Question :
Remote Operation: What VISA Resource Name is required when using the KPCMCIA-GPIB card (Ines)?
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Question : What VISA Resource Name is required when using the KPCMCIA-GPIB card (Ines)?
Answer: Keithley IVI or VXI/PnP Instrument drivers will deploy a passport that enables the Ines PCMCIA GPIB card (KPCMICA-GPIB) to work with NI-VISA. Use the Keithley Configuration Panel to enable this installed passport.For an instrument at address 16, a typcial resource name would be GPIB0::16::INSTR if using an ISA or PCI bus interface from Keithley, CEC or National Instruments.
When using the PCMCIA Ines card with the passport from Keithley, simply change this to GPIB1::16::INSTR
Cette FAQ concerne :
Série du produit : Systèmes Keithley série 2700 de commutation des données
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Numéro de la FAQ 72016
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