Question :
Why does OpenChoice Desktop "Get Screen" operation time-out and display "Data transfer ended unexpectedly", when “Select Instrument”, “Get Data”, “Get & Send Settings” operations are successful?
Réponses :
When connecting to a TPS2000/B, TDS1000, TDS2000, or TDS3000/B series scopes with a Centronics parallel printer port using direct RS232, or RS232 to USB adapter, you must set the scope’s Printer Port to “RS232” (TDS1000/2000, TPS2000/B; Utility, Options, Printer Setup menu), (TDS3000/B; Utility, System Hardcopy, Port menu) so OpenChoice Desktop “Get Screen” operation will not time out on the first try.
Cette FAQ concerne :
Série du produit : $name TDS3000C Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope (Discontinued) TPS2000
Produit :
Numéro de la FAQ 64806
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