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4200A-SCS Clarius+ Software Suite V1.12

This version of Clarius+ is only supported on Microsoft Windows 10. If installed on the 4200A-SCS system with a Clarius+ release prior to V1.4, contact Keithley, a Tektronix company, at tek.com to upgrade the parameter analyzer

If installing on a personal computer, ensure Windows 10 is the operating system and the latest windows updates have been applied.The 4200A-SCS Clarius+ software suite provides a clear, uncompromised parameter analysis for your semiconductor devices, material, processes and more. Download the latest version of Clarius+ to stay up-to-date with the ever-growing library of ready-to-use application tests, new measurement techniques, measurement videos, and application notes. This release can be installed on a PC.

Please review the release notes for PC requirements and installation instructions.

이 소프트웨어는 다음에 적용됩니다. 4200A SCS, 4200A SCS ND, 4200A-SCS-PKA, 4200A-SCS-PKB, 4200A-SCS-PKC, 4200A MF

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