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How do I configure a Windows firewall to work with an MTS4EA floating license?

Question :

How do I configure a Windows firewall to work with an MTS4EA floating license?

Réponses :

The MTS4EA license server should be able to work with a Windows firewall running as long as the firewall is configured to leave the DESkey port open. To open up the DESkey license server port in the Windows firewall, please follow these steps:

1) Open the Windows Firewall control panel and enable the firewall if it is not currently turned on.

2) Make sure the "Don't allow exceptions" checkbox is NOT checked.

3) Select the "Exceptions" tab.

4) Click the "Add Port" button.

5) Assign a name to the port, any name will work but I recommend making it something you will remember later like "DESkey" or "MTS4EA License".

6) Enter the port number that the DESkey server is running on the server PC. If you did not change this setting than the default port is 3029.

7) Select the "TCP" radio button.

8) Click the "OK" button to save the new port exception.

Your windows Firewall should now be configured to allow the license server to communicate freely with the client software. Repeat the above process for all PCs that you intend to run the MTS4EA software on as well as the PC that is hosting the license server.

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Numéro de la FAQ 61786

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