Question :
Which probes are compatible with oscilloscopes with the TekVPI probe interface?
Réponses :
There are a couple different types of TekVPI interfaces, one with a notch and one without. The notch was implemented later and was put in place because the front end was designed differently and communicates uniquely with those types of probes. Specifically the TPP0500/1000 series probes.
The scopes with the TekVPI interface are the MSO/DPO2000/3000/4000/5000/7000 series scopes. The notched ones are located in the MDO3000, MDO4000/B/C and MSO/DPO4000/5000/B series. For a complete list of compatible probes we have this great probe selector tool: Probe Selector
Please understand we’re always coming out with new TekVPI probes it’s easier for us to recommend you visit the selector tool and pick your scope to see all the latest probes.
If you are still having questions or need help, please contact one of our Technical Support Centers and an Application Engineer will quickly help you.
Cette FAQ concerne :
Série du produit : Sélection de sondes de courant de Tektronix DPO7000 Sondes basse tension : asymétriques Oscilloscope multidomaine de la série MDO3000 Les oscilloscopes multidomaines de la série MDO4000C MSO3000/DPO3000 Oscilloscope à signaux mixtes MSO4000/DPO4000 Oscilloscope à signaux mixtes MSO/DPO2000B Sélection de sonde passive de Tektronix
Produit :
Numéro de la FAQ 56226
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