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PAMJET Analysis DPO70000DX DPO70000SX Win10 - V10.9.2

PAMJET Transmitter Analysis software application runs on the Tektronix performance oscilloscopes. The application enables transmitter and channel testing for four-level Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM4) devices and interfaces, for both electrical and optical physical domains. Major features added into the release: Updated PCIe Gen6 CTLE Presets, Improved DFE adaptation using LFPR 802.3ck method, Improved repeatability, and robustness of PCIe Gen6 Jitter and SNDR measurements, Improved eye centering.

이 소프트웨어는 다음에 적용됩니다. DPO77002SX, DPS77004SX, DPO75902SX, DPS75904SX, DPO75002SX, DPS75004SX, DPO73304SX, DPS73308SX, DPO72304SX, DPO71604SX, DPO71304SX, DPO73304DX, DPO72504DX, DPO72304DX, MSO73304DX, MSO72504DX, MSO72304DX

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