Question :
How can I view the results files I save on my YBT250? These files end in .r64+ .r72 or any .rxx and are not readable by my picture viewer.
Réponses :
Results files are only viewable by being recalled to the YBT250 itself, or you can download the Virtual YBT250 program for your PC. It is on the Tektronix software downloads page and is called YBT250PC. With this program running on your PC you can go to its' file menu and open the results files and see them on the display. You can now save them as .png, .jpg or .bmp files by selecting in the file menu: Export Screen As...
If you can not get the files from your NetTek (Y400 or Y350C) onto a storage medium and transfer them to your PC, then you can use a program from Microsoft, available free, called Activesync. Now connect the NetTek to your PC via RS-232, USB or LAN and you can explore the directories on the NetTek and drag and drop the files you want to your PC. Now browse to that location in the files menu of the YBT250PC program to open them.
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