Question :
Will the DPO/MSO3000+ DPO/MSO4000 series display the trigger signal rate?
Réponses :
The latest DPO/MSO3000, DPO/MSO4000 series Oscilloscopes firmware has added a 6-digit frequency counter display which measures the frequency of the trigger input signal. This is a live measurement based on the edge trigger hardware which works independently from the oscilloscope’s acquisition system, and may not be available for trigger types other than edge triggering.
The performance of the frequency counter readout is limited by the bandwidth of the oscilloscope and the edge trigger sensitivity (usually a minimum of ½ to 1 division).
Activate this feature by pressing the front panel Utility button, press the Utility Page bottom bezel button, using the Multipurpose a control select Display, press the Trigger Frequency Readout button, and select Readout On / Off.
Numéro de la FAQ 60311
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