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NRZ-M4 Optical Manufacturing TDEC Analysis Software for Tektronix DSA8300 - V1.1.0.37

Tektronix NRZ-M4 is a PC based application which offers optical NRZ signaling analysis, including TDEC(Transmitter and Dispersion Eye Closure) measurement. The application brings together NRZ optical measurements in a simple and easy to use application.NRZ-M4 provides the following features: - Analyze up to 4 optical channels at a time. - Perform TDEC (Transmitter and Dispersion Eye Closure) - Signal characterization measurements such as Amplitude, Timing measurements - Characterization of 100Gbps Optical transceivers(SR4, LR4) devices with Mask margin measurements. Perform optimal mask fitting for better margin. - Support for measurements at various population limits. - Display 2D eye diagrams with an embedded mask.

이 소프트웨어는 다음에 적용됩니다. DSA8300 1

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