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Arbitrary Waveform Generators
이 데이터 시트의 제품은 텍트로닉스에서 더 이상 판매하지 않습니다.
리퍼브 테스트 장비에 대한 Tektronix Encore를 확인하십시오.
이러한 제품에 대한 지원 및 보증 상태를 살펴보십시오.
Features & Benefits
- 20 MS/s (50 ns) Clock Rate Provides up to 10 MHz Waveforms
- Up to Four Channels of 64 k Record Length
- 12-Bit (1/4096) Vertical Resolution
- Direct DSO Waveform Transfers
- Region Shift Provides 50 ps Edge Placement
- 24-Bit Channel, TTL Digital Data Generator (Opt. 04)
- Linear, Log and User Definable Sweep Generation TBR (Opt. 05)
- Built-in 1.44 MB, 3.5 in. Floppy Disk
- FFT Editor (Opt. 09) Frequency Domain Editing
- Real-time Waveform Sequencer to Easily Create Automatic Test Sequences and Extremely Long Patterns
- Formula Entry Waveforms
- Fully Programmable from Front Panel, RS-232 and GPIB (IEEE 488.2)
- Analog & Digital Modulation
- Digital Baseband Modulation
- Sonar Testing
- Transducer Simulation
- Motor Control
- Automotive
- Education
- Industrial
- Sensors
- Semiconductor/Logic
The AWG2005 offers 20 MS/s and 64 k deep memory. As with the entire AWG2000 Series, the graphical user interface allows on-screen viewing of waveform editing, simplifying "what if" test scenarios by allowing the easy creation of composite signals.
The standard AWG2005 configuration provides two independent 10 V outputs or a third and fourth 10 V output (Option 02) each with 12-Bits vertical resolution. Option 04 adds TTL digital levels with (2) 12-Bit, 100 MS/s ports and combines with the marker outputs to provide a total of 28-Bits wide.
The built-in sweep generator (Option 05) provides even more flexibility by offering linear and logarithmic swept frequencies, but even more significantly the AWG2005 has user definable sweep capability. This allows creation of digitally modulated signals at IF frequencies.
The built-in frequency domain (FFT) editor (Option 09) is a perfect addition for customers performing proprietary or standard I & Q modulation simulations, filter design or in circuit testing of physical layer. Real time waveform sequencing extends the effective record length output to over a billion points!
The AWG2005 easily simulates signals where moderate point definition and long records are required for simulating complex waveform conditions. Direct waveform transfer capability makes the AWG2005 the perfect complement to selected Tektronix oscilloscopes.
Standard Waveshapes
Sine, square, triangle, ramp, noise, arbitrary, linked sequence, and DC.
Arbitrary Waveforms
Execution Memory - Waveform: 64 k (65,535) for each channel. Marker: 64 k for each channel. Waveform Size: 16 to 64 k in multiples of 16.
Real-time Sequence Memory - 8 k individual waveforms.
Loop Counter - Waveform: 1 to 64 k repeats. Sequence: 1 to 64 k repeats.
Catalog Memory - 2 MB.
Catalog Memory Clock
Frequency Range - 0.01 Hz to 20 MHz.
Resolution - Standard: 4 digits. With Option 05: 7 digits.
Accuracy - Standard: 50 ppm (+15 °C to +30 °C). Option 05: 5 ppm (+15 °C to +30 °C).
Operating Modes
Continuous - Output waveform/sequence continuous at programmed parameters.
Triggered - Output quiescent until triggered by an external, GPIB, or manual trigger; generates a waveform/sequence only one time.
Gated - Same as continuous mode except period is executed only for the duration of the gated signal until the sequence is completed.
Seq/Wfm Advance - Continuous: Continuously outputs the waveform/sequence in the Sequence file. The next trigger advances to the next waveform/sequence. Master/Slave Operation.
Step - Output quiescent until triggered; then execute the next waveform/sequence in the Sequence file. When the loop count reaches its value, output stops and waits for next trigger.
Auto Step - Continuous: Continuously outputs the waveform/sequence in the Auto Step file. Step: Output quiescent until triggered.
Master - Provides Point Rate Clock and Trigger to a slave arbitrary waveform generator for phase synchronous parallel operation.
Slave - Receives Clock and Trigger from a system clock for parallel operation.
Main Output
Digital-to-analog Resolution - 12 Bits.
Output Impedance - 50 Ω.
Amplitude (1 MHz Clock, 000 and FFF Waveform Data, Norm, No Filter, No Offset, Excluding and ADD Operation) -
Range: 0.05 V to 10 Vp-p into 50 Ω.
Resolution: 1 mV (4 digits).
DC accuracy: 0.050 V to 0.999 V, ±(0.5% of amplitude + 5 mV); 1.000 V to 10.000 V, ±(1% of amplitude + 50 mV).
Offset -
Range: -5.0 V to +5.0 V into 50 Ω (-200 mA to +200 mA).
Resolution: 5 mV (4 digits).
Accuracy (1 MHz clock, 7FF waveform data, norm, no filter, amplitude range 0.05 V): -±(1% of offset + 10 mV).
Pulse Response (20 MHz clock, 000 and FFF waveform data, norm, no filter, amplitude 5 V, no offset) -
Rise/fall time: <35 ns.
Flatness: Within ±3% after 150 ns from rise/fall edges.
Aberrations: Within ±7%.
Cross Talk Between Channels - 512-point sine, 20 MHz clock, norm, no filter, amplitude offset. <70 dBc.
Noise Floor -
20 MHz clock, 7FFF waveform data, norm, no filter, no offset.
0.5 V: ≤110 dBm/Hz at 1 MHz.
5.0 V: ≤95 dBm/Hz at 1 MHz.
Sinewave Characteristics - Function Generator mode, 100 Hz to 200 kHz, no offset. Flatness (1 V amplitude, 1 kHz reference): Within -4%. T.H.D. (Including up to 4th harmonics): ≤55 dBc at 5.0 V.
Auxiliary Outputs
Marker -
Amplitude: >2 V into 50 Ω.
Impedance: 50 Ω.
Marker to signal delay: 35 ns.
Clock -
Amplitude: >2 V into 50 Ω.
Impedance: 50 Ω.
Control Sig. -
Amplitude: >2 V into 50 Ω.
Impedance: 50 Ω.
Sweep (Opt. 05) -
Waveshape: Same waveshape as selected sweep.
Amplitude: 0 to 5 V (amplitude is dependent upon start and stop frequencies with a 5 V maximum limit).
Impedance: 600 Ω.
Digital Data Out (Opt. 04 eliminates RS-232 interface) -
Output signals (CH 1 and CH 2): D0 to D11, Clock.
Level: TTL.
Amplitude: 2 V into 50 Ω.
Skew between data: Within ±10 ns.
Clock to data delay: Within ±10 ns.
Impedance: 50 Ω.
Auxiliary Inputs
Trigger -
Threshold level: -5 V to +5 V.
Resolution: 0.1 V.
Accuracy: ±(5% of Level + 0.1 V).
Minimum pulse width: 150 ns.
Minimum input swing: 0.2 Vp-p.
Maximum input volts: ±10 V (DC + peak AC).
Impedance: 10 kΩ.
Trigger to signal delay: Internal Clock, 400 ns (excluding clock sweep mode).
AM (512-point Sine, 20 MHz Clock, AM, No Filter, 5 V Amplitude, No Offset) -
Range: 2 Vp-p (-1 V to +1 V) for 100% modulation.
Amplitude accuracy: Within 5%.
Maximum input volts: -5 V (DC + peak AC).
Impedance: 10 kΩ.
ADD (512-point Sine, 20 MHz Clock, Add, No Filter, 5 V Amplitude, No Offset) -
Range: 10 Vp-p (-5 V to +5 V).
Amplitude accuracy: Amplitude specification plus 5%.
Maximum input volts: -5 V (DC + peak AC).
Impedance: 50 Ω.
Control Sig. -
Threshold level: TTL level (0.8 V to 2.0 V).
Minimum pulse width: 40 ns.
Maximum input volts: 5 V to 0 V.
Impedance: 10 kΩ.
Clock -
Threshold level: TTL level (0.8 V to 2.0 V).
Minimum pulse width: 20 ns.
Maximum input volts: 5 V to 0 V.
Impedance: External Clock, 330 Ω; Slave Mode, 10 kΩ.
Frequency range: 1 Hz to 20 MHz.
Sweep (Opt. 05 only) -
Type: Linear, log, arbitrary.
Mode: Continuous, triggered, gated.
Update rate: 1 s to 65,535 ms.
Points per sweep: 8 K maximum.
Function Generator
Waveform Shape - (Predefined 100 pt. waveforms). Sine, Triangle, Square, Ramp, Pulse (1 MHz filter is inserted when Sine is selected).
Frequency - 1.000 Hz to 200 kHz.
Duty Cycle - 0% to 100%, Pulse only.
Programmable Interface
GPIB - IEEE 488.2-1987 compatible.
RS-232 - 9-Pin D connector.
See Mixed Signal Sources Intro for Environmental Characteristics.
Ordering Information
Programmable Arbitrary Waveform Generator.
Includes: User/Programmer's Manual 070-8958-05/070-8657-05, GPIB Programming Examples Disk, Sample Waveform Library Disk, Cal. Certificate, Power Cord.
Please specify power plug and manual version when ordering.
Recommended Accessories
Accessory Pouch - Order 016-1159-00.
Front Cover - Order 200-3232-01.
RS-232-C Cable - 9-Pin to 25-Pin. Order 174-1453-00.
Service Manual - Order 070-8962-07.
Rackmount Kit - Order 040-1444-00.
GPIB Cable - Order 012-0991-00.
50 Ω BNC Cable - Order 012-1342-00.
12-Bit Word Generator Cable (Opt. 04) - Order 174-3192-00.
SMA to BNC Adapter - Order 015-0554-00.
50 Ω Termination - Order 011-0049-02.
Opt. 02 - Add Two Channels (Four Total).
Opt. 04 - 24-Bit, TTL Digital Data Out*1 *2.
Opt. 05 - Add Clock Sweep.
Opt. 09 - Add FFT Editor. Allows editing waveforms in the frequency domain*1.
Opt. 1R - Rackmount. Floppy Drive Access Moved to Front.
Opt. B1 - Service Manual.
Opt. L0 - English Manual
*1 Options 04 and 09 are mutually exclusive.
*2 Option 04 eliminates RS-232 interface.
Power Plug Options
Opt. A0 - North America Power
Opt. A1 - Universal EURO Power
Opt. A2 - United Kingdom Power
Opt. A3 - Australia Power
Opt. A4 - 240 V, North America Power
Opt. A5 - Switzerland Power
Opt. C3 - Calibration Service 3 Years
Opt. C5 - Calibration Service 5 Years
Opt. D1 - Calibration Data Report
Opt. D3 - Calibration Data Report 3 Years (with Option C3)
Opt. D5 - Calibration Data Report 5 Years (with Option C5)
Opt. R3 - Repair Service 3 Years
Opt. R5 - Repair Service 5 Years
One year parts and labor.