
텍트로닉스 담당자와 실시간 상담 6:00am-4:30pm PST에 이용 가능


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TDSVNM CAN and LIN Timing and Protocol Decode Software, V3.1.3

The TDSVNM CAN and LIN Timing and Protocol Decode Software is a low speed serial bus test software program for CAN and LIN buses that run on Tektronix oscilloscopes. The software helps to decode CAN and LIN protocol messages simultaneously, set trigger conditions based on the CAN bus message, capture data for specific conditions of the in-vehicle network, decode and display the captured CAN and LIN messages, and analyze the displayed frames. TDSVNM offers timing analysis tests that help characterize CAN node performance.

이 소프트웨어는 다음에 적용됩니다. DPO70404, DPO7054, DPO70604, DPO70804, DPO7104, DPO71254, DPO71604, DPO72004, DPO7354, DSA70404, DSA70604, DSA70804, DSA71254, DSA71604, DSA72004, DPO5054, DPO5104, DPO5204, MSO5034, MSO5104, MSO5204, TDS5104B, TDS5054B, TDS5054BE, TDS5034B, TDS5052B, TDS5032B, TDS7154B, TDS7254B, TDS7404B, TDS7704B, TDS7054, TDS7104, MSO5054, MSO73304DX, DPO73304DX, DPO72304DX, MSO72304DX, MSO72504DX, DPO72504DX, MSO71604C, DPO7054C, DPO7354C, DPO7254C, MSO72004C, DSA72004C, DPO72004C, DSA71604C, DPO71604C, MSO71254C, MSO70404C, DPO70604C, DSA70604C, MSO70604C, DPO70804C, DSA70804C, DPO71254C, DSA71254C, DSA70404C, DPO70404C, DPO72004B, DSA71604B, DSA71254B, DPO71254B, DSA70804B, MSO71604, MSO72004, DPO70404B, DSA70404B, DPO70604B, DSA70604B, DPO70804B, MSO71254, TDS6804B, TDS6154C, TDS6124C, MSO70404, MSO70604, DPO7254, TDS7254, TDS7404, TDS7154, CSA7154, CSA7404, TDS6404, CSA7404B

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