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Elizabeth Makley's blog


Keithley 2461 Graphical Touchscreen SMU Connections to a Battery Cell
Testing Battery Resistance Wednesday, December 13, 2023
It’s easy to think of a battery as a bucket full of energy. When we would like some energy, we connect our circuit and pour the energy out. However, this analogy doesn’t account for internal impedance. A better analogy is that batteries are like water bottles. When a water bottle is tipped over, the water cannot flow out freely because a nozzle restricts the flow. Similarly, a battery has internal …
Electric car charger
Characterize Self-Discharge Behavior Faster with the DMM7510 Tuesday, August 9, 2022
Rechargeable batteries are appearing in more devices than ever before. We are requiring these batteries to hold more energy, last longer and charge faster. This is even more critical in applications such as electric vehicles, where batteries must perform to the highest standards while remaining small and lightweight. This makes EV battery testing critical to catch failures in the batteries before …
Keithley 2280S DC Power Supply
Forming the Best Solution for Battery Formation and Aging Tuesday, July 12, 2022
Current markets are leading to high demand for battery cells. One way for manufacturers to increase throughput is to reduce the time spent making each battery. The formation and aging stage is the most time consuming part of the cell manufacturing process. Ensuring that the right equipment is used for the job can help with some of the challenges facing formation and aging. What is Formation and …
E/V Battery
Grade A Solutions for Battery Grading Wednesday, June 29, 2022
Current technology markets are demanding more out of our batteries than ever before. These batteries are being pushed to charge faster, hold more and last longer. Makers of electric vehicles need batteries to be smaller, lighter, safer, and cheaper. All of these pressures lead manufacturers to one question: How do we guarantee the batteries live up to these tight standards? Why Grade …