start making measurements in minutes without complex instrument programming. KickStart allows you to do I-V characterization, data acquisition and logging, and power supply control on a variety of …Основной потребитель KKS-903-01M AFG31000 Series Arbitrary Function Generator Service Manual
Обслуживание 077179600 AFG3100 Software Release Notes and Installation Instructions
These release notes contain important information about version 1.6.1 of the AFG31000 software.Примечания к выпуску 077163902 Tektronix End User License Agreement
Please read this Agreement carefully as this Agreement governs the terms and conditions under which You are permitted to use Tektronix software and services.Комбинация пользователь/обслуживание 071374800 AFG3000C and AFG3000 Series Arbitrary Function Generators Specifications and Performance Verification Technical Reference
Arbitary Function Generators Specifications and Performance VerificationПроверка рабочих характеристик 077069103 AFG3000C and AFG3000 Series Arbitrary Function Generators Specifications and Performance Verification Technical Reference
This manual provides instructions to verify the performance of the AFG3000Cand AFG3000 Series Arbitrary Function Generators to the module level.Проверка рабочих характеристик 077069103 AFG3000 Series Arbitrary Function Generators Quick Start User Manual
This manual describes the installation and operation of Tektronix AFG3000 Series Arbitrary Function Generators along with basic operations and concepts.User (Предварительные установки > Пользователь) 077095702 ArbExpress AXW100 Help
Waveform Creation and Editing Tool for Tektronix AWG/AFG Printable Version 3.4Интерактивная справка 077000013 AFG3000 Series Declassification and Security Instructions
Arbitrary Function Generators Declassification and SecurityИсключение из классификации 077081401 AFG3000 Series Programmer Manual
Arbitary Function GeneratorsЭлектронное руководство по программированию 077074302 AFG3000C Series Compliance and Safety Instructions
Arbitary Function Generators Compliance and SafetyUser (Предварительные установки > Пользователь) 071333101 AFG3000 Series
Arbitrary/Function GeneratorsОбслуживание 071164005
Техническая документация Тип документа Дата выпуска Replicating Real World Signals with an Arbitrary/Function Generator
This application note will guide you through the steps required to replicate real world signals using the Tektronix AFG Series and ArbExpress software.Примечание по применению Capacitance and Inductance Measurements Using an Oscilloscope and a Function Generator
If you don't have an LCR meter in your lab, or you want to demonstrate the behavior of capacitors and inductors under sinusoidal stimulus, an oscilloscope and a function generator can help you to do a simple, transparent impedance measurement. You …Примечание по применению AFG302xC/AFG305xC vs. Agilent 33500B Series Arbitrary/Function Generator
See how the Tektronix AFG302xC/AFG305xC vs. Agilent 33500B Series Arbitrary/Function GeneratorКонкурентоспособный AFG3000C Series vs. Rigol DG4000
AFG3000C Series vs. Rigol DG4000Конкурентоспособный AFG3000C Series vs. Rigol DG5000
AFG3000C Series vs. Rigol DG5000Конкурентоспособный AFG3000C Series vs. Lecroy WaveStation Arbitrary/Function Generator
AFG3000C Series vs. Lecroy WaveStation Arbitrary/Function GeneratorКонкурентоспособный AFG310xC Series vs. Tabor Wonder Wave 257xA Series
Tektronix AFG310xC Series vs. Tabor Wonder Wave 257xA SeriesКонкурентоспособный Bench Products 2012 (Test&Measurement Solutions)
На 16 страницах каталога предложены детали и технические характеристики настольных приборов Tektronix, включая: основные и настольные осциллографы, цифровые мультиметры, источники питания, частотомеры и генераторы сигналов.Руководство по выбору прибора 25 Common Things You Can Do With an Arbitrary/Function Generator
An acquisition instrument - usually an oscilloscope or logic analyzer - is probably the first thing that comes to mind when you think about making electronic measurements. But these tools can only make a measurement when they are able to acquire a …Начальное руководство Arbitrary/Function Generators Provide Versatile Stimulus in RF Applications
Recently, modern arbitrary/function generators (AFGs) have been finding increasing use in a number of RF test applications, thanks to significant improvements in versatility, flexibility and frequency range, enabled by advances in instrumentation …Примечание по применению Testing with Versatile Pulse Generation Solutions
This application note describes several applications in which modern general-purpose arbitrary/function generators (AFGs) can present a flexible, versatile and more affordable alternative solution to dedicated pulse generators.Примечание по применению Arbitrary/Function Generator Offers Versatile and Convenient Solution for AM/FM Radio Test and Alignment
This application note demonstrates how two tools, the signal generator and the oscilloscope, support radio measurements with the bandwidth that radio test and measurement demands and with the comprehensive triggering features sufficient to …Примечание по применению Tek spins scope-like 3-in-1 function generators
Статья о приборе Tektronix generator has high-amplitude output stage
Статья о приборе Arbitrary/function generator provides high signal amplitude
Статья о приборе Arbitrary/Function Generators Promote Ease-of-Use
Статья о приборе Analog ASIC fuels waveform generator
Статья о приборе AFG3000 Product Demo
Статья о приборе Arb/Function Generators Set Price/Performance Benchmark
Статья о приборе Arbitrary+ Function Generator Offers Three in One
Статья о приборе Waveform Generators Fill a Void
Статья о приборе Arbitrary/function generator combines three products into one
Статья о приборе Arbitrary/Function Generator Offers Higher Performance with Lower Price
Статья о приборе Свидетельство AFG2000 - AFG3000
Краткое техническое описание When to Choose a Dedicated Arbitrary Function Generator (AFG)
This technical brief is written to help you determine the optimum method of arbitrary function generation for your needs. It shows examples of real-world applications and highlights key specifications of Tektronix and Keithley dedicated arbitrary …Краткое техническое описание AFG31000 Series Suggested Replacement Models for AFG3000 Series
Effective December 30, 2020, the AFG3000 Series Arbitrary Function Generators, with the exception of the AFG3011C with unique 20 Vp-p output, will no longer be available for sale. This flyer matches the discontinued models with the suggested …Информационный бюллетень Replicating Real-World Signals with an Arbitrary Function Generator (AFG)
As we integrate more technology into our bodies and lives, we realize that the signals that drive our biologic functionality are unique and complex. Mimicking these signals during product testing can be difficult or expensive since test equipment is …Примечание по применению
Программное обеспечение Тип документа Номер по каталогу: Дата выпуска ARBEXPRESS WAVEFORM CREATION AND EDITING SW, V3.6
ArbExpress is a waveform creation and editing tool for Tektronix AWG and AFG instruments. It provides an easy to use and efficient way to create and edit waveforms, transfer waveforms to and from Arbitrary Waveform Generators (AWG), and …Application (Предварительные установки > Приложение) 066146106 ARBEXPRESS WAVEFORM CREATION AND EDITING SW, V3.5
ArbExpress is a waveform creation and editing tool for Tektronix AWG and AFG instruments. It provides an easy to use and efficient way to create and edit waveforms, transfer waveforms to and from Arbitrary Waveform Generators (AWG), and …Application (Предварительные установки > Приложение) 066146105 AFG3000 Series Firmware Update - V3.2.4
The AFG3000 Series Firmware Update - V3.2.4 includes all features from previous versions and optimizes output signal in phase modulation mode.Микропрограммное обеспечение 066072814 AFG3000C Series Firmware Update - V1.0.10
Latest Firmware for AFG3011C/AFG3021C/ AFG3022C/AFG3051C/AFG3052C/AFG3101C/AFG3102C/AFG3151C/ AFG3152C/AFG3251C/AFG3252C arbitrary/function generator. Please follow the installation instructions carefully. Please read the Release Notes for additional …Микропрограммное обеспечение 066186101 ARBEXPRESS WAVEFORM CREATION AND EDITING SW, V3.4
ArbExpress is a waveform creation and editing tool for Tektronix AWG and AFG instruments. It provides an easy to use and efficient way to create and edit waveforms, transfer waveforms to and from Arbitrary Waveform Generators (AWG), and …Application (Предварительные установки > Приложение) 066146104 USB3-TX - DPO-DSA-MSO70000-C,D,DX - Win7 V6.0.6
The TekExpress USB3 Tx application (Opt. USB-TX and USBSSP Tx) is the automated solution for verification, characterization and debug of USB3.1 measurements from DPOJET Timing and Analysis tool, that integrates the DPOJET Options "USB3 Essentials" …Application (Предварительные установки > Приложение) 066155409 TekExpress PCI Express Compliance solution - DPO-DSA-MSO70000-C,D,DX - Win 7 V2.2.1
The TekExpress Automation for PCI Express Transmitter Compliance greatly reduces the effort and accelerates the compliance testing for PCI Express systems and devices with several unique and innovative capabilities. TekExpress Automation software …Application (Предварительные установки > Приложение) 066155503 TekExpress PCI Express Compliance solution - DPO-DSA-MSO70000-C,D,DX - Win 7 V2.2.0
The TekExpress Automation for PCI Express Transmitter Compliance greatly reduces the effort and accelerates the compliance testing for PCI Express systems and devices with several unique and innovative capabilities. TekExpress Automation software …Application (Предварительные установки > Приложение) 066155502 AFG3000C SERIES FIRMWARE UPDATE
Latest Firmware for AFG3011C/AFG3021C / AFG3022C/AFG3051C/AFG3052C / AFG3101C / AFG3102C / AFG3251C / AFG3252C arbitrary/function generator. Please follow the installation instructions carefully. Please read the Release Notes for additional …Микропрограммное обеспечение 066145501 ARBEXPRESS WAVEFORM CREATION AND EDITING SW, V3.1
ArbExpress is a waveform creation and editing tool for Tektronix AWG and AFG instruments. It provides an easy to use and efficient way to create and edit waveforms, transfer waveforms to and from Arbitrary Waveform Generators (AWG), and …Application (Предварительные установки > Приложение) 066146103 USB3-TX - DPO-DSA-MSO70000-C,D,DX - Win7 V6.0.2
The TekExpress USB3 Tx application (Opt. USB-TX and USBSSP Tx) is the automated solution for verification, characterization and debug of USB3.1 measurements from DPOJET Timing and Analysis tool, that integrates the DPOJET Options "USB3 Essentials" …Application (Предварительные установки > Приложение) 066155406 TekExpress PCI Express Compliance solution - DPO-DSA-MSO70000-C,D,DX - Win 7 V2.0.1
The TekExpress Automation for PCI Express Transmitter Compliance greatly reduces the effort and accelerates the compliance testing for PCI Express systems and devices with several unique and innovative capabilities. TekExpress Automation software …Application (Предварительные установки > Приложение) 066155501 USB-TX - DPO-DSA-MSO70000-C-D - Win7, V5.0.1
The USB-TX Automated Test Software is a Windows based application that runs on Tektronix Windows7 based instruments such as DPO/DSA70000/70000C/D MSO 70000/70000C Series oscilloscopes. Option USB-TX provides an automated, simple, and efficient way …Application (Предварительные установки > Приложение) 066155402 Open Source package that is used in AFG3KC
AFG3KC project uses some open source package. These packages are compliance with GPL or LGPL license. Modifications have been taken for some packages and some packages do not been changed. All open source packages will be uploaded to website.Микропрограммное обеспечение 066155600 TekExpress PCI Express Compliance solution - DPO-DSA-MSO70000-C,D,DX - Win 7 V2.0.0.107
The TekExpress Automation for PCI Express Transmitter Compliance greatly reduces the effort and accelerates the compliance testing for PCI Express systems and devices with several unique and innovative capabilities. TekExpress Automation software …Application (Предварительные установки > Приложение) 066155500 USB-TX - DPO-DSA-MSO70000-C-D - Win7, V5.0.0
The USB-TX Automated Test Software is a Windows based application that runs on Tektronix Windows7 based instruments such as DPO/DSA 70000/70000C/D MSO 70000/70000C Series oscilloscopes. TekExpress software (TEKEXP) ordered with option USB-TX …Application (Предварительные установки > Приложение) 066155400 ARBEXPRESS WAVEFORM CREATION AND EDITING SW, V2.9
ArbExpress is a waveform creation and editing tool for Tektronix AWG and AFG instruments. It provides an easy to use and efficient way to create and edit waveforms, transfer waveforms to and from Arbitrary Waveform Generators (AWG), and …Обновление 066146101 AFG3000C SERIES FIRMWARE UPDATE
Latest Firmware for AFG3011C/AFG3021C / AFG3022C/AFG3051C/AFG3052C / AFG3101C / AFG3102C / AFG3251C / AFG3252C arbitrary/function generator. Please follow the installation instructions carefully. Please read the Release Notes for additional …Микропрограммное обеспечение 066145500 TekExpress PCI Express Compliance solution - DPO-DSA-MSO70000-B,C,D - Win XP and Win 7 V1.0.0
The TekExpress Automation for PCI Express Transmitter Compliance greatly reduces the effort and accelerates the compliance testing for PCI Express systems and devices with several unique and innovative capabilities. TekExpress Automation software …Application (Предварительные установки > Приложение) 066146200 AFG3000 Series Firmware Update V3.2.3
Includes all features from previous versions and optimize output signal in phase modulation modeМикропрограммное обеспечение 066072813 USB-TX - DPO-DSA-MSO70000-B-C - Win XP - Win7 V4.1.0
The USB-TX Automated Test Software is a Windows based application that runs on any Windows XP computer operating system including Tektronix Windows based instruments such as DPO/DSA/MSO 70000/70000B/70000C Series oscilloscopes. TekExpress software …Application (Предварительные установки > Приложение) 066111412 USB-TX - DPO-DSA-MSO70000-B-C - Win XP - Win7 V4.0.4
The USB-TX Automated Test Software is a Windows based application that runs on any Windows XP computer operating system including Tektronix Windows based instruments such as DPO/DSA/MSO 70000/70000B/70000C Series oscilloscopes. TekExpress software …Application (Предварительные установки > Приложение) 066111411 VISACMD - Command line Utility for instrument communication 2010_05_06
VISACMD.EXE is a command-line utility that will read/write instrument commands to/from stdout (the console) and then exit. This allows command-line scripting (batch files) handle things like event processing, looping, waits, and file IO. It offers …Utility 066123900 ARBEXPRESS v2.5 WAVEFORM CREATION AND EDITING SW v2.5
ArbExpress is a waveform creation and editing tool for Tektronix AWG and AFG instruments. It provides an easy to use and efficient way to create and edit waveforms, transfer waveforms to and from Arbitrary Waveform Generators (AWG), and …Application (Предварительные установки > Приложение) 066055107 AFG3000 SERIES FIRMWARE UPDATE v3.1.1
Includes all features from previous versions and an offset output related bug fix.Микропрограммное обеспечение 066072810 NI SIGNALEXPRESS TEKTRONIX EDITION v2.5.1
National Instruments SignalExpress(tm) Tektronix Edition provides the industry's first true USB plug-n-play connectivity for instrumentation offering an intuitive drag-and-drop user interface that does not require any programming. SignalExpress(tm) …Application (Предварительные установки > Приложение) 066077003 AFG3000 ETHERNET WAVEFORM SETUP
Ethernet Return Loss waveforms for the AFG3000 Series arbitrary function generators. These AFG3000 series waveform setup files can be used for Ethernet Return Loss testing. Requirement: an AFG3252 arbitrary function generator.Осциллограмма 1000000313
Часто задаваемые вопросы Идентификатор часто задаваемых вопросов What is the maximum voltage that I can get out of my AFG or AWG product?
The voltages listed below are all only true if the generator is driving into a 50 ohm termination. AFG 300 series 10 V p-p Maximum into a 50 ohm load AFG 3011 20 V p-p Maximum into a 50 ohm load AFG 302x series 10 V p-p Maximum into a 50 ohm load …57806 What is the timebase accuracy of the AFG or AWG products?
AFG310/320 50 ppm (25 °C) during 1 year after calibration AFG3000 series 1 ppm (25 °C) during 1 year after calibration AWG400 series 1 ppm (25 °C) during 1 year after calibration AWG510/520 1 ppm (25 °C) during 1 year after calibration …56981 What communication ports are available on the AFG3000 series?
The number and type of communication ports available vary with the model of AFG3000.AFG3021 and AFG3022 have a USB (B) port standard. This port is located on the rear panel. There is no option to add other types of ports AFG3011, AFG3021B, AFG3022B …57686 What type of signal connections do I have on my AFG or AWG product?
Product Analog MarkersAFG300 series BNC NoneAFG3000 series BNC BNCAWG410, AWG420, AWG430 BNC BNCAWG510, AWG520 BNC SMAAWG610, AWG615 SMA SMAAWG710, AWG710B SMA SMAAWG7000 series SMA SMAAWG5000 series BNC BNC57911 When I use more than one channel in my AFG3000 series does the number of waveform points available to each channel change?
No. Memory is not shared between channels. The specified maximum number of points is the same on all channels.61381 Where do I download or find HDMI Direct Synthesis AWG Patterns?
The pattern files for HDMI Direct Synthesis (DS) AWG pattern files are distributed on three DVDs when you order option HT3-DS for your oscilloscope. You will need to download TDSHT3 software onto your oscilloscope and install the new key code that …64801 What Is The Difference Between The AFG3000's TFS And TFW Files?
TFSThis is the setup file for the instrument. It contains information such as function, run mode, amplitude, and offset. It does not contain information such as sample data or GPIB setup. All the instrument attributes affected by recalling a default …60076 What is the maximum waveform size that I can output from my AFG or AWG product?
AFG 310/320 16,000 points AFG 3000/B series 131,384 points (except AFG3021 and AFG3022) AFG3021, AFG3022 65,536 points AWG400 series 8,200,000 points (std) or 16,200,000 points (opt. 01) AWG510/520 4,194,048 points AWG610 8,100,032 points …56951 What is the advantage of floating outputs on the AFG3000?
Floating outputs help avoid the effect of ground loops and allow users to reference the output signal to voltage levels other than ground. The maximum rated voltage between chassis ground and common ground is 42 Vp-p (DC +peak AC).56921 What is this safety issue concerning the AFG3000 Series?
Tektronix has issued a safety notification for the AFG3000 Series Arbitrary/Function Generators. See the safety notification for further information.Tektronix has determined that certain improper use of the AFG3000 Series instruments may potentially …64226 If I set my amplitude on my AFG3000 series generator+ the actual amplitude as measured by my scope or meter is double the voltage that I have set on the generator. Why does this happen?
The AFG3000 series instruments will output some amount of voltage, specified in V p-p into a 50 ohm load, which is a properly terminated configuration. This also results in the best system performance. The output circuit has a 50 ohm series …60871 If I have questions about the AFG3000 Safety Notification+ whom can I contact?
Tektronix has issued a safety notification for the AFG3000 Series Arbitrary/Function Generators. See the safety notification for further information.You can call (1) your local Tektronix sales office or service center, (2) e-mail Tektronix, or (3) in …63741 Is there a front cover available for the AFG3000 series?
There is no front cover available for the AFG3000.56751 Is there any information available that covers the basic principals behind Arbitrary Waveform Generators?
The document XYZs of Signal Generators covers basic AWG and AFG theory as well as a few real world applications.62791 Is the specified waveform memory size in bytes+ words+ or long words of memory and how do I relate that to the number of points in my waveform?
The AFG and AWG memory size is specified in waveform points, so if the memory is listed as 16,000 or 32,400,000, for example, then you can fit 16,000 or 32,400,000 waveform points in a single waveform file.57481 Will the AFG and AWG products work with worldwide AC power outlets?
The AFG and AWG products have a modular AC power cord, much like the ones used on PCs. This allows you to simply change the whole power cord to accommodate a change in the local AC outlet/plug standard.Note: AFG310 and AFG320 have line select …57996 What is the difference between “Trigger out” and “Sync out”?
Trigger and Sync Out are almost the same. They are only different in the burst mode, in inifinte-cycle mode.Figure 1: Trigger out modeScope CH1 ->AFGCH1Scope CH2 ->AFGTrigger outScope CH3 ->AFGTrigger in(with T connector)In this case a Trigger out …56091 Why can’t I recall my arbitrary waveform file on the AFG3000 from my USB Stick?
Recalling your waveform on the AFG3000 isn’t in the Save/Recall menu. Instead, you need to go into the Edit menu, select “Read From…”, and press the top bezel button to switch from internal memory toUSB memory. You will now be able to see your …64351 Why does the amplitude of my signal cut to half+ or even less then half+ when I add noise?
Adding noise in the AFG 3000 uses a power splitter to add the noise to the signal. When you are at the highest amplitude levels of your AFG 3000, it must reduce the amplitude of the signal, in order to be able to add noise. It will halve the …56266 What are the differences between the AFG302x models and new AFG302xB models?
The differences are:AFG3021 andAFG3022New AFG3021B andAFG3022B USB interface only GPIB, USB, LAN interfaces 4 x 64K waveform memory 4 x 128K waveform memory61101 Why do the files saved on my AFG3000 series generator have a January 01+ 1980 timestamp on all the files that I save?
The arbitrary/function generator does not have an internal real time clock. If you create a file using the Edit menu of the instrument, the date and time information is displayed like “TEKAFG001.TFW JAN 01 00:00 1980”.57051 What is DDS on the AFG3000?
Direct digital synthesis (DDS) is a common technique for generating signals. The desired waveform is stored digitally in waveform memory as a series of amplitude points. A digital-to-analog converter (DAC) converts the data into a series of voltage …56911 What does the AFG3000 calibration function do?
The calibration function in the utility menul calibrates DC offset and Amplitude. This function is used for preventive maintenance.Further details are described in Service Manual.56031 What is the minimum waveform size that I can output from my AFG or AWG product?
AFG310/320 10 points AFG3000 series 10 points AWG400 series 64 points AWG510/520 256 points AWG610 512 points AWG615/710/710B 960 points AWG7000 series 1 point (960 points for hardware sequencing) AWG5000 series 2 points56956 What is TekVISA and how can I use it to communicate with and control my instrument?
VISA is an acronym that stands for Virtual Instrument Software Architecture. In a nutshell, VISA handles the communications between your computer’s OS and the instrument. You may be familiar with TekVISA, which is Tektronix’s own brand of VISA …69176 Does The AFG3000 Series Support Raw Socket Connections?
No, raw socket connections are unavailable in the AFG3000 series.The AFG3000 series only uses the VXI-11 TCP/IP Instrument Protocol Specification for Ethernet connectivity.Additional InformationDocumentation on the VXI protocol59306 Do the signal outputs of the AFG3000 have a short circuit protection?
There is no need for a dedicated short-circuit protection because the output circuits are immune from a short circuit of the output. However, the outputs can be protected against over-voltage from an external source with a fuse that is included as a …56461 Does Tektronix have PC based Software which will allow me to generate+ manage+ and load waveforms into an ARB?
Yes, ArbExpress will allow you to perform these functions. It allows you to generate basic and advanced waveforms. You may also define equations to describe the waveform. These may then be downloaded into the Arb through its communication link. Here …58181 AFG3000: Output Load selection+ does it change the AFG output impedance?
No, it does not, the output impedance of the AFG3000 series is always 50 ohms.The three selections allow the output Amplitude to be calculated correctly based on the DUT load. i.e. (setting at 50 ohms) With a 50 ohm source and a Hi-Z load the output …55166 The AFG3000 recognizes the USB memory stick but does not see the files. Why?
A possibility is that the memory stick is incorrectly formatted. The format needs to be Fat32, Windows format. Other formats such as NTFS will not work.Also the AFG3000 will not show files which do not have the correct extension. i.e. .tfw (trace …56816 What are the difference in the AFG1022 and AFG3022C?
1. AFG1022 channel 2 is a continues signal only no modulation, burst, or sweep. AFG3022C has full function on both channels. 2. AFG1022 Phasing of channel 1 and 2 is only available on for Sine wave below 1 MHz. AFG3022C has phase control on any …468361 Can I phase synchronize the signal outputs of two or more AFG3000 instruments?
Yes. Waveforms from two or more generators can be synchronized by operating one AFG310x, AFG302xB, AFG3011, or AFG325x as "Master Unit" and any of the AFG3000 Series instruments as "Slave Units." In this configuration, the master's Reference Clock …56401 Can I store more than four arbitrary waveforms on the AFG3000?
Yes. You can save many more arbitrary waveforms on a USB memory device that plugs into the convenient USB port on the instrument’s front panel. You can also connect the instrument to a PC and use the free ArbExpress™ version 2.0 software included …56416 Can I operate the AFG3000 with a mouse+ e.g.+ to create arbitrary waveforms
The AFG3000 Series cannot be operated via mouse or touch screen, but offers convenient shortcut front-panel keys, numeric keypad, rotary knob, and on-screen bezel menus. Arbitrary waveforms can be created and edited conveniently from a Windows™ …56391 Can I select a different waveform and output frequency for each channel on a dual-channel AFG3000 series?
DDS allows output frequency and waveform to be selected completely independently for each channel. See more arbitrary function generators »56411 Can I send my AFG3000 with the safety issue to Tektronix to have it fixed+ or can Tektronix update my unit here on site?
Tektronix has issued a safety notification for the AFG3000 Series Arbitrary/Function Generators. See the safety notification for further information.This is not necessary. If your unit is affected, you should install the upgrade kit that Tektronix …63246 I would like to synchronize two or more AFG’s in order to get multiple channels of output.
This is the best method to minimize the delay between the instruments, and eliminate drift with respect to each other. Physical setup: The AFG’s will be controlled by a single separate trigger source, with cables that are of equal length to …63731 Do the AFG/AWG products have user selectable filters available?
There are user selectable filters available in the following instruments.AFG310/320 No user selectable filters.AFG3000 series No user selectable filters.AWG400 series 1 1 MHz, 5 MHz, 20 MHz, 50 MHz selectable filters.AWG510/520 1,2 20 MHz, 50 MHz …57211 Does the AC power supply of the AFG3000 Series automatically sense voltage?
Yes. The power supply of the AFG3000 Series accepts any voltage between 100 and 240 V, 47 to 63 Hz.56481 Can I save the AFG3000 display to a graphic file?
Yes. As of firmware version 3.0.0 the AFG3000 series instruments now have the functionality to save the display to a graphic file.ProcedureAt any time during operation, with a USB memory device attached, press and hold the right-arrow digit selection …56406 Can the AFG3000 series generators produce true random noise+ or just pseudo random noise?
The AFG3000 series can only produce pseudo-random noise. It does not have a true analog noise source. The AWG400 series and AWG500 series generators have analog random noise sources built in, providing a true random noise source.63276 How do I use TekVISA to send commands to my instrument?
TekVISA Download Link:TEKVISA CONNECTIVITY SOFTWARE In order to communicate with and control the scope, you can use OpenChoice Talker-Listener. Back on the Application and Utilities panel, click on OpenChoice Talker Listener and click Start …69181 How do I transfer a scope waveform to the AFG3000?
There are a couple of ways to transfer a waveform from the scope to AFG3000. From a PC running ArbExpress you connect directly to the scope and AFG3000 via communication port.The following scope models are supported TDS1000,TDS2000, TDS3000 …63636 How do I use the programmer manual for my instrument?
TekVISA Download Link: TEKVISA CONNECTIVITY SOFTWARE Hello and welcome to Tektronix, today I’m presenting the last part in the 3-part series on using TekVISA. I’ll be giving a basic overview of programmer manuals and how to use them to find the …69186 How do I determine if my AFG3000 Series instrument has already been modified for the safety issue?
Tektronix has issued a safety notification for the AFG3000 Series Arbitrary/Function Generators. See the safety notification for further information.For AFG3000 Series instruments with serial numbers that begin with C01, if the grounding post on the …63531 How can I set up 2 AFG3000 series products to output simulated 3 phase power?
Setup for AFG3000 3 Phase 60 Hz Power Simulation1. Connect MasterAFG Trigger Output to Slave AFG Trigger Input2. Connect MasterAFG External Ref Output to SlaveAFG External Ref Input3. Run the Master 3Ph 60Hz.TFS (from zip file below) on MasterAFG …56396 How do I save my arbitrary waveform file on the AFG3000 to my USB Stick?
Saving your waveform on the AFG 3000 isn’t in the Save/Recall menu. Instead, you need to go into the Edit menu, press “More” and select “Write To…”, and press the top bezel button to switch from internal memory to USB memory. You will now be able to …63616 Are user manuals for the AFG3000 offered in my language?”
The instrument is available with a user manual in any of the following languages; English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, and Russian. Please specify the desired language at the time of …56351 Is local-language support is provided by the AFG3000 user interface?
The AFG3000 ships with a multilingual user interface pre-installed. The user can choose from any of the following languages for user menus and help text: English, French, German, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Korean, Japanese, or Russian …56731 How do I create a differential signal on the AFG3000 signal generators?
You will need to use both single ended channels on a two-channel instrument. You will create the positive side on Channel 1, and create its compliment on Channel 2.Note: This method is ineffective while in Run Mode: Modulation or Run Mode: Sweep.60701 How do I update the firmware on my AFG3000?
Go to www.tektronix.com and search for your model AFG and select by software. You will want to find the latest firmware file and download it to a USB flash drive. Then insert into the front of the AFG and start by selecting the 'Utility' menu button …64716 How do I obtain the parts to update my AFG3000 unit for the safety issue?
Tektronix has issued a safety notification for the AFG3000 Series Arbitrary/Function Generators. See the safety notification for further information.The parts are included in the upgrade kit that Tektronix will send to you. If you have not received …63591 How do I download and install the 30-day trial version of NI LabVIEW SignalExpress Tektronix Edition?
Note: NI LabVIEW SignalExpress Tektronix Edition is no longer offered by Tektronix. This FAQ is "historical only".National Instruments SignalExpress Tektronix Edition is a measurement automation tool that allows SignalExpress to control a Tektronix …66221 How do I determine if my AFG3000 Series instrument is subject to the safety concern?
Tektronix has issued a safety notification for the AFG3000 Series Arbitrary/Function Generators. See the safety notification for further information.Only AFG3000 Series instruments with serial numbers that begin with C01 are affected. Instruments …63536 How many output channels and markers do I have on an AFG or AWG product?
AFG/AWG Channels Markers/Channel AFG 310 1 0 AFG 320 1 0 AFG 3xx1 1 0 AFG 3xx2 2 0 AWG410 1 2 AWG420 2 2 AWG430 3 2 AWG510 1 2 AWG520 2 2 AWG610 1 2 AWG615 1 2 AWG710 1 2 AWG710B 1 2 AWG7051 1 2 AWG7052 2 2 AWG7101 1 2 AWG7102 2 2 AWG5002 2 2 …57386 How do I save and recall setup files on my AFG3000?
To save and recall setup files on a AFG3000 go into the SAVE menu button and select internal or USB memory. For recalling go into the RECALL menu button and select internal or USB memory.64711 How can I set up 2 AFG3000 series products to output 4 channels?
Setup to allow phase alignment of up to four channelsAssumption: Setup will start from Factory Default and the frequency of all channels to be phased are the same.1.Connect MasterAFG Trigger Output to Slave AFG Trigger Input2.Connect MasterAFG …56511 Can I synchronize the phase of both signal outputs of a dual-channel AFG3000?
Yes. Simply press the Phase/Delay button and select Align Phase. If you are in Pulse mode, the button is called "Recover LeadDelay".56421 Can the AFG3000s be configured with differential outputs?
Yes. This can be accomplished with dual-channel instruments by connecting the load between the outputs of channels 1 and 2. For this application, both channels are programmed with identical waveforms, and one of the channel outputs is inverted via …56431 Can I connect an oscilloscope to the AFG3000 signal generator to transfer waveforms directly?
The AFG3000 series does not have a direct connection which allows you to transfer a waveform directly from a scope to the AFG. Waveform transfer is supported via ArbExpress, which allows users to easily import waveforms from any Tektronix …56381 AFG3000: How low a duty cycle can I set on the AFG3000 series?
With the latest FW you are able to set duty cycles as low as 0.001%. If you need a lower duty cycle then follow these steps. Press Pulse Press Burst Select 1-Cycle Set a pulse period equal the pulse width plus the rise and fall time shown or set by …53771 What are the differences between AFG3000B series and AFG3000C series?
There at two differences. 1. The AFG3000C models the display was changed to TFT LCD which has a better viewing angle and brighter display. 2. And two new models were added. AFG3051C and AFG3052C.468371